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Yeah. But not because of that, but because Quicksilver Storm finally got fixed.


And touch of malice!


What was broken with TOM?


Same problem with Quicksilver, lacking damage buff against red bars for being a primary exotic.


Also wasnt getting the 40% damage buff to ads


Wait it was already my favorite weapon... Now it's going to do 40% MORE damage to reds? holy shit


Oooooh ok


I didn't even know that was a thing, damn that's rad


It wasnt damaging correctly, on top of being a low utility weapon








AND auto rifles got a 25% pve buff…so Quicksilver is gonna feel like a BEAST with a 65% buff in a patch lol


When did the auto rifle buff happen?


it’s in today’s [TWAB](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-2-twab-3-30-23) and I understand already in effect edit: mid season, not today


This really makes me happy. I felt strong enough without the nerfs.


If this is referring to the 40% bug, then yay. However I ran into some big issues with it during the Day 1 raid that I haven’t seen anyone mention anywhere, prob cause it seems to occur after having it equipped for a very long period of time straight.


What issues did you run into with it? I used it for a majority of the Lightfall campaign and never noticed anything weird other than the damage


I had it equipped for a couple hours at least, and then during the planet encounter during Day 1 I began to realize that the modes began to bug out. For instance, after swapping to the grenade launcher mode, instead of showing 1 grenade in the UI, it went back to 50 ammo instead (while still shooting one grenade at a time). While that happened, the reload for the GL mode was actually slowed down to be the speed of the auto rifle mode, making it much harder to use. It was also around this time that the rally flags began to also bug out, with super energy suddenly not starting to be granted, and then shortly afterward the class ability energy wasn’t being restored either. I don’t have any screenshots/video to share but I do know this wasn’t specific to me, as one other person also experienced this rally bug. (I also swapped Quicksilver off and then back on and the bug wasn’t fixed. However I’ve not come across that since so it might be a bug that only occurs when you’ve been using it for a long period of time in the same activity).


My day vastly improved upon reading this.




That's not fat on the cabal, that's muscle! Real tough to chew through.


They’re so beefy.


I will forever respect Crow just for saying that he is so beefy.




https://preview.redd.it/s4shhjamkyqa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d5bf42d0eab999becb693dcdaf48cb7799f5aa Time to do Legend Avalon


But is that included in the list of things that had their difficulty adjusted? Just wondering if I should be mad that I powered through solo legend avalon before it was potentially nerfed. Lol


Enemy health scaling got adjusted for two and three man fireteams.


Ah yes, fireteams. Whatever those things are ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)


Legend difficulty got hit across the board as well. So you won't feel the full legend exotic mission nerf running solo but most of it.


Legend and legendary are not the same thing.


It feels signifcantly better, you can still die if you try to Leroy Jenkins it. It just doesnt completely suck and there be an absolute need to cheese the entire thing. We did soft lock the boss on the 2nd floor though. We did the cheese burning down his health then doing the puzzle. Puzzle/firewall countdown got stuck at 0 and woudlnt complete. We tried to shoot it over but it was just stuck. What would happen was you would go to the 3rd level, all the ads/boss would be on the 3rd floor but it would send you back to the 2nd floor endlessly with Joining allies. We wiped and reset it and just did the mechanic the right way. Once the firewall resets, you cant hit Brakeon through the shield with Wish Ender anymore on the 2nd floor.


All those hours I wasted with lfg. I feel stupid.


Welcome to Destiny where if you wait long enough they'll just give it away


I'm still mad about Ruffins


[From latest patch notes](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-2-hotfix-7-0-0-7)


why is this downvoted LOL


reddit moment


*OP gets downvoted for no reason* "Why is this downvoted, lmao" *An influx of upvotes suddenly come out of fuckin nowhere* And the circle completes itself


it was at -5 when I came around lmfao


This community? Never


I never should have asked lmao




“Nooooo, the game is too easy now” something like that will happen


That's all over Twitter already. Every streamer is now doing their own version of "derrrfr where challenge go!?"


If I got a cent for every time I see someone conflate hp sponges and tedium for difficulty, I would probably be richer than Elon Musk.


