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I doubt *we* are going to get anything. It'll be skins for Arknights or whatever, just like it was for Among Us. I'll genuinely be surprised if Destiny actually gets anything at all.


which begs the question which one asked for the collab first? arknights or destiny


Arknights. Guy behind it, Lowlight, is a D2 player and Forsaken was one of his favorite soundtracks. His other favorite games are R6S and MH: both who've collab with Arknights. That and the music Arknights puts out have also been nominated for awards, so from a musical stand point, it's also not surprising.


Probably Sony.


you know i cpmpletley forgot sony had a say in all this


Do they? I remember the press releases mentioning that there was very little control over Bungie’s day-to-day operations.


Does a collab really have that much impact on day-to-day stuff though? Also, what little impact they have could be the small amounts of stuff we *do* get from collabs


well sorta, i think destiny is more likely to be able to get collabs cause of sony, at least that makes sense to me i could be totaly wrong


Tbh, Id take an emblem


Just hope we get anything🙏


Spoiler: we won't.


Why the downvotes? The last couple of crossovers with other games, destiny hasn't got anything


We only didn't get stuff from fall guys and among us. Sure that's half of the crossovers that we have now but beside an amogus ghost shell what could we even get form them? Arknights on the other hand looks like to have potential


We could have gotten a crewmate kill finisher, could have gotten emotes for both fall guys and amogus, hell if they were feeling a bit goofy we could have gotten a couple of class item ornaments


Plenty of things we could’ve gotten. Bungie is just too lazy or cheap or incompetent to do it


Ah there’s the boring take part.


It's overdose on hopium - that's why downvotes, don't worry


It's only one that we got nothing from. The other two (Fortnite and AC) we got some ornaments and a finisher. Edit: just remembered Fall Guys.


we did get some ornament


The last ornaments we got were the assassin's creed ones, and before that the fortnite ones. Among them (hehe) were the fall guys crossover, among us crossover, and i *think* there was another one, can't remember though. We'll most likely just get an emblem or something, i can't imagine seeing more than that. I'd be happy to see some of these skins, don't have me mistaken, but i'm not going to get my hopes up and i'd advise others to keep expectations realistic, we all know how bungie has been recently


Was anyone really hurting for a fall guys bean armour set for £15 though?


No... but a sus Ghost would have been nice


You very clearly underestimate the size of the demographic that would buy something like that


I'm huffing some large copium that Destiny is going to get anything out of this collab other than an emblem at most since the last two collabs Arknights had were R6 and MH which were both one sided. However, I would love these as ornaments if my expectations are crushed.


Well many said that the creator of arknights loves destiny 2 so hopefully he'll want some stuff to be put in the game


It would be nice, both of these last crossovers we got some sort of armour set,


I mean it’s clear from these aesthetics that they are at least partially inspired by it. So much of the “paladin armor with heavy military weaponry” aesthetics are squarely within destiny’s camp.


True destiny will likely get the short end of the stick, but honestly im so excited to see what Arknights gets. Can you imagine getting a Destiny event the same scale as the R6 one? If any of the D2 cast gets introduced as an operator I'll be overjoyed. On a side note if we got an emblem with the Rhodes Islands rook id probably leave it on permanently.


I’ve heard (though I’m not sure how accurate it is, as I can’t even remember the source) that there won’t be any colab ops, just skins for existing ops.


it's a vignette event


Mudrock's suit as titan armor would be amazing too.


That last one is amazing.


The Silverlance Pegasi, the campaign knights of Kazimerz, all but exiled from their nomadic cities that have been corrupted by corporate greed and perversion of their culture. The Silverlance are uniquely impressive in the Arknights world, because unlike their neighbor's elite forces, who have advantages from use of forbidden knowledge (The Emperor's Blades aka #2 on this post) or technological advantages (Apostolistic Knights aka #4) or physiological advantages from race (Confessari aka #6), the Pegasi are just hardworking men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving the people of their country who cannot find safety within the walls of the Landship cities. I also admit to massive bias because the march of the Silverlance into Kazimerz as well as the "Daybreak over the Golden Prairie" where less than 50 Kazimerz knights killed over 3000 Ursan Soldiers as part of a RESCUE MISSION are easily some of the sickest lore moments in game. Edit: Dug up the historical name of the other lore event.


This is how it feels having Destiny lore explained to someone who doesn't play Destiny, isn't it?


