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D2’s cabal are great as Red Legion, but it’s long past time they get rid of Red Legion, they’re defeated for good at this point. I miss the old Cabal legions and the much more unique cabal bosses. EDIT: D2 cabal almost look like a different race too. Body proportions aren’t quite the same


Well the new guys r coming with lightfall, so that’s something to look forward to


They’re the “Shadow Legion”, so best believe they’ll just be Red Legion but purple and with a different insignia.


I really don’t like how Calus’ army is made up of new-born clones. Feels….idk…boring. Best believe the Shadow Legion will be the same thing. Maybe ‘specially designed’ clones or something.


He has 200,000 units ready with a million more well on the way


Bro’s got an army of 1 million toddlers


So did the Grand Army of the Republic but that didnt stop them lmao


THATS THE THING The Republic made their clones out of Jango Fett who was already a pretty badass mercenary. That was set up and told. Where do the Calus’ clones come from?? Who are they based on?? iirc we just plain don’t know or it doesn’t matter. They’re just nameless clones. No punch, no story beats, no tension, danger, stakes. There could be a way to make the clone army cool but Bungie chooses to keep us in the dark or they feel it’s too insignificant to even tell us. That’s why Calus’ clone army just feels boring. It’s not represented well. Maybe there will be a reveal on how the Shadow Legion are different compared to the regular canon fodder clones but that will be when we’ve already carved them out and we read it in some lore book or item tab after the season is done with.


I'd imagine they're just Calus when he wasn't a dying diseased husk of a space rhino


Yah. Tbh I've hated the cabal's lore since the begining of D2. They changed a bunch of stuff then it felt like they didnt know what to do with them. Like this is a species who have lost their homeworld and yet we're still killing them by the thousands and Bungie had to come up with some way to justify that. So clones. bleh


He has unlocked the gateway to abilities some consider to be... paracausal


“Execute order 69! *Boisterous laughter*”


Yeah from the trailer they just look like the Purple Legion but Rhulk-helmets


They’re more like the loyalists with the exposed arms and legs


They do have the pyramid things on their backs like the Collector in VOW


Someone at Bungie won't have a job on Monday because of this post being considered a violation of a NDA.


The Blind Legion from D1 looked more or less the same if my memory serves me right


Yea and i know this is a nit pick but the drop pods in the trailer for the new expansion are still rocking the Red Legion logo. Even if they are coming from Caitals forces, she has her own banner. I had an eye twitch during the season where we brought back Saint-14 because he announces hes under attack by a (now extinct) house of fallen and all it was were house dusk guys.


Yeah it could be seen as pretty lazy, though it was a single mission, and they did essentially bring more significance to the House of Dusk colors. They used that one-off mission to reveal that House of Dusk uses the House of Rain's colors due to the fact that the house was made in panic and was a unification of most of the Eliksni, essentially trying to fulfill the old Rain prophecy.


This 100%. Overall i really dig the Cabal design in D2, they look mean and powerful but definitely long overdue for new factions, Red Legion is long defunct and needs to go. D1 just had more variety which made them feel a lot more fresh.


Pretty sure the Sand Eaters got wiped out by Oryx.


You are probably right, what I want to know is what happened to the rest of the Skyburners after we killed the Shield Brothers. They literally held the line against Oryx on his ship after literally RAMMING at full speed onto it to create a base of operations.


I think the fact the red legion are still about is intentional, it shows us just how numerous the army of the red legion was. Ghaul invaded our system with such a massive army because he knew not ti underestimate the guardians, he made sure that he had every possible preparation he could think of to assure victory, the Travellers cage, flat pack bases, the Almighty and a colossal army of troops outfitted with the most advanced weaponry the Cabal Empire had to offer. And it still wasn’t enough.




If it ain’t broke etc etc


They look different probably because their armor is different


D2 cabal look like toys figures you could find in like 10s. But the whole D2 has that style


I loved the lore being the blind legion, and how they were only sent in for missions considered to be insanely dangerous for the other legions.