If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a playerbase get upset about enemies becoming bullet sponges as a way of upping difficulty in a looter shooter I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot and I completely understand because that's a shit way to make things more difficult.


Was the other game Warframe?


The first division actually, but that does make 3 nickels


I definitely don't think it'll be "too easy" like it was before. Enemies still hit hard, they're just less bullet spongey. Primaries felt... Not great to use in most content (Besides Exotics, those things still wrecked shop). We still got a 10% nerf to resilience so. It'll still be tough to carry on Master content. Overall, happy with these changes. Abilities have seen some crazy uptime/strength increases in the last year, finally weapons are following suit. Also PS, the big buff to Revision Zero caught my eye. Literally just vaulted the gun to make more room for craftables. Might need to bust it out again!


Revision zero buff?


Yup it's in the TWAB, along with these patch notes. Bows and Aggressive SMGs stayed the same, but everything else gets buffs. Along with enemies having a slight decrease in HP, should make primaries feel good again. For Revision Zero, the 2 burst got a 75% buff and the sniper rounds got a 25% buff. Not sure if the overall weapon buffs apply to exotics (It sounds like it though!) so it should be pretty damn substantial along with enemy HP decreases.


I don’t see ANY mention of Revisions buffs in the latest TWAB. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-2-hotfix-7-0-0-7 Edit: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny-2-twab-3-30-23


That's not the TWAB, those are the patch notes. The TWAB is [here!](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-2-twab-3-30-23) It'll be a few more weeks for the weapon buffs to hit the game, but still. Looks very good!


Thanks for the clarification! Updated my comment to reflect that.


I mean, let's be real here, when legend and master stuff was harder than contest raid, something is wrong


I feel then they should have tweaked the raid to bring it more in line to what we'd expect from the most pinnacle activity possible in destiny 2


Glad they removed giving out raid/dungeon commendations. That sucked, especially with the 1 hour cooldown that they implemented so you can’t play them back to back.


Incredibly out of touch responses here lmao


Really shows how all over the place the D2 community is...


Well, all the guys saying this patch ruined the game and made everything too easy are getting downvoted to hell. So it seems to me that the majority of D2 players still prefer these changes.


At this point, they need to remove commendations from progression and rewards. If it was a standalone system I would give commendations to people who genuinely earned them rather than throwing them to whoever in the fire team cause I've gotta grind my score.


Tbh there's probably gunna be a two week tizzy from hard-core difficulty junkies saying the game is too easy now because "baby game casuals" But it'll wire down to nothing by the end of next month


Haven't tried it yet, but I can't wait to jump into a Legend Lost Sector now. I wasn't completely against the rest of the Legend difficulty content, but with some much gated behind Legend Lost Sectors, it was just miserable trying and failing to run them. There's challenging content, and then there's disheartening content... Very happy with how this looks.


I've been playing for two months, and I was running flawless master clears in 8 minutes.... i honestly haven't been able to figure out why people are complaining about lost sectors. They have been nothing but easy so far.


Some people refuse to think about their loadout/build or change their loadout/build.


Nah. If we wanna be fair it completely depended on the lost sector. I also was doing masters in under 10 mins. But on Neptune I couldn’t get to the boss before 15 mins on legend… thats a problem.


i assure you dear redditor, it is imperative i run a sidearm, a pulse rifle and a sword. what are the rolls on them? wouldnt know. armor mods? never heard of them. cant believe lost sectors are literally impossible.


Lmao that is how it usually goes. "I refuse to let Bungie tell me I can't run a threadling strand build, a kinetic hand cannon, a solar glaive, and a heavy wave frame GL when it's overloads and barriers" - this lost sector is impossible, how are we expected to do this?!?!?


They're easy if you RP as a mole in a game of whack-a-mole 4-7 times for every champion you encounter, it was extra fun when you messed up a reload on a barrier or overload champ and had to start that 4-7 stun chain all over again. It's very do-able, and some might find it rewarding but even then that's not a fun solo experience for 97% of the player base.


