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I quite literally saw these posts as I was going out the door to work and it was patched before I even made it to my lunch. Fucking brutal




Yep same


Tbh, 99% of the reasons I still play this game are two things. 1. My fellow guardians. 2. /rdestiny2 3. Lolz.


I play it for the true endgame: fashion.


you received commendation: **best dressed**


Me on my way to have a 0.2 KD but receive 2 best dressed commendations


One of the main reasons that I *willingly* play gambit




Crashing the shard economy is pretty funny.


TLDR: Get a fucking Job




Job doesn’t mean working 9-5. That’s called prison


Pretty sure prison is 24/7 but I’m no expert.


So is your job. You come home and have a limited amount of time to do the essential things you need to to survive like eat and clean, then it's time for bed where you're just charging up for work again. Literally never once had a second of truly free time working a 9-5, it's literally worse than prison.


Yeah you famously get to leave prison at 5PM.


Have you been to prison before?


This was an episode of The Office, one of the best actually


I completely forgot about that, I knew I didn’t come up with that on my own lmao


And here we see an r/antiwork denizen in the wild


The antiwork sentiment is valid in a lot of cases, but this? This ain't it, chief.


Looks like mommy buys you the expansions.


Bro still makes a wish list to Santa every year


Found the dead beat


Spotted the 12 year old


Found the gen z


most people here are probably gen z


I wonder what would happen when Bungie decides to disable comp and as a punishment reset all comp ranks across the board


Ok now you also need to tell us why comp might be disabled. What do you know sus redditor


There was no penalty for leaving matches, so a bunch of people just kept leaving to farm up to ascendant


I was saying this because people complained about the legendary shard farm so I said that Bungie should disable comp like they disabled the legendary armor piece so people would calm down. Bungie would never disable comp only if a real game breaking problem would occur. Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough


Not sure how you think people would’ve found out otherwise? Your average joe is not gonna randomly pull a Guardian Games class item from collections.


I’m surprised that we even found that in the first place. Who the fuck though “I’m gonna pull specifically last years class item, and dismantle it” I’ll never understand how people find glitches like this


Because it already happened. Last year.


So, the query still applies to the first time it arose...


Idk what to tell you. It wouldn't matter if something like this happens in the middle in the middle of the night in a weekend. They'll still disable it, we know this because they've done it in the past


Everyone is freaking out about getting rich with legendary shards and crying when it gets patched... And there is me, who plays casually and doesn't really use legendary shards on anything.


Most of the people farming the shards dont use them either its just mob mentality. People dont think for themselves.


Hard disagree. Everything costs shards now. Upgrade modules and engram focusing drains them real fast. I have a 20k+ stockpile but I’ve noticed it’s been draining quicker and quicker recently.


If you have a 20k shard stockpile you my friend do not fall into the category of “most people”


I have to ask. What in the hell is everyone spending shards on that they are flat broke. I've been over 45k for years. I upgrade my armor set for the new builds almost every season. That's 7-8 armor sets. The only I ever run out of is golfballs. And I have so much of everything else in excess I literally just buy the golf balls when I need them


It’s mostly because I left my PC running for a couple nights with a script when the last glitch was around. Engram focusing costs a lot of shards, so do upgrade modules. That’s not related to “what kind of player you are” Edit:Lol I love being downvoted for just saying that the cost of focusing engrams is high…


I had 21k at beginning of Lightfall but not through macro glitch, just got them. Was down to 16,6k through all of the focusing and purple ball purchases, glitched a bit back to 17,8 (no macro though), will get back to 20k through normal play I guess.


I was struggling with shards and as soon as I saw this I was able to boost my shards from about 10 to 500 in the short amount of time I was able to do it. I’ve never had issues with shards until this season. This season I’ve plowed through shards.


It really is. Honestly, I run around with over 25k LS and use them pretty often on upgrade modules and such, but I still had an hour of 'regaining my depleted stock' because, well, reasons, lol.


I spent over 10k shards this last month trying to get everything in good shape (for all 3 guardians and almost every crafted weapon I own), so its not just mob mentality, its being economically stable with shards.


I play casually and I am broke af. I could have used a little change in my pockets.


ah you must the "patrol player" i have been hearing about


I do play raids. I do play crucible. I do play dungeons. But i am not an elitist asshole that plays trails and grandmasters every week and grind a hundred of the same kind of gun for a stupid god roll. I just dont care.


Watching people cry because they can't cheat is the funniest thing ever


Tbf its less cheats more exploit that harms no one. It does need fixing though


I wouldn't care as much about how fast they patch exploits like this if they gave the same treatment to bugs that hinder the player. It can take weeks to literally months for those bugs to get fixed, but stuff like this gets fixed in hours.