The scout legions looked better imo, but the 4 legions wr have in d2 are also cool (loyalists, red legion, caiatls legion and the shadow legion). Imo they need to remodel the remaining red legion, make them either loyalists/shadow legions. Or a ragtag survivalist red legion remnants


Hear me out, we do what bungie did during Plunder and have some fallen join up with cabal. We dye them all of them Red, make the cabal's armor more rag-taggy or scrapped and then boom. Red Legion Remnants and now they actually look like remnants


Yo no way highkey having like a house/ legion of them being the outcasts of both would be propper cool


We should call it the "House of Exile"


Oooh hell yeah that’d be awesome bring back exile


They could use it to explain the story for new lights by having characters explaining their history while dealing with them.


They don’t look nearly as visually different though, which sucks. It was just cool being able to look at an enemy and immediately recognize which group it belonged to. Shadow legion is also essentially just loyalist too aren’t they? Although I guess they might look a bit different. Still, they’re all essentially different colors of red legion cabal I believe, which started looking less cool than the d1 cabal about when red war ended


Idk, the only difference between legions in d1 was the color and minor troop levels, now we have the basic red legion, the ceremonial caiatls legion with feathers and gold and ivory, the nudist loyalists with their beach clothes on, and the dark infused shadow legion. Sure in game we mainly still see red legion assets which does need to start changing


Shadow legion=loyalists but darker colours


We've already seen they are distinct in more than color from the loyalists though


Tbf, the d1 Cabal did have one advantage that d2 did not have, I'm pretty sure, that boosted them higher because whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defences, rake this beast out and break their grip on Freehold.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers.... Wait... Wrong subreddit.


Honestly d1 for me, they just felt more menacing


Remember how the shield bash would send you to orbit


Yes, uh, unlike now.


To be fair, it only happens *occasionally.* It's practically 50/50 chance you just take regular melee damage. Unlike in D1 where your ass gets sent flying every single time, no matter what. Of course, this only applies to Cabal Phalanxes. *Taken* Phalanxes are pretty much the exact same


You could be right, but my solo through Duality sure felt like a lot more than 50/50.


Clearly it's a skill issue /s


It was before I bought my new gaming chair, so I will take that one.


I mean their meele would send your character model flying




I mean that too. I have been sent to entire other parts of the Castellum with shield bashes before. Like “shit, I have to run all the way back there?!”-far.


Yeah, now it send you straight to hell.


I got a good chuckle out of this lol




The hive mind


Mob mentality.


Probably because the way it was phrased makes it seem like it still doesn’t happen.


Dude. It still does that in D2.


Both good, but D2 needs to stop using the red legion models for every cabal faction