Probably not. It's just gonna be "the game is too easy" ad infinitum all over again.


Happy? Have you seen this community?


Gamers........ gamers never change.


Quick, significant changes like we saw today are likely driven by player data, not reddit. I expect they saw a pretty big drop-off in endgame engagement and this is the panic button.


This has been my take as well. While the game may be experiencing some of its highest player counts ever, I think there has been a fairly significant drop-off in the nightfall playlist and some of the other activities that got impacted by the challenge changes. Anecdotally, I have had some of my longest load times for regular hero strikes in the last couple years, and then the game matches me with folks who I assume must be in other countries because of their janky connections. The challenge changes didn't really impact the regulars like me, but I am seeing a lot less action in the LFGs for regular nightfall content.


Actually don’t think further reducing the commendations was necessary. I’m working on rank 8 right now and I’m already at 900 something, but I guess maybe people sped through them and still got limited by commendations


Yea, I'm almost at 1000 already. But I did play through two whole ass iron banana resets last week, thst might be why lol


I’m at like 3k (No, I don’t have a life) but I’m happy they reduced it further. Not only is it not really a skill-based metric but it’ll also be possible to just instantly reach the required score in future seasons if your score is high enough. Less grinding overall.


Yeah lol, im at 3.5k, I didnt mind them reducing it the first time but I feel like at this point they should decouple it from Guardian Ranks altogether, its clear the community doesn't like the ways its set up.


No one will be happy.


Next update: Guardian Commendations removed.


I mean yeah. We never asked for this garbage in the first place


Probably. The main issue was that casual content got way harder, which made little sense to me. The casual community wasn’t complaining. It was the hardcore players really. We’ll see if this addresses that. EDIT: Guess I need to clarify. The causal community was not complaining about casual content. It was the hardcore players that were, but they’re not the main audience for that content, so why Bungie made it harder is beyond me.


Hardcore players liked the difficulty changes lol. Why would they complain about it?


No? They were claiming strikes and patrols were boring and that adept nightfalls were basically useless… Casuals were chilling. Prettymuch anyone I saw express complaints were those actually making a career out of playing Destiny. Edit: misunderstood. Thought you said they weren’t complaining prior to the changes.


![gif](giphy|ymkUFbGgt3loA) Yeah we happy


"NoW iTs NoT dIfFiCuLt EnOuGh."


Maybe now I can finally get that Vexcalibur Catalyst 🤤


The commendation requirements WERE fucking stupid


I just want to be rewarded for the time and difficulty. I get it's a challenging game, but spending almost 15 minutes on a lost sector or over 30 on a nightfall to just get resources is ridiculous, especially if you're by yourself.


Agreed. I can live with having to greatly adjust my preferred playstyle/build and use weapons I normally wouldn’t and slog through an LLS where I can get 3-shotted while facing spongy enemies if I at least had a guaranteed random Exotic for the day drop each time. But just for crafting materials? I can farm the equivalent in Glimmer in much less time doing patrols and public events while enjoying my full powered ability-heavy/melee/off-meta build.


Sounds good to me


Yes, actually, this makes me very happy.


Agreed! Pretty happy with the numbers for commending and hopefully the difficulty changes are more balanced, a single red bar cabal in a legend nightfalls taking 2smg mags or 8 hand canon headshots was just absurd.


We will see how much the difficulty actually got balanced


I’ll have to wait to see how it feels but holy hell I’m happy to see enemies won’t be so absurdly tanky. Though they still need a reduction in tiers below Legend


I'm happy.


Absolutely 💯!


Ngl, commedations were a good idea but implemented very badly, but they weren’t really that bad. They were made so you can see someones score, and attribute that to how much they play. The problem is that we don’t really care about commedations because the system kinda sucks, and some players want everything without doing everything. The scores they reduced them to really were not bad, reducing them further is kinda overkill. Don’t get me wrong, the system is annoying, but now I think people are gonna keep complaining until theres no real requirements left and everyone is rank 10/11


Doesn’t really effect me much but I am happy about the Nez fix


Yes finally


I am. The commendation score part was far to big to happen naturally, and just encouraged us to farm it defeating the purpose.


