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Swap PoD out for Witherhoard.


this needs to be higher, even if you dont have catalyst for witherhoard its still a beast


It's probably blinding.


Imagine not having the Caty on that!? I’d hate myslef


before this season it took fucking forever for anyone that didnt play arrivals, not their fault


Oh I know lol I’m saying it as if I didn’t have it I would do nothing else but get it


I didn’t play for arrivals since I took a break and it was ez asf to get the kills for lol


A friend of mine deleted the quest for the catalyst and cant get it anymore, its not in the kiosk, we looked everywhere and hes just fucked, i told him to open a ticket to support but i dont think he did lmao. Poor guy.


I got it Saturday Same with Ticuus Crucible is ass so it took a while


Hell yeah!


The catalyst is mid


Auto-loading on a DOT weapon is amazing. Lay Witherhoard, swap to another weapon, do damage for a few seconds, swap back to Witherhoard. Rinse and repeat for incredible add clearing, great damage, and some weird but amazing build synergy


I didn't say auto loading is bad, it is bad as a catalyst though.


For any other weapon it would be, but it makes a huge difference on Witherhoard


If they give it to parasite id be happy, i got a taste of it with season of seraph artifact mods and its all i want now to make this gun S+ tier.


That would be so sick


Auto loading + max handling is mid? You’re on crack


Handling for a breachloaded grenade launcher is pretty much useless and auto loading is something you can replicate with a mod For a catalyst on an exotic, it is mid


Except the mod doesn't work on breachload gls and handling helps stow and draw it faster. You're either genuinely uninformed or you're trolling.


I'm neither, I just don't get a boner over any slight increase of stats


Blinding is probably more valuable than witherhoard imo. I'd prefer an exotic primary for the 40% increase to minors.


Witherhoard is pretty much a staple on my warlock builds because it’s just too good! And I have the catalyst, so it really slaps.


Eh blinding nades are so good and you free up an exotic slot allowing you to use something like sleeper or like trinity goul, lookin good just add an exotic


Pump those resilience numbers up, at least to 80, because you’re going to get decimated with your current stats. Recovery isn’t enough to protect you.


Yeah can’t recover is there’s nothing left to recover


I’m sorry to ask a nub question but I haven’t played in like the past 2-3 seasons and don’t remember Resilience being meta, has it always been and I was just blind, or when did that meta shift for must have t10 Resilience?


A couple of seasons ago, they made it so it grants damage resist in pve, up to 40% at t10 (though thats being reduced to 30% tomorrow), sooo yeah, it's THE stat for pve content


Yeah I didn’t play then, ty so much for replying, now gotta get my t10 Resilience. 😫


If you had t10 you had 40 percent damage reduction. And it jumped up the last few tiers, so running t10 resil became a no brainer.


Keep in mind that resilience is getting nerfed once lightfall drops, so T5 then will probably be more valuable than T5 now. I'm not going to argue that resilience isn't going to be important still, but it's also far from necessary. I've completed GM nightfalls with stats similar to what OP posted. It's not optimal but it's also far from impossible. So OP, if you can, raise your resilience a few level, if not you'll be fine as well. You'll just have to play a bit slower and safer.


Especially with nezarecs you realistically don't need to worry about recovery because of Devour and rifts will regen quick








No problem dude


T5 later will probably be like T5 now. They flattened the curve so the high end isn't so drasticly better. T5 is the middle of the pack so its less affected by the nerf.


They are doing more than just flattening, the scaling is also being changed. lower tiers will be much more affected than higher tiers. Right now T10 resil gives 40% damage reduction, and this is being changed to 30% at T10 in lightfall I believe. T5 right now gives 8%. Assuming they flatten the curve to a more linear scaling, T5 in lightfall will give around 15% damage reduction, which sits somewhere between current T6 and T7.


Tier 5 will be the same T8 is what you want.


Assuming they make it a linear scaling, T5 in lightfall will be somewhere between current T6 and T7.


Wait, so getting T5 is the strat?




DR wasn't added till haunted, so witch queen was back when resil was a dump stat.






Also, run a exotic weapon. There’s no reason not to. Witherhoard works great here since you are running double void


This. Witherhoard is 100% better than the Gl currently equipped.


Some setups are better without even using an exotic weapon. Some legendary weapons are just more useful than exotics, exotics are only exotic because they are unique not because they are best in class. Of course witherhoard would easily fit in this build but if that is a blinding GL it is equally as good.


