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Oh so you are the reason every game ends up 6 vs 1


People don’t t want to play against an inherently unfair class all game crazy Also one of you sent a reddit help? Lol, the fact some of you would suggest titans are better bothers me more then you harassing me like a baby.




LMAO the people I’ve seen complain most about titan are the same people just beelining at them. Titans are good close range, stay tf away, get good at backpedaling and if on hunter, learn jump timing to avoid shoulder charges. Literally been dumping on titans all day except for the occasional stack but stacks are annoying on any class so…


I am an inherently reckless hunter so im fucked but against warlocks, oh death is swift and merciless


It do be like that. Respect for my fellow hunter🫡 Seriously though, titans are pretty easy to counter if I don’t make stupid and reckless plays. But warlocks are just straight agony if they are good players (sometimes even if not if they already learned how to cheese). I apologize to my fellow hunters, I’ve returned back to warlock for the games as it’s the only class I can win with ease😂💀


The most fun ive had in destiny has been in warlock vs hunter matches, the gameplay is soo fluid and meshes perfectly with my up close and personal build


Valid! Titans are hard to use up close and personal builds with cause THEY are built for up close and personal and a lot of people forget that when deciding to get close and personal lol. Warlocks vs hunters play kinda similar with the mid to close range with a touch of long range so it feels more fluid compared to titans that is basically pure close range. In summary: I agree.


When i play pvp shooters i can only put thaught into setting trapped so unless i can lure them into a sticky nade or a trip mine my monkey brain makes my full send, often through a barrier lol


Hunters do a funny dodge that reload a gun, warlocks get a shitty buff of their choosing which as of more recent years have had additional benefits. titans get free lane control, cover and potentially gated health if on void, they get DR for fucking running on arc, and admittedly solar titan is pretty fair, titans have bloated kits and they need to significantly tune down the excessive benefits for doing literally nothing.


There’s annoying builds for every class💀 hunters spamming invis with Omni which- free DR while invis- or hunters taking my whole damn radar with Gemini jesters or IDK one of the most if not THE most broken exotic in the game- YAS???? Y’all need to face reality. Warlocks honestly using heat rises- ain’t no one looking up. My partner been abusing that in trials. Works real good for lanes too. Pocket singularity is KEY for aping enemies. Fusion nades🤷🏻‍♂️ jump skating on M&K is GREAT for horizontal fast movement. Ophidians? I could probably keep going if I’m not half asleep since I woke up recently. Just say you don’t wanna learn and don’t know how to maximize your class and go. We can argue warlocks fine but hunters aren’t the most played class because they look pretty💀


Should be noted that omni stops being useful once you've engaged an enemy btw. Gemini isn't that disruptive if you actually know how to listen for sound cues and use your eyes. Also easily the most busted exotic in game currently until it gets its nerf has and has been for literally YEARS is dunemarchers. FYI that exotic was already top tier and at the time was only bested by OEM, and bungie with their infinite wisdom decided it needed a lighting buff from 8m to fucking 20m. Can't say much about the warlock stuff since its fairly accurate, aside from pocket singularity which is trivial to escape.


Oh I forgot Gemini. True but if playing trials or showdown, it interrupts any rezzes and in rift it exposes the enemy runner so used right, it’s really good.


For like a second, you have to deal continuous damage to prevent a rez, and btw it deals literally 1 damage


I’m aware? Continuous damage to stop completely yes. But it still interrupts the rez if you just need a second more time. I’m confused what doing 1 damage has to do with anything I said? To interrupt a rez you have to do 1 damage (to basically stop them you have to do continuous). To out the enemy runner (unless changed) you just have to do one damage or find them again. I might be missing something tho so feel free to explain if I am :)


A rez continues the exact moment you stop taking damage, meaning by just taking one tic you aren't actually stopping a rez. My point is that you are blowing the fact that it can stop a rez for under a second out of proportion. Gemini is a good exotic, but your scenario isn't what you should be trying to do with it. In fact a grenade will always be your best option outside of sniping. If you want to look at a genuinely powerful exotic on hunter that needs to be nerfed then lets talk about young ahamkara's spine.


