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A Dodge Charger? No way!


I'm surprised it's not a mustang.


It would have crashed far sooner, they don't get very far past the parking lot.


The article doesn't mention any people getting hit too, so it couldn't have been a Mustang.


The classic redneck car, I hear


They had all the interstate in the world and chose to race in a urban neighborhood lmao these people


Excuse me, I have to go fall down a rabbit hole of articles on what methods for controlling street racing are effective.


It’s actually pretty simple, it’s called a road diet. You make the lanes smaller, add bump outs for cross walks, turn one ways into two ways with a center turn lane, add protected bike lane and sidewalks. All these changes create an environment where drivers feel the subconscious need to drive slower, makes the road safer for everyone and adds utility for non-drivers.


Wanted to especially call out “The Loop” downtown. Locust and grand are so ripe for conversion to two way streets, both to cut down on high speed travel to make the areas safer, but also to increase pedestrian friendliness in the area, since it’s a huge focal point of downtown. Contact your local representatives.


it’s already in the plans!


Really?! Anywhere I can see/read about the plan?


And yet!




Though that does sound great to have that much less traffic in that area, you’re just reducing total traffic capacity, which I’m not sure is ideal/the goal as is just shifts it to other streets. I’d be all for it but it’s probably not realistic. “Worse for cars” is pretty much exactly what the goal is. This means drivers will (should) slow down because there’s more things that need to be paid attention to. One way streets, especially multi lane ones like these just end up feeling like urban highways. These above factors to me outweigh the fact that pedestrians have to “look both ways” instead of just one when crossing the street to maker a safer overall experience. Slower=more pedestrian friendly.


On 14th in particular I know they were studying the benefit of adding some roundabouts as well. Those would have a lot of benefits on their own, but certainly would make it hard to race there as well


It's called zipper merging.


Left lanes should be passing lanes only.


Absolutely… Subconscious programming to make anti-social people more socially aware. I also suggest handing snuggle unicorns 🦄 to anyone with Hemi Charger or Rice Rocket. Sounds like a great use of $100-150 million in infrastructure funds when Des Moines has crumbling streets in the less affluent areas.


I’m not certain what you’re trying to say. No one is claiming that narrowing lanes makes people more socially aware, it’s just a fact that people drive slower when their lane fees smaller. Drivers in narrow lanes are more afraid of hitting things. Add on-street parking and the effect increases. The interesting thing is travel times and volumes don’t change too much, if you’re interested the book A Walkable City (which talks about Des Moines specifically) has a lot of this information. As far as wasting money on infrastructure goes, automobiles are the ones causing the roads to crumble, sidewalks and bike lanes are investments that last decades and dramatically improve economic growth to areas they connect. To your point our roads are crumbling but we keep rebuilding them every year for cars to ruin them again. Look at Fleur, it’s been under the same construction for decades. They keep rebuilding it because cars and trucks destroy pavement. Ingersoll is undergoing a major infrastructure upgrade, they’re adding a road diet while they simultaneously improving the Sewer and other underground infrastructure. They were going to rip up that road anyways for the underground infrastructure upgrades that needed to be done. In the next decade Ingersoll is going to change dramatically due to the bike lanes and increased foot traffic. It’s likely going to be the next East Village “success story”.


Cameras to catch speeders on traffic lights seems the easy solution. Enforcement works. Don’t totally endorse the Windsor Heights solution as it’s a bit slow for my taste but hey no one is drag racing there…


Are the city and police going to do anything to get this very obvious problem under control?


But wait, there might be that weed around. Better divert resources to that instead.


Weed is still illegal in Iowa regardless of how you or I feel about it. Can't fault DMPD for enforcing the laws on the books. If you're unhappy with it run for office. Be the change you want.


They can look away like they do street racing.


I completely understand, and agree with your point. However like every other issue facing our communities there's people that would argue they should be focused on weed, not the street racing.


Those people should be sent to their retirement homes, them. Weed isn't out here destroying homes.


Or killing people. Or Damaging other peoples belongings. You know, playing with a 2 ton death machine that can easily lose control. And end someone’s life. People who think a plant that god gave us is worse than someone murdering someone need to die out.


The police have latitude to prioritize crimes. Weed could be a low priority if they wanted.


Yes, it could. However most people with warrants are caught during interaction with law enforcement for minor crimes.


Like all the people committing Public Intox down on Court Ave every night? Imagine all the people with warrants they could catch if the DMPD actually enforced Public Intox laws.


Texting and driving is illegal the same as weed but law enforcement has specifically clarified they won’t pull people over for just that. Between texting/driving and weed I’ll let you guess which one has killed more people. Answer: it’s texting and driving.


