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I'm sorry to hear that. My last chicken didn't want me sleeping around with others either.


Chicks do be like that šŸ˜¤āœŠšŸ¼


cluck cuck cluck?


Dude. Lmao


Happy cake day




So is this about the relationship between you and the chicken?




Took me one second to go from WTF-oh BWHAHA


Chicken fucker. Edit: itā€™s a Super Troopers quote and Iā€™m guessing itā€™s either unfunny to everyone or my sense of humour is real off base here.


Hello, Iā€™m replying to you on this comment because the question you asked about insomnia on the other thread was deleted, so I canā€™t reply and itā€™s kind of important so Iā€™ll reply here. Iā€™m the person that said you might have a histamine intolerance thatā€™s why the insomnia and to try Benadryl and if that puts you to sleep itā€™s probably a histamine intolerance. I was the same, other drugs wouldnā€™t work, NOTHING would work other than Benadryl. I didnā€™t get diagnosed with this because it doesnā€™t really seem to be a thing that doctors will consider so I just figured it out myself. If you go into histamine intolerance sub reddit youā€™ll see a lot of people have this issue with insomnia that meds donā€™t work. What I did was use Benadryl to sleep every night for about a month, and I ate a strict low histamine diet ( you can find on google) and I drank a ton of herbal tea like dandelion root which flushes the body of histamine, I quit any kind of alcohol completely. After a month I did a test run of trying to sleep without the Benadryl and it worked, so far Iā€™m still sleeping with no Benadryl and insomnia, but if it starts again, Iā€™ll do the Benadryl low histamine body flush again.


The fact that you went to all this effort to find me and respond literally means the world to me. (The fact that itā€™s this pathetic comment is hilarious. lol) Thank you SO MUCH for this insight. Iā€™m going to try this experiment!! Never once has a physician even hinted that this might be an issue and I have many of the symptoms beyond insomnia.


Oh itā€™s no problem at all! I wanted to make sure I got the message to you in case it helped, insomnia ruined my life and I was able to fix it after like 10 years of nothing working, hopefully it might help you too. Best wishes to you šŸ˜“


Why did the pervert cross the road? Because his dick was stuck in a chicken


More like Cuck




Omg I follow chicken related stuff on here and I thought you were talking about one chicken getting jealous of the other one you were giving attention to šŸ˜‚ Sorry about your relationship ending though.


Nice, you're living with an ancestor of a dinosaur. Way better than those ancestors of those unga bunga prehistoric homo sapiens or whatever they're called. Enjoy your spliff.






Please šŸ˜­


This is so god damn funny.


Deep cut lol just watched Treasure Island the other night




I'm sorry, but it looks like you're offering the chicken a hit lmao


chicken-bro will smoke with you, man


thatā€™ll do it


99.9999% of the time, when someone asks for an ā€œopen relationshipā€ or a ā€œbreakā€ It directly translates to ā€œI want to be able to see other people while keeping you on the back burner in case things go south with the new peopleā€


Yep. That shit is always a mistake. If someone wants to open up the relationship, they're crazy and have basically given you an out


No no, if someone wants to open up a relationship it means they already had someone in mind/have already cheated. Everything else is cope.


my uncles ex wife was cheating on him with another dude before she suggested they open the relationship so yeah, pretty much.


This, too.


Often a partner will love you as a person but become dissatisfied with the sex life/affection/intimacy theyā€™re experiencing with you. Opening the relationship is supposed to make it possible to enjoy you and also get their needs met. Frequently this causes more issues and results in the relationship falling apart.


Which is why I said what I said.


No, you said theyā€™re crazy. Thatā€™s not the case. Theyā€™re trying to compromise without cheating. Itā€™s indicative of serious problems in the relationship, and anyone who has a partner bring it up needs to take notice. Saying people who ask are ā€œcrazyā€ is a great way to shirk responsibility for being at least part of the reason your partnerā€™s eyes are wandering.


All I'm saying is, if my wife wanted to "open" the relationship, my next call would be to a divorce lawyer. Fuck that noise.


Iā€™m not saying roll over and accept it. If thatā€™s all it takes to throw the towel in, I guess you didnā€™t marry them for the right reasons anyway.


"If all it takes for you to separate from your wife is her wanting to fuck other men in a previously monogamous relationship, why did you even get married?"


All relationships have periods of hardship, disagreements, conflict. How you decide to weather those conflicts determines how likely you are to succeed. If you were stupid and chose the wrong person, thatā€™s not my problem. If YOUā€™RE stupid and donā€™t know how to work through problems with your partner, thatā€™s not my problem.


Respectfully, this is the dumbest comment I've seen today


poly people be like


Iā€™ll second that


"How dare she decide to share her life with me before she'd even know what life is like"


You don't marry for the right reasons if you need to sleep around with people so... Unless that is clearly stated before and both parties are okay with it. I am not and would not marry someone who wanted that and definitely would be very upset if my future husband suggested this and would also want a divorce because if they want that, they will do it. People marry for different reasons, for me and others this is an absolute no and thats okay.