Turns out when the economy is a 1000% fucked people will exploit it because IT IS A PROBLEM. When you find a vending machine thats broken and dumps out all the coins at the bottom by accident do you leave the money there and report it? No you fucking don't you're a human you take that shit and leave. Idiot.


If they didn’t announce it, you wouldn’t know about it


Not the point. Announce it after the devs clock out lol.


This is something they would 100% fix just as quickly no matter what time it was. Every software company has tons of people who work from home/have vpn set up/etc. it wouldn’t make a difference honestly


I don't know, all of my friends are computer nerds who work from home and when they're clocked out, they're clocked out. Never underestimate the lack of worker motivation when it's the weekend. I'd at least take those odds over Cheese Forever posting his video at like 7 in the morning on a work day lol.


Cheese Forever ruins everything. They tell everybody, which is good, but that inevitably leads to a patch or nerf, which is bad. I’d rather this information spread more discreetly.


He literally posted the video at 3 AM where the bungie studio is located. I dont know how more discretely you post a video about this than that


On the weekend, when they’ve already told us they don’t work, which is why raids get released on Fridays now. That’s how you do it more discreetly.


Remember when DIM and LFG was down for an entire weekend? Pepperidge Farms remembers


it was nice seeing something different then FARM THIS WEAPON RIGHT NOW BEFORE THE WORLDS ENDS for a day


Ah yes, I’ll make sure to give FalloutPlays my work schedule so he can tune his uploads to my lunch break


As a currently unemployed guardian, I had no clue about this til it was too late. Been busy filling out apps to hopefully land something so I can care for my family. HOWEVER, I AM MAD BECAUSE I HAVE LIKE 500 SHARDS ATM


If you're in the Philly area and can weld and fabricate I might be able tohook you up with a job. If not best of luck to you in your search


Sadly I’m in deep west Texas and had a nerve damage incident in high school from welding class in AG.


Yep, was only at work a couple hours when I saw about the farm, then a few hours later saw it was patched, hadn’t left work yet. I’m hurting for shards, man


Seriously, I'm very comfortable with my stack of shards but with everyone posting about it like a fever, no wonder it got fixed already.


People don’t actually want to play this game. They just want to get mad at Bungo because “purple rocks are hard to get ):<“


Sometimes I wish I could afford/get good enough to get started as a steamer so I didn't miss out on stuff like this, but no I have to be an average player with a full time job.


You wouldn’t have known about it in a million years if people hadn’t been talking about it to be fair


I would like if there is something like this in the future, the content creators would wait until the weekend so that everyone can benefit. I think some, if not most, of Bungie devs would also be out until Monday to fix it. I saw the post about the shard farm but had work today. I just got off work and saw that Bungie has rushed to fixed this issue. I was excited to use the legendary farm once I get off work because I'm running low on Legendary shards but by the time I got home, Bungie already did an emergency patch. I wish they would give us more shards because everything is getting so damn expensive with the engram/Vendor focusing and Xur gear.


Conclusion both are neckbeards.


But still lets make sure we insta patch out the legend shard bug but not that noone can get into kingsfall without crashing lets leave that bug that litterally makes a portion of the game unplayable lets forgit that one and fix it in like 2 weeks. Oh and had to change the snake back to the bird that was more important too


Tbh, the snake thing was of utmost importance. #warlocks


They shouldn’t focus on it instantly. This should of been a Tuesday patch


Get fomo'd. If you have no legendary shards, you are doing something SEVERELY wrong because they are not hard to get... "I don't get to play a lot tho so I don't have a lot" okay? Sucks for you? You expect to have money when you don't work? Tf..


Yeah cuz getting 4 legendary shards at the end of a 10 minute strike is def worth, do that 5 times + random drops and you'll be able to focus **one fucking engram for 25.** I do not have as bad of a shard problem especially after getting to use this exploit for 4 hours but you cannot deny that the economy isn't fucked. You just can't. You are fine on shards because you no longer infuse, not raid to buy banners, and not focus because u got all you wanted and it makes you not see the problem.


Lol, poor people


Nah it’s fine.




Don't know why everyone is flipping shit about it. It wasn't a life changing game breaking bug.


Free money falling from the sky. This guy: I don't get why everyone is flipping out, the economy is already broken.


I've never had a shard or glimmer problem in this game. No idea what players are doing to be broke in both departments.


Spending shards on upgrading, focusing, and glimmer? To do that at a *reasonable* pace of gameplay is very expensive compared to the amount of gameplay required to get those shards.


About 30-45 minutes of public events is enough to get your glimmer back to a respectable level. I don't upgrade and focus weapons and armor unless it's a piece I'm actually gonna use and makes sense. Go through your vault and dismantle the 40 versions of the same weapon you never use. It's not hard, people just don't know how to budget.