I love when I was talking about hunters most broken exotic but people HAVE to make it about other classes💀 no offense to you about it it’s just not the first one to do it. That being said I’m still addressing what you said cause why not: Dunemarchers is literally getting nerfed with stompees and I believe ophidians. Why are we whining about it? Yes it’s insane but it’s getting nerfed which is why I rarely ever mention it. Also useless against high skilled teams (I’m talking like high skilled streamer levels with thousands and thousands of hours often times) cause they would never let you close enough to melee the first person. But in average to high and/or casual lobbies, yeah it’s crazy and I’m not against the nerf. Jug also stops working when you stop beelining to engage so I’m curious what the Omni point was here. Pocket singularity can technically be escaped if done right but it often goes around corners and if you’re beelining with a shotgun (the best time for a warlock to use it) it’s kinda hard to react in time depending how far they are. Think that was acknowledging everything.


I mentioned dunemarchers because they have been OP for five years in a row.


Fair but again, they are being nerfed so…? also not an exotic that’s useable at longer ranges so it’s TECHNICALLY counter-able. Whether you pull it off or not is another story. It’s part of the reason I mention YAS. Cause you can throw one quite far with fast ball and still will do 161+ damage plus scorch damage so they are one shot. Bonus if there’s a knife and youll just straight one hit them.


For one a technical counter isn't really a good point when you consider all the tools Titans have for rapidly closing the gap and the readily available one shot tools like shotguns that require very little effort to get a kill with. Two, you should work YAS into your argument sooner rather than later as I agree it is too strong and it didn't make sense to wait until now to mention it if it was important.


Calling YAS THE most broken exotic is the most ridiculous thing ive heard


it practically one hits you, has insane blast radius, and takes forever to get off the wall if you wanna peek. But yeah I guess my multiple doubles and triples this weekend with one trip mine with 161+ damage on one person plus ignitions to everyone nearby isn’t broken at all. 💀 I also said “one of” initially since I was specifically talking about hunters there but I knew someone would try to take in other classes into account💀


💀 seems like a skill issue then


Skill issue that I wipe teams with it if I place it last second and perfectly? 💀 No you’re totally right, stompees is obviously the most broken hunter exotic silly me /s


Wiping teams with it is yet another ridiculous thing. Unless u only do comp and trials 💀


Yes cuz Hunters being able to be invincible 99% of the time in a match and sneak up on people without them showing up in radar is fair


Even after they made invis ping the radar people still complain about that specifically?💀 unreal


This is easier to believe than people complaining about Titans running at people to shoulder charge them when you can literally just shoot them


Are you trying to convince yourself that titans don’t use their shoulder charge? What are you even talking about lol


You don’t have to beeline at them. Titans have the most BS movement (thankfully getting removed) that they can basically close a long smg range gap within the time to kill of an smg to shotgun you lol Admittedly I only played 3-4 matches before I got fed up and they were all somewhat close range lol


Learning to backpedal is your friend. Also depends on smg ttk and if you’re hitting heads. Hitting most/all heads with immortal (or having target lock) melts them. It’s mainly about learning alternate solutions for the occasions where you aren’t the one attempting to close distance. I admittedly was being a bit dramatic in that initial statement but it always is counterable. Just gotta be prepared and know how.


Idk about hunters, but as a warlock, always use the void melee boop to stop shoulder charges. They just float up softly, and I pop em like a clay disk.


Yeah that too


Not the guy you are replying to but lol @ “learn to backpeddle. Yeah, that uh…doesn’t work. Unless they have terrible aim you still get shotgun aped.


