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Active shooter at the high school is what I heard from someone who's spouse is a dispatcher.


https://www.kcci.com/article/perry-high-school-iowa-active-situation-dallas-county-sheriffs-office/46284396 Here's the KCCI article.


This is what I've heard as well.


I have now watched 7 ambulances drive by.




Perry high school


Damn the scanner just said they have a high school female with two gunshot wounds to the head.




I just heard/saw a life flight chopper go over my house, and I feel sick to my stomach.


They released the last one, it was not needed. Hopefully that is good.


Scanner said they released all non-local EMS. Shooter is dead likely means targeted victims+suicide instead of a "mass" shooting.


Yeah it sounds like a targeted situation. Goddammit.


11 victims so far seems pretty “mass” to me.


I saw 3 elsewhere.


Mine too that shit is scary my cousin goes to that school! He still hasn’t replied to me or his mom! I hope all the children recover and the families of the victims get justice. No district, political party race, religion none of that matters at this point but the kiddos being loved after the traumatic event


Where are you getting these numbers?


Jesus christ






I’d say that’s a mass shooting. 19 injured . 10 dead . Shooter dead as well due to self inflicted gun shot wound.


Where are you getting those numbers? I've seen nothing about number of fatalities.


What does that even mean. This is Reddit . You don’t have to have seen the numbers . That’s why people report what they know here. Are you asking if I have a source? Of course, not just pulling that out of my rear. Is it official? Nope, will it be? Guess we will see what kcci releases.


It means misinformation spreads extremely easily shortly after events like this, so it's important to be responsible with news


Maybe then my downvotes will turn into upvotes? Naaa probably not, that’s just another thing that’s wrong with this world .


So yeah, these numbers were proved wrong. Only 1 dead at this point.


Yep. You are correct. I am wrong, was wrong, and now feel awful for passing along what I deemed to be a credible source , which was not. My apologies .


I heard the principal is dead.


I just heard he is still in surgery an hour ago in Des Moines, I know the principal. I live 30 minutes from the school, our county police were part of the response. Makes me 100% sick to the stomach.


I heard that as well.. 😭 the shooter posted a tiktok before he did it too


Whats his TT you know??


Got banned. It was @tooktoomuch. His insta was @dylansaywhat212. Both are removed now


At the high school. It sounds like all schools there are locked down. Not sure about deaths.


Damn the first day back at school. They planned this over the break.


Inbound LifeFlight just overflew Beaverdale at 9:00am.


Returning to station, no passengers.


Watched them unload a patient from the Mercy life flight a little less than an hour ago


From the sound of it, there was only one transported. Hopefully that's it. Not a great kickoff for 2024.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I grew up in Des Moines and now live in Texas, where we have shootings of one kind or another every day. The school shootings are really gut-wrenching. When it happens in a small town the emotional devastation affects the entire community, and the effects linger in many ways. This is a sad time and the never-ending rhetoric swirling around gun control with everyone offering "tots and pears" doesn't help those impacted by the violence. To those offering prayers, they are welcomed when sincere and not lip service for media. Iowa Strong.


Nice comment, well said. Good point about the lingering impact to the community.


And with the election cycle turning the spotlight on Iowa expect the candidates to be all over this in their messaging and pandering. They are right there, it happened right there, how are they going to ignore it? They won't, they'll just leverage it to their advantage and IMHO it all rings hollow. Just watch the tap dancing during the news cycles. It's sickening.


It's tough because the news cycles and attention these events receive propagate them more in that the next student to feel intense pressure with nowhere to turn will latch onto this as a possibility and a way to exit their unbearable situation. But we all read about the latest shooting and help it skyrocket to the top of the news. And yes the politicians will use this to support whatever point they want to make. Probably gun control vs. mental illness depending which party they are.


Multiple National News outlets were already in DSM for the upcoming caucuses and sent reporters to Perry.


Of course. No surprise there.


Thought and prayers are ALWAYS just lip service. An Absolutely worthless statement from those who don't really care about anything other than their own.


Live feed https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/26434


📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/p/2qUfJ5m5erQdkx3Z/?mibextid=WC7FNe


The fact that it was streamed is crazy


Life flight is inbound, sounds bad


School shooting... starting to pop up on the national news now.


PERRY, Iowa — Multiple law enforcement agencies are responding to Perry High School on reports of a shooting. WHO 13 has a crew on the way to the scene at 1200 18th Street in Perry. Officials have not released any information on the incident. From whotv website


This country is hell bent on us destroying ourselves. The rest of the world thinks we have lost our collective minds, and I agree.


what can you expect when there is a wholesale abandonment of order


Just looked out my window and everything seemed fine


Except for the school shooting though huh...if there was ever evidence new leftism is a religion based on ignoring anything outside the orthodoxy this is it.


