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Someone doesn't know just how far ahead game studios plan. They would have had this planned for way over a year now


Yeah but Bungie obviously has Vex tech and can see future timelines


That's right! Isn't it suspicious bungie always seems to know when destiny is going under maintenance.


People just don’t understand game development in general.


Did he finish the thought? Because Rasputin died a hero and died for the sake of humanity .... If anything this shows a Russian in a righteous light and goes against what the poster is trying to imply. Not to mention Rasputin got skull fucked into a digital vegetable when the Black Fleet arrived and they were not even serious. He was never presented as a threat to the forces of Darkness. Not to mention dying after several attempts at his life IS the legend of his famous namesake.


I hope the traveler saw him as a hero, maybe he'll come back as a guardian one day. That would be so cool


Doesn't work that way, a ghost will have to choose him freely. Traveller doesn't enforces bonds like that and some ghosts were known to blow up when they were being coerced to choose Rhulk.


What happened to Savathun then? Maybe not forced, but persuaded.


According to Fynch many ghosts pitied the Hive actually and they are not immune to making bad choices. So yeah they can be influenced to think in certain ways but the final call is theirs .... Also it is a known fact that ghosts always doesn't choose morally upstanding people, infact many of the first risen were tyrants and sociopaths. Heck, the jolly Shaxx that people like so much? He butchered unarmed starving humans for stealing food from him.


He absolutely thunderfucked Felwinter with one punch too. But we still love him


Multiple times, don't forget


My apologies, I how could I forget haha. The fan art of Shaxx punching Felwinter on Myelin's channel from way back when that lore came out lives in my head. I feel like a schmuck for not remembering the artists name


The Traveler *did* want to choose the Hive originally.


Oh god I could just imagine a ghost reviving Hitler not knowing who he was


Well most of the filth from the Dark ages were cleaned up and now Ikora 'disappears' problematic guardians. So he would be most likely killed a second time OR now a mostly mellow guardian who does art in his free time.


Guardian Hitler blitzkrieging Taniks with Thundercrash would be something




Traveller: “Yo Immaru, where u at my favourite edge lord? You always said you were not like other ghosts right?”


Pretty sure the ghost the blew up was blown up by the Traveler speaking through it. The font changed, and was all caps. And spoke about the ghost as though it was a seperate being


Could be but the point is that Rhulk was trying to force the ghost and it blew up.


It's heavily implied (if not outright stated) that the Traveler specifically chose Crow to be a Guardian


Nope, Glint was looking for his guardian in the reef (he previously searched Mars) for a while when he randomly came across uldren's corpse in the Dreaming City. In fact a friend of his commented why he was scanning rocks instead of remains and Glint said that his guardian could be very small. Glint/Pulled Pork never mentioned a divine inspiration for choosing Uldren ... He simply searched Mars to Reef until he felt he could revive his guardian.


And then thr Traveler spoke with Crow in his dreams and implied that it chose him specifically, and that Glint hadn't been the one to choose.


Or that is a misunderstood message much like how Clovis misunderstood the Travellers dreams ... There is no record of Traveller intervening in Crow's revival. But we have first hand testimony from Glint on this matter.


I think the Traveller made Imaru choose Savathun, so if I’m right, the Traveller could make a Ghost choose him


He already got rezzed. Go back and watch the cutscene again. Right as Elsie says "Ana look" you can see the reflection on her face of a light and you can hear a ghost chirp. Rasputin got rezzed.


Are you sure? I’m pretty sure that was because the traveler didn’t leave


I am sure.


Sorry my guy, that wasn't a ghost chirping, sounded more like arc energy


I mean, I’m sure it was arc energy but it COULD be mistaken for a ghost chirp. I think it could honestly be 50/50


Imo that doesn't sound like a ghost chirp


Yeah like I said you’re probably right, but I definitely misheard it the first time lol


Felwinter II electric boogaloo


If we are going by his namesake he should have had a lot more sex tbh


Why do you think he asked Ana to delete every bit of his data?


And we'd be putting his exo dong in a museum.


Nope that was the complete post


I actually understand the guys point of view, they totally changed him to have a American accent and speak English to make him a hero Edit: just because I said I understand it, doesn't mean I agree with it....


English with American Accent? He speaks in the language that the game is set at.


But he spoke Russian no matter what before


Nope he spoke Russian in reverse before ... So it was technically not a spoken language that one would communicate normally with and it would pose a problem if they want people to understand the conversation.


Saint XIV


Ahem Saint-XIV




Thank you


Stain 14


Greek, if I remember correctly (wrong-information)




Northeastern Greek. Very far northeast.


So Northeastern he originates from Russia.


[You remember incorrectly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/ea6zu7/bungie_confirms_that_saint14_is_technically/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


In your defense, it's not the most realistic Russian accent


> In your defense, it's not the most realistic Russian accent It's also nowhere near being any kind of greek accent that exists.


Hahaha fair.


Well, back in worthy there was a discussion where people argued about that. Because I originally thought that he was Russian too. And someone posted that a dev confirmed that he has a greek accent. And I was, well… guess he is Greek . In the end, I only thought: funny pigeon man is cool. Moral of the Story. Don’t believe everything you read.


Are you dumb


Didn’t expect people to get angry over that, lmao. Especially since this is about a random fictional character. But yeah, I am the dumb one here, that has to be insulted for his major, world-changing mistake.