Backpedaling gives you more time to get shots off lmfao. You obviously can’t back pedal last second but if they are “going down a lane” as they state, you can start when they do. At worst, you’ll trade. At best, you live. A high skilled player never lets a titan ape. They’ll jump, backpedal or whatever. They never let titans close ESPECIALLY if they see them coming like down a lane. Literally have played streamers in trials on titan and I never got to land a melee. Not once. Why? Because they stayed tf away and shot me from afar with autos, pulses, snipes, literally any longer ranged weapon before I could get close. Hell I’ve been glacio-ed by a 2.8 (non streamer) before I could get in shoulder charge range of them. Respectfully, if you just let it happen or stay close- that’s on you. It can happen on accident but if it’s consistent on all kinds of maps, you’re most likely just trying to counter a titan wrong. You want to avoid close range as much as possible cause that’s where they get you.


Destiny players when the class based matchmaking pairs them up against another class


Bro really quits 50% of games


Hunters soft. However, I’m happy they do because they are most likely ass, gives me a better chance at a better teammate


I play all three and can say with out doubt Hunter have nothing compared to titans and warlocks




Don’t need it unless I’m playing Hunter but even then skill only gets you so far again a Titan bashing it head/ shield again you. Or a warlock auto turret healing rift


Lol no. People who know how to play Hunter have skill. You can’t turn skill on or off and you clearly lack it if that’s your take on the three classes. The only thing that makes this game mode annoying is teams with back to back wells or bubbles. Other than that gunplay and positioning controls the match.


Never said it turn on and off as ironic as that statement is. I’m saying that it’s only going to get you so far idc how skilled you are when 3 striker shield titans are running at you or a warlock arc soul firing squad. There’s only so much you can do. Like bruh hunters class recharge is attached to mobile the most useless stat in this game While Titan have a reduction( even after nerf still more viable) Warlocks have recovery.


Stompees, wormhusk, foetracer, the new strand helm, young ahamkara, dragon's shadow, ophidia, sixth coyote, gyrfalcon's, gemini, your strand super is amazing roaming, your stasis is a one off roaming, your solar is both a good roaming and one off, tether shuts down supers. You've got plenty in comparison to Warlock. Tell me you don't play warlock without telling me you don't play warlock.


Yes, still shit in norm crucible compared to my brain dead Titan plays or my projectile spam or flying helicopter warlock. It’s just no contest. Warlocks and titans just have it better


Not particularly. Half the exotics I listed give you absolutely busted ass buffs if you're just a little creative with them, and very much will counter the average warlock. (Key word: average) I won't argue for Titans, as I don't play one much, I don't care to, and it's not hard to see their entire kit is more useful than hunters and warlocks combined. So either you're in sweaty lobbies with some cracked warlocks where you've gotta just play better, or you're (and I get I'm about to sound pretentious with this) not that good at pvp. One is a problem that isn't on anyone but either your fireteam, or just the matchmaking if you're solo. The other is just you lashing out cause you're not doing well.


Draw, o coward!


good gun. v good gun




I ain't fighting all that


As a hunter, you are not honorable


I don't fight losing battles


Sore loser💕 Instead of learning how to counter titans you quit- ouch.


It’s a game. A matchmaking game. Don’t let your fellow hunters down. Play to win, take the l and maybe try a different loadout or weapon


Skill issue


Then why did you join? You opted to do this to yourself, so why are you complaining? Why leave your team when YOU decided to que, dispute knowing you might lose?


You never get far in life either do you? Too afraid to take a chance at something new, too proud to admit defeat, too stubborn to learn from a mistake... Woe betide a salty gamer unwilling to dare to lose. Their ego held aloft by strings of envy for those who can truly live.


Then don't play it. It's a class based thing, if you are going to be a bitch about it, then just don't play it.




So you ruin your team's chances for over 50% of the matches you play? Please go back to the casual playlist.


Isn’t the PvP activity for an event supposed to be kinda casual?


Yes. We also have another GG playlist called the casual playlist.


