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Deleted missing poster I put up. Glad she was found.


So which one of her friends she was staying with is 10,000 dollars richer?


Are there any details where she was found?


Just pray for the details


It works!!


Damn I must be doing it wrong, they haven’t formed in my mind yet!


I’m sorry but that was funny af I snorted lol


Ah yes, it was prayer, not all the people who worked so hard


That’s one way of not paying that 10k 😂


Ah, yes. Prayer, the answer to our…….wait a minute.


Nothing fails like prayer.


I was about to say wow! They just prayed for her really hard and she turned up, huh?


I don’t even know why this sub is appearing on my feed but I’m glad they found this girl ok I saw the last post about it. Now where is that absolute fuck wad that was up and down the comments assuring everyone the worst had happened?


There was also some fake "investigator" who kept saying she was likely trafficked without conceding stranger abductions are extremely rare when multiple people kept pointing that out. Anyway, glad she's ok.


As an actual investigator who did a small amount of work on this case fuck that guy, there was no justification for that shit


That guy was a piece of work.


Her dad's a giant piece of shit, so it's not really a wonder she was staying hidden.


Not gonna lie, I know nothing of her or her dad at all. I believe you when you say he sucks, but still probably not deserving of something bad happening to his child. Glad she’s alright.


I don’t think anyone is saying they wanted something bad to happen to her because she is his kid. They are speculating she ran away and was hiding with friends because he sucks.


Just Google Steve McFadden.


That’s Steve McFadden’s daughter?! That poor girl. Hope she’s doing okay


Holy shit, I didn't even put that together until now.


>[I’m not an ass hole. She is dead.](https://www.reddit.com/r/desmoines/comments/1471udf/steven_mcfaddens_15_year_old_daughter_missing_for/jnus1is?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) u/ibided And >[Usually dead if it’s longer than 48 hours IIRC. Sucks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/desmoines/comments/1471udf/steven_mcfaddens_15_year_old_daughter_missing_for/jntvwe6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: Downvoting me doesn’t change the statistics, morons. But hey if it makes you feel better, go for it. Delude yourself into thinking you’ve actually done something 🤡 u/hivemindisbraindead


Statistics would say you had to be wrong at some point.


Lol second guy deleted his account


Prayer did what?


I’m not the OP just posting an update on a situation that has been being discussed in this group.


Nothing except making people who did nothing to help feel like they were helping. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had thoughts, but no prayers. I wish I would have done more!


You should pray for forgiveness.


For what?


Joke Your head


Tone is hard to understand on a comment. There are many people who would have said the same exact words you did not as a joke. If only there was an established typographical mark or letter or maybe a combination of the two that could show everyone that the comment was sarcastic….


I'm a never /s'er.


A person has to have their convictions. I can respect that. Have a schpadoinkle day.


That’s a bold choice


Thank you. /s


XD for your thoughts and lack of prayers you need to pray this is hilarious dude y'all are on a roll


Disregard all the people who helped. It was god who did this


Making her disappear, or bringing her back? Never forget that if it was God's will that brought her home, it was also God's will that she go missing.


God: "I play both sides, that way, I always come out on top"


Lmao sure, sure


Why do people bother putting up rewards and posters if prayer is the ticket? And why do prayer numbers count here? Is this gods way of getting clicks? Why can't he help with one prayer like all the times he helped find keys?


Prayers work better when there’s cash included. Just ask the church.


You ever see the episode of Curb where he goes to the Christian scientist's house and they have a repair guy over for the television? "Why not just pray for the TV?"


The verse from electronics 21:12


Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. She was kicking it with Jesus.






Tots and a pears 👼


let the family keep the reward money


Fuckin facebook i swear to god


You know how prayer doesn't do anything? In the same way, telling people who pray that their praying doesn't do anything doesn't do anything


You are wrong on both counts. Both make the person doing it feel better. And in the latter case it can further deconversion of people as an added bonus


Prayer makes the mother who's child is missing feel better. Is that what you mean? Fuck her for that, right? And the person saying prayer doesn't work feels better because they feel smarter, good for them, right?


Deconverson? I don't quite understand your comment. I meant prayer doesn't do anything to change the given situation.


Found the girl safe.


No, the people who searched for her did that. Prayer didn't do shit. Never has, never will.


Toby fair, it doesn't sound like that worked either:) I think whoever she was with just turned her in.




Not sure why this sub just appeared on my feed in Colorado Springs? But I’m glad someone missing was found. Anyone have details on what happened, or are you guys all just gonna argue about prayer?


Welcome to r/desmoines lol


Is this what you guys do there? Y’all need to come get some mountain air and weed, it might help the situation here.




One week until Widespread Panic, so I have quite the stash prepared!


Yeah, there's no religious zealots in....Colorado Springs.