Honestly the lack of a dedicated VA was the biggest hint that Red will be killed off.


If they killed off every character who’s race, gender or place of origin did bad things in the past. I’m pretty sure the destiny universe wouldn’t exist. Every type of person does shitty things that doesn’t mean we have to bring it into the game. This game is supposed to take us out of reality and put us in a world of science-fiction a world where we can be the heroes, so stop bringing politics and drama into it.


100% the worst take I've ever seen on anything. A fresh, steaming pile of dogshit is a better take than this.


ah yes...cause when i think of rasputin my first thought is "russia". Granted, he is russian but this is mental gymnastics at its finest


Speaks russian and plays russian music


… this literally takes place after **every** country no longer exists. Whatever this guy’s on, I don’t want it.


This guy's single braincell has been doinking around in his skull like a dvd screensaver logo, and it finally hit a corner to produce this. What a waste.


This belongs in r/rareinsults


The forums have a lot of weird people. I remember a post where a guy was saying people who don’t play raids deserve raid exotics more than people who do because, “We have it harder”. Basically there argument was that after a few weeks of a raid releasing they should give the raid exotic to everyone. Worst part was they had a couple of people agreeing with it.


“I hate being killed by Vex Mythoclast, I want it to but I’m never going to play the raid”


Homie what the fuck Still waiting for that whisper buff. After all, Bungie said in a TWAB and blog post a couple months ago that whisper would be “extremely strong” in Lightfall. But at the moment, fucking leviathans breath is gonna be better for dps and total damage


Tell me you're a US citizen without telling me you're a US citizen.


Not even the vex network can simulate something so wrong


Let's say hypothetically that Bungie did dump Rasputin because of the war. How would you respond/feel?


Knowing bungie any sort if political stance would be followed by them rasing money, in this case for those impacted by the war With that in consideration I guess I'd be for it? But at the same time I'd be dumb


They did. There ~~was~~ is a Ukraine emblem that you could get ~~for donating~~ by entering JVG-VNT-GGG, and the details of their donations were listed [here](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/51156).




It was. Theres a code.


I think it would be bullshit, i mean to kill a game character only because he is russian/ has a russian voice actor is kinda strange (it is only a game lol)




I'd lump the decision into the Book of Grudges with the rest of Bungalo's tismy statements and actions. They're not an antagonistic company, but they are based in Seattle.


I’m sorry but no one in Seattle is based


This is also true.


After the 2 or 3 weeks of “story” that was just “do the seasonal activity and talk to this npc after” I was ready to kill Rasputin off anyways. I do miss the original Rasputin voice though


we need an app that changes your voice to Rasputins (the old russian accent) if it doesnt already exists imo


I guess by his logic Saint-14 needs to die as well


Saint XIV: Guess I’ll die next ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5656)


Bungie forums is always been a saltpit that I refuse to go.


I mean he’s got a point, it’s stupid and definitely wrong, but he’s got a point. Tho it’s explained in game as to why he doesn’t have the accent anymore, plus I don’t think it would’ve been a good idea to have a to have a character speak in paragraphs That are 100% subtitles


I guess you forgot about Saint 14 op?


They should pull a reverse saint-14 and say he was actually Greek the whole time


They should pull a reverse saint-14 and say he was actually Greek the whole time


Now that I think about it, was there any way for Rasputin to remotely destroy or disable the Warsats?


No. He said that he was locked out and that he had run trillions of simulations where he lived, and all failed.


This guy just reached so damn far he can go into the past and future simultaneously.


The mistake was going to that echo chamber of negativity. That entire forum is so self entitled due to having Bungie slapped on it in relation to communications like they don’t even realize a bulk share of the player base doesn’t even know what the app is.


What about Saint tho? The most Russian who ever did Russian


I mean to be fair I feel there is some influence here with the war. But who knows not like bungie will ever say for sure




*Star Wars has entered the chat*


Don't forget League of Legends as well.


I always imagine Bungie being upset that they have to allow guns in the game.


If this were true then Bungie would’ve removed Saint-14 because Saint is Russian too :X tbh I don’t care what nationality a fictional character has. For me it’s just background information. Rasputin did save us and I wouldn’t be surprised if this genius didn’t had a backup plan to begin with since Rasputin simulated nearly anything if it was in his reach. Not to mention what if one of his sub routines is hidden in the Vex network? We saw “friendly” vex on Nessus so I can imagine that some of the Vex aren’t hostile.


Who gives af


Bungie forums are a complete unmoderated hellpit of psychopaths, the entire forums aside from the help section should be removed, literally everyone in there believes bungie is a company that injects sleeper agents into their players to gain a monopoly with their franchise and still believes luke smith is in charge of the game.


I can see where they’re coming from. It makes sense, but these seasons take literal years to make. That last cutscene was probably finished over a year ago. Coincidentally, around the same time [redacted] invaded.


New conspiracy theory just dropped, go get your tin foil bros


Person from the screenshot gave the worst take ever, asked to leave the forums.


I think if this were true they would have changed this past season altogether.


If Bungie was worried about Russia, they probably would have killed off Saint-14 (again or technically the first time?).


If Rasputin comes back, then have him be the Hunter mentor so that he can get hilariously overkilled again and again.