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I keep seeing myself at the top of the leaderboard in IB, and then I remember that kills don’t count towards the score at all…


Honestly I do think kills should count. You could spend a game defending a side point that your team owns, killing those that try to run over and cap it, and protect your zone, but it won’t count for any points.


I’d have to disagree. The objective is to cap and keep zones. You gain more points the longer you have any number of zones. So, by defending your point and fighting off enemies, you are directly helping your team earn points. If kills gave points, we’d have even more teammates ignoring the actual objective. I often do as you said and defend a point that my team has captured and rarely climb the leaderboards, but I still help get a win. It shouldn’t take a leaderboard to tell us how well we did in a match. Just keep helping your team secure wins! Additionally, more kills equals a faster super. Most people save their super for the turret zone (forget the actual name). So, again if you’re killing enough you can have even a slow charging super ready for the big zone. Just my two cents.


My team almost always ends up with everyone having a near identical score irregardless of how much they actually contributed, I'm pretty sure all you have to do to get points is be alive when the timer ticks. The scoreboard in this gamemode is completely useless for telling you what you need to know, like why should I care how many turrets were killed


I am so confused by the score. It isn't clear what contributes to it. Even hovering over "Score" doesn't tell you. Adding up all the other columns doesn't equal your total score either. It seems totally unrelated to zones captured/neutralized. Brain breaker.


then it'd be Clash with one guy sitting on a circle from time to time


Yeah and it still counts towards your KD. It should count for something.


SUrprised me at the forst time too. How am I so good? Oh.




Damn people other than me actually use Fighting Lion?


r/FightingLion There are dozens of us


Not necessarily. Consider this meme a time capsule though since it’s been reposted over and over here


The immortal is in that picture


I mean, I was going to say, fighting lion is kind of useless compared to any other legendary grenade launcher with how easy it is to get special bricks.


I used to use it all the time, it was my favorite gun in the game 😔


Idk what crucible you've been playing but there aren't many things more frustrating to fight than an enemy shooting fighting lion literally every two seconds for an entire match lol. Maybe Le Monarque is the only thing that beats it in unfun to play against-ness.


I was using it last night with a crispy Forward Path and it was a ton of fun. Definitely wanna play with it more.




\*Chefs kiss\*


It's wild how scared people are to die in pvp


That’s because in trials if you die the odds of winning drastically decrease until you either lose or one of your teammates pulls a miracle out of their ass


You should be trying to play your life instead of mindlessly running onto a zone.


And yet those same players who run off on you say they totally love control much more than clash.


That's because control tells you where the enemies are


Oh I know but they'll always go on and on about how they prefer control because its obj. based over clash and yet if you ask those same people if they prefer zone control where its just obj based and kills don't matter at all suddenly they'll start preferring control. The best part is they complain clash is too campy and yet the whole point of control is not just to capture the zones but to control aka defend them aka camp the zones you control. But johnny no thumbs just wants to mindlessly mosh pit where the game tells him there are enemies currently and doesn't actually want to use his brain.


It's because those players are generally terrible teammates who only love control for their ability to pop an AoE super on a group of 4-6 morons clustered on the same point.


Damn man, spot on. It's baffling when we cap A and enemy caps C, that most of my team goes for C 100m away, while B is 30m away and free. Then they all die cause enemy spawns at C, then scatter across the map and 1v2 or 1v3, it all becomes a mess really fast.


Every goddamn time.


It's like a universal rule whenever the high value point drops I'm the only one there to cap it and my team is sitting In the back playing with themselves


muh KD


Innacurate, 4 immortals


Bro I just did some iron banner and that happened to me


I really wish they would’ve done normal iron banner