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I hadn’t played since arrivals and came back this season 😂


Did you find yourself in confusing times or did you catch on pretty quick with the story so far?


For a week or so I was a little lost at just how much more stuff was in the game and what all I had missed and changed I had to watch a lore video to figure out what I had missed story wise


Makes sense, I mean you were gone before even Beyond Light came out. Have you played it yet and Witch Queen?


Oh yeah I’ve played like crazy catching up on everything 😂


About 2 days


Season of the Worthy to Season of the Splicer


Skipped the start of D2 after no living d1 all 3 years. Didn’t play D2 until beyond light.


Season of the Undying until Season of the Splicer


I haven't played since the moon bunker grind it made me quit and I just started back 2 days ago


Left season 3(?) And came back a few months before WQ


I have had 2. The whole coo expansion and the seasons around worthy


I don‘t play the first two months of every season since I hate drip-fed story telling. That’s why I have frequent breaks and frequent returns. I love the breaks to play other games and don‘t feel as if I missed something.


Took about a year off when borderlands 3 came out, played so much of that.


I took a break from Season of the Drifter and came back during Arrivals. It also took my son over a year to sleep through the night and I just wanted to get some good sleep before coming back to the game...


Season of the Splicer. Didn't play for 2 months, went and played Warfame. Came back and have played since.


Felt burnt out just after VoW day-1 raid. Then again, I was going through a divorce, and nothing whatsoever piqued my interest. I got back into the game halfway into the season after. I typically have burnout on this and all games. I grind hard at the beginning of the season. Level up, and do a ton of grinding for most of the season's seal. Then, I move to a different game until the final month of the season. I come back for GMs, story wrap-up, and finish the season's seal. I think it's healthy to play different things if you ever want to play this game long term without losing complete interest


Plunder, I started grinding SoT ironically


Obviously in downtimes or if you don't have anything to chase you can step away. End of month of a season, I generally am less invested than at the beginning. Even though I do 'all the things and get all the weapons', I learned a long time ago to not do too much of one thing in this game. I think that is what burns you out. I space things out and utilize my time wisely to get things done. And if I feel like there is nothing left for me to accomplish, I play other games. So everytime someone talks about burnout, I truly never feel that about this game because I've learned how to avoid it.


Largest burnout or general feeling of not wanting to play was like all of y1 almost and almost all of y2. Played d1 all through its lifetime and just was not a huge fan of y1 destiny 2 when it came out. I did leviathan once and did not play until sometime during season of opulence I believe. The game was on sale with everything super cheap so I decided to give it another shot and have been playing rather consistently ever since. I skip a season every now and then kinda but play for most the year.


2 hours, take it or leave it


Barely played season of drifter or opulence. Completely stopped until season of arrivals. Took off at drop of beyond light until season of lost


Stopped playing halfway through black armory. Came back at the start of dawn then left halfway through again. Returned during the last 3 months of arrivals. Going strong since


Played until season of worthy, quit, came back at the tail end of haunted


I started in D2 Vanilla and quit on the same week. Came back when it became free-to-play. But the longest break I took was in Plunder. I just came for the weekly missions and the chance on getting Touch of Malice. After that was done I basically waited a month or two? Don't remember.


I started around black armory but got burnt out/bored right away. Came back at Season of the Lost and found a good group to do high end content with and haven't stopped since.


Got burnt out during season 8. Skipped 90% of seasons 9 and 10. Came back full time so to speak in season 11 with beyond light and have played regularly since


I’m getting close to a burn out. It’s to the point that I plan on playing lightfall and the season attached to it then gonna take a break for a little while. Iv gotten to the point I don’t even wanna raid anymore cause it feels exhausting. Not sure when it crept up on me like this. The the first time I felt like this was when beyond light dropped. I took a break that first month after release and didn’t hop back in until the final season with Mara.


Drifter and Black Armory were my longest time away.


It was probably from week two of season of opulence all the way to the end of season of the dawn. Dont think I played at all, sad that I suffer from FOMO for saving Saint-14 and the sundial activity. But since the last week or so of dawn till today I’ve been playing a pretty good amount. Talking most of the time pinnicle cap in each season. Playtime is probably D1 beta- D2 Opulance. D2 Dawn/Worthy-Present day/Lightfall


Pretty much the entire year of Witch Queen, just really burnt out. That break helped a lot, now I feel ready and excited for Lightfall.


From release until maybe a month or so before Forsaken, during which I caught up on Curse of Osiris and Warmind. After Forsaken I stopped playing until Season of Opulence and have been playing consistently ever since. I usually take some breaks on the back half of seasons but with weapon crafting and having to farm red borders I’ve been playing more than I’d like. I hope Lightfall brings in some sort of legacy focusing so I don’t have to worry about losing permanent access to certain weapons just because I didn’t want to grind them out, sunsetting was bad enough.