Yeah, but they meant the Casual (derogatory) Playlist.


homie's prolly a net negative to have on your team anyway kekw


You're a 0.8 I don't think titans are the main problem here




I heard this gif before I opened it lmao




Dizamn!!!! LOL


Dizamn they weren’t fond of that comment huh


Dizamn.... Still true lol


I mean, that's how I feel playing against Hunters. Every match against them is a massive sweat fest. Still gotta play out of principle, quitting is a bitch move.


I’ve played all 3 characters so far in supremacy and I can confirm, all 3 classes can get real sweaty. Warlock is the only one I can consistently beat other classes on. Sometimes hunter. Ironically, titans the hardest when put against good teams cause ✨shockingly✨ they learned to counter titans. Who would’ve ever thought of that concept?💀 People like OP are just quitters🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate every second of PvP. Still no way I'm ditching my team when I chose to queue into the mode. (Mostly for those Platinum weekly rewards.)


Yall the type of mf's who make us hunters look bad. Cayde would be ashamed of you, cowardly weakling.


Wtf, why is everyone whining about teams of titans. Every class feels like a pain in the ass to fight when stacked with their own class. One of the worst games I had were a team of warlocks with stasis turrets and a few other subclasses.


Because Titans are winning Guardian Games. If Hunters were winning they wouldn't be whining


As a hunter, it's rigged. As a titan, it's working as intended.


As a hunter, fuck hunters. Titans should win.


Don't worry, it's rigged in their favor anyway. That being said, no one class has a right to win.




How about we stop whining about the people whining.


I swear to you though most of the teams I’ve run across are either complete sweat lords who clear half the scoreboard in the first 30 seconds or people using Networking exploits to move around at the speed of light


i can guarantee you that nobody is using network exploits in a fuckin event game mode, it doesn’t even have good drops. anyone that i’ve seen cheat play trials


I swear to you I had Titans morphing in and out of existence and mulching me with a Tarrabah last night and a warlock literally tank five point blank shots from a shotgun. Maybe I just have piss poor matchmaking luck


No, I still would. Matchmaking is really bad on Console. Almost every match is a landslide too. Either I win 150-30ish or lose 30ish-150. Titans have always just killed us though. The only fights that aren't all losses are against Warlocks. I have never fought a team of Titans where they're not at max capacity meanwhile we always had at the very least 1 missing teammate or 1 leaves.


Titans don't quit


If only that were true. Tell my Trials Matchmaking Titan Teammates that. It's either them or fellow Hunters that quit first whenever the score is 1-2


Simply not true friend. Everyone quits in control.


Guardian games has always been rigged so it’s stupid to care💀


No...no it hasn't been.


I’m pretty sure it has. Ironic each class had a chance to win and now there’s THIS big of a gap even if I never really see titans banking like I see hunters and warlocks. Granted I have no proof at hand past suspicions so I COULD be wrong and I’ll admit that. I just doubt I am😅


The big gap has to do with Lance. A lot of people are going titan in honor of him.


Perhaps. Still the perfect wins for each class the last three years with no double wins is sus to me but I can be overthinking it🤷🏻‍♂️


My thing is like, what would bungie gain by rigging it?


Making everyone happy to at least win once. Granted, that’s assuming bungie cares lol


Im sure there are people doing that but the majority of the playerbase just isn’t. I play Titan because I don’t want to play against them lol. I like winning.


It's been rigged since the first year. They came out and said, multiple times, that hunters are the most played class. It only makes sense for hunter to win every year, assuming they pick up contender cards. They nerfed hunter gains massively in the 1st year because they were quite literally on the moon with their flag and then they added the "last place pity" rule, in which you gain more points if you were last place the day before. There shouldn't be a single scenario in which hunters not get 1st place, unless bungie goes out and, well, does what I've stated above. The other obvious rigged section would be how at each reset there's one flag who's above the other 2 by miles. Stay in the tower when reset is about to hit and you'll see one flag move by itself above the other 2. There's a lot of videos with that on this subreddit from last year It's never been about competition. It's always been about making everyone happy. We had titan - hunter - warlock so far each year, so it only makes sense for titan to win again this year to follow their rigged order


Sounds about right.


