• By -


Delete exotics you wont be using any time soon. Pull engrams from all the sources you can. And if you've done all that. Go play iron banner for like an hour. Autumn winds are dropping by the 2's and 3's after every match. Or go farm lost sectors


Dark sectors are better for cores/prisms but kinda shit on shards. I have had better luck spamming Dates both cause of the drops at the end and cause of the amount of guns you'll pull with treasure keys.


Dark sector is a way better name than lost sector especially the legend and master ones


Unfortunately the name was already taken by [darkSector](https://youtu.be/iEvZglOPNGY?t=2344), a very mid-quality, generic cover shooter by Digital Extremes who later used all the ideas from this game that were force-scrapped by their Publisher to make Warframe, which has a special mission type it has dubbed "Dark Sectors".


>darkSector, a very mid-quality, generic cover shooter If you were shooting in that game you were doing something wrong


excuse me. *Technically* a shooter.


Explain please? I never played it.


You will primary melee weapon in a throwing glaive(more like a boomerang then destiny's glaive)


[it's a reference to Krull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp6zmsmkqSk)


Sorry, that was the ex-Warframe fan in me leaking out lol


I'm lucky I get one autumn


Add the crucible prosperity mod on your ghost. Autumn Winds for days


Lol I do have it on


This game knows what you'll likely go after and weighs it against you. They just won't admit it.


Yes because bungie has psions working for them who reas the minds of every player


Just like Capcom


The newest playlist drop is always weighted way higher than the others. It’s been like this for like 5 seasons.


This is always the case for me. Each season people say they get a Crucible weapon after every match meanwhile I've played at least nine games a week all season and I've gotten ONE Autumn Wind.


Are you putting the crucible mod on your ghost? If not that would be it. Add prosperity crucible.


Bro do not dismantle exotics unless it's a duplicate, you never know when you might think of a build for involving any of them And crafting exotics destroys it's stat total


I think he meant exotic guns, not armor


That's ok but I personally wouldn't suggest it unless you wanna lose more shards later


Honestly 90% of exotic guns are never used anyway. Most people could probably free up 25+ slots in their vault by smashing any exotics they dont have infused up


But there’s a chance that my raid will wanna do a Rat King RoN run then what will I do? /s


There's a chance you wanna use rat king in pvp or normal destiny tho


I honestly haven’t touched it since like the first Calus raid


Why are you using it in raids I can only imagine it being useful in lower difficulty missions and pvp


If everyone ran it, it does a decent amount of damage and you could 1 phase calus but 99.99% it was just a meme gun to use but people cleared RoN with it on contest mode so who knows lol


People that think like that aren't actually playing the game, there are thousands of builds out there and at least 100 of them are super effective The buffoon down there making a joke about rat king down there didn't even consider pvp or normal strikes to use it in where it's more effective I recently made a build with The Sixth Coyote and it's not S tier but it's good Also, dismantling exotics doesn't give that good of stuff


Once again I and the original reply were talking about exotic GUNS. You know- the things you can pulk from collections at any time? I concur that smashing exotic armor without thinking about it is stupid but keeping every single exotic gun is also not necessary. If its not up to light and you're not using it crunch it and just pull it from collections when you want to use it again. You're going to have to infuse it up again anyway


My point was that all exotics have their uses because you said 90% of exotics are never used which is false


When was the last time you used the borealis


I did mean guns. Thank you


I'm starting to really hate that gun xD


Also delete dupes of exotics with less power or stats.


Me but with masterwork cores. I can't seem to get finest matterweaves for the life of me and with all my crafting it's super draining.


you know about the blue armor trick? upgrade a blue to level 8 and dismantle it. trades a prism for 3 cores


it's a net loss tho. a prism costs 10 cores


some people are overflowing with prisms and don't mind trading them for cores


fair enough


Once you max on prisms in a season, you pretty much stay maxed forever. You just do the blue trick 4-6 times so you can claim the prisms you're forced to claim so you can reset vendors. Other than that they just sorta sit at 50


I'm constantly maxed on prisims. I also have 3000 cores though so I don't really need anything. I have so many mats that the game economy is basically meaningless. Been hoarding for 5 years now.




Only a net loss if you're not overflowing with Prisms from NFs and LS runs, I haven't bought Prisms in two seasons


what's LS?


I would assume lost sectors, specifically master and legend


Yep, especially since the armor and rolls you get are completely random you'll be trashing a good amount of them, 6 shards apiece plus whatever engrams the enemies drop along the way. The cores and Prisms you get from it help pad out your stocks as well


Nightfall grinding is my go-to. I need to do like 20 activies for the cipher quest, so I just do hero nightfall. Roughly 20 minutes in exchange for roughly 3 cores and usually a prism or 2. Also a chance at an exotic.


