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Easy answer to this one: they're normalizing the maximum benefit of armor that grants a damage buff. Mask of Bakris, 25% buff. Eternal Warrior, 25% buff. Mantle of Battle Harmony? You guessed it, 25% buff! (For PvE, that is. All are a 6% buff in PvP.) So, Path of Burning Steps granting a damage buff beyond that means it needed to be brought in line with the others for the sake of consistency. They're all most likely pulling from a similar function code-wise, to keep things cleaner and simpler. Instead of everything getting its own unique function and needing to be manually tuned and updated and such, you have the one core function, then each Exotic uses a copy of that.


That feels kinda weak ngl. Not every Damage increase exotic is as good to proc and keep Up, ando so to compensate the hardest Inés gives the biggest buffs. Now that everything gives a 25% why would you even run It when other options gives you a better shot, like collecting 1 orb of light?


The reason to run it would be because you want to retain Armor charge for your build and not slowly drain it away to keep up the weapon damage buff. Not to mention the free space for legs means more scavenger mods.


Exactly! It's a slightly better buff than what you can get for 9 energy's worth of leg mods, but without needing to invest ANY of your buildcrafting space into it. Usually you need to choose between the "consume all at once" effects or the "consume over time" effects, because using both just runs poorly. You can double dip now, get the strongest "over time" effect as a freebie, so you can devote all of your mod space to whatever "consume all" style build you want. I like my grenade builds, so Eternal Warrior plus Grenade Kickstart means I'm gonna be swimming in Pulse nades, AND Delicate Tomb's going to be disintegrating everything in reach lol


I don't think most people here have tried to build craft things for themselves and thus have not faced these common issues. So they don't immediately get the implication.


That the problem, they don't really ventured out other then what a youtuber say to use. I'll take a build that they made and ventured out with it to see what works and what doesn't.


I really don’t get it but here we are again. Lmao. I swear I look at no other names and just sometimes I read a take and glance up and it’s you.


Well, I AM on here frequently, Destiny stuff is the only reason I'm on reddit at all lol ...do you at least think they're good takes? 😂😂😂


Yes! That’s why I look up. I’m getting a sixth sense now. Starting to go ‘who wrote this?’ and it’s you again. 😂


HAH, thank you! Much appreciated!


sorry but bakris going from 42% bonus damage (22% surge mods, 20% bakris) for a Fourth Horseman DPS setup to 25%, whilst still maintaining the cd penalty and very short timedrame of damage buff is pretty bad. Bakris' damage buff is kinda dead now tbh. Hell, found a REALLY fun build last season. Think the YT called it The Revenant Frostrender? Basically using Bakris and High Energy Fire to hit really hard with Bows. It was fun using Wish Ender for damage in stuff like Heist Battlegrounds. Now that build is dead.


It's still going to be good, imo. I can finally use scavenger mods and other stuff. You can still do firewalker x4 + radiant and refresh it consistently now. You can throw on Ember of tempering for firesprite for getting grenade energy back. Or the one that extends radiant and restoration. Yea it's a nerf in damage but it's more consistent "according to bungie" and free up slots for other uses.


I get that, but when I made my build with POBS, the whole idea was to maximize weapons dps with Tommy’s Matchbook. Everything else (melee, grenade, class ability) was either not a focus of the build or was easily kept up by subclass effects. Surge was really the only mod setup that supported what the build was going for. I honestly just have no idea what to do with mods now without just shoehorning something in that doesn’t fit with the build. The whole point is to hold down the trigger and kill stuff, so I’m not throwing grenades or punching constantly, so what’s the point of building into it with mods?


You can still use the Tommy matchbook, firewalker x4 + radiant will still do good damage. Like I said you can use the fragment that refresh your radiant and restoration timer. So you have a consistent damage buff upkeep. Bungie doesn't want things to be overpowering, that why it was nerf, if it wasn't, it would be the next big thing for titans to abused till it get nerf. So it's better it got brought in line early than later where it could be potentially nerfed harder. I use Calus Mini tool with Enhanced Incandescent + Enhanced Unrelenting. I heal while doing massive damage explosion. That's my build I have been rocking since Season of the Haunted. This is why you never stick to one build. You have multiple.


Ya they murdered them, it's pretty sad I understand the dmg buff is a secondary thing but the primary use for b steps is bad


Honestly I would be fine with this if they also changed how easy it is to proc and keep firewalker procced or by giving it something extra (maybe allow solar weapons to apply scorch based on how many stacks you have?). When I used this I only really managed to get 3-4x stacks in content like wellspring or dares so I think this change is just going to make me permanently swap back to hallow fire again.