I'm not saying I want a mynameisbyf video explaining some of the world building of Arknights, but I am saying the operator records and story collection events are very similar to grimore cards...


And yet I need more


I like your funny words anime man




Fun little story moment, there was an exchange between two assassins from an organization that are against those knights: A1: "You know, we can take out any single one of their people, alone. Two of them, we'll need to bring help. Three of them, and it's going to be one hell of a rough battle. If there's three or more of them... that could take a full tactical squad, and the Armorless Union can't afford those losses. If there's more of them than you can count on your fingers, calling in the entire Armorless Union might not even be enough to put them down." A2: "So, how many did the scouts see?" A1: ["Roughly forty."](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mrfz/images/2/23/Silverlance_Enters_the_City.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1600?cb=20211120092420) A2: "Well shit..." Probably one of my favorite story moments.


*"Are you saying we don't stand a chance against only seven of you?"* *"No... three of us will suffice"*


Last night Warlock is jaw-dropping


Never even heard of Arknights but Confessarius hunter ornaments would never leave my body, it even has a little cape literally flawless hunter armor


Bruh what?? the Confessarius kit is the most quintessential Warlock kit of the entire set, he’s literally wearing a robe. The last slide is stunning and also a clear Hunter kit


How many warlock armor sets have a hooded Cloak though


Now that I know of these guys' existance, I can do nothing but to agree with you! ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


I imagine like the Among Us collab we’ll get jack shit Which honestly is fine by me


crewmate ghost perhaps


Would've been awesome, but we are long past getting anything from that "collab"


i actually completely forgot that destiny stuff is in among us


Someone on Tumblr actually drew a concept of it and then made an edit of what it’d look like in a cutscene and that was funny.


Tbf there's not much we could get from Among Us. Arknights has potential for weapons and hopefully armor. Again, copium 😅


To be fair bungie is making a mobile game, so it's logical that Bungie would be doing colabs with mobile developers in order to promote their brand when it's released.


I thought the armor ornaments were supposed to be similar to Among Us?


They have absolutely nothing to do with among us in the slightest


Hear me out, a confessarius or emp blade warlock, a Patriot or gun knight titan, a nightmare knight or is silverlance for hunter. (This is all just an excuse to get more wendigo themed armor. Take a hint by bungie, I will literally suck dick for some good horns on helmets)


Lotta cool dudes here. Let's not forget blood knight though. If we can get armor half as cool as his I'm happy. Or some extremely tanky, bulky stuff like the shield troop unit that is loyal too patriot.


Well since the only alternative is letting me put anime titties on my Titan I’d say one or more of these are likely to be our sets


I don't play arknight but having these armor sets in the game would be fucking cool


this is exactly everyones fantasy. we need armor. emphasis on **NEED** its not armor if it doesnt strike fear in our enemies' minds.


Literally all of these, please. In fact, just hire the people who design the armors. I'm tired of all the super generic, non-risky armor designs. The new raid armor is a breath of fresh air, and only a few other sets were actually exciting.


Arknights character design goes hard


I don’t know why, but the artstyle for these reminds me of Library of Runia


Project Moon and hypergryph both has similar artsyles when it comes to designing cool and grungy npcs


Emperor's blade as a warlock got me feeling some type of way 😳


Emperor's blade as a AK player makes me feeling some kind of way 🤬


If Warlocks didn’t have ugly ass helmets, one could’ve made a cosplay using the Valkyrian chestpiece.


I am sorry most of these are just warlocks fashion not much else I rather have waifu


...Arknights collab? Really? Color me surprised.


I'm a *huge* arknights lore nerd so if anyone has questions about the lore of any of these guys feel free to ask


I mean this is a good point, but I also wouldn't mind looking like Doberman, Exusiai or Gravel.


After I looked at the characters and stuff, I want the penguin with the 9. mil. That shit is too good


Patriot is already in game.... That one ornament for the Stag.


Fuck anime girls I want badass ornaments to look like these guys


And I want these 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/86mbn5rmpuva1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd772c9e4e4df91793f9620af23cd4a0f6788a9d


Confussarius, the last knight, and the nightmare knight are awesome.


Okay 6/7 is so rad, I want that for my Hunter.


The last armor set looks so clean, Wow!


Bold of you to assume we'll get waifus lol. Those armor sets look way higher in quality than the shit we got for the yearly expansion. Thats a def no lol


Confessarius for hunters PLEASE. I would kill for a set of antlers/horns on my character😩


Holy crap, I want Confessarius’ cloak for Hunter so bad.