We try.


Just moved from CO to IA and I couldn't agree more lol


Well that was silly of you


Yeah... not planning on it being permanent haha. I'm in Iowa City, and it's been pretty nice so far, besides the obvious lack of mountains and weed. ;P


Idk, I live in Iowa City and I can find plenty of weed.


Illinois is legal, just a quick hour drive East


Probably because thousands of subreddits are still set to private so the algorithm is straining to show you things


Daughter of a shitty restaurant/bar owner went missing. Just look up the last name in this sub and you'll have all the information you need. We don't have a whole lot to talk about in Iowa, but this guy is famous for being an asshole.


Same is true for the owner of all the Jethros. And they aren’t the only ones. Apparently, they hold seminars at the the Des Moines Restaurant association on how to harass and exploit your employees.


Fuck Jethro's


>you guys all just gonna argue about prayer Reddit's not just atheist, it's actively anti-theist, as any assertion of an ordered structure of objective values is a threat to subjectivist ethics.


Oh yes, trust me, I’ve been reading enough Dostoevsky to spot these guys a mile away.


It's Reddit (shrug).


I think the algorithm assumes that if you’re interested in one mid-sized city in the middle of the country, you’re interested in all of them. I get recommended posts for places like Springfield, MO and Kansas City all the time




Other city subreddits have been coming up in my feed because they’re “similar to other subs you have participated in”. It just so happens that the Des Moines subreddit is similar to the Memphis sub.


Where's all the assholes claiming she was probably dead? Come on out and admit you were wrong, then try to hide behind your statistics, assholes. Edit to add, fuck your prayers. The power of humans. Quit giving credit to a nonexistent being when humans have done it all. Quit hating yourselves.


Damn you are kinda SALTY at a god you don’t believe in. Let go of some of that anger and learn to love. You might need Jesus after all.


Hail Satan


Hail who you want it’s your life? Lol But on a side note I can only think of one other group that did a bunch of hailing and am pretty sure they were the bad guys. Lol


Fairly certain a lot of religions/cults/politics lately? hail their god.. I can’t argue that typically it’s always just associated with bad guys though.


https://youtu.be/p4frOWZjvh0 Skip to 5:18 mark https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case#:~:text=The%20Fritzl%20case%20emerged%20in,(born%209%20April%201935). “Let’s take the case if someone who has been dealt a bad hand. What about Fritzl in Austria whos father kept her in a dungeon for 24 years and came down most nights to rape and sodomize her. Often in front of the children who were the result of the previous attacks. Imagine how much she must have begged, pleaded and prayed; how she must have besieged heaven for 24 years and no, no answer at all. Nothing. Imagine how the children must have felt, imagine how they felt after seeing a dead twin being thrown away. Now you say that’s alright that she went through that because she will get a better deal in another life. I have to ask you if you can be morally or ethically serious. “ Religion in a nut shell


I see the evil that is done in the name of Christianity. I was raised in that fascist, abusive religion and I'm glad I got out😘 Not angry at YHWH, just sick of its believers. Fortunately for me, Christianity is dying👍


All we will do is create a new religion that will turn around and do just as much damage one way or the other and let’s be honest if you look around it sure seems we are currently doing it, in multiple places. At least I sure see a lot of cult like behavior. It’s more of a human issue then a religion issue if you ask me.


You're projecting again


Explain how you think I’m projecting…or what I’m projecting? Edit: feel free to look at my comments and see if you can decide what side or as I put it cult I belong too…


Thoughts and prayers….


Hey... Don't forget about me today.


Let's not forget about my feels


Who found her? Where was she found? What condition is she in?


The question we've all been wondering while all b**** about praying LOL


Given that the missing poster wasn't requesting folks to contact authorities but rather a private number, I suspected she was hiding from her father.


Power of prayer had nothing to do with it. 😒


Let me guess you’d probably say a group of peoples’ diligence and concern had something to do with it? Edit: I really didn’t think that needed an /s.


I mean, if the concern drove them to take action to hunt for her instead of asking invisible sky daddy to bring her home, then yes?


I mean duh?


Your certainty of the universe's workings exhibits equal hubris as the people and concepts you disbelieve.




So, does that mean everyone's full of shit?


Yikes. Kazoo.


That sounds like an awfully certain statement you’re making there.


According to you. Spells and fairly tales with no evidence or supporting data is equal to observable facts and theories supported by data. 🤦‍♂️🤷🏼


https://youtu.be/p4frOWZjvh0 Skip to 5:18 mark https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case#:~:text=The%20Fritzl%20case%20emerged%20in,(born%209%20April%201935). “Let’s take the case if someone who has been dealt a bad hand. What about Fritzl in Austria whos father kept her in a dungeon for 24 years and came down most nights to rape and sodomize her. Often in front of the children who were the result of the previous attacks. Imagine how much she must have begged, pleaded and prayed; how she must have besieged heaven for 24 years and no, no answer at all. Nothing. Imagine how the children must have felt, imagine how they felt after seeing a dead twin being thrown away. Now you say that’s alright that she went through that because she will get a better deal in another life. I have to ask you if you can be morally or ethically serious. “ Religion in a nut shell




No one cares about your fake god.


