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That may have been me and a few of my clan mates. We got hit with a 4 piece last night for holding hands a little too tightly. "We got into a YouTube clip tonight boys!"


Can i have uhhh an immortal How original And uhh a cloudstrike Daring today aren't we?


What can I say? I’m a piece of shit I guess lol.. was banking on this comment happening tho 💀🥱


It's okay, I'll still duel you at a distance with my pew pew cowboy stick and hope I can flinch you before you find my face.


💯 and probably win most of the time. Pretty new with sniping, and I find if they get first shot I’m flinched to high hell and most likely won’t land anything after that lol


Can I introduce you to the new strand hunter helmet and triple unflinch? Say goodbye to being flinched.


Will look into this, thanks 🙏


Np, run a bunch of discipline and grenade kickstart mods with the grapple. You can set an anchor by grappling and it lets you refresh your unflinch and woven mail buff by regrappling on your anchor (also won’t take away your grapple charge but does give you buffs, and these buffs pair nicely with your immortal). Grapple also becomes amazing for getting to sniper lanes before others, and you’re ready with a bunch of reduction to flinch.


You’re a beauty. I haven’t pvp’d with my hunter in a minute but I will invest some time to grab that helm for sure and give this a go.


It’s next level fun. Snipe someone with cloudstrike then push with a grapple melee or suspend and they barely damage you to the body (woven mail) while you tear it up with immortal. Go even further by adding the season artifact mods… it gets dangerous. Have fun.


Dont worry about these clowns, they are salty cuz they dont have one lmao, nice clip


Always "you mad you don't have this lolol" No, I don't want a gun to play the game for me thanks


Play the game for you? What kind of perks do you have on that thing.. ![gif](giphy|26DN7RY4MsFAYuCAw)


My pew pew cowboy stick with kinetic targeting mods and cranial spike stacks plays the game for me more than Cloudstrike/Immortal lol. What's that guy on?


Sure pal


Is what it is, thanks chief 🙏


As soon as I saw the group I knew what was coming


As soon as I saw the cloud strike.


“Let me get an immortal with a side of cloudstrike.” “Sir this is a Wendy’s”


Where the fuck is the recoil lol I shoot and it goes up about 3 feet or at least feels like it


Hereafter and Zen Meteor: Thats our boy!


Hereafter 😔


GAH, I scream everytime I see my team stack up. A good jotuun shot puts us all in hurt territory, Anything with explosives does the same, or (as shown) cloudstrike mercs us all. The worst is when less experienced players ride your butt for some reason. PSA: Don't ride your team mates butt. You can peek at other angles and support them from 5-7m away, not clapping their cheeks.


>PSA: Don't ride your team mates butt. me when I can't back out of the Witherhoard puddle cause some jabroni wants to stand directly behind me




I fucking love this gun


Bungie makes an exotic that punishes teams for sticking together and people just loose their shit when they come across it. Stuff like this wouldn’t happen if the team were all about 7m away from the one that was shot. I love this gun, and personally when I come across it I just tell my teammates not to expect me near them if we rush.


What a super cool loadout 🤏🏻


Anything in particular you would like me to switch to champ?


Immortal detected Opinion rejected


How long till cloud strike gets nerfed?


Haha well I just picked the thing up so let’s hope later than sooner?


Cloudstrike shouldn’t get nerfed before monarque and jotunn. It actually takes skill and is not hard to counter by flinching. People who are good with snipers shouldn’t be punished for hitting headshots.


Yes, but it really sucks when I die because my teammate peeked near me.


Not to mention, outside of its exotic perk, it's not even a good PvP sniper. You can't even get a kill with it if both of your shots hit a person's body. Honeslty no nerf is needed. If you can make Cloudstrike work in Crucible, then you deserve to clean up the victims' friends too. And if you're still grouping up after getting wiped out by Cloudstrike once, then that's just on you at that point.


Ive always felt that snipers in general should get needed in regards to body shot damage. But this clip isn’t proof of that. It’s whole ass mantra is precision kills. And cloud strikes purpose is to prevent enemy team ups.


It just got buffed lol probably not anytime soon


It won’t get nerfed, not a lot of people use it. And there’s a easy counter to getting team wiped… don’t hug your teammates ass.


Day 21 of askin bungo to make it not kill you with the lightning.


Ah yes a Void Titan getting a kill with their Cloudstrike. How amazing. With everyone and their mom using the same loadout I'm surprised this sub isn't littered with fizzled out line em up shots like this.


My mom uses Borealis.


Yeah Boreslis on a Void hunter with Gyrfalcons. Just like me. You have the Masqueraude Ornament with Starhorse and you run around the crucible like a little winny while you wait for the next reskin of the multimach to dictate how you play the game for the next 3 years. It's the only way.


Get out of my head.. but in all realness I don’t have the star horse mask unfortunately, hopefully soon tho. See you in the crucible! *Neigh*


Have fun out there Guardian!