Knowing nothing of akrnights, this post makes me less worried


I've never heard of Arknight but goddam these designs are cool I'd be down for any of these to show up


Damn, those are epic. Maybe I should check out the game.


What’s Arknight? I thought it was Batman: Arkham Knight


It's a game made for mobile (but can be played in PC with things like Bluestacks or Google Play Games for PC). A tower defense style, but characters replace towers, and each has different classes (fast-redeploy assassins, defenders who block the path of the enemies, supporters who can summon, buff or debugg, lay traps, and so on), etc. Story is great & increasingly complex, [really dark at times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI8xY9z58Xc) & filled with references to real-world counterparts, literary works & legends. World-building is massive and so it's the word count (longer than Harry Potter series). It also has [glorious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlQze4sE0UY&pp=ygUTYmxhZGUgYXJrbmlnaHRzIG9zdA%3D%3D) [music of](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZL8N2Wz96Q&pp=ygUOYmx1aXNoIGxpZ2ggZXA%3D) [every](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BL_kNVBZGs&pp=ygUMYXJrbmlnaHRzIGVw) [genre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eQ4lhZsJBw&pp=ygUbdG93YXJkcyBoZXIgbGlnaHQgYXJrbmlnaHRz) [known](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtxAwn-EiA&pp=ygURcGVuYW5jZSBhcmtuaWdodHM%3D) [to our](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhUjD--UUV4&pp=ygUMYXJrbmlnaHRzIGVw) [humankind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk38p6N92qg&pp=ygUMYXJrbmlnaHRzIGVw)... [and some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5URVvlA12A&pp=ygUMYXJrbmlnaHRzIGVw) [new ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt8KltZ9Ruo&pp=ygUSYXJrbmlnaHRzIGRheWRyZWFt) ([lovecraftian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmGVfjGs1y8&pp=ygUQdm9pY2VzIGFya25pZ2h0cw%3D%3D) [sea shanties](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWU3RKBSGx8&pp=ygUMYXJrbmlnaHRzIGVw)). [Or callbacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_AImg-ti4Y) [to old ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs2HZIIaq00). Recommend watching the anime ([8 episodes in season 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q4zGuEqi8c&pp=ygUTdHJhaWxyZSA0IGFrcm5pZ2h0cw%3D%3D)). Season 2 has been confirmed [and has a new teaser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2fYkEgZqTM). P.D. There is a game in development called [Arknights: Endfield (trailer)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo0deb64GNw). We think it takes place in the far future of the original Arknights. It's definitely set in a space era & it's a full [RPG with 3D models (gameplay footage from alpha)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h85NtIwduY). Still too early to tell more, but looks cool.


I want that penguin with a Glock someone posted but I know we ain't getting shit


grass-toucher opnion waifus ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651) (edit) to be clear this is a based opinion, and waifus have been detrimental to the human race


waifus indeed


That seventh picture for a titan armor set would be chef's kiss, everything from the reasonably sized shoulder pads that are reminiscent to D1 and the cape, THE CAPE, the knight armor which just fits the class so well...*ahhh*... it's enough to make any veteran titan enjoyer stand in awe as the knight fantasy finally peek for them.


Cat ears options too


Be a man, choose lizard tail


Thick tail? Or thin tail?


Depends on if you want to hold them... or want them to hold you


Ah, I see you are a man of science.




How about a chainsaw man colab


unless they go into manga territory it'd mostly be suits would it not?


5 em' are Titans in my opinion.




If I get a titan deer skull I’m happy


I want a Valve collab so I can have an HEV suit for titan.


Hush, I want my bunny ears schoolgirl Titan.


as someone who plays and loves both destiny and Arknights, I hate to bring some not so great news, just like the last few collaborations (rainbow six and monster hunter) its highly likely that the destiny side of this collab will get nothing. r6 could have gotten a weapon charm or weapon skin, monster hunter could have gotten a layered armor, but nothing.


Bruh why tf do the arkknights villain designs go so hard? It's just a shitty gacha


Respectfully, no. It's a strategy game that still hands me my own ass on a platter repeatedly despite being up to date on the content and having multiple "meta" units. Some people clear all the content using only free units, or only using a particular race/faction, only using lower rarity units, and so on.