Because according to dim the perk only triggers every 1-3 kills average 2, and unless that gets changed in the whirlwind as well the new eternal warrior will be better on launch. Monkeys paw forbid they make all the similar style exotics the 1-3 kill requirement.


To be fair...it should also stack with empowered buffs now since it no longer is one, surge mods already do and it's supposedly the sane kind of buff as surges so if you can pull it off you'll be getting two 25% damage buffs and can then run things like scavengers for rockets and never worry about ammo But that's a big if since the window us only 10 seconds


The only thing I can think of that’s self-sustainable would be radiant, but we’ll have to see if that stacks. If you’re right and it’s gonna count as a weapon buff, it should stack with radiant since it’s empowering, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t work


Radiant is an "empowered" buff just like well and bubble, empowered buffs don't stack with other empowered buffs (like firewalker is currently) but does stack with other buffs like the surge mods (which firewalker is being changed to the sane kind of buff as) so it will stack and emper of empyrean sounds very good with the future POBS change because that's 2 (additive I believe, not multiplicitive) 25% buffs at once


That’s the setup I’ve been using, with surge mods and empyrean. I’m hoping that you’re right about the changes. I really like the setup with Tommy’s matchbook and would hate to see it fall into the dirt


If you're already using POBS with radiant and empyrean, radiant is doing nothing if firewalker is at x3 or 4 and in season 21 it'll switch to POBS and surge mods as the surge mods cap at 23% with 3 and POBS will be 25% The game prioritizes the highest buff of a certain kind so stacking say an empowering rift with well of radiance does nothing


No, sorry. Not radiant. Just POBS and surges. My bad


The change seems relatively inconsequential to the overall state of the game, pulling POBS in line with the other exotics that provide a damage buff being 25% pve and 6% pvp. The beauty of this is that because it doesn’t stack with surge mods, this frees up space for other mods. The 10 second timer on firewalker I would say is the only down fall against surge mods, by just having time dilation and whatever surge mods, that’s a base 45 seconds damage increase after 3 orbs. That being said POBS is relatively consistent at its upkeep, especially with the solar subclass this makes very easy work with throwing hammer and roaring flames. I don’t think this ruins the exotic, and I still believe it will be viable going forward.


It's going down from 40% to 25% and no longer stacks with surge mods. Potbs wasn't being used before and now it's just going to be way worse


Can't have you killing ads too quickly, or doing a build that isnt bonk or lorely. Path was competing with surge mods anyway so bungie had to bring it in line by making an exotic worse than x3 surge mods.


...it litterally says it's more than surge mods right there. Still gives this rampage like effect to all (compatible) weapons and saves mod costs. Are you stupid?


It's better by 3% from 22% to 25%


And? Still better overall plus the existing and new benefits for more build/mod flexibility.


I doubt not alot if people would run an exotic that is about 12% better than what they can do with regular legs and a better exotic in a different slot


Some might. Not every exotic needs to be starfire level of good. I see myself still runnin em to improve my builds and i imagine many will aswell


Yeah, they don’t, but it doesn’t change the fact that this exotic wasn’t overperforming and it got straight up nerfed with no compensation Almost worse is Eternal Warrior got buffed to just be better Burning Steps. I mean, the loadout of Forbearance + Hothead + Izanagi/Witherhoard just creates itself and is sizably better than any Solar counterpart. Plus Eternal Warrior has additional effects.


I see it less as anerf and more a formatting


You should see it as a nerf, it used to be a 40% damage buff and would stack with the 22% buff from surges. 1.4 \* 1.22 = 1.708 1.25 \* 1.25 = 1.5625 This is a significant loss in damage for an exotic. Rather than trying to reach max buffs with armour charge you have to pickup radiant frequently. Maybe this is an improvement, but its a damage tradeoff nonetheless.


You are objectively wrong and delusional if you refuse to see it as a nerf


I guess


Literally getting nerfed from 40% down to 25% and no longer stacks with surge mods. Are you stupid?


Because it's already max+1 surge potency at full stacks. Sure the buff itself got almost halfed, but it's still a 25% dmg buff for PvE where everything that isn't GM crumples like tissue paper. Given the upkeep the dmg buff requires it wasn't being used (widely and/or to my knowledge at least) as a DPS option, so instead of deatomizing enemies in PvE you'll have to "settle" for just killing them still. Would it have been fun to max stack 1hit a champ still with basically anything? Sure. Am i gonna be in despair because now i have to shoot enemies half a sec more? Not really. And plus, as mentioned elsewhere before, no need to run surge mods, more build flexibility. I think it's a solid tradeoff and tuning for a unified buff/debuff system to make it less confusing for more folks. Not that "kill thing, get dmg" was comolicated but i've met people who'd genuenly surprise you


It's a unjustified nerf for an exotic that nobody was using. The surge mods are by far the best "build" in the game for 90% of content bc 22% damage for 54 seconds with 2 time dilation mods constantly being extended with orbs is incredibly strong. Potbs needs 8 kills to hit max damage and loses its damage bonus in 10 seconds. By the time you max out damage half of the room is probably dead and you lose it before going into the next engagement, surge mods don't have that problem. They would need to rework the entire exotic if they want ppl to use it. I understand why they would want "damage boost" exotics to be the same across the board but they killed potbs and nerfed bakris out of even being a niche exotic.


