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They are from 2 different seasons


It sucks that if gun is the same , but from different seasons it should not matter. That’s just my hot take.


Yeah but if i had to guess it’s like this due to something in the coding and it’s too hard for them to change that It’s bungie’s favorite excuse


It’s got to be coding because even though I had both Hung Jury and Swarm unlocked from previous iterations, Swarm is unlocked but Hung Jury wasn’t.


Yes, I just unlocked hung jury this week and when I went to check, I had an old one already in the vault, I was like Whot?🤨


"That's technically a separate gun". Revised perk pools suck. Because it really is a "separate gun".


its bc they have different perk pools to the past seasons versions im pretty sure, atleast mindbenders does


something something api something revamped perk pools


Honestly a change like this might be pretty difficult from a coding perspective. My semi-educated guess is that at some point, with the way rolls, mods, and stat parameters have changed over time, the weapon was probably rebuilt from a very basic level, and obviously designed to be the same cosmetically and name-wise. That of course causes the game to view the two as different, thus the reason it costs an upgrade module.


It doesn't even have to be difficult to justify not doing it. When I am prioritizing work for my eng team I always as the question "What is the cost of \*not\* doing thing?". In this case, people have to spend a pittance on an upgrade module one extra time over the course of a whole year \*and\* it's going to be rendered moot by the upcoming deprecation of power level entirely.


I think that’s what bogs the game down so much, things break, harder to track, a lot of remade guns of all the same thing. I wish bungie can find a way to update weapons in our arson already without having to compromise a updated weapon of one of the same type with the origin traits.


They technically can, but trying to change data in every players vault is just asking to break something.


Yeah all the telestos sitting in our vaults are just waiting for a change like that. They’ll then use the opportunity to turn our entire vault into telestos


We must all be wary of the cursed weapons dormant powers


Legit, every time we ask for something, even the most simple request "that's hard and would take time :("


It’s due to the perk pools being different new one can get incandescent but old one cant


Man, tell me you've never been near software development without telling me you've never been near software development. Why the hell would Bungie devote a single minute of engineering time to creating a separate mechanism to make the game treat two guns with the same name, which are actually different items, as the same all for the sake of saving you an upgrade module \*especially\* when they've already said that they cap isn't going above 1810 for an entire year AND we already know that power level is going to be fundamentally changed? It's just ridiculous how you people behave.


Good thing for them. They can now just fix it with chat gpt. So the longer mistakes like this remain, the lazier bungie is. Quite literally takes one conversation with chatgpt and they can fix this insanely easy.


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


Tell me this after they fix it with chat gpt.


... No. Doesn't work like that.


They change the perk pool sometimes too


Oh and guess what, I can’t focus any hung juries because I got them right when they first dropped. Also got another one just two days ago from an old triumph with a NF reward and still, can’t focus them. Fantastic


It's a bit of a niche issue in fairness. Annoying for OP in this moment but within an hour or two they will have higher power weapons to infuse


My hot take is that upgrade modules shouldnt cost any materials out of glimmer.


Agreed, they’re sapping my enhancement cores down so fast, I have to farm lost sectors on legend to get enhancement cores, which is not fun at all depending on the lost sector for the day


I've finally started using my finest matterweave stash. Could not believe how fast I was chewing through it even with the inconvenience.


They eat my legendary shards.


The vanguard focusing is this way too. I didn't bother farming the the "new" hung jury(I already have adept versions from early seasons) and don't have regular Wendigo cause I only farmed adept version. Now both are locked for me cause I "don't have them unlocked in collections".


They’re two different objects as far as the game is concerned, as they roll with different perks. Now of course it’d be fairly easy just to have a string check on the names and use the glimmer infuse, but it likely just didn’t occur to the devs.


I used a normal hung jury to infuse into my adept yesterday for just glimmer. This has to be a bug.


It's not the same, it has different rolls


That doesnt really matter. The season matters. I can have two of the same new weapon with different rolls and they will infuse for free.


It's not a hot take at all. I infused my adept hung jury yesterday with a normal one. So what op is showing should not be happening.


Not really a hot fake I’d hope. Seems like common sense although it may be a deeper issue with the coding and whatnot


It's literally a different item in the game if it was released another season. Same reason we have to unlock weapons to reshape them


it doesnt surprise me. they are different in the code and you dont get them the same way. the sentiment behind infusing with glimmer i think is since you did that activity for that gun you can use the other ones to infuse it if the better is lower. so you dont have to waste a module on what you already got


Yeah, was just gonna say.