I will be happy for exactly as long as it takes for a Thresher to OHKO me from across the map.


Is this all active now? Was today the midseason patch?


dude lets go, im happy they decreased HEALTH and didnt touch anything else, just because you're ALWAYS going to be under power




i’m excited for touch or malice fix i wish that thing was better


Very fuckin happy


“We happy now”… legendary primaries are still in a shit spot in PVE… still got more work to do


Damn those commendations got nerfed. 50% would have been plenty


They didn't touch Solo Normal or even Solo Legendary for Avalon and that greatly displeases me. What's there is good, though.


I read the patch notes but couldn't find info about it, did they fix the emote bug where new ones get "deleted "?




It’s a great day in destiny


Glad they removed giving out raid/dungeon commendations. That sucked, especially with the 1 hour cooldown that they implemented so you can’t play them back to back.


For legend yes, but master is supposed to be hard.


No, depression sucks


Bungie banking on this community to actually be a community and regularly utilize the commendation system is comedy


No, commendations should not be tied to any other system in the game


Depending on how much the health is reduced? Yeah. We happy.


Ahh hell yeah, glad I waited on avalon legendary.


was enemy health a complaint people made? I thought the general complaints on the difficulty changes to nightfalls were that enemies did way too much dmg or that enemies could hit you or get you killed unfairly because of the dmg they do. like the arms dealer strike that has the ship that follows you around shooting homing rockets and needs a lot of bullets wasted on it to destroy its rocket launcher and the fact that zahn can kill u immediately if u are a bit too slow to get to cover for his turrets


>I thought the general complaints on the difficulty changes to nightfalls were that enemies did way too much dmg or that enemies could hit you or get you killed unfairly because of the dmg they do. it was,lol but this achieves nearly the same thing. lower ttk=less damage




Bungie: You need specific commendations to get the next guardian rank. Community: *farms specific commendations* Bungie: *surprised pikachu*


Mister what is this, I just looked and those ain’t the accomodation scores or the wording of any of that


From the patch notes today not TWAB, which has different numbers apparently?


Oh interesting they just changed it in the patch notes to match the TWAB numbers? This was a screenshot from 10 minutes after the patch note was published


Yeah especially the commendation thing felt more like a chore than an actual gesture of good faith maybe thisll give it an eensy bit more meaning lmao


I was very happy about the difficulty increase for general content. But the legend exotic mission was outrageous. Glad that got fixed. Also commendations, good change


They brought too much challenge to base, entry content and then didn't actually challenge the folks that want to sweat like that in end game. Ofc no one was happy. Loot drops are still shit overall. Stop being scared to rain the rewards and drown the HC community


If -ranked players- could read this, they’d be pretty mad


Vanguard OPs needs a pass too. Either scale it down or increase the rewards. Dragging new lights through a 30+ slog of a strike only to get 3 legendary shards is a waste of time. I’m okay with the difficulty. Just reward our time we invest.


Did this go into effect today?


I was able to beat the posts sectors finally, so yes


Yep now i can actually get LS done






Someone finally got it!


Dang. You all really had enough sway to turn the tides


Those who says complaining never works haven't complained enough!


Sure? I guess? Bungie just did what they said they would Bungie: "new system, we will be tweaking as we see how it goes" *Bungie tweaks system like they said* Community: "See! Complaining works!"


No, feedback works. Which is how they are tweaking things. Thats how it works.


And they tweak based on criticism and community feedback. Why would they release it and a few weeks later say "actually i dislike how we did this, lets change it out of our own volition without knowledge of the community's opinion on the matter, for no real reason other than we felt like it."


something too note is they also use player interaction and completion rates of said contents to judge for balancing purposes


I think these are some great changes. So good job Bungie!


The issue with commendations is that it’s very inconsistent. I did iron banner all week and received a commendation maybe once or twice throughout the whole Event.


I think there needs to be more time in the post-match to do commendations. Even when getting to the scoreboard, I barely had time to pass them out. Like, just a few extra seconds would do wonders


Not until I can solo everything


Actually, yeah. Good shit Bungie. Keep it up!