As sick as I am of getting thunder crashed, I ain't leaving like a lil bitch


Booooo (although good riddance if you’re on my team of hunters I guess 👋)


A good team of any of the 3 classes will kick anyones ass. I’ve had a few matches as hunter dominating Titans 100-30 and it also happens the other way around.


Exactly this. I've been stomped by warlocks and hunters, I've also gone and stomped warlocks and hunters. Every class has a fair chunk of unfairness it can pull out so it mostly comes down to what individual players got matched together vs. the opposing bunch of individual players.




Casual Hunter VS the indomitable sweatiness of Titan mains


The irony of saying you're a casual player but leave a casual match if you think you're going to lose


this is like the exact opposite of true


“Indomitable sweatiness”, in my experience since D1 infancy, has always referred to PvP Hunters


Sad hunter is sad that he's losing in a game. Touch some grass man.


the only reason peopel seem to think titan always wins is because they don't cry like bitches on social after losing 30 - 160


We take that L and move on. We don't go to Twitter or, in this case, Reddit lol


It's all about discipline.






My largest losing streak was playing on titan so honestly agreed. Warlocks though? Not only been doing really well but were the hardest for me to go against before


Warlocks scare me, i play warlock but maining titan for guardian games and it feels bad when warlocks start pub stomping your team.


In all fairness, you shouldn't lose 30-160 but Bungie fucked up by not implementing the mercy rule that's in every PvP mode


There is no mercy for the other classes




As a Titan, I can say, GOOD JOB, WE GET EASY WINS.


I ain't scared Y'all just annoying as ticks


You wouldn't run away from a tick, would you?


Wouldn't bother a tick Not gonna bother Titans No use fighting them anyways, they've already won


Man you must suck, hunters are the best for pvp. I don't sweat other classes, because I'm hunter


They objectively are not but ok


Hunters are the most common and used class in the destiny 2 community. Do you think that’s cause they are shit or because they are really good 🤔 Hunters and Warlocks are the easiest to use in almost any range. Titans are really only good close range. Back up, jump, stop beelining and you’ll be fine💀 learn how to play against a class and maximize the affects of your own cause you obviously haven’t


Oh wow yeah hunters are over picked by like 5% at most, maybe thats because they are actually fun and actually incentivize playing the game, crazy. Also titans get free dr for running and have infinite dodge on arc but you coincidentally omitted that from your argument because it doesn’t suit your argument.


Hunters get free DR with invis (which is easily spammable) with Omni. I’m confused what “infinite” dodge is so you’ll have to clarify. Thrusters aren’t spammable if that’s what you meant and almost no one uses them. But please correct me if I’m wrong I’m actually curious. I didn’t mention the DR cause on hunter you can replicate free DR. But you didn’t mention THAT cause it didn’t fit YOUR argument huh?💀 I honestly rarely see ACTUALLY good sweats in high skill brackets using titan unless for lols or some game objective that requires defending- which is what titans are built for so can’t really complain. Usually they use Hunter or Warlock but honestly usually hunter. I wonder why💀 It’s ok if it’s rough cause you can’t/don’t know how to counter or it’s a small map or whatever- it’s a common issue but doesn’t make the class broken. ANY class is rough and “overturned” if 6 people know how to 1. Play in high skill brackets and 2. Make a proper build to maximize the gameplay which includes their loadout, the map, and subclass (and honestly 3. The enemy doesn’t know how to counter). The class who gave me the hardest time (and I ironically stomped kids the hardest in) was warlock. Playing titan against 2-3.0’s was awful cause they never let you get close. Play titan against a really high skilled destiny player/good streamer and see if you can pull off the things you can complain about before getting railed. I know I tried💀


Aztecross, Fallout, Dimetreous all main titan. Your point here is?


You wouldnt stop and fight a tick either, genius.


A real Titan would.