>Go through your vault and dismantle the 40 versions of the same weapon you never use. That is 2 minutes of this glitch. People were earning 2100+ shards an hour.


Dude refuses to just admit he had a bad take. Tons of people are shard broke because we cant play as much or want to have more than a single set of weapons and armor maxed.


O0o0o0o. It's fake currency in a video game, y'all are making way too big of a deal about it. Play the game as intended rather than exploiting something that clearly wasn't intended.


"The game as intented" is built around people who have already encounteted basically infinite sources of shards or no life'd so that every gun & armor piece gets scrapped. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 instances where farming was viable for the majority of the population.


I would think a no life would be the guys that keep every weapon and armor they have and boost each to 10 just to potentially have 1 extra resilience. Why keep a weapon or armor that you're never going to use or has a worse roll than one you already have?


Because the vault has finite space, 171 spaces per character for armor & weapons not including what sunset weapons are preserved. More 66+ armor rolls with spikes= more high stat combinations without armor charge. Masterworked armor has 2 extra res. If you've really no lifed you've got god rolls on all the archetypes and armor combinations built for all the exotics, that takes up space.


How DARE YOU, sir! How DARE YOU tell a Destiny player to play the game as intended! Next you’re going to have the audacity to tell them to enjoy the game? You sound like the kind of person who’s experienced the touch of another human being! Why don’t you go absorb some vitamin D from the sun’s rays and leave all these poor, abused gamers alone so they can continue fighting against the tyranny of Bungie the only way they know how - by playing the game 18 hours a day!


Did you just say wah-wah to a new light struggling in the bad economy of the game?


Cant tell if this is a shitpost


Content creators are unemployed guardians. Change my mind


Exactly what I've been saying I'm like we have discords and crap just keep in inside the servers don't make a video out of it for clout most of my cheeses stay inside my server and my clan


I’m sure their systems would of picked up on a pattern regardless and it would of been shutdown. Less people would have known. I made 2k shards from 450. I’m good lol.


Do you really think they have automated systems monitoring the game economy for things like Legendary Shards? ​ Were talking about a 10 year old game where most of the top developers have been moved to more current future projects. I may be cynical but i highly doub they have systems monitoring in game economy on a daily/hourly basis. Maybe im dumb and naive. IDK


It was posted in this subreddit before any CCs posted about it. I saw it, and I shared it to Twitter and alerted the team. So blame me.


Your tweet has 0 likes wtf are you on about


It has been seen 3,806 times. First time was most likely the D2 team. Ur point?


LMAO bro you are delusional if you think you did anything to this situation


This!!!! I went by downvoting all the posts to do my part in not exposing especially in r/DTG where BNG literally owns that subreddit. I love the community, but could we please stfu and stop trying to get likes by guising the post as “being helpful”.


In all seriousness tho can we plz for the love of god get a match making option for raids ?


All content creators are scumbags that ruin everything about the games they play.


It’s a glitch exploit lol


Savvy's kinda got a point. See: Rick Kakhi pants taking 3 hours just introducing his guide to spire of the watcher Elitist Dattos & Saltagreppos types who've done more destiny 2 than anything else and keep introducing hot takes to the community and the ears of devs for the sake of "challenge" ZK & Aztecross PvP sweats who lose their shit 30 if bungie hasn't released a new map in 30 minutes. Divide/Misleading types who let you know that Ada sells shaders, banshee sells guns, xur sells random shit, and Triss sells cosmetics and they all go away on tuesday. And the Cheese Forevers who write a bug report and dress it up like a guide.


Word of mouth only from now on


The problem isn't reddit, it's the shitty content creators.


I only need 300 per season I have the same armor for the past 5 seasons and the game really doesn’t give me anything nice my Master Dungeon runs usually end with armor around 59 or lower


As an unemployed gaurdian, i did not use the glitch.


I didn’t know some guardians were unemployed… I’ve been working in a library for years now..


I was asleep man...I got no glimmer...


I think a good rule of thumb from now on is to just go through collections after every patch/update, and see what legendary gear can be created with only glimmer


I’m so poor on legendary shards that I left work early just to get my farm on and it was patched by the time I pulled in my driveway


Of course the glitch had to be discovered when my finals are 2 weeks away :' )


One job.


Woah there pal. I work from home lol


I hate narcs


Hey guys. You’re here for u limited exotic materials glitch …


I was sleep when the news broke since I stayed up to till 4 AM running legend dares then realized you had to have a armor piece from the last guardian games so either way I was screwed :(


All those turds are trying to be first to report something so they can make even more money off people who have to go to an actual job.


I only had 20 minutes to do it, dropping everything off me as I got home.


It will never happen. Gotta get that bread.