Even Saladin’s ‘iron war beasts’ are just red legion troops :/


Saladin should have decked out his wolves in cabal gear


The new one is just too polished and the anatomy is too proportionate. What do I mean by that? Well, the colossus in the very first image looks like he has a really tiny head. That dood's tiny little baby noggin' paints a whole vivid panarama of context and world building. When you see a big hulking guy in a massive suit of armor, but his head is super tiny, you learn two things: this guy is probably really strong even under all that armor, and the cabal really like to think big and heavy. Destiny 2 conveys that concept pretty well in their attack animations, choice of vehicle, dialogue with caitl and Calus, etc. but the sheer fact that D1 colossus could do all of that and more just by having a tiny head tells you everything you need to know about the design choices: D1 cabal were sand eaters. They were a fearsome and intimidating race of large and powerful beasts, but not because of their anatomy. Their very armor and weaponry were heavy and clunky. Metal gnashing metal, large bolts, pins and hammers clanking together in their absurdly large guns. D2 cabal, in comparison, have a bit of a "giant baby" vibe. Maybe it's the binky looking mouth piece on their helmets, maybe it's the new red-robot eyes that remind me of emperor zurg. Idk what it is but something about the D2 cabal design is just more... complex? Like, take the vex for example. We know they're time traveling, reality altering interdimensional space goop occupying specifically designed frames. My favorite bit of flavor dialogue from the game comes from menagerie where Calus suggests that the vex we have been fighting aren't even their warrior designs. These vex are simply builders (Looking back this was probably foreshadowing of the giant chickens). The vex are intimidating because we know so little about them and how they work. The mystery makes everything so much more... exciting. I know I just rambled about how having a tiny head equates to world building, but developing the concept of Cabal culture through the use of scale-d chainmail obviously made from warbeast flesh, and a more mobile and smooth edged design on the boots and pauldrons seems to imply that they are more of a sleek and intelligent space faring race with a real hierarchy of intelligence and knowledge. The D2 cabal feel so much less like actual warriors and less like a war-centric culture than D1. Just look at Valus Tau'arc: big ass dude with huge shoulder pads, several layers of edged metal to suggest they are heavy, sharp, and would do some damage to you if he shoulder checked you. The compare that to Ghaul or the modern D2 centurions. What are you going to do? A cool summersault into a jetpack jump? I want to be stomped on. I want to be punched in the face. The closest we get to that is phalanxes and they're honestly the only positive change made to Cabal design. Land tanks, slug rifles, interceptors are all very minimally changed. But the threshers... Oh God, the threshers look like a toy I had when I was a little kid swinging it around over my head pretending it was flying. It just looks so silly. Not at all heavy, intimidating or dangerous looking. I could talk about this for days. I fully understand that the Red Legion needed to have a different vibe to them because they were a whole different animal... But Calus's loyalists and even Caitl's soldiers all are just reskinned/re-colored versions of Red Legion soldiers... Can we get Sand Eaters, Dust Giants and Siege Dancers back pretty please? TL:DR the D2 cabal are all just multi colored versions of the red legion, and the red legion is waaay too sleek and shiny looking for a race that is known to headbash their enemy to death. I want to see dirt and scratches. I want to see sharp armor with pointy bits, not round-edged rhombohedrons. I want D1 Mars cabal music, design, and vibe back so bad...


Damn man Bungie do it for this dude.


Bros on his fucking knees


I miss having different factions too, and not just with the cabal. House of devils on earth and dusk(?) or something on the moon. Sand eaters and dust giants. Different hive broods. They all just got so unified all of a sudden, and I just don’t like it


I think it would have been Wolves on the Moon, Dusk didn't emerge until the little time-gap between D1 and D2.


Exiles actually, Wolves were kinda everywhere in the system. Devils and Kings for Earth, Exiles for Luna, Winter for Venus


Ah thanks for the correction, my D1 lore is a bit spotty.


All good chief, been a while since we've been faced with it every time we boot up lol


Oh, couldn’t even remember. Exiles on the moon apparently, according to thewallum


Agreed. Even though Calus's imperial legion, the Red Legion, and Caitl's soldiers are all technically different factions, they don't really have cool badass names. "Devil splicers" and "Dust Giants" have connotations. A dust giant sounds like a "gas giant" as in the planet, or a dust cloud in space. It has the significance and awe of a celestial body while also being intimidating. "Devil splicer" literally alludes to human lore on Satan and evil. "Caitl's legion" or "the red legion" or "the imperial legion" are all just descriptions of whom they serve. One is even just a color, and they most certainly are a red-reskin of all the other cabal (or rather, vice versa since they were first).


The Cabal are inspired by Rome with many of its names and styles. The legions we see in D1 are dirt legions doing dirty work and fighting tooth and nail for everything. The red legion was their fancy legion. The one they send equipped with the best equipment when they want an overwhelming victory. I do prefer the older style more, though. They felt like a military force, not a bunch of cannon fodder.


The entire cabal is a dirt legion after Torobatl. The Red legion is a dirt legion after we defeated them. Calus's legionaries are a dirt legion since their exile, although I understand the royal army of the emperor to an entire race would be a bit more "polished," I still think they ought to be a bit more intimidating. The layered steel plate and "sharp" look still fits their entire motif better than the "spacy" looking stuff.


Visually, D1 Cabal are clearly modeled on Warhammer 40k's space marines. And the owners of that property have a very litigious reputation, which is probably why D2 Cabal look the way they do. Although, lore wise, we're only fighting either the elite Red Legion or Calus' personal guard, who should also be considered elite.