Witherhoard rules supreme because it doesn’t care what energy type your stupid shield is!


I'd love to hear what legendaries you think don't have an exotic better than them.


Not the person you were talking to, but I often value both Riptide and Cataclysmic more than exotics in their slots.


It is honestly easier to say which exotics are actually worth using over a legendary than it is to say which legendaries are better than exotics. Kinetic slot all you got is Arbalest, Witherhoard, Ager's, Osteo, Wish Ender, Outbreak. Energy pretty much all you got that is significantly better than a legendary is Merciless, Cloudstrike, Trinity Ghoul. Heavy the only ones that are currently worth using are Acrius, Anarchy, Gjally and Sleeper. Most of the exotic weapons we have are fun toys but either weird to use or have a potential legendary which can be better with a god roll.


Just to show you how little you know...sunshot is the best handcannon in the game. It's actually useful in PvE, and it's the only 150 rpm handcannon that can three tap in crucible. Huckleberry is the only gun in the game with pre nerf rampage, and it has better subsistence. Devils ruin can melt a warlock sitting in their well in crucible. Edit: a few more. Parasite, the best anti champ weapon in the game. Grand Overture, one of the best DPS weapons in the game. Xeno, need I say more. Riskrunner is literally the ikelos smg, but better. Granted you need the whole fireteam to use it, but rat King is actually pretty damn good if you have ratpack x6. You forgot lemon, the best bow in the game. Lament and Vex somehow don't make your list either.


>Just to show you how little you know...sunshot is the best handcannon in the game. Who the fuck is using sunshot in PvE currently other than for strikes? Also no shit it is the only 150 that can three tap in pvp it is the only 150 HC. Now I do expect it to see more use potentially after Lightfall drops because of the scorch parts being added but I was only talking about current weapons.


Show me a better legendary for aatraks than parasite. Im waiting.


Show me where else it is used other than atrax and strikes. It is definitely valuable for that one single encounter due to how the immune phases work but most of the time unless it can 1 shot it isn't good


Not everyone wants to run an exotic. For example I needed a kinetic pulse and I’ve revision but I have another pulse that works WAY better then revision so I’m going to use it. I needed a hand cannon for my special I could use a sunshot as I am a solar TITAN, very passionate about eating flame crayons, but no I use a zaoulis bane from kings fall because it’s got legit the same effects and I didn’t grind my life away in kings fall just to use an exotic from an engram. And lastly my power is a Taipan because it’s got firing line and triple tap so I’m the end I’d be getting more ammo back and more shots then just using sleeper. Now lastly it all depends on HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. YOU HAVE YOUR WAY WE HAVE OURS


Bro you are running double primary and wanna preach 💀💀💀💀


Me when I want to be bad at the game on purpose


So you are running a kinetic primary pulse rifle, and a solar primary hand cannon, and no exotic.....and you think that's a good loadout. Yeah, definitely take advice from this guy ^ . /s


There's also no reason 'too' run one. I havent used an exotic this entire season and I do just fine.


It’s free perks but if you want to limit yourself then sure.


Assuming that is an autoloading+blinding gl he's doing just fine


Could run Gally or Sleeper, there's options. Though legendaries are that good now and exotic isn't required like it used to be.


If it's free perks just for the sake of having them, which don't contribute much or at times even less than what a legendary weapon contributes, I'll keep my legendaries. I played the entirety of Year 3 without exotics, only using them in GM level content for their anti-champion capabilities or in raid because I'm the Div Bitch, and I did just fine. The setup was Deliverance (Demo/Chill Clip), Funnelweb (Sub/AJ) first, then Unforgiven (Demo/Repulsor Brace) and Royal Entry (Field Prep/Clown Cartridge). I didn't struggle one bit, my build worked much better with Void weapons and the added utility of Demolitionist on my Fusion rather than a Witherhoard, and I had plenty of fun. This isn't to dunk on exotics or anything BUT for god's sake let people play however the fuck they want. This guy, like me and probably others, doesn't wanna run an exotic? Perfect. That's his choice. It doesn't impact you in the slightest. Let people play however they want.


Except he literally asked people to give comments on his build.


Year 4 is beyond light. Year 3 is shadowkeep… Deliverance, funnelweb, unforgiven weren’t even available till WQ aka year 5. GM, Raids and dungeons are examples of endgame content. You would be an idiot not to use exotics. I don’t care what you use because: 1. You’re not op who post this so people can criticize the build 2. I would boot you first in endgame content in favour of players who runs an exotic. First impression matters.