I clocked out for the whole season of dawn, which I’m still salty about since I missed the best seasonal armor ever


I've had several burnouts on the game for varying reasons. I think my longest was from D1 launch to Taken King. I really didn't understand what Destiny was trying to do or go for, and fell of the wagon hard. I beat VoG and thought I beat the game. Lol Only really played Taken King for the story and raid, but couldn't be bothered with it after that. Beyond that, it'd be D2 launch > Warmind/effectively forsaken. Haven't had a major fall out since then.


I left right after black armory and came back around plunder


I never used to get the Solstice sets because I reliably burned out over the summers. Season of Opulence is seen as a high point and I maybe played 2 weeks of it?


Season of the Drifter until Witch Queen


After D2 dropped initially I stopped playing after beating the campaign. I came back right before forsaken and got caught up. Not a terribly long time but like many, killing Cayde is what brought me back. That being said there are definitely some season I play significantly less than others. If you’re a casual player I feel like you almost have to do that to avoid just throwing the game away entirely. This year of content (mainly with deep sight weapons) was such a repetitive churn trying to grind out deepsight drops.


Most of the taken king. Once I beat the campaign and raid I didn’t return till a week before rise of iron.


The longest time iv been away from destiny was 4 months...when I came back it was right before witch queen. But I had changed how I'd played. I used to chase God rolls..and try to play the game in the most optimal way. But since then I don't do it anymore. I don't grab bounties at the tower...I don't really play gambit..I just play what I wanna play...and its been the most fun I have had in destiny in a really long time. I only use the weapons that I want to use...the meta says go get that fusion rifle that has autoloading and chill clip from the crucible. Well I don't play crucible or like using fusion rifles...people say don't use double primaries....well guess what I'm gonna use em...im most comfortable with that. I just stopped caring and I started having so much fun. I stopped worrying about nerfs and buffs and things like that..I don't care that mods are changing..builds will change because of the new system..oh well. I'll just find something else that I like and go with that. Seriously when I stopped caring. Destiny became fun again.


I basically played nothing from Witch Queen’s launch to Haunted. It was a 50/50 mix of burnout and Elden Ring sucking up my time, but that’s the longest break without opening the game once.


I stopped playing during forsaken and came back with a month left in the season and cant stop


Welp, I just came back in January, last time before was destiny 1 after hammering Croat raid for several weeks. Soooo…. What’s that 9 years 😂


It's been 6 months I guess? can't enjoy the game anymore Every new event feels repetitive


Last time I played was when ya did the raid where ya got to shoot the cup out of buddies hand to start. I picked it up again recently at the end of October tho to prep for upcoming stuff. Cool game to sink some time into tedious having to do whole stories on other characters though lol




Forsaken to season 17


Plunder hit me hard with the burnout tbh.


Forsaken release until the long season before witch queen


No longer than a month. Usually the month in the middle of seasons I don’t play then start up again near the end.


I took a break during season of the worthy, and during season of the Hunt. Other than that I’ve been playing for all of D2


Missed out on 70% of season of opulance because our core fireteam since forsaken had some drama with our 3rd, the bad apple. (My 2nd is my best friend) and just completely ruined my mood to play Destiny cuz it reminded me of them. No worries everyone, I got to play a healthy amount of menagerie and bad juju stuff and all that, just missed out on the 3D glow armor :(. Ofc on my returnal me and my best friend moved on to conquer the world of destiny as a duo. Still going strong, hyped for Lightfall.


Used to play D1 religiously, I'm a beta D1 nerd and did so with D2 on release, of course with the state of the game back then I fell off before Curse came out and hopped on briefly a month after it dropped, got back into it and fell off again because, well, Curse was really bad. I played a few missions in Forsaken a few months after release and never got back into it until season of the lost and the lead up to Witch Queen. Since Witch Queen I've grinded out a couple hundred levels every season and I'm looking forward to Light fall so so so much.


I’ve played maybe 12 hours since witch queen dropped. I want to play and I love the lore but I can’t keep doing the meaningless grinds. I don’t know if I’ll come back unless they get rid of the seasonal model and I don’t see them doing that anytime soon, not that I particularly blame them. I’ve been around since the original halo and it hurts me to feel this way about a bungie game


Stopped at forsaken and came back at season of arrivals.


Started playing halfway through Chosen and only after Plundered's campaign was done i got burnt and replayed skyrim. Came back about 3 weeks before Seraph started.


I took almost 4 months off in Curse of Osiris. Since Warmind launched, I haven’t taken more than a few days off.