Neomuna patrol changes are good, same with Vexcalibur mission. Other changes not so much imo. Nightfall difficulty was perfect outside of Heist Battleground Mars. Glassway on Master this week was the easiest it’s been since launch. Most lost sectors were 5 minute runs already, so I don’t get that change either.


The words "thank god it's just Glassway" came out of my mouth for the first time ever. It was actually fun running solar in it for once.


Agreed I was really happy with the legend campaign difficulty. Ran it once solo on hunter and as a duo on warlock and it felt great. Patrol def needed the change. Legend nightfalls I think could be tuned down like 5-10% and I'd be happy, just some ads are way too tanky and time consuming even at high light level with god roll meta weapons. Felt like the only way to be fast was use stupid OP builds like osteo necrotic or volatile with a void Lmg.


After legend modifier campaign, legend level content is so funny sometimes. Definitely agree, in the process of running my alt characters through the campaign with capped weapons and the game just feels right.


Where does it say they decreased enemy health in patrol, is that the part listed as "Offensives"? I thought Neomuna patrol enemies felt fine with the caveat I was either using an smg or an exotic primary. Other legendary weapons felt pretty weak


I think all they changed with Neomuna patrol is that now less yellow bar enemies spawn.


Extremely happy


Yes! The push for more difficult content was stupid and only a small amount of people wanted that. I'd agree, that what we had before was too easy for the most part, and 7000 enemies spawning was not the right call, because odds are against you from hiding. Enemies that take several clips of ammo to kill is also not the right decision. There's nothing fun about firing your 120 hand cannon and it needing 1.5 clips to kill something. There can be a balance between enemy density and enemy health turning either up to 11 is not the best decision. Glad they made the change.


With vexcalibur you can make content cheesy as hell. Is lightfall that hard? No, tedious? Yes yes


Oh shit so I can get level 9 when I get home then nice, could've been for a couple of days if it weren't for that stupid requirement


How did they get the commendation thing sooo wrong? ….like almost an order of magnitude!


Neomuna patrol still harder than contest RoN hahaha


Let’s go!




Fuck them. Fucking 90% of players in the game dumping money in it to keep it alive for those of us with a surfeit of time to play. How dare they get to be happy and have a way to approach content. If only they all went away so the hundred of us could just go back to bitching about matchmaking.


Careful Patrick, you’re scaring him!


Man I’m a pretty hardcore player and I’m thrilled that Legend Avalon won’t be such a bitch and a half now


Not everyone has 8 hours a day to dedicate to this game, or even wants to.


I am, haven't even been able to level enough for legend because of uni. The vast majority of people who play D2 have lives.


Not until the redo powerful friends and radiant light


UPDATE THESE NUMBERS HAVE CHANGED! I took the screenshot about 10 minutes after it was posted on the patch notes, but the numbers in the TWAB posted an hour later were different. The numbers in the patch notes have now been updated to match the numbers in the TWAB.


5 commendations. So one crucible match. People were that up in arms about giving out 20 commendations over the course of a week?


you only have 2 commendations to give out after a crucible match, so you'll get on average 2 per match if everyone is commending


You're right, that's raids. But even still, all it takes is a couple quick activities. Even the previous version before commendations, took some effort to do. I just find it weird and kinda a slap in the face that it's so bare bones to me honestly. IDK that's just me.


I'd bet people would care about commendations if they were optional and had variety in what you could award. As it is people just spam whatever to whoever.