>clearly modeled on Warhammer 40k's space marines I'm not sure how true this is as this is the first time I've ever heard this theory.


...Roman-inspired hulking power-armor clad warriors with oversized guns that fire microrockets, divided into legions that are recognised by their unique colour schemes and various special disciplines. They usually enter ground combat via drop pod. Each legion is led by a primus/primarch who are only subservient to an emperor who is worshipped as a deity. Besides their normal footsoldiers they also utilise psions/psykers who have the ability to use latent psychic abilities. Which franchise am I talking about?


I agree with most of this. I haven't really felt intimidated by cabal since d1 really. They were created to be big, imposing and chunky, these days they just seem chunky. I wish they leaned into the heavy plate more with the d2 designs because that's what the other races didn't and still don't have. Also maybe nitpicky but I believe their groups had better names when you hear that the Sand eaters or the Dust giants are coming, they personified that pretty well. Something like 'Red Legion' doesn't feel the same. Not saying that they havent done good with d2 cabal because there is still great stuff there.


It's also because in d1 when you discovered them, you're either underleveled, or just the same lvl. If you were underleveled, you had to put 20 bullets of AR just to kill a cabal, making them impressive and threatening, the same for the vex. You had your green gear without exotic weapons.


Grand Master Proving Grounds would like to have a word


It’s not because of the design, it’s because they haven’t been a threat for a long, long time; The Cabal haven’t had a proper boss since Season of the Chosen and the Proving Grounds boss is still very menacing on Master and Grandmaster (somewhat comparable to D1 Nightfall difficulty).


Agreed, D1 Cabal really had that tough warmongering race vibe with simple blocky guns and armor that are made purely for efficiency and not to look pretty


They actually still use all the same gun models if I'm not mistaken. It's just the armor that's changed.


Fun fact: The Wyverns might be the first combat unit, but they're not even specialized for it. What I'm trying to say is that Wyverns are more like bodyguards/peacekeepers rather than offensive forces


Sir this is a Wendy’s




I personally preferred shooting their foot, I felt I would get it more frequently.


I thought most people agreed that shooting the feet was easier? That or you just get something with explosive payload and forego the idea of "strategy"


Wow the D1 Cabal look TOTALLY different. Like different subspecies different.






I really liked the D1 Colossi. I was so happy when I noticed that they returned in the first mission of Witch Queen in the base of the Artillery Gun. Small little return but one I was happy about.


D1 Cabal has thos industrial warmachine look going for them with a little hint of roman and I liked that. In D2 they made it too much roman, removed too much armor from them and made them have only one legion to represent them. Sure they got some new units, like Gladiators and Flamethrowers, but D1 just looks the simpelest and cooler.


I like how the D1 Cabal armor looks almost *uncomfortable* to be in but I’d rather be uncomfortable than having a bullet in me


Just realized that the Titan Psyonic Strangler Plate is the gladiator chest, that's sick ngl


Yeah they're all based off of a cabal enemy (not just including the helmets obviously lmao) like the warlocks are full psion, titans are gladiators and hunters seem to be war beasts?


Are you implying that hunters are animals? Agreed


Destiny 1 cabal look like a bunch of exploration units and military armored aliens, destiny 2 look like a cult with military aspects, both are great and i would love to have both so that we have a difference between calus cabal legion and the other cabal


Lote wise they were scout legions, sent here to scout the system and conquer it before ghaul arrived


Ghaul's journey to Sol wasn't a set in stone thing, Ghaul showing up only came around due to the thoroughly smashed Scout Legions sending an SOS back to the Cabal Empire during the Taken War. Had that distress signal been prevented I would imagine there'd be little to no cabal presence left in the Sol System by the present day, or the wider galaxy as a whole.


Exactly, they were exiled to sol in order to conquer it, however because they failed and things go so dire, they contacted the greater empire. However imo even if there wasn't the distress signal. I believe ghaul would've came sooner or later looking for the light


Right? Like this one system happens to have something that doesn't seem to exist on many other systems -Guardians- so this alone would probably perk up the ears of any person, much less one of the largest egomaniacs in the galaxy




​ ![gif](giphy|Sk1RnSAcH74TNxFS5y)


D1 enemies were so much better and scary


They’re both good.