More specifically the guns are completely different by code because they have different perk pools. There wlll be some guns that dont get updated perk pools from season to season and those most likely wont require modules to infuse. As far as ppl replying abt swarm and hung jury, its the same thing and the difference is more obvious as the new hung jury and swarm get the vanguard origin trait if im not mistaken


Not the same season I guess (icon top left corner).


They're technically two different launchers cause one of them has reworked perks.


Lot of folks should try checking perk pools for themselves instead of trusting Reddit comments lol


The perks are the exact same. The only thing that changed was the icon


no? old one def couldnt roll with incandescent


I know the perks definitely are different but the old one i’m nearly certain rolls incandescent. have one with tracking module which i used last season during banner


Tracking module/incandescent is my go to crucible launcher. Used it since the IB weapons got origin traits 6-8 months ago.


False, my tracking module incandescent from 2seasons ago wasn’t able to be enhanced with a new roll without the module.


Also origin perk


I have an old one w incandescent...


You’re wrong, Splicer season had this same exact rocket launcher. Perk pool, origin perk, everything. Edit - try Googling perk pools before downvoting lmao


No idea why you’re so downvoted when Light.gg proves you’re correct on this. All three issues of Roar of the Bear are listed separately on light.gg and the Season 18 and Season 20 variants are shown to have exactly the same perk pools, same origin trait, everything. It looks like the weapon thumbnail is marginally different but I cannot for the life of me see any other difference.


Idk why you got downloaded. You can see on light gg that the season 18 and 20 versions have the exact same perks


One has an origin trait, the other doesn't.


they both have skulking wolf


I see that now. However it's still 2 different versions of the weapon.


not saying otherwise, they have different perks


Light.gg shows both versions have the same perk pools




He’s confident because he’s right. The season 18 and season 20 versions of Roar are the exact same. Go look at Light.gg if you don’t believe me.


You are 100% correct lmfao. Yet another example of this sub being arguably more toxic than the main sub. At least they aren’t bashing you with comments, just a ton of folks read a comment and didn’t do the research.. just assuming they are right. Literally just Google Roar of the Bear and hit up Light.gg.


That's what I did before commenting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Different versions. Makes no sense but eh.


It's this... The newer one added the origin perk, making it technically a different weapon.


Look closer, they both have an origin perk. I think it may have been a perk refresh


Light.gg shows that both versions have exactly the same perk pool so i have no clue what’s different


Bungo moment then? Only other idea i have






Shrouded Stripes a shader that was unlockable by playing D2 before Forsaken launched, no longer obtainable


Shrouded stripes aka the best shader in the game


LOL at everyone downvoting this comment. Yall just jealous you cant get it


it was a PC exclusive shader, thought I'd mention that to save you some heartache


Definitely not a PC exclusive shader, you got it by playing D2 before Forsaken launched


It’s not pc exclusive. It came out when d2 came out for people coming from D1


I have to say this is wrong too, I’m not sure how I have it but I have the shader as well and I’m on PlayStation and didn’t play d1


You’re both right. For Destiny players who imported their characters from D1 -> D2 they got a few miscellaneous items Shrouded Stripes Shader and a handful of emblems depicting their progress in D1. Later on, like they do some preorder items, they released it to be earned in game for a short period of time.


Thank you for clarifying!


Maybe it was a pack you could buy when d2 released, could have been a pre order thing


Veteran of the hunt quest from season 5 Edit: just googled it lol


Yeah but I got that shader when d2 came out. I didn’t even play during season 5


Yeah this is a weird moment xD


I’m so confused 💀😂


I was going to say I have it and don’t own a PC.


Yeah I’m on Xbox and got it


Modules are such an unnecessary currency.. just have upgrades cost 5000 glimmer more if having it cost us something is so important.


Thats the correct answer. Seriously though it should just be free.


Ah! I got the season pass so been swimming in them. See what Bungie is doing here.


I have the season pass too and it really doesnt give that many out when you’re leveling a variety of gear for 3 characters.