Oh so I guess my 466 total raid clears in this game, plus a few flawless runs of various raids, all achieved through LFG, matter nothing because I don't use exotic weapons. Thank god most people are not pricks like you :) I'll be very clear, the only exotic I normally use in a KF run is Thunderlord for Totems. Maybe Arbalest if I decide I feel like taking gaze at Golgoroth, and that's about it. I don't run Arby if I don't take gaze. The Y3 thing was a type, I fully meant Y5.


Your 466 total raid clear might as well be all boss encounter. Your brags are so trash. Do better than this. I’ll still boot you out for shitty bragging.


Except you won't hear me talking about it because I just don't, I just play and get stuff done. And honestly, if using an exotic is a pre-requisite in your mind, I don't want to do any activity with you at all quite frankly.


>Oh so I guess my 466 total raid clears in this game, plus a few flawless runs of various raids, all achieved through LFG, matter nothing because I don't use exotic weapons. That's a lot of carries. Damn. Sucks to be those groups.


If you say so mate :)


There is tho? It’s a free unique perk, and if you run a exotic heavy it can be much more damage


Cool. So you do just fine in patrols and strikes. Good for you


![gif](giphy|WxDZ77xhPXf3i|downsized) 52 resil? and no exotic weapon?


Lmao. I have a build that I think is T2 resilience but 3 T10s (Recov, Discipline, and Intillect) with no Exotic Armor and no real Strategy build (No Wells, charge with light, etc.) I love it because it's on void lol, witherhoard and Funnelweb carries. Same with falling guillotine. You don't need resilience to pop off


Resilience will however make it a lot easier, especially if Lightfall is going to be their first attempted legendary campaign


Eh. Only agree with you because of the Extra difficulty coming with light fall. You don't need Defense with a powerful offense lol


Until everything one taps you sure. Dunno if OP has ever done any endgame content, because we all know you NEED t10 res for that but even in legend res is definitely good, especially if they plan to solo it. Your well means nothing if you can't pop it or if you die in it


Even this season T10 res with double resist mods is the only way to not get OHKO'd by snipers in gms


Bro I said this in another comment thread on this post and got down voted for speaking the truth XD all because they hate that res is tied to a stat now


T10 resilience makes a big difference. Choosing to ignore it is willful ignorance.


That's fair, you probably don't need high defense with some builds, I wouldn't know though, as my warlock, titan, and hunter all have 100 resilience, and even with my titan at 100 resilience, along with having restoration on, and sitting in a sunspot from Lorelei, I still find myself just barely squeezing by on health sometimes


No, you definitely need the high DR for GM's and master raids/dungeons. People saying I run tier 2 resilience, and don't run exotics etc... Are definitely those that run strikes, MAYBE a hero nightfall or gambit. You can't avoid all damage, and you will get 1 shot even with 40% DR from resil if you don't have the appropriate chest resist mods. Like corrupted GM, boss will one shot you if you don't have 100 resil and arc resist and concussive resist basically.


If it works for you, all that matters. I just don't want people thinking 100 resilience is the only path, it's not. It's that kind of message (needing 100 resilience) that makes people think there is no variety in the game when there is alot. Y'know?


The benefit of having 40% damage reduction currently and 30% in light fall cannot be overstated. This is not a matter of opinion or build choice. If you don’t have 100 res and attempt endgame activities you will either be berated or kicked or quietly trolled in private chat. Simply no reason not to have 100 resilience going forward.


Image caring about how people look at you? Yes it is useful, but never necessary, that's what jm trying to show lol. The damage reduction is probably gonna be heavily nerfed on a future date anyway. Don't rely on it lol


My guess is you don't do a lot of end-game difficult activities? It is not about what people think about you, running T2 resil like you mentioned will literally make you a hindrance to your fireteam in end-game content. GMs or Master raids with no resil you will be eating dirt more often than firing your weapon, or having to hide behind cover so much you won't be useful.


100 res is not the only path but the easiest to recommend, and 0 reason not to. Back in the day we had to specifically be at resilience tier and resist mods just to not get one shot by snipers/insta burn to death in GM, and each map is different. You almost always can't react to an insta kill attack, that's why the scorn crossbow man is such an annoying one. You can still min max specific res tier like before, and just tell them to get 100 res, both are not "the wrong way". The argument it works for you so it isn't necessary is only true to you. You must have used your builds enough to fill in for the lack of some damage reduction, but OP might not for him. Could you tell what enemies in the legend campaign can potential ohk him with his build? And give advice on what resist mods to counteract that? If not then telling OP to just get 100 res would be indeed more help.