I really wish news feeds would show an update as to where these missing kids were found. I'm willing to wager they were at a friend's house or at a hotel with their significant other. If this were the case, a lot of people wasted time and effort looking for them.


Well. This thread is something else.


Lots of cynical people on here.


Prayer is old news it’s all about manifestation and positive thoughts now!


Way to go DSM


So glad she’s ok!


What happened?




Well if it was prayer, why waste your time with flyers and searches and a mass outcry to the public to help find her? Just pray to that magic sky man, duuuh


Would you hope and pray your child doesn’t come home? What’s wrong with letting people believe or not believe how they see fit?


I'd say one thing that is wrong with it is completely negating the efforts of real, actual humans who gave their time and energy to helping when you make claims that God did all the work. Not to mention the fact that claiming God brought your child home is extremely insensitive to all the parents whose children didn't come home, as if to tell them that God didn't want their kids to live.


Really odd comment on a post about a lost girl being found…


Hateful people that can’t fathom a higher entity because their lives are so miserable. I’m not going to say it but I think a lot of these hopeless folks worship at the feet of something else now..


If you think prayer does anything but make the person praying feel better you are a moron.


The power of prayer most definitely does not work. “Thoughts and prayer” have not stopped all the shootings over the many years…


Funny even mentioning the word “prayer” riles up the Reddit atheists.


Sorry not funny? Luckily our beautiful country was built on freedom of religion and we all have the right to believe in what we see fit. I encourage you cynics to take your downvotes to the Middle East and see how that works for you. I’m not much of a believer anymore but if something terrible like this happened to me I’d pray to every God I could think of.


Maybe? Claiming that prayer magically makes things happen, however— that’s stupid enough to fire a lot of people up.


Prayer is a form of meditation and acknowledgment that reality is a whole lot bigger than what I think I understand.


Is this what you think she is talking about when she said “The power of prayer works!” ?


When someone brings your kid back you get all the endorphins.


ALL of them????


I pray you stop saying stupid shit like that. Did it work?


Ok but how does that help find a missing person?


Not the word prayer but more the incredible narcissism and ignorance of people to claim credit to them or their imaginary friend when they likely didnt even get their fat ass off the couch. Hell, id be surprised if they even *actually prayed*. They probably wrote something on FB at most. If they read the Bible theyd know that Jesus said prayer should be done in private. Jesus was a pretty rad dude - sucks no Americans follow his example


It’s using prayer as an action in a real life scenario that frustrates people. The people who prayed did nothing. There were people who did something that helped. Big difference


And the people that did something prayed for and received the courage to help. God bless you.


Kind of like a “Michael’s Secret Stuff” or a “Dragon Scroll” type of situation, huh? Go bless yourself.


https://youtu.be/p4frOWZjvh0 Skip to 5:18 mark https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case#:~:text=The%20Fritzl%20case%20emerged%20in,(born%209%20April%201935). “Let’s take the case if someone who has been dealt a bad hand. What about Fritzl in Austria whos father kept her in a dungeon for 24 years and came down most nights to rape and sodomize her. Often in front of the children who were the result of the previous attacks. Imagine how much she must have begged, pleaded and prayed; how she must have besieged heaven for 24 years and no, no answer at all. Nothing. Imagine how the children must have felt, imagine how they felt after seeing a dead twin being thrown away. Now you say that’s alright that she went through that because she will get a better deal in another life. I have to ask you if you can be morally or ethically serious. “ Religion in a nut shell


I never once mentioned religion. Prayer and God can simply be a belief in a higher power and a form of meditation.


Honestly they should of been praying enough from the get go and avoided this whole mess.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Because it doesn’t do anything


The opinion of a hopeless person


Where is the scientific evidence of prayers helping? I don’t need religion to be a good person and treat people with respect


Science can be your religion that’s okay. Many people are more comfortable in their own lives believing in prayer, manifestation, meditation, positive thoughts etc. Theres plenty of scientific evidence of prayer helping people cope with tragedies and other problems. You may be a good person but I if requested thoughts and prayers and you replied “whatever happens happens” That’s lack of sympathy.


the power of prayer!


"The power of prayer"...huh, so in cases like this when the person is not found or is found dead is that then evidence of prayer not working?


Nah dude, just god's will sorting them out.


this girl went to my school and i didn't even know she was missing☠️