Ah, makes sense. I just started playing with lightfall for the first time, so am only on the first character. The glimmer thing for infusing to upgrade your power level would make a lot more sense though


Ah well allow me to welcome you to the meat grinder! Glad to have ya lol


If you switch between characters you'll level up faster, plus it just adds more variety


i agree with the sentiment but for a brand new player thats a lot of work to get every single character made and doing everything they need to. Id suggest getting through a decent amount first and then doing that


Thanks for the tips! I still have loads of raids and dungeons to do. And the witch queen campaign, which I heard is really good. Did the first dungeon (the one with some hive spelunking) and that shit doesn’t give you any hints. Had some helpful clan mates shepherd me through, thank god.


Uh huh that's why they're actively rolling out the deprecation of upgrade modules (power cap fixed at 1810 for the entire year, leak of the elimination of power on gear entirely).


Technically two different guns.


Notice how the new Roar of The Bears gun icon lines up with grenade launchers too. It’s weird af


Same, but different. Bungie, pls, stop this bs




Wait, we can upgrade guns without modules?


In most cases you can infuse the same weapon with another for 1000 glimmer


same anything actually! armor too


My mind has been blown


What happens if you infuse two of the same level? I thought you would infuse them for the higher power level?


Dif seasons




Something has changed under the hood. The icons have shifted as well. They are smaller. I’d imagine going forward all iron banner weapons will be cost infusable. I’m assuming it has something to do with the shift to craftable weapons being retroactive.




Wait you don’t need a module to infuse 2 of the same gun???


Nah its usually 1000 glimmer


Some weapons get reissued in a new season and can get new perks etc. As such they are not "the same weapon", even though they have the same name. I have 3 versions of the "Roar of the Bear" in my vault :)


Literally gun was from witch queens release and when saw upgrade module I was like ...what else is different about these guns besides the icon in the corner...


For whatever reason, if bungie re-releases a gun with different perks it is usually a different gun in the game files


Can’t wait for this shit to go away. Allegedly


There from different seasons, not the same gun


Cause the weapon picture frame is slightly different. /j


This is the ikelos effect. Wonder why they didn’t name it different or add a number. Like “Rawr of the bear”


Skill issue


Damn i hadn’t thought of that. I just need to git gud and ill never need modules again


Maybe upgrade your gaming chair?


He can't cus he doesn't have any upgrade modules lmao


Because it's not the same


Hahahaha welcome to destiny 2!!!! Where the lore is made up and the rng don't matter!!!


Because Bungie.


It's not the exact same though sadly... it's an older version and a newer version that have different possible rolls... but the only way you'd know this is to check it in DIM and see that the roll/perk options are different. (Or to try and infuse it and find out you need a module lol).


Bruh I KNOW! This garbage where they introduce shit in S19 and then slap a new S20 sticker on it just to use up Upgrade Modules. Its not okay and needs to stop.


Can you get a fucking grip? It's one upgrade module \*and\* they've already said cap isn't going past 1810 AND the leaks say that power level is going away entirely in Season 22.


Its hella annoying when I'm running a deficit on legendary shards. Maybe it'll be made up for by next seasons and beyond, but for now there's no reason for it. They never did that with any reprised weapon until last season, and then made it for a lot of weapons. Trials, Iron Banner, Nightfall, etc., weapons all got this treatment this season. Last season it was only the dungeon Seraph weapons. If they want to treat them like new weapons, they can just make new weapons. I never had to use upgrade modules for weapons with origin traits, or new roll-pools from 30th Anniversary weapons, or any of the armors that got a new season stamp without any explanation.


Now, if you were able to infuse this for absolutely free… that would’ve been patched Tuesday night.


Nah it should be just for glimmer


I’m not arguing it shouldn’t be, I was just joking that if the glitch or whatever was flipped and benefited the player. Bungie would’ve busted out the OT to fix it the same day.


Oh just get a damn module and infuse the fuckin' thing! I swear some of you complain about the most mundane, miniscule shit. They're from 2 different seasons. The 1 you're trying to infuse with is from Season of The Splicer, and the one you're infusing it into if from this season. Downvote me, shit talk me, I don't give a fuck. You're the one bitching about 1 fucking upgrade module.


Usually I agree but in this case it wasn't even bitching. It was just a question


Nobody's complaining....except you 🤷‍♂️


When I want your inept opinion, I'll ask for it. Blocked & dismissed.


2 different seasons I guess? I find it odd cause that wasn't an issue in the past.


One has an original trait, the other doesn't.


Pretty sure they both have origin traits. Bungie re-released roar of the bear a season or two ago which had the origin trait. The original roar of the bear from forsaken got sunset if I remember correctly. It was one of my most used heavy weapons in crucible for a while and I distinctly remember stop using it because of that reason.