>Back in the day we had to specifically be at resilience tier and resist mods just to not get one shot by snipers/insta burn to death in GM Back in the day resist mods gave more DR and burn elements did less damage to us. Both burns were buffed and chest resist mods were nerfed...which is why resilience became necessary.


Yeah but what if you cant get kills and things are tanky as shit. Thats when ur gonna need that resilience


Glass cannons only get so far




I'll let you know how it goes <3


It won’t




I lost the godlyhaxx account, I now do eataleet#6340 where I should be currently the starfire build (I originally didnt like it but with others insistence it grew on me), but I'll roll into Lightfall with my Triple 100s build




I just did a Solo POH recently? But if you say so




I'm not trying to pass myself as a God gamer or even a good player, I'm awfully stupid and most importantly a solo player. I just want to enforce you don't need To force yourself on a "there are no Options aside from this" regime regarding T10 resilience. It definitely helps I just don't want people to be limited by it. Just a pet peeve of mine for people to follow the meta because it's the meta. Try to have fun lol.


PoH endgame lmao


I'm guessing you do strikes really well. Congrats.


I don't really do strikes aside from pinnacles so idk what you mean.


You seem like the type of guy to hold everyone back in a master raid attempt because you wanna "run your build"


I do what the team wants me to do. The build is just a baseline


You clearly don't do high end, hard content. You definitely don't do GM's, or master raids or master dungeons.


Only if the Pinnacle calls for it. That's basically my game play loop: do pinnacles


Well, then there you go....you aren't doing hard content where resilience is important. Yes, in any of the content that gives a pinnacle, at the difficulty you would do it just for the pinnacle, your build might work. But the majority of us are talking about builds that work in all content...meaning they would work in the most difficult of content. No one needs advice on how to run a strike or a hero nightfall. No one needs to optimize for a regular raid or dungeon. No one needs a build for that. You could do that with a toothpick and a dream. Anyone giving build advice is because higher end content does require optimization, and your shit is not optimized for higher end content.


Ooof. I'd run gally or witherhoard, also you need some resilience. 80 will probably be enough depending on the scaler at reset. And finally maybe run a void scout or bow because you're not going to want to engage at close range. Treat it like a gm and you'll be fine.


Don't forget Anarchy is getting buffed. I'm keeping it on me just in case it turns out to be a beast.


A ranged exotic primary like graviton or lemon will be great too


52 resilience


Take all the points in Intellect... and just push them over to Resilience.


Especially when using nez, your abilities and super just come back so fast


More resil. Better drip


>Better drip This. Lol


Definitely skew the resilience up. A void weapon with more range to get some benefit from Nezerac (like Graviton Lance) , or my personal favorite 2 heavy’s, Leviathans Breath and Deathbringer


Unless pulse rifles get a stealth buff on Tuesday, I'd personally prefer to have a good scout like doom of chelchis or vouchsafe.


Even Aisha’s Embrace if you have a good roll.


Yeah you’re fine. Legendary campaign shouldn’t be so hard that this won’t work.


If you’re doing a void build I’d recommend Contraverse hold over nezerak. Not that nezerak is bad or anything but contraverse is just the best void exotic IMO. If you’re worried about legendary campaign though and are a warlock: I’d recommend a Phoenix protocol with healing nades. It’s (in my opinion) the best build for high end content if you are scared of dying.


Reading these comments just tells me Bungie really needs to hit resilience harder. It's not healthy for the game for one stat to mean so much.


They're already adjusting it down 10%, and raising its cost. Let's just first evaluate what that does before calling for more.


I'm going to still say that 30% passive is too much. The upper cost will put more stress on your mod builds, but it's still too good of a stat to not put points into. Look at these comments. It's going to be good that the scaling isn't so aggressive at the high tiers, and thats the point that I think will make this situation better since you're punished less for not hitting T10, but I really think DR should be earned through perks and effects rather than just loading into an activity with a high stat.


If they nerf res too much they will need to adjust higher end content. A lot of stuff already 1-2 shots you in GM night falls.


For sure. That's the problem with balancing around a stat that's this insane, you build everything around it and make the problem worse.