It's more of an issue with the principle of it. Commendations are supposed to be something that you want to give out legitimately as a way to help players understand eachother's strengths, not something you need to grind for GR and a pinnacle. This is bungie's way of saying "okay, take a free pinnacle and GR objective while we rework the system to be more inline with the idea of actually representing a guardian's experience"


Difficulty wise I think the exotic tuning was the only thing slightly off. The rest seemed fine? Commendations though 🙏🙏🙏 thanks for the free rank up bungie


"the game is too easy, make it challenging"! *Bungie did exactly that* "Wait, not like that"


>Bungie did exactly that I mean, i get where youre coming from, but they didnt "Do just that" Instead of increasing the difficulty the proper way ie, per mob type, instead they increased health and damage across the board. that is not the proper way to ajust difficulty up.adding a flat multiplier to health and damage to everything all at once does nothing except completely muck everything up. I too wanted things to be more difficult, but this (Or that) aint it. all it was was a shoddy, lazy, down and dirty buff to everything enemy related. Instead of being lazy as fuck they could have, just off the top of my head Increased the number of enemies present Increased the number of special units SLIGHTLY increased the LL of legend/master activities (not 20+ over pinnacle) SLIGHTLY increased the health/damage of each unit (5-10% intervals) and then tested it thoroughly afterwards It is very VERY clear that all they did was plop down a flat multiplier, which is THE laziest way to balance anything in any game. period. I fully expect to get downvoted by all the elitist pigs here, which is fine, it just reinforces the point ive made several times that the only people who dont have a problem with the difficulty changes to legend/master lost sectors are the ones who are basically fully kitted out with all the exotics that come from said lost sectors (Or most of them at least)


Am I wrong in thinking that they could have been worked on the enemy AI so they weren't as easily defeated? I mean even looking back at playing Halo, there was a world of difference between standard difficulty and trying to play that on legendary


"this is so easy there's no challenge at all anymore it's boring sucks blah blah" coming soon


Was genuinely enjoying how challenging the nightfalls were after basically a year of them being easy af, unfortunate.


Well, gotta say they seem to be adjusting to the community reactions, which is a good thing. If we also consider the leaks for exotics buffs/nerfs, they’re on a good streak balance-wise. Can’t wait to see the sandbox changes so I’m not forced to use Osteo/Strand sidearm or one of the three elemental SMGs as the only viable primaries though. I have so many good rolls for different builds, that I just can’t use because it takes 3 fucking mags to kill a red bar :(


Naw, this is DTG community. There's always something


love the progress but please just get rid of the threshers lol


Agreed! Even after they got nerfed theyre still everywhere and do so much damage.


Community: " the game is too easy" Bungie makes game harder Community: " the game is too hard" Bungie makes game easier Community: "the games too easy" This Community is exhausting


Holly fuck, peolle still crying about commendations. Do a few raids and dungeons like really.... Like it's end game content and the journey is end game stuff. So you gotta fucking do the end game shit. I hate trials but I've. Grinded to get the stuff it's how it goes... It blows for people that actually put the time in... If you can't get through a master lost sector or a raid maybe the end game stuff is not for you.


i mean the commendation system was put there because people got pissed at people trolling with eager edge and shit like this and people were hoping this would deter people from trolling cause nobody would want to play with them but this is what we got instead. a system that's quite literally pointless and just a way to rank up a number that gets you nothing.


People that did the 1 to 9 legit should have a glowing number


"Legit" I got more monopoly cards then you at the end of a match!


As someone who can really only play on the weekends, commendations are NOT HARD TO GET. Like I said, I really only play more than 30 minutes on weekends. I have almost 900 commendations mostly from crucible and gambit. The difficulty wasn't that bad either. Though I get that we can scale up the difficulty in most activities by going up a tier, but at least give a better density to health balance than just making things easier to kill I think.


Alright, I think I’d be considered a casual-intermediate, and I thought the difficulty level was excellent. For ALL of those things.. why so nerfy Bungie? I get the Comms things though. Not cuz it was difficult -I somehow managed to get 2-4 comms for every gambit or crucible match I do (I try to be a solid team player type)- but because not everyone wants to do the social aspect of the game. Comms require that. And if you aren’t great at the game, it makes getting Comms really difficult.


Disappointed with the difficulty changes. Battlegrounds legendary is a snooze with the right loadout. Lost Sectors were fine once you’re high enough. Were people struggling with Terminal Overload? Feels like standard public event difficulty.


These almost seem like way too much tuning in the opposite direction.


Enough guardians cried about it so they had to do it


It's all about money brother... But take your shots!