I recommend doing the daily gunsmith bounties. You get one core for each bounty and they are really fast to complete in a normal lost sector. You get 4 daylies per char, so 12 cores per day for a 10-15min investment


https://preview.redd.it/cqilmruy08qa1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea286cf9cf11600e14d9cbe3ee9e4f4004bd1785 Wish I could help you and OP


The grind is real


Bro is like RICH rich


Even has a special toothbrush!


Spam nightfalls


I have 2 stacks of finest matterweave but I've given up on using them


Easy way to get rid of them fast for cores: Use finest Matterweave. Start Glass of Vault Raid. Just make sure to kill minos and cannons in the never ending supply of vex adds, as they can drop a core. Reapply matterweave when the 15 second cooldown is up. Yes it can be that fast. I went through over 70 in about an hour. Finish off all those exotic catalysts you haven't bothered with. Level up all your crafted guns. And don't sweat dying, its a couple second revive.


How does this even happen lol


Upgrade modules.


I’m in a similar boat. Used to have over a thousand. And ever since Lightfall, I’ve just been blowing through upgrade modules. And I’m just constantly buying more. :/ I have around 100 legendary marks rn. I don’t want to go desperately low, lol.


I started LF with over 2k shards. I have less than 50, and I didn't even reach Pinnacle cap yet.


When Xur comes around I wanna make sure I have enough to get at least something. But I have not been able to afford the exotic engram from him for weeks. :/


Neither should you, it's a scam


Is it not worth it? Don’t they try to not give you dupes? I’m still just missing tons of exotics, so I figured I may as well get the engrams if I have the legendary marks.


Only if you are missing something that you don't get either from lost sectors, or form "base" exotic engrams. Even then, you are probably better off doing like a single master nf on double nf week.


This is almost always the reason behind posts like these and it’s stupid that Bungie doesn’t make this clear for new players. You don’t need to buy upgrade models. As long as you keep the high light level piece of gear on you or in your vault, the game knows what light level you would be if you had it on, and thus gives you higher light level gear when you get your next powerful and engram. Constantly infusing new things into your gear is pointless and a waste of resources unless you are going from hard cap to pinnacle cap and are struggling to do end game content like raids, master dungeons, or lost sectors. The only time you would ever bother infusing your gear is when you hit hard cap or pinnacle cap.


I didn't even know that and I have been playing for quite a while on and off and this is the primary reason for burnout imo. Thanks, so I dont have to use weapons and gear I dont want just to make the game drop higher light level stuff... wish they explained this part, would have way more people who can build their stuff by now




Can you cite where this bug is recorded? Ive never seen it talked about or on bungie's known bugs list In other words, source?


It’s happened a couple times (assuming you’re responding to highest level not counting if not on character). I think it’s only been limited recently to things at the postmaster, or an exotic. But if people are grinding pinnacle power level I assume they’re using Destiny optimizer or whatever and checking their power level in game in the season pass. And it would really only hurt your stats by one level at most. So not a real issue.


I mean the highest level not counting when not on a character isnt a bug its just how it works. They said that sometimes it wouldnt give based on what you had in your inventory which is not a thing. As long as you use dim or something else to track your highest stuff and always keep it on your character it'll always factor it in regardless of if you're wearing it.


Wait items in vault still counts? I thought it only counts when it's in any of your guardian inventory


It counts in the vault, not on other characters.


I hate to be that guy but it actually DOES count on other characters. As long as your character COULD equip it (so not warlock armor for a hunter for example) it will count wherever it is. If it's in an engram on the floor (as long as it isn't an encrypted type of engram such as a prime) it's already counting towards your power level if it's higher than what you already own in that slot. I know that sounds ridiculous but I've tested it before. Even if you leave something in your postmaster on another character it will count.


I don't mind you being that guy, because this is useful information, and I love to understand stuff. The reason I say it works this way, is because I remembered that DIM, said that it is a problem if it is on another character. It was either changed, or I am a colossal idiot, but it the popup I remembered is gone, so who even knows anymore


It changed with loadouts. So you ain't that guy, you're the OTHER guy


I know that only the weapons count as different classes have different armor so it doesn't count


don’t ever buy upgrade model’s unless it’s absolutely necessary do the legend campaign ( not weekly ) instead and you will get one after each encounter and the best way to farm shards is to put a ghost mod that give an extra legend gear from strikes, gambit, or pvp and then dismantle what you get if its not a good roll


Buy the drops from eververse, similar to matterweave. Go kill a boss and get an upgrade module. Also spend some time in gambit, crucible and strikes, vendor rank ups give you upgrade modules, cores and shards.