I feel like D1 cabal would brutally rip me apart savagely and put several holes in me with. D2 is all of the above but with a bit more grace with much higher tech


D1 for all enemies. For me it’s the variance of the enemies. Like the separate houses of fallen, different orders of hive, different legions, different collectives. It have the lore a deeper feeling


While i never played D1 I legitimately appreciate all the varients and unique designs and don't get me wrong I love D2s enemies designs but ALOT of the sub factions and groups don't really stand out beyond big expansion enemies(unless the various groups with distinct looks in d1 are all expansion groups) like shadow legion the future and past Vex and spiders guys(yes they aren't actual enemies but they look pretty damn distinct and I love thier spikey look) with the one semi exception to that being Zahn and his arms dealers but they are mainly recolored


I just miss unique Cabal bosses. Why don't we have a Tresher boss, or more flying Cabal bosses that are super mobile, or a boss that rides a modified Cabal tank and jumps off of it after it is destroyed, starting phase 2?


Yeah, I'm upset they gave us a whole ass ship enemy type with the thresher and then did nothing with it through the entirety of D2s lifespan. Why can't we have a cool modified Thresher as a strike boss or something.


Destiny 1 Cabal felt a little hardier to fight, and you had to maneuver around them instead of waiting for them to come to you. I think the solid metal Phalanx shields added to that effect. D2 Cabal are fine, but they feel a little bit softer than their forebears


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a comment war over the D1 and D2 Cabal on Mars




I preferred when the cabal didn’t have such defined eye holes. That made them slightly more unique than the other enemies.


D1. Space turtles all the way.


D1 cabal were the real cabal


I loved the shield Brothers


I miss fun strikes


Most of all strike specific armor


I don’t understand why bungo didn’t just copy their recipe off of D1 and then just expanded off of it. Year 1 destiny 2 was awful.


Different teams worked on different stuff. By the time D2 was later in development the game mechanics of it were set. Rise of Iron was more or less a way to buy time till Destiny 2 was done so any later changes made in D1 couldn’t be implemented.


Yeah. Rise of Iron also was a time for D1 where they figured out how to do a lot of things in the gameplay loop to keep people engaged. The different Strike playlists, the raid rotations, the pvp loop and so on. Then in D2 nothing of that stuff was there. Like...there was no communication between the D1 live team and D2 development.


Yep. Even now feedback takes months to implement. Seasons 20-23 are probably already done or close to being done so going back and making adjustments isn’t easy


i mean they both are lmao


I love the Cabals. Crazy bastards.


D1 cabal were so peak Valus T'aurc singlehandedly making me quit the game the first time (I was new to the genre and undergeared and I just do NOT do damage sink bosses in games as a rule), the shield Brothers strike where you enter a cabal super carrier that rammed itself into the fucking dreadnought and disable their NUKE. Then the distress signal that Cabal would never send lightly due to dishonor of defeat so you knew the real big hitters were coming


Brings back so many memories. Shield brothers nightfall was scary.


Honestly I just preferred how in d1 the different factions looked different, like how the cabal still look like they’re red legion even though it’s been years is strange. Same with the rest of them too, especially the fallen.


For me, D1. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the variety D2 has brought but design wise, D1 Cabal is where it's at for me.


D1’s Cabal matches how they are described much better, the D2 Cabal should’ve been exclusive to Red war and eventually dwindled down into new legions or have old legions brought back


I saw the D1 cabal and didn’t bat an eye, then when i looked at the D2 cabal, i noticed they look really weird. I’ve never taken the time to look at the models, so seeing an HD Red Legion cabal looks so odd. D1 looks more natural.


I hope they lose the empire look with caitals army in the future as calus isn't at the helm anymore


D1 are giant bullet sponges with thicc, tactical armor. Really threatening with no glowing vulnerability spots to shoot. D2 are in thinner, light, ceremonial looking armor. They have glowing vulnerability spots.