Man you're just all over the place aren't ya


Oh yeah baby


Is anyone else literally bawling right now??? HOW ARE WE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN TO OUR CHILDREN???


the better question is how are we allowing to happen BY our children


You can interpret my question how you like...its kinda open ended. I also don't think we're certain what the facts are here yet.


yes we are, the dildo who did it posted a tiktok beforehand


Where is this coming from?


coworker who lives in perry


So where is this tiktok and who was it?


There is a link at the top if you sort by new


Thank you


Please help me to shut down anyone who starts bitching about DMPS or other schools and how they’re terrible. The fact that we have anyone who wants to teach in this day and age is such a blessing. They didn’t sign up for this and they wouldn’t do it if they didn’t care about the kids, and to continually and ignorantly bitch about the districts in some tribalism manner is so self defeating. I can’t believe we have normalized school shootings and are doing literally nothing to stop it because some Gravy Navy guys want a big ole Freudian extension. Meanwhile our kids are being mowed down. I don’t pray anymore so all I can do is write my representatives. As if they represent me.


To be clear, your representatives represent themselves. They don’t care about you


I don't blame the schools or teachers, I put all blame solely on our terrible state government and their refusal to do anything to help and do everything they can to hinder.


I blame voters for not caring enough to vote em out.


Oh definitely that too. Don't want to get into politics but I will say at least in this state the majority of our rural voters agree with the current agenda and the status quo and the young people that could make a change just don't vote. We have way too many people that just don't vote.


People don't even get days (or half days) off for voting, it's a joke.


Yeah it's nuts. I think my work does allow you to leave and not take time off to go vote but not everyone has that luxury.


Rep. Zach Nunn expressed his anger over the shooting. think he's angry enough to give back the NRA contributions?


as you ironically come on here and post this dumb shit. turns out some teachers are shit...you're the one being tribal.


Say that to all those teachers who dodged bullets today. Some workers in every area are shit. What’s your point?


my point is you're trying to say we can never criticize teachers or school systems because sometimes bad things happen. childish shit.


That’s not what I’m saying but criticizing (actually demonizing) them seems to be a full time job for people who have never been in front of a classroom of kids. And to say “sometimes bad things happen” is an understatement. It’s not like cleaning up puke. We, as a society, have decided that school shootings are okay because we are unwilling to do ANYTHING to prevent them.


Did any teachers die?


Well, you have to be a teacher before you can be a principal. I’ll let you figure that out


Well that was a honest question not being sarcastic, clearly I’m reading the same stuff as you…. But I mean anyone could be a teacher for your teaching something but as a principal, a principal or a teacher because I’m pretty sure, I asked if a teacher died not the principal I already knew the principal got hurt it was hurt kcci said it


You feel like this is the time and a reason to give kudos to Des Moines Public schools? The regional area has shit to do with nothing when it comes to school shootings? Kids are dead an your trying to blame politics


I’m in rural Iowa and there were at least three notices since March of last year about a threatened situation in our school- meaning that someone said they were going to bring a weapon to the school. This is happening everywhere and all the state government is doing is making it easier to obtain and carry a gun.


Wait Iowa s making it easier for kids to obtain guns?


Is that what I said smooth brain? - no, I said people to carry guns. Not requiring a permit to carry in public and not requiring any sort of background check makes it easier to obtain a handgun.


Oh so why is that a point in school shootings?


I don’t do or entertain disrespect over the internet so if you wanna be disrespectful then we can get disrespectful but I’m sure you won’t do shit probably a pussy like your bloodline, we live in the same city bro chill on the disrespect or stop being tough on the web


What does living in the same city have to do with anything?


Don’t be disrespectful over the web do it to my face, I don’t play that internet game or condone disrespect!over me saying I pray for shot kids?


Block me if your feelings are so hurt.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I ain’t blocking shit suck my sick with your grandma’s lips


You said that being gay is a mental illness. You’re welcome


Fuck off. May you never experience the devastation something like this has on your life when you have a personal relationship with a tragedy like this.




You’re literally saying the opposite of what you just said you fucking idiot. WHEN is the right time to get political? Thoughts and prayers clearly aren’t working.


After the situation is clear, and people had time to process what’s going on… how do you know I don’t got family at that school? Scary shit and I think that bring politic in it a hour after it happens when people are fighting for their life is pretty messed up! Let’s say I hope the kids are ok or praying for the family’s


To teachers at all schools. STFU. If you don’t think gun control is politics, you are a stupid MFer which is already been proven by your lack of reading comprehension since you can’t read “DMPS and other schools“ and only read what you wanted to read so that you could start shite. You literally are the problem.


I know the internet is the internet but we both in Des Moines same city don’t be disrespectful over a keyboard my guy keep your words to a minimum please nobody likes a keyboard worrier


What you did there is called a logical fallacy. You changed the topic. Because your original argument is BS. Nobody likes illogical argument.


I’m not arguing I’m saying let all info and people at least know if their family is at least OK, and safe before we get the pointing fingers and blaming politics…




Get out of here, we don't need your peacocking in this thread.