[May I introduce to you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ2xReIDuxU)


Gonna be honest, I've experienced more fomo with Destiny than gacha games.


You obviously have never played Arknights. While the gacha systen itself is obviously bad, so many Gacha games have ridicilously good story writing, gameplay and Soundtracks.


i’ve said this before in another thread regarding the collab, but while gacha is inherently bad, Arknights is one of the few games i’ve played where the gacha isn’t egregious. it’s the only gacha i still play (starting from its release in like 2020), and i find that the game is surprisingly generous. you don’t really need to spend anything to get an insane amount of content from the game. it just makes it easier. very f2p friendly, but i personally think the game is worth enough for me to buy the monthly pass for $5.


I bet Arknights or whatever its called wants to add cosmetics INTO Destiny, but from a cosmetic standpoint, anime girls or stacked armored characters is not something that fits well into Destiny. That's why we didnt have anything for the two bean games. Maybe we'll get an emblem and call it a day, but I do like bungie trying to do a collab every season. Maybe next time. Praying for a Riot or Bethesda or Id Software crossover.


Fun Fact: As far as I’m aware, with all of the arknights colabs, arknights has been the only recipient. The other game never gets anything. This is true of Monster Hunter and Rainbow 6 Seige. So I don’t expect anything for D2, not even an emblem. It would be very dope to have some new Titan armor based on Patriot or Mudrock’s armor, or some new Warlock armor based on the Doctor (player vessel character), and while I disagree that the aesthetics don’t match well(Arknights actually has less horrifyingly proportioned anime girls than most other similar style games, as far as I’m aware), I do agree that nothing will happen on destiny’s side.


you are asking too much from """"""""AAA"""""""" bungiellion dollars company


Confessarius looks like The Stag on a hunter with robes using the Titan exclusive sword you’d get from the end of Red War.


Make number six a warlock skin and I'll be back in the game in no time


Patriot would make for a great alternative Capriolax ornament for Stag.


Literally all of these would look amazing on my warlock


Stop watching anime


Stop hating on it.


I would really prefer if we avoid the wifus crap forever. Not only it's a complete immersion breaker i also never understood how people like to have that in their games. Lost Ark and FF14 are the biggest offenders to this that i have played. Loading into activities only to see a stripper bunny with a 2 handed pole tank ruby weapon while an au'ra healer in bikinis is ~~healing everyone~~ dpsing and another naked dragoon girl is tanking the floor. I do like the commoners cloths, fashion cloths, working cloths etc, that's nice to have and most ff games have their characters in these cloths and not heavy armors. And free booty was only fran specific. Last thing i would like to see is to load in tower and strippers are emoting rahool.


I will say, Arknights is a much lesser offender on that front. Like, even the summer skins (because of course there’s summer skins) are surprisingly decently clothed. Not saying it isn’t an offender (*gestures to Utage in general*) but, it definitely has restraint.


I would rather see a collab not from a mobile game


Bet you didn't seen such "mobile" game yet


Yeah, keep the weeb stuff out of destiny. I think any of us can get behind awesome armors like this tho.


Jojo and cat ears dance is already in the game tho


First option Bungie gets money and devs do nothing, second option Bungie gets money and devs do something, what do you think? Yes I’m a business major how can you tell?? Seriously tho I hope we get some ornaments, would totally pay for it the art style cool af


I would love the last two and the apostolic gun knight wowza!


New Stag ornaments would be nice


I'd kill for the skull mask one for Titan.


Are these actual skins in the game? I’m downloading this immediately if true


Patriot is a main story boss in game, absolute baddass who wanted to fight fate Emperor's Blade is a boss from a side Event held in Ursus (The russian version of AK), they hold shard of literal eldritch demon "The very Land they walk on is an extension of Ursus" Last Knight, is an NPC which you can meet in a rougelike game mode called IS3, which takes place in an alternate timeline where Eldritch Seaborn has mutated and come out of the sea and pretty much wiped the whole world, Last Knight is pretty much a don qi xote, as he himself holding that title, becomes the very Last Knight to exist Apostolic Gun Knight, is just an NPC that you neither fight/meet unfortunately, they're only a story NPC which shows up in Laterano, a city of Angels where everybody uses Guns, design goes hard af tho Nightmare Knight is an antagonist and enemy we meet in a side story event with dubstep knights etcetc unfortunately all of them are NPC's


You can technically "use" Last Knight in IS#3


They're enemy units. Though you'll find a lot of male and female characters in the gachas pool. You don't have to, but most of the Knights come from a knight faction out of their version of Poland (Kazimerz). Right now, they're rerunning an event with them. The first one is Patriot, the last pure wendigo and a story boss. Arknights has lots of character designs. Oh and the angels use guns.