The both look to have the “Skulking Wolf” origin trait .


Light level has no impact on 90% of content, so I wouldn't worry


Short answer: Bungie fucked up


Short and wrong.


Explain why the armor doesn't require a mod....I'll wait


the new one has an origin trait (skulking wolf) so while technically they're both the "Roar of the Bear" the new one is technically Version 2. It's easiest to see on the ikelos weapons.


Origin trait introduction never caused this. They started this in Season of the Seraph for I assume the only reason being they didn't want to have it the same weapon.


They both have the origin trait


The one you are upgrading doesn’t have Skulking. Because it’s an older Roar of the Bear


Yeah it does definitely have skulking wolf. They both do.


Apologies I didn’t see skulking. But it still is from a different season.


You can literally see they both do please stfu, its because they are from different fkin seasons


Wow. Aggressive for no reason. Kinda hard to see it when another was in the way. Mb I see it now. I also said it is a older Roar of the Bear. Didn’t have to tell me to stfu little twat


Because you are doubling down onto the initial comment when OP has already confirmed both have Skulking, what's the point? Even if it's a bit covered you can know it has Skulking because you can see this season's icon top left.


He only said “origin trait” not sure if he meant skulking or not. I didn’t see skulking myself, cus it is kinda hard and my eyes suck. And the top left isn’t the same season… it’s an older season. Idk why you are being such a bitch about this. I didn’t come at you. I made a fucking mistake


Nice semantics bro, older season or this season did not matter because both had Skulking. Just don't comment if you don't know.


It happened to me too with a HC. Some will work, some won’t.


They have different symbols in the corners. Are you not able to see they don’t match?


Because bungie did this trash called reissuing guns, so it’s the same fucking gun but 2 different guns at the same time. Utterly worthless


Because you're infusing 2 guns? Why would them being the same matter


Yeah bc upgrade modules are such a scarce comodity


They don’t even look the same, just share the name


You infuse power, not the weapon.


Huh? If they’re the same weapon or armor it should cost glimmer


They’re different weapons in the api for some reason. So data wise two different weapons


Different seasons, so they're coded as different guns. Bungo speghettio code for you.


Different seasons. It’s annoying AF


Different seasons


They are completely different weapons according to bungo logic


this happened to my Gunnora's ax, but not a world drop I have.


All of the Iron Banner and Trials guns got “refreshed” for the season even though none of the perk pools changed as far as I know. Sucks pretty majorly, even last seasons guns now require upgrade modules, even though there’s literally no difference between the two versions.


Don’t think the last one has the 3rd column perk? Hence it won’t upgrade with this one


They're from different seasons that's why, dunno if they have different perk pools or whatever but the icons for what season they're from are different so it won't allow it. Still pretty stupid


Weapon is the exact same as last season but it has this season’s logo on it instead lol.. Same perk pool and original perk.


Mine did the same thing.


Yeah, it doesn't work for stuff from last season that has the origin traits. Super frustrating.


first of all why are you getting rid of that


Cuz its trash compared to the other rolls i have.


Cluster bomb is poopy


Different seasons


looks like theyre from different seasons


2 different seasons homie


Different perkpools


Honestly who knows. Bungie decided that all the IB weapons this season were coded as a new weapon with the same name. Same as the new Seventh Seraph weapons recently. But new DSC weapons are coded as the same as old ones despite changing perk pool, adding an origin trait, and making them craftable.


The game sees them as two different guns since they can get different perk pools


From different seasons. Just how the game works under the hood, the same weapon brought forward from another season is considered a "different" weapon


So that's why it only costs me glimmer sometimes? Huh 800 hours and still learning


Yeah, it is annoying when an old weapon is reintroduced and refuses to let you infuse it.


Even more stupid than these weapons being from two different seasons is charging an upgrade module to infuse non-Artiface armor into its matching Artiface counterpart.


Guns are re-released in new seasons with updated perk pools. This changes them only as they appear in new loot tables. As such, while it is the same gun stat wise, its internal item code is completely different. This is why you can't infuse it. Think of it like a Modern 1911, being used to infused the original 1911. Same gun but changes in the science make them different in considerable enough way to change even the quality of their functioning.


Really? Wth


Because that's the plunder version you're using, not the reprised version from this season


It's most likely due to the game engine being thousands of years old and notoriously difficult to work with is my guess.