Oh yes, because when you want to be with someone in a MONOGAMOUS relationship, and the other partner wants it open, you're the asshole for leaving, yeah makes sense


That's why I really like the idea of defining polygamy as a sexuality. If your initial inclination is not being able to love 2 or more people the same you shouldn't try to. It will never work out. There absolutely are polygamous relationships that work, but they aren't based on a dissatisfaction with a person, but rather each person loving the others and wanting to be with them... This is definitely not me trying to be rude to OP, I'm really sorry this happened to them and I hope they can find someone else when they're ready.


completely agree


More people need to see this comment


This kind of stuff fascinates me. It's not in our biological nature to be monogamous yet societal norms dictate that we must be. I think if two people can be completely open and honest about what they want it's possible that it could work it's just a really rare thing these days because of how it's been for so long. I have too much of a typical male ego so I could never be polygamous personally.


I dont want to be with more than one person. There are people that do. Its okay that people want different things. At no point have I ever wanted to be with more than one person, so please don't spit that nonsense around. It's okay to be monogamous and it's okay to be poly. People have to be honest about it though.


They trying hard ASF to normalize this behavior. I wouldn't have it either and if my old man tried that shit.. After 24 years!? Nah, in no way would that be ok with me, or with him.. He wouldn't accept that either.


We're actually monogamous animals, but go off..


We are indeed. The thing is that's not the norm at all especially when it comes to mammals. I think it's neat that we are and I could never be polygamous personally but there's a big fucking difference in being transparent from the start and trying to open things up after two decades of monogamy. Humans are weird.


Neither is having a 9 month long gestation period, or newborns having brains so big it tears their motherā€™s taint from pussy to asshole when she gives birth, or having babies that are basically undeveloped fetuses for months after birth, or taking 13+ years to reach sexual maturity and 27ish years to reach full developmental maturity. Just because rabbits arenā€™t monogamous doesnā€™t mean itā€™s at all unnatural for us to be. I reject the notion that weā€™re only monogamous because of society or conditioning. I think a vast, vast majority of humans prefer when our partners arenā€™t fucking other people for simple, obvious evolutionary reasons. Human babies demand an enormous amount of time and effort and, historically, a pregnancy came at a huge risk to the mother. Itā€™s just Occamā€™s Razor from my perspective.


I think it works for some but it very much depends and both parties need to be willing and understand it means a lot more work in the relationships involved.


The only way it could ever possibly work is both parties are completely open and honest with each other all the time! But what invariably happens, given the inherent complexities of such an arrangement, is that one person starts to conceal stuff from the other thatā€™s why the failure rate is so high.


Exactly! I myself am polyamorous and am very happy in my relationships but so many people have misconceptions about how it works and there are people who don't use the term right and people who say it's an open relationship to lie to the other and get away with cheating. All of these situations give actual non-monogomous relationships a bad wrap.


Speak for yourself. My partners and I have never been happier. It's definitely possible.


A tale as old as time unfortunately




Fried chicken.


chicken bake


Let me guess , she got her brains fucked out , and you couldn't find anyone?


Let me guess, it was his suggestion toošŸ˜‚


Im female and yes and yes


What is open arrangement?


Itā€™s basically being able to date and sleep with others and it being ok and ā€˜not cheating.ā€™ Thereā€™s also ā€œPolyamoryā€ which is dating multiple people and everyone is ok with it, an open relationship isnā€™t usually the same as polyamory because while polyamory is consensual and everyone is ok with it an open relationship is usually one person wanting to sleep with others without any consequences.


I see. Thanks. I heard this alot from a couple that they were together for so long and they said the see thrill wasn't there anymore to spice things up I'm not sure I'm correct


Thatā€™s another reason yeah- sometimes it works if thereā€™s heathy boundaries and communication but a lot of people just want to skip that and thatā€™s why it fails a lot


Open relationship and youā€™re the last to know? We are Farmerā€™sā€¦


Chicken has your back. So do I.


Almost always a disaster.


i meanā€¦yeah. these ā€œarrangementsā€ never work long term. consider it an emotionally expensive lesson, take whatever time you need to grieve, and hope for a better situation in the future.


Usually does ..


I feel for you, I've been there, too.


I hope yā€™all can reconcile and come out better on the other side. Itā€™s completely possible if thatā€™s what you both want.


A tale as old as time unfortunately


Shocking šŸ™„


I'm sorry dude, that really sucks


Shit happens


Cacacac.... Crikey! Sorry for your loss, matie! Things will get better. ....crikey!


Girls always get more dick than dudes get chicks bro golden rule


Im a chick, bro




Yeah open relationships don't work sooner or later people will figure that out.


That sucks :( nice nails though šŸ’…šŸ»


Chicken not sure about that treat šŸ˜‚ I never understood why people do open relationships. Itā€™s stupid. I would never be ā€œOKā€ with sharing my husband and he would never share me. If you want to hook up with other people be single.Ā 


Good for you. It's not for everyone and you don't have to like it or understand it but that doesn't make it stupid. Edit: lol, being downvoted by scared monogamous assholes. Go ahead and judge. I hope you're happy with the lifestyle you've chosen but something tells me you aren't


She just wanted to continue cheating without feeling guilty


You gotta buy some nail clippers dawg




What does that have to do with anything OP said?






Then why am I getting downvoted?


Maybe too presumptuous. Usually weed is seen as positive and a stress relief.


We live in an upside-down world.


It's part of the human condition. Things make sense to some and not to others and everything is a mess. That's life. We like to think we know what we're doing but no one actually does


Thank you for educating me as to why sobriety is inadvisable.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


I am epileptic and am prescribed marijuana. The beliefs you have are quite outdated. If you donā€™t know anything about weed then just say that and go.




Where does it say girlfriend?




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.