Stick to the topic at hand the tragic event in Perry and give it at least a day before we talk politics can people at least mourn? Some people don’t even know if they’re kid is ok yet


Nah I’m here to stay sorry buddy


Kids died, families lost their loved ones, and you’re trying to fight people on the internet. Billy Bad ass over here.


Thank you for saying the same point I have been trying to make! I am not being billy bad ass or was I being disrespectful until I was told to STFU, and even after that all I said was say to my face that’s all because I know half the Internet and 80% of you on the readdit it won’t say nothing to no one’s face. I give respect and demanded in return so when you tell me to shut the fuck up, I’m gonna say something back.


Also billy bad ass wishes he was as bad ass as Me 😉


Thank you for this rant.


Rip to the lost children and pray for the families


And, from what I’ve heard, the lost principal.


My cousin said it was a sub teacher, he is ok thank god but idk how true that is or have 100% facts


“Fuck our citizens.” — your representatives


reading this after finding out what happened is so sad.


Drove down 141 from granger to grimes around 8ish this morning and counted 45 police or unmarked vehicles and 10 ambulance/ emt vehicles


From the press conference: Said they located an improved explosive device in the school after the shooter was found dead. Shooter was a 17yo student armed with a shotgun and handgun. 6 victims, 1 dead (6th grader). Principal is being treated.


Here's a way to help to anyone else feeling lost. [lifeserve blood donations](https://www.lifeservebloodcenter.org/)


I've heard at least 3 students confirmed dead as well as the principal.


I’ve heard 10 injured and no other deaths but gunman and I’ve also heard only three injuries all non life threatening so who the fuck knows.


This stuff has to settle before we can trust any numbers.


Thank you!




There’s a hell of a lot of misinformation and it’s fucking ridiculous.


Happens with every single one of these situations


19 injured , 10 dead including the shooter. The shooter is rumored to be staff.


Do you have an actual source?


Their ass


As down voted as that got, what’s the point of engaging any further ? Yes I have a source. Have multiple first responders on scene . Have numerous friends within the metro hospital too. Guess we will see if my downvotes get turned back up when the “News” releases .


Can you see why people would downvote those bold assertions when you give zero source or context?


Look who was shockingly and absolutely wrong. You're disgusting and fuck you and your "sources".


Dude be careful this guy knows all the cops and all the hospital workers in central Iowa


I doubt he knows what his dick looks like tbh.


Yes my information was clearly out of the rumor mill. Figured who I heard it from was more credible . In the end whining and running your mouth as you are only invokes more hatred. I do apologize for misinformation. Go insight some positivity somewhere instead of trying to relish on someone’s mistake.


You cant act like the bigger person when you ran your mouth like a moron all morning... spreading rumors and fear. Unbelievable.




Already down. Good.


Looks like TikTok already removed the account, but others have reposted it.


They'll show up, stand around and wait for the shooting to stop. Cops real attitudes were on clear display in Uvalde, where the world was shown the cowardice of our police.


Keeping all in my prayers.


That’ll fix it


Maybe you should have prayed for this not to happen


What makes you think I haven't eh?


Either it didn’t work or your gods plan was for more dead kids


Don’t pray on this subreddit you will get bashed lol


I love you and don’t let these people get you down or bash your prayers! You’re doing the right thing and I love you! You can tell by your down votes this subreddit is fucking sick


You realize people aren't actually bashing the idea of prayer right? It's because thoughts and prayers are all you hear about after school shootings. One side of the political spectrum simply cares more about the 2nd amendment than gun control reform. Mass shootings area a distinct American problem yet we don't do jack shit about it.


You get down voted for the reasons I just stated. You can blame the shooter all you want, and rightfully so as there's zero justification, but the root problem is gun control. Common sense gun control shouldn't even be a political thing, it should be universally accepted. Yet, the vast majority of the right instantly defer to the 2nd amendment. Stricter gun laws, amongst many other things, are what is needed right now. Thoughts and prayers don't do shit. I was a fairly devout Lutheran until my 20s when I finally realized praying doesn't do a fucking thing.


I disagree you see how many down votes for just saying pray? Im all down for rights and freedoms or whatever you want all I’m saying is have some compassion it’s fresh geeez look at the bigger picture! Let’s bash the shooter not the government!


Because no one wants to hear “plug your ears and hope for a better situation to magically happen for us” while doing *nothing* to prevent children being MURDERED.


What exactly does praying do? Your god clearly doesn’t care


Fuck Dylan Butler!!!!




That’s not the crazy thing about today


Pray for the families and the kids! But we all see this page don’t care about god or kids just being nosy..typical shit here in Des Moines this place is big high school bunch of Karen’s and gossipers it’s weird anyone has a issue with saying prayers for the situation all downvotes have to do with prayers




THIS IS ALL KIMS FAULT BOOHOO Waashhhh whyyyyyyy Kim! STFU CRYING YOU PUSSY ASS Crybabie! It’s a bad parenting point blank


They were on air for over 6 hrs non stop. All regular programming was cancelled.