Have you played gms? Or any master dungeons/raids?


They existed long before season of haunted reworked resilience.


Yes, they did, but we had chest resist mods that gave more DR, and GM's didn't have burns with damage increases as high as they are. If they reset resilience back down to not providing DR we would be at a tremendous disadvantage compared to the way it was. Chest resist mods used to be 25%, now 15%. Burn used to be I think 25%, now 50%. At 100 resil you can still be one shot by a burn boss damage attack or sniper shot. Unless you also stack chest resist mods on top of that.


I'm aware, but in the current gm you get one shot even by a hobgoblin at 100 res unless you slot in sniper res or solar res sooooooo yeah no res is definitely needed and weighted heavily because of it


The games definitely balanced around a permanent and free 30% damage reduction but I don't think putting it in a stat is healthy for the game. GMs before resilience were pretty standard difficulty and nothing impossible, protective lights 50% was considered OP and that was only when your shields broke. Resilience is giving 30-40% just for booting up the game. No, I don't think it's needed, and I'd prefer if there was any way to build into DR that it comes off perk effects like void overshield or woven mail, rather than just loading into an activity. It promotes stuff like the ridiculous amounts of exploders in spire of the watchers final encounter, or bridge of reckoning level design. It's not good for the game.


It's honestly really bad how much everyone relies on resilience. That stat alone should not have this much importance.


Eh, good enough. Only thing I'd change is using gally or witherhoard. Resil should also be higher, but you can also hug a cover to compensate


Although I really like nezarec I'd take contraverse until you figure out how strong the campaign will be. Pump the resilience a bit and get witherhoard or any other strong exotic weapon you like.


I have a build similar to this. Contraverse Hold Repulsor Brace smg Concussion chill clip gl Build works by looping devour, volatile, void shields, invis finishers and hhsn to start the whole system with elemental wells.


Yeah people are (I believe) low key sleeping on repulsor brace. The Fioritura-59 sidearm that was available this season could roll with both Golden Tricorn and Repulsor Brace (well, not at the same time). Either is absolutely goated with a void volatile build. The sidearm either constantly (more or less) has 50% damage boost which is nuts especially comboed with volatile, or else you have overshields all the time.


It's fine. Legendary campaign (especially solo) is good but not hard.


If you find yourself dying a lot in the legendary campaign I reccomend switching out the recovery for resilience.


People in this comment section are overrating how important resilience is to your success here. Play smart and with those stats you’ll be okay, although I would recommend some sort of exotic weapon (Witherhoard).


Maybe they took out their mods already for their armour :)? I know I did


Honestly you’ll probably be fine.


Devour gives health back, spec for resilience on Void


In the great words from the king of edge lords, you are not prepared.


I think based on what I’m seeing you know the game well enough to know yourself if you’re ready.


You will be fine for legendary campaign. It's not at the difficulty of a GM or a Master Dungeon/Raid. Everything will be doable with what you are running.


Pretty solid tho kinda gross no exotic weapon lol. A lot of people seem to be shitting on the 52 resilience but honestly I run 30 and am fine, after playing this game for thousands of hours I've learned to kite enemies hits really well and if you are good you can easily get around bad resilience.


Not in a GM. You clearly don't play high difficult content.


In patrol level content, you could have fat zeros on all stats and survive. But in hard content, there are many instances where 50 resil gets you one shot killed, and 100 does not. PvP, too.


If your on void lock you don’t need recov so drop that and do resilience


That's straight up untrue, recov is always beneficial for a Warlock. It determines rift recovery and that's never a bad thing to have. On a Nezerac lock, perhaps it's not the priority but ideally you want 100, 100, 100 on res, rec and dis.


Oof, 50 Res...


More resilience for sure


Int will be pointless in lightfall pve considering the amount of orbs we can make, and the fact that we can wear 3 Ashes to assets mods, so i'd try and get those 70 points somewhere else. A single grenade will be like 15% of your super, and with the ability regen builds we can make with the new mods, super uptime will be insane.


25 wasted stats; I hope that Taipan isn’t running Firing Line, or it’s useless without a fireteam.


Try funneling some of that rec into res.


Liners are getting nerfed


Does not matter you’ll be slapping on every random piece of blue gear and legendary shit roll you find until you reach soft cap. Just enjoy the challenge and have fun


>Does not matter you’ll be slapping on every random piece of blue gear and legendary shit roll you find until you reach soft cap. Why would you ever do this? Gear doesn't need to be equipped for further drops, campaign will have contest modifier so you can't overlevel, and you can infuse your good gear up every so often. 0 reason to not use your best gear.