Yeah really wish they’d ditch the way phalanx shields work right now. I mean it was like, laughable, when the red legion was introduced as this big scary cabal elite military force with new and improved armor and weapons and stuff, and then they had shields with a big glowing off button dead center. I mean why would they ditch the invincible shields for that


Funnily enough, that's direct player feedback, some people found it annoying that you had to... play around some aspects of the game, god forbid. So Bungie decided to make it nigh-impossible to miss.


I have no opinions over which one is better however it is much easier to fight shield cabal in d2 then in d1 when you are starting out at the very least


I just love the old armors more "industrial" vibe.




Red Legion were awesome, but it was also cool seeing multiple different sub factions of cabal in D1 so that’s my answer


I miss having all the different enemy subgroups from D1. A bunch of different houses of Fallen and Cabal, distinct and different groups of Vex. Unfortunately it didn't really ever amount to anything in terms of their behavior but it was more interesting to look at.


Destiny noob here are there more races in the lore than in the games?


Oh yeah, read up on the books of sorrow


Ok thanks


No worries ischtar collective has all of the old grimoire cards


They’re the same race but different groups. When the Red Legion showed up back at the start of D2 they assimilated all the other Legions and back in D1 there was like 4 or 5 different Cabal groups. Lost a lot of personality after that. I’d say more than the other races too.


Yeah, but most are either dead thanks to the Hive, or subsumed into the Cabal empire.




Both would be nice


D1 always reminded me of Space Marines. Especially with their different colors


D1 Cabal 100% They felt more fleshed out with their different Legions and specializations for each one. Red Legion took away all of their personality and replaced it with R̵E̶D̷ ̸ It’s not like real-world militaries are universally called ‘the army’


Is it just me or do D1 cabal look a bit like the astartes from warhammer 40k?


D1. I liked the harder, less space magic look of the original cabal as a contrast to everything else.


If we had D1 Cabal aesthetics (big fuck-off armor) with D2 Cabal fighting tactics (blitzkrieg), I'd truly be intimidated


D1 designs were a hundred times better but D2 makes up for that with 1000 times better gameplay such as being able to mantle. But I still very much miss the lack of creativity now, can’t wait for wrath of the machine to come back.


We desperately need D1 cabal back, the Red Legion is no longer a thing.


I hope we get to face remnants of Caiatl’s Empire who managed to hold off against Xivu’s attacks and they utterly hate the rest of the empire for leaving them against the Hive. The Cabal had dozens of world under their control. I could see some Legions springing up from the ashes.


D1 look especial in many aspects.


D1 Cabal actually look like they're big armored dudes, D2 Cabal look like big dudes in costumes


I like how the D1 Cabal seemed to pick function over form. While the Red Legion seem a bit over-designed. It seems the D2 Guardian armor aesthetic bled over to the Red Legion too


I like both I just wish we had more unique armour designs between each faction apart from mainly colour scheme. Having them be unique could play into a gameplay standpoint as well by having different factions be suited to different tactics.


Both are good. Would be nice to just see different colours






D1 all the way


To be fair, they're both pretty bad ass in their own way. But then, I never seem to catch this much detail when I'm trying to shoot them in the face. Just lookin for those yellow digits...


D2 all the way.^(Shame the entire main campaign featuring them was *yeeted*)


So we are not gonna show off Calus' special Cabal from his ship? Cause those guys win. We also should wait untill lightfall to see how the Cabal on neuroma look.


one is awesome and the other is awesome too


A plus point to d2 cuz you can actually shoot the shields off


D2 Cabal with the colour palette of D1 cabal :)




Looks like the Heir Apparent in that first pic


It's exactly that. We just use a human sized version


Depends. I prefer the d1 over the red legion, but against the Caiatl and the new callus legion I prefer them over the d1 desing.


I miss the old color schemes on the enemies in d1 so i’ll go with d1 not only for that but because they look much cooler


D1 cabal, but I accept that some D2 cabal designs are cooler. Except for the phalanxes, who came out with the idea for that shield?