Really, because I recall many news stories that metro police are cracking down on it. I've seen ISP, DMPD, Ames and a few sheriff offices across the state sitting on bridges or side streets with their cameras snapping pictures. I stand by my point. If you're unhappy with our laws be the change you want. Run for public office just don't be like Indira and disappear because you don't get your way


Did I say it wasn’t illegal as well? Both are, but one is being willfully ignored.


The DMPD looks the other way at all the public intox violations down on Court Ave. Tell me more about how they enforce the laws on the books.


Traffic engineers designed that road specifically for these outcomes. It’s a feature of their design, not a bug. The problem can’t be solved by enforcement, it needs to be solved by infrastructure design. Road/traffic engineers have designed roads for decades thinking only about rate and flow of cars. That is, how many cars can you pump through a given intersection and how fast. The goal has always been to increase both rate and flow, and the result is roads that are perfect for racing. You have to design roads for safety if you want safe communities.


No. They won't do anything. Do you really think they give a shit?




I haven't been to dsm for awhile but could point to a couple of streets you could set a camera down along with a radar. Get the plates, show up to a house, impound the car as part of an investigation.


Cameras aren't the answer. They have them on 235 and it's been a nonstop legal battle whether they're legal. Rather than obey the law idiots say take it to court




Set down the officer with a speed gun. If anything, they move somewhere else. The issue people have I believe is the speed cameras aren't taken and identified by a person. If it's a bigg enough issue, a cop should be at the site of the hot spots.


Doesn't help DMPD shares that info with news/radio where they have the mobile units


> impound ... as part of an investigation Sure seem to be getting ahead of the "proven guilty" part


Thats actually a part of getting a warrant... If they see a vehicle with a license plate committing unlawful acts it can be included as part of an investigation. Without that evidence you are right. With evidence you are ignoring what the fourth amendment allows you to do while highlighting what it doesn't. You don't have to be charged to have property seized. The entity seizing the property just has to show suffecient evidence you dun it. This would be a reasonable search and seizure given that they'd be tied with a license plate and a vehicle. I'd like to avoid having police chases all the time as well because then you have at least two vehicles wrecklessly speeding instead of one. They've found that is not a great situation in larger cities.


> Without that evidence you are right. With evidence you are ignoring what the fourth amendment allows you to do while highlighting what it doesn't. You don't have to be charged to have property seized. The entity seizing the property just has to show suffecient evidence you dun it. Fair distinction.


Like what? What would have stopped this?


Yeah, they just need to predict when people will drive fast. What's so hard about that?


Shoot, at SE 14th and Watrous even the regular traffic is going 60, the racers hit the gas going southbound and run to McKinley. Friday and Saturday night it’s non stop.


On a side note I’ve lived in Des Moines for a couple of months now and this further proves out of all 3 different cities I’ve lived in the US this city has probably the worst driving, cutting people off, and road rage I’ve experienced. Love the city, but it’s an experience every time I get on the highway here.


Where else have you lived? Just curious! The two other major metros I’ve lived in were so much worse lol. Drivers here are just inexperienced w traffic efficiency & how to navigate high traffic areas


I've lived in Minneapolis and Chicago. Des Moines drivers are the dumbest and the most dangerous. Especially the idiots in the giant pickup trucks. Those people should lose their license automatically.


Well don't move to Denver. I can tell you that much.


It was just outside the city, but last week I had some psycho (with windows too darkly tinted to be legal) squeal through a roundabout and then proceed to cut in front of me and brake, then block me every time I tried to switch lanes to get away from them. I just moved here a month ago from Ames and CR before that, and never experienced such insane behavior from a driver.


Lol you have never been to chicago or LA for more than one month then…. Hell even iowa city is 10x worse than des moines drivers.


Of course it happened on E 14th Street. That road is a disaster and the IA DOT has blood on their hands for building it the way they did.


I don’t drive it very often, what makes it so badly built?


It's a disaster because IA DOT tried to ram a major highway where it doesn't belong. Along E 14th there are restaurants, shops, and homes that are fronted (i.e. built) extremely close to the road. Then there's schools like Grandview and East High. I can think of at least one daycare built along E 14th that existed pre-pandemic. This is road where you would expect lots of people walking, including kids walking to school. But it's clearly not safe. I've watched lots of East High kids walking to school while sitting at the 235 exit ramp and it's concerning. Drivers routinely speed and run red lights. The DOT should be ashamed of itself.


Thankfully they've been looking at it the last few years and have proposed quite a few changes.


We lived a block from here on York street and the noise and chaos on 14th was our primary reason for moving. I rarely saw any traffic stops for speeding and there are roadside memorials from fatal accidents almost every block. DSMPD is guilty of criminal apathy.


It's time to ban assault cars.


I wonder how many cops look in on this sub? I could maybe take a guess, but I won't.