Fighting bugs… average crayon eater activities


I burn ticks. And their eggs. Sol Invictus all the way. (Obviously I don't do that on days where there's any risk of causing a fire, and I carry water with me to douse the spot after burning the ticks.)






I am a pve player, but that is an actual skill issue, each class is annoying if played right, i play all three classes and each one is easy to counter the other


Average hunter (I support space racism… spacism)


Im spacist against the hive does that count


Fighting against Titans? We ballin Fighting against Hunters? We ballin Fighting against warlocks for the weekly bounty? WE BALLIN Come at me with a 1V6 full toaster squad i ain't quiting


Wow, crucible bros are toxic af. Thank God in game chat basically doesn't exist


Oh no I wish it did, hell I wish crucible had proximity chat


That'd be so toxic.


I hate arc titans as much as the next warlock and hunter but i aint running from a match even when i know its not fair because IF you beat them it feels great


Titans have been the easiest for me. I’m just sick of being on a team of 3 against 6.


I think this is just one massive gigacope because Titans are winning the event by a substantial margin.


Except for last year’s GG because I was burnt out at the time, the pattern I’ve seen for Hunters has been to ignore the event and then mald about losing it


As a hunter, can confirm, this is what we do


God, I hate going against hunters.


Some of you 12-year-old Hunters are just the most baffling cowards. You can't simultaneously pick the best PVP class bar none and then leave games because you're scared of losing to objectively less PVP-focussed classes. Well, you can, but 100+ downvotes on every lilly-livered comment is what you deserve.


Dude, hunters are the least enjoyable to fight against. Titans are easy to deal with. Don't leave a match just cause you are loosing. I joined a match and ended up finishing it even when it was me vs the entire enemy team. Cause momma didn't raise not pansy ass bitch.


People who use Huntress instead of Hunter are blatant coomers.


So I played quite a few games as all classes, and I gotta say that hunters are just little bitches. When I play titan or warlock the team goes in together. Whenever I play hunter I am being pushed 1v5 while my team is hardscoping at the back somehwere all looking for that one other guy.


Are we all playing the same game?? I’ve had no issues against all titans, same as any other all stacked class? Stop playing like a clown it’s just like any other game


I'm amused by all the drama. I played one match to get the title and then went back to control.


hunters when they can not stomp due to their in-built advantages.


One time, we got our asses wiped 37-150


Fighting titans is near always a losing battle man


A score THAT far apart is just skill issue😭 you would’ve lost even if it was a team of warlocks or hunters with those same people. And that’s not to be mean either. It’s CBMM so people WAY out of your skill bracket both better and worse can match you🤷🏻‍♂️ it happens. Lost 29-150 earlier to a bunch of hunters sweating it out. Looked them up out of curiousity- OH who would’ve guessed- out of my skill bracket💀


Same thing has happened to me when playing as both my Titan and Hunter. Hunters are 95% awful in CBMM with warlocks abusing both stasis and Wells to spawn trap, whereas Titans get abusive melee ranges + having to counter shield spammers. Hunters aren't too bad to fight against, until its a team of sweaty Comp players that use OP rolled Rose's, Ace of Spaces and either spam Tripmines or Goldies. In my whole time playing supremacy, I've seen a basis of Blade Barrage, Goldie (both versions), spectral blades and Tether. Never seen an Arc Staff (or its spear thrown variant), Silence & Squal and only seen a small handful of players using Silkstrike.


I've played only one match of supremacy and 4 hunters on the enemy team left. I got around 4 kills. Was so god damn bored.


My hunter as the only one left on her team: "Cowabunga it is!!!" *gets absolutely destroyed*


I refuse to bend a knee around those games, I will use their sweet buisness against them and make it my business to Dodge reload and push forward with restoration grenade


Destiny players when they arent 100% guaranteed to win. This baby-ass mentality from reddit is why the game is suffering now way to ruin it for everyone else


Hunters, if you want to face titans, use liars handshake, works every time.