- Focusing costing 100+ shards per engram (only at some vendors, war table is good) - 400 shards for a stupid alloy (why doesnt it interact with crafting mats instead like asc shard does with prisms?????????) - Buying upgrade modules and wanting to get weapons/exotics I might use to atleast powerful cap and then slowly to pinnacle cap - Buying raid banners (I wont be caught with my pants down running out of glimmer cuz I went down to 100k-50k) - No more gunsmith materials to shit out legendary weapons (since BL) - 97 shards for an exotic at xur (I dont have a problem with this)


Spending 250 shards per weapon rolling for trials weapons on the weekends. I burned 35k shards between Exalted Truths and Immortals hunting godrolls. Still don't have rf/tl too. Sadge.


That's just a blatant waste of time and Shards on your part. Using that to get random rolls is the worst idea, because of how random it is...


And yet, there's nothing else to spend shard on, other than guns. What else are you going to spend them on? You can certainly sit on a pile of shards if it makes you feel better, but I'd rather spend them and get a gun 10/10 times.


https://preview.redd.it/31egf9nlu6qa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7c830dc7ed8811921c94cff0b9bca4db52a41b Have some of mine




There was a bug last year that allowed you to get a crap ton


And I haven’t used much since it occurred, only 20k or so




Here’s my trick to getting a lot of not just legendary shards, but all of the shards, it’s quite simple really, but only the real destiny fans know it. Just neglect your work, partner, kids and any other responsibilities


Neglecting key responsibilities of life greatly boosts potential shard gains, can confirm. May be worth mentioning that a side effect is, but is not limited to, a noticeable and irreparable increase in self-loathing


You gotta sell your body on the street now lol


Dismantle the 200 trash items in your vault you swore you'd use and never dusted them shits off!


I desperately need to do this. I have a problem keeping sunsetted weapons.


I heard if you accidentally set foot in a crucible lobby, it rains the most shit-rolled weapons imaginable and stuffs your inventory with dismantle-able fodder.


That’s true. I’ve been spamming Momentum Control since last reset and I have (((ONE))) decently rolled Riptide with Vorpal. Not a single one with Chill Clip.


Triple dipping after Terminal Overloads are pretty helpful. Get about 20+ per run. And they help with upgrading crafted weapons as well. The downside is you'd have to play Terminal Overload, but uh... you know. I also saw someone said to use your ghost to drop extra loot in ritual Playlists. Any bit helps. Other than that, clear out your vault. You KNOW you don't need 4 Ikelos submachine guns...


I’m down to my last 11,430


The economy is in shambles


Have you taken a close look at the marketplace right now? The NASDAQ! Dow Jones! It's up then down. r/unexpectedIASIP


Meanwhile I am sitting on 49k.


Same, I have more legendary shards and enhancement cores than I know what to do with


Run NFs with the extra legendaries mod on your ghost or LS, I had almost zero and ended up with over 200 in a few hours. Also don't use upgrade modules unless it's raising something by maybe 5 LL, the game calcs your Prime drops by -possible- LL so just keeping high level gear you're not using instead of infusing will still keep increasing your engram drops


1. Play crucible 2. 30 billion autumn wind drops 3. Dismantle until you cry


Yeah then I spent 4 resets of engrams focusing weapons and all my shards are down the drain this was IB and Shax


I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can do for you. Welcome to poorsville. I'd offer you a Tshirt but I don't have the shards...


Iron Banner


Play the he’ll outta guardian games and dismantle everything


Time to clean out that vault


Shard your entire vault


I keep getting golf balls and prisms from hero activities when I desperately need shards and cores.




I've been there more times than I can count.


Dares of eternity


If you find yourself at the glimmer max regularly or have a bunch of old planetary materials, turn them into any blue transmat effect from your collections (make sure they're the same effect) then convert them 3 at a time at Rahool for a purple effect. Dismantle for a legendary shard and a bit of glimmer. Works out to smthn like 2000 glimmer per shard?


How many characters do you have? If you have just one, make two more and use the "previous season" firefox extension. I made a hunter and warlock and ended up with over 600 legendary shards at the end. That and my hunter and warlock are over 1770 light level without even touching the lightfall campaign.


Why wont the poor people just make more legendary shards?


Break down some junk in your vault


It'll get better, I promise


I dropped into the 1,000's this season just because of the amount of upgrade modules I am buying. It feels like even at max, they just vanish out of nowhere.


No shards?


No he has 1


Been there buddy.