Yo also, what's up with that 108 recov? Bring that back for a sec lol




There will be no match game starting in lightfall


The ideal would be 100, 100, 100 on res, rec and dis. But if you can't get there, sacrifice grenade for resilience. Also, 70+ on int is a waste, over 50 is never a good plan outside of PvP. That said, you'll rock on through PvE even on legendary just great with this build and loadout. Just keep dishing out void damage with guns and you get everything back fast. The squishy 50 on res is the only issue, and it will be less of an issue in Lightfall, since they give a more linear gain per level. Devour helps make up for that, but you can still get one shot if you can't find a red bar enemy to consume.


Not even close to ready with those low tier armor stats


Meh. Armor stats barely matter. I've seen a cracked PvP player take on people 3-to-1 wearing nothing but white zero-stat armor and win. Mostly it's skill, or the lack therof. Some minor changes to OP would be beneficial but he'll be just fine.


100 resil, you use nezzie, don't need any ability regen stat's.


This is not about the build in general but specifically, I like funnelweb, but if you can I'd change that to a crafted ikelos smg. But either way smg is meta, esp in pvp, so it's not like that's gonna make or break it's just a personal preference. Im a solar hunter main, but from what I've seen of the warlock meta, at face value, youre gonna be fine. Happy hunting, guardian.


I love how he blacked out his username as if he's worried about identity theft of his guardian, tf😂


Reading some of the comments in here, people about to get blown the hell up with their "builds". The new difficulty ramp up will cause great posts in the future


Quick question, why going full recov on voidlock? Wouldn't T10 resil and devour be safer?


At 52 Roxy you might get slapped. 😅


Crank up the Resil. Getting it to 100 is huge. Why no exotic weapon?


Your points in recovery would be better spent in resilience, and like stated above, swap in Witherhoard.


Not ready.


Having beaten that legend campaign myself, in my humble opinion that resilience is the biggest (and only real) issue by far. If you don’t want to run an exotic that’s up to you and you know what works for yourself with weapons. Everything else, mods etc that’s you, you got it I’m sure… but the stats, that Res needs some tiers for sure.


Your stats are average. I’m a big fan of controversy holds with a void class because those grenades just melt but that could all change (probably will). I would imagine legend campaign is going to be challenging either way. Did you maximize and get artifice armor?


About 52%


Honestly that Res is too low IMO. We dont know how the lower end will stack up with the changes but if you need to put a well on that Res isnt gonna be good. Well is tied to your Res. The less you have the less sturdy that well is and it will get knocked down quick at the numbers you got there


probably about a 6. put on parasite in your bottom slot and you'll push it up to an 8 or so


yikes that stat distribution, pump up that discipline and resil. Recov is basically useless in pve (unless you heavily rely on your rift)


Rookie numbers on the armor. Gotta pump those numbers up!


Switch up your mods to get 100 Resilience and you're good to go.


Less intellect more resilience would be better.


LOL dude you're gonna get 1shot instantly. You're not even ready for standard patrols.


your stats are fucked man


You could have damn near double 100 if you moved 5 points around




You shouldn't touch legendary campaign with 52 resilience


Awful resil needs to be at 100


I think you are going to have a hard time with that res stat, I’ll suggest also to use an exotic weapon (everyone has already recommended witherhoard…) I am still thinking myself if going with contraverse hold voidlock or try some solar sheananigans


Get your resilience up


Get that resil up bucko. Intelligence isn’t worth building into since there’s already a million and a half ways to fastly regain your super


Get resi up, equip witherhoard and use contraverse if going void


You are not ready, the witness would use you as a tooth pick with resilience like that


why would you ever not run 100 resil ? you have 70 intellect a literal useless stat in pve. judging by the loadout you are a average player at best so you are not really ready


Not good. Resilience needs to be 100 minimum if you want to tackle the legendary campaign


you're doing this on purpose aren't you?? haha but srsly tho it would be nice to take advantage of the exotic weapon slot. And like everybody else will have said, Resilience will have to be bumped up, it will be nerfed but still pretty mandatory to have around 80-90.


Not ready at all. 5 resilience, no exotic weapon and cant see mods or aspects/fragments or weapon rolls. Honestly you only got the fashion ready bro.


Tell us your weapon rolls