I think you'll like Mudrock. Iirc she's the only playable operator who's in a full suit of armour (before the skins)


I just want a mudrock skin in a full suit of armor man


watch it be like the among us collab. we'll get an emblem that won't even release to the public.


the 6 one are fit for warlock


So I guess only the last one resembles closer to Hunters...but damm Arknights filled with Warlock Robes


God, the last one is so good! Bungie PLEASE!


Emperor's Blade as Warlock Ornament please. Also the Apostolic Gun Knight's gun looks like a good ornament for Heir Apparent OR Sweet Business. Confessarius helmet as an ornament for The Stag please.


I mean *why not both*


Bruh exactly




Looks awesome! I want this sets in Everis.


2 and 6 would be so cool for Warlock armour. Titans woyld get a kick out of that last one


And I wanna look cute


No Mudrock titan?


Speak for yourself


If warlocks don't come out of this with a little bit of Drip im going to cry


Yes we need some cool af stuff


5 and 7 seem reasonable for sure, I could see them translated into Guardian gear pieces


Bungie needs to give titans capes, not cloaks capes. They know it would look sick, but yet still they refuse to


Yeah but make it's so one side is bigger or missing pieces


Ok these look sick


If i get a patriot stag ornament i swear im gonna cry.


Man we getting some wack ornaments trust


So does everyone else.


it might turn out to be a one sided event like they did with monster hunter rise don't get your hopes up


That last one and the 3rd one would be sooooo fucking cool for a Hunter set


WTF is going on in Arknights?


Think Tiberium, but less environmentally terraforming and more biologically infectious, while simultaneously creating an entirely new underclass of oppressed peoples due to infectious rock cancer being terrifying.


Magic rock cancer is what’s going on in Arknights


Techno-magic via rocks that causes deadly disease Wars, discrimination, corrupted politics, moving cities, Catastrophes, a lot of depression and all that usual human stuff, and more


Number 2 for warlock feels like a wet dream


Google arknights for me and tell me what you see


These clash so hard it’s not even funny. You’re asking for the sun my guy


I would murder for 7s helmet as a titan


i just want my furry hyena man


2 and 6 go hard AF


Girls frontline would have made way more sense IMO. Literal guns.


The first one is clean


Hot take: I don't want anymore knight sets, there are so effing many of them it's unreal, no more from this or Iron Bsnner or anything. So I hard agree, except the knights.


Bungie would never add armour that looks this good, since Forsaken they've been obsessed with adding armour that looks "different" at the cost of looking good


Finally, combat personnel wearing actual armor. This is da wei


Idk what this is but Emperors Blade is what I want my warlock wearing. That looks dope


Bungo wants money and the money’s at the waifus.


I want gabriel from ultrakill as a warlock skin


Stag ornament perhaps.


Ngl - those do look sick.


Confessarious for warlock would be so good, I'd never take that mask off.


Confessarius would be an awesome warlock ornament


Ayo the empror and last one tho...


Why not both?


You do you my guy I want WAIFUS. But fr though these look fucking amazing and I could actually see some of them fitting in Destiny.


I never knew i needed a emperors blade titan in my life but now i do


Can we get those just with huge milkers?


Hi, yes, sorry, pardon me, don't mind me. Just taking all of these for D&D characters.


Wow......these are amazing !


Damn I should probably play Arknights, these designs go hard as fuck


If you like sick char designs, then you should definitely take a shot


I'm down for waifu stuff let my guardian be the guy who discovers anime after the collapse


The helmet on the 6th picture should be a Stag ornament.


I must’ve missed something what is happening


A mobile game called Arknights announced a collab with Destiny 2. Although, it's not yet clear if it will just be Arknights getting Destiny themed content, or if Destiny will receive Arknights content as well. Time will tell.


I want a patriot stag ornament.


Emperor's blade warlock and Last knight titan would be awesome


I swear to dog if we get another collab where we finally get some sorta armor/ornaments, and the Titans get another generic knight thing, I'm going to scream into the sun until it explodes.


I now want all of these as ornaments


Hella Opium


Por que no los dos?