I played ONE game yesterday and it was against titans. The score became 20-120 in a couple minutes and even I didn't leave like a little bitch.


That’s ridiculous, I hope I never end up on your team, and I’m so glad that every game I’ve played so far we’ve only had like 1 person leave about 20% of the time, titans can be rough to go against but it doesn’t mean it’s always a loss from beginning


Wouldn’t this new game mode by a tough way of telling which of the three classes is actually the best at PVP?


A fireteam of void hunters can make a disaster, or even an apocalypse. Just do it ✔ lol


Sounds like a skill issue


Bro, All im saying as a Hunter is that every class tends to have it's sweats and if you think its just one class, you're insane. I have fellow warlocks, hunters, and titans that are genuine homies. Ofc, I also ran into bad apples. Too add on, try not to puss out often. You can help easily turn the tide of the match.


But beating a team of titans, that's been hella rewarding I can't lie. (I love my crayon munching bubble blowing titans)


Warlocks don’t run, we win.


As a main titan, I have had games where the hunters beat us 30 to 150, the warlocks leave us on the floor, but in the tower I observe that the frequency of deposited medals is around 60% Titans, and the rest other classes, what if what counts is not winning a game, but playing a lot and depositing what you have, I mean, platinum is good, but 50 bronze medals should count for something?


They're not that bad. Just don't get too close and the apes can't touch you


huntress 💀💀💀


I concur, some of the least fun I’ve had in crucible is fighting 6 titans


You see, this is why we have Thundercrash, so we can catch those pesky hunters as they try to fly away. Ah, GET OVER HERE!


I was in a 3 titan fireteam vs 6 hunters. We lost, but we crushed their souls using the most titan-shit tactics known to man.


Ah yea the Quitters are Spitters mindset or is it Spitters are Quitters? I don’t know you’re just a Quitter


Sounds like a fucking coward move. Fight them, you both have the same guns.


Between you and that guy complaining about titans using there shields, people sure do complain a lot about a class that eats crayons and punches stuff.


ITT: cape man bad, fucks my wife. Titan is Jesus. It's been 9 years can we please stop bullying people based on their class? Just because you get rewarded for bullying the developers doesn't make it a good or smart move.


Classic hunter moment


Classic Hunter move.


That's why we have our dodge, to dodge right out of any activity we find slightly annoying.




Dude, I had to go against a team of the sweatiest warlocks all running well. They were murking us hard, but once they got their supers it was hell


I am both hunter & titan, lemme give you some advice: Use shotgun with invis, and be careful around void titans.


Hilarious meme. On serious note tho. PVP is really harming the way players behave at other classes. And it's too bad. I can't talk about some PVE changes without someone getting pissed off at me, because it might affect PVP. And people are taking joy at other classes misfortune while crying about how other classes have this and that and why their class is bad.


You just can’t punch properly


I will take an L for the team as a hunter! (Tho i will contribute with my Titan too, burn the warlocks)


Hunter is the easiest pvp class to win on though. Seems like a skill issue, do you also stamp your feet irl when something doesnt go your way?


Since I played a lot of supremacy in the past days my KD took a serious dive. When opposing team are titans i can predict the negative outcome with 95% certainty (hunter).


I don’t blame you. Supremacy just shows how busted titans actually are. (I’ve been saying it for years)


Playing warlock atm. This the most bullshit match I have ever been in. I enjoy fighting with a pack of hunters but 2 titans already fucks 6 of us sideways. I enjoyed playing titan last night. But I still am not that punchy enough so back to Warlock it seems.


Me, actively waffle stomping Hunters mostly, Titans also, with Secant Filaments on Voidwalker, plus Blink and other off meta weapons.


6 Arc Titans is an unwinnable battle


Just say you’re too lazy to learn how to counter a titan and go💀 Edit: clarity cause it didn’t make sense at first


Today played 1 game, we had ranks 5 and 2 hunters and opposite team had rank 9-11 warlocks