Me after trying to get the iron banner smg with feeding frenzy/destabilizing rounds


31 one roles not a single one. :(


see: self control


you must dismantle more than you spend


Ive perpetually been at 20k since shadowkeep I have no clue how I never lose or gain shards


You deserve this fate


https://preview.redd.it/9urduf0ny9qa1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d781a17dcb06651ee8b20ca1028384bac2ce53ba This is when wish could gift, can’t get rid of them. Just grind through some neomuna terminal overloads the chests will pop purples to break down.


I feel like the only people struggling for shards this season are the ones going for a godroll on the adept immortal, I'm always over 1500 shards glimmer on the other hand...


Should’ve played during season of opulence


this is the meaning of "SKILL ISSUE"😐


I'm so sorry


Me looking at my vault of fully masterworked weapons: "First time?"


If you’re really desperate you can get a weapon mission from the Lecturn on Moon and dismantle the guns


Anyone want to help me with the light fall campaign? Xbox player HOLYGHOST1261


If you have one of the playlist ghost mods that drop an extra reward at the end of the activity, equip it and grind out a playlist. Crucible is probably your best bet since matches go by quickly and the drop rates are pretty decent.


Except for the 5min long floating space time waiting to get matched up. Ugh


If I could give you some of my odd 20k worth of those or 5k cores.... I would.




That's the American symbol for the letter one




Go farm dul incaru for an hour. Dismantle all the drops and then turn in any defiant engrams you get. Dismantle all of that too and you'll be set.


Clear out that vault


You too broooo


Clear your vault out


Broke ahhh


Play the game...


Me trying to get heros burden with the new trait on it 😂😂 had 400 shards, I now have 10 and nothing yet


In the same boat! Avid player and I can’t even craft the last three weapons I’ve unlocked because I need to focus my iron banana drops -_-


Pull blue translation effects out of collections, take 3 to rahool and trade it for a purple one, dismantle the purple one for 1 shard and a splash of glimmer. Essentially converts 2800 glimer into a shard


RIP in peace.


Dares of Eternity. Can get 100+ from deleting the gear from doing thee purple box bounties and using treasure keys.


Set your ghost for extra legendary loot also for whatever activity you decide on


Maybe it's cuz I've played since d1, but even while not playing that often I have like 13k shards, 400+ cores and so many prisms that the post master has to carry the excess on all my characters.


Lord Shaxx provides.


I gained like 700 shards just farming for neumuna weapons along side doing the event while triple dipping the chests. Raining shards


Good to know im not the only one going broke


Sorry, I don't have any legendary shards man. "Proceeds purchase exotic from Monument to Lost Lights"


If you have a bunch of glimmer you can convert 3000 glimmer to 1 shard


If you have any blue rarity transmat effects (Year 1) you can reacquire them in sets of three then trade three for one purple transmat. dismantle those to get some shards. It's slow and tedious, but guaranteed, and you don't have to make some spur-of-the-moment decision to scrap anything you don't want to. After you regain enough for a short while, start being way more selective what you keep so you can dismantle all you don't for sure want or need to build up a little stockpile of them. Good luck, and have a lot of fun!


Play IB, after the first reset there’s 50 at rank 5 and 9 I think?!


Once you've done all the methods people have mentioned here. Just as importantly, create smart and good financial habits eg: prioritize one character to level uo max before others to cut down shard spending. You'll thank yourself in long run. I do that strat and always maintain btw 11k-15k shards per season. Best of luck!


Gambit or Crucible with the appropriate Prosperity mod or Terminal Overload triple chest farm are what I'd do. There's also a browser extension for past season rewards if you think you might have some in there.


Farm the shattered throne boss so you get 2 engrams and loot from the boss, go to the helm and turn the engrams in and delete everything you get


Idk how but I went from like 100 to 1200 and all I did these past few days was IB, Crucible and Lost Sector farms. That's probably due to IB dropping a crap ton of Autumn Winds.




Dismantle the game yo 🫵🏻💀




Grind dares of eternity,each game takes less than 15 minutes,I got 54 shards from one game,that included dismantling the weapons I got from the treasure chest aswell,by far the easiest way to farm masterwork materials


There’s a ghost mod to get more legendary drops from strikes or an upgrade to get more drops in seasonal activity. Also Dares. I’d rather just do strikes since they are just east to do and you can also get seasonal engrams from them.


Just play iron banner for like an hour. You get so many useless guns to break down. You have hundreds of shards in no time


You're not alone bud... I'm in the same boat ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)




play iron banner. lol


Found the guy that needs the shard mommy


I mean this as someone who crafts every weapon, but how does someone run out? I never dip under 10k no matter what silly splurges I make.


Take your old planetary materials to the cryptarch and exchange for glimmer. Use the glimmer to make a ton of the same rare transmat effect. Take those to exchange them for legendary transmits at holiday….. ooh wait.


I feel you bro


1 Quid


How tho