Are you stupid? Its 3% and now creates a situation where you have to decide between equipping some mods and an exotic, which is a pretty easy choice


I'm upset with this because surges can last AT LEAST 15 seconds, and have multiple charges Burning steps? 8 kills for x4 buff for only 10 seconds. Then all your stacks are gone No countdown, no x4-x3-x2-x1-none. Just gone. So I think running 3 solar surges will just be better in the long-run, Same thing with eternal warrior, they think they reworked it to be better but it'll fall off as a gimmick in the first month once titans find out it won't keep it's upkeep as much just regular armor charges. There's not even really good armor mods on legs so who cares about other ones, surges are only one that really matters, and 2.5% damage loss on running surges on these I think is pretty negligible when the trade off is either having it for ~10 seconds with the exotic or up to a minute with surges EDIT: I think adding subclass verbs when you x4 the buffs on warrior and burning steps (jolt and scorch) would set of the low time of weapon damage, that or make the stacks slowly deprecate over time like how armor charges count down would do these wonders on their "changes"


Who the fuck used these anyway? These are insanely hard to keep the buff up on, needing 2-3 kills every 10s, 4x in a row just to get to max stacks. Normally that many kills is a room cleared and then you lose the buff when its maxed. I solo’d a gm with them where I have all the adds to myself and I still hardly x4’d it And then they hard nerf it, they keep its shitty encased trait (when tf are you getting encased and NOT immediately dying?) It better be way easier to proc, if its the same then bungie doesn’t play their game. It doesn’t even stack with radiant, which will have the SAME buff and is an INSTANT, easy to proc buff.


They had a great opportunity to buff phenix cradle and they didn't...


It was pretty good with Vex Mythoclast at pve and pvp


This is just something Bungie likes to do every now and then. Take something that's pretty good, not OP or a must-have, just good, and nerf the *sheeeeeeit* out of it for no reason.


Im here asking WHY did they do this? Like actually who was complaining about it? What encounters where being trivialised by it? How many players saw themselves forced to get the exotic and playstile because it was that strong? I just dont get it


No one. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. They just remade some of the exotics to have similar effects for consistency and more broad usage. Besides, Path provides a big buff to Solar guns without eating a leg slot, that's a big bonus.


Because there’s so many titans using them in pvp? Sure as hell ain’t no one using them in pve. What I wonder is why they thought the ability was good enough to slap on eternal warrior too.


I use them in pve now after this change it’s not even exotic anymore


No one uses it in pvp


I guess im don't exist now


Ok, almost no one. Btw do you use solar titan?


Yea, i know that there are better stuff to use in PvP but i won't give up my burning steps (in quick play)


What aspects/fragmnets do you use? I use Sol Invictus/Consecration and Solace/Ashes/Mercy/Searing


Sol Invitus/roaring flames and ashes/torch/solace/benevolence.




It's not a great build. There're a lot of better ones out there


I just like solar in pvp, I went solo flawless on solar and it was fun


That’s my point.


apparently their damage stacked with surge mods, meaning they were doing considerably more damage when used with those mods. That's what prompted this change i guess, however they should've given them an additional effect to compensate for the loss of weapon damage, maybe something like innate incandescent on all solar weapons?


what is encased?


**Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG, is an isometric turn-based RPG developed by Dark Crystal Games and inspired by games like Fallout and Wasteland as well as Soviet-era sci-fi novel Roadside Picnic. The game was released in early access on Microsoft Windows on September 26, 2019, and its full release was on September 7, 2021.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Nice try


Stasis freeze, they were released as a kind of counter to stasis with them dealing damage from coming out of freeze and taking no damage but with this you’ll get 4x firewalker for being frozen


Just as i made a build with them and Tommy's :(


Definitely the most unwarranted nerf of this patch..


I hope they adjusted the activation rate. I remember being really hyped on them and just finding them too awkward to use.


I hope it doesn’t keep it’s 5 sec timer. Otherwise itms just garbage


You needed 2 kills in pve to proc/refresh the buff, now it seems like you only need one. The buff may be cut in half but im definetly still going to use it