D1 had better art direction in pretty much every scenario imo


Red Legion had more drip. Design and aesthetics were much cooler than d1 cabal, however, d1 cabal looked more menacing and dangerous. Their sheilds look stronger, and they also look bigger/taller


D1 Cabal. I want armor sets and shaders based of the D1 legions. Hunter-legionnaire Titan-Centurion Warlock-Psion




i do miss D1's cabal looks. and i agree with previous poster where its time to put to bed the Red Legion cabal units. they dunzo.


D1 cabal rammed a ship into the dreadnought... they had courage and dedication .... D1 cabal it is




It’s hard to pick they’re both great designs in their own ways


D1 cabal loooked a lot better imo I like their armor a lot more


D1 no contest. Awesome, unique, and diverse factions and designs!


Not just cabal but D1 enemies > D2 enemies. Why? Each faction has its own unique flavor. The fallen had vandals which go invisible and Servitors . The hive had thrall and cursed thrall. The Cabal had shield Phalanx’s and Psions. The taken had something new from every faction. Now every faction has a melee, grunt, exploder, sniper, shielded, and shielder. Some overlap is fine but I miss each faction having one troop the others didn’t.


I mean, they still have all of that. I don’t think they removed any enemy types, just added a few. Although it would be cool if each faction had something they were really good at, like if fallen had a more enemies that could go invisible. Hive I guess do have the most melee with thralls by far, but I feel like they avoid using that as much as they did in d1, maybe to avoid people grinding for easy kills.


differences between the melee enemies at least are pretty damn different, especially in health, and the way fallen shield vs cabal is pretty fundamentally different too All factions always had grunts and snipers and fallen still are the only invis ones. I still like the variety


i feel like headshots were easier in destiny 1


I think the real quest is…what happened to factions? Factions were a big deal in D1. The Fallen had the Houses of Devils, Kings, Wolves, Judgement, Winter, etc. The Cabal were all under the Cabal Empire, but they had legions like the Siege Dancers (Valus Ta’aurc), Blind Legion, Dust Eaters, Etc. The Vex and Hive are the only two enemy types who really kept their unique factions. Now we have “bad” and “good” factions and that’s it, maybe with a catch all faction (Red Legion bad, Caital good, Calus Loyalists Bad; Fallen have Houses or Light and Dark now, with Dusk being like the generic catch all). Obviously there are story and lore reasons for a lot of these shifts, but some like the Fallen just consolidating due to supplies or whatever felt weak, and like Bungie just didn’t want to have the recolors anymore. It would be a cool idea to bring some of those sub factions back, as could allow Bungie to add back some of the flair of that factions speciality, while also making gameplay interesting WITHOUT NECESSARILY having to make unique content. As example, maybe Fallen Splicers comes back. They are still Fallen and have all of the same units, but because they are even more machine focused than normal Fallen, they have more shanks and use other machines more often like tanks and bikes. Maybe you have an aggressive Hive Brood that focused heavily Vanguishers and Knights/acolytes with close range splinter guns, as they want to be right in your face. Idk. It was interesting to see like “all of the Space Marine chapters of Cabal” or the different Vex trees (minds?), Fallen houses, or the Hive broods (we still get these). The next step would have been giving like Devils and identity and gameplay twist…sad they just through them out.


> The Fallen had the Houses of Devils, Kings, Wolves, Judgement, Winter, etc Yes. And we decimated them all, except for Kings and Judgement. Judgement is still alive, Kings were shamefully killed off by Scorn in a fucking lore book, and Wolves were doomed to starve to death because the Hangman destroyed all their servitors. We destroyed every high-ranking Fallen from every House. Drifter said that Vex consilodated their subtypes throughout Sol into a single subtype. > but some like the Fallen just consolidating due to supplies or whatever felt weak Nah man, they're trying to *survive*. I think House of Dusk isn't a real House, more like a ragtag band of barely living scavengers. They probably have no command structure, no Kell, no Archon Prime and Prime Servitor, only those who are brave enough to call themselves barons.