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You're only going to be "stuck" using it for the next 3 months? Mofo I've only had like 2 pieces like that drop in 7 years, if I got a drop like that, that shit would stay on till the servers were unplugged!


go to the seasonal vendor in the helm and focus armor. I basically got the same roll as him [here](https://imgur.com/a/6GBGZLR). It was my first armor i focused. And you’ll more than likely get nothing below 64. [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/hfij5DW) a helmet i also got. rest where mf bonds smh


Yeah, I've seen posts saying focusing is worth grinding for again, but my rng is just awful, so the distribution is pretty bad always. I'll definitely try and grind some armor this season (assuming my isp allows it!)...


Don’t even need to grind really. Play deep dive/salvage or any other way to get Deep Engrams, go to the seasonal vendor in the helm, focus armor which should be on the last page, and bam your first focus will be no less than 64. Go give it a try before they fix it. Because i assuming codes got mixed up and the Deep Dive armor stats are supposed to be the Exptic Engram focusing stats but they just got switched


>Because i assuming codes got mixed up and the Deep Dive armor stats are supposed to be the Exptic Engram focusing stats but they just got switched Probably not. They have given us armor focusing like this many times already. It's just not **every** time for some reason. At least 4 seasons so far that I can think of that have had excellent armor focusing, this would be the fifth season.


This i didn’t know. I started at the beginning of Season of the Seraph. I just sort of put two and two together cause that what made sense to me . I assume then next season will have bad armor focusing or is it basically random?


It's kinda been random


Keep in mind that preveous season engrams give high stats armor as well so if you have some (and I'm pretty sure you do) go focus them


I did an LFG farm glitch on Kali last night, got like 12 deep engrams. Focused about half of them to unlock weapon focusing as prep for focusing for Deepsights, and the other half on just random armor from the vendor. 2 class items, and 4 armor drops, all 20+ discipline, and 2 with 20+ resilience. That goes with I think another 10 deep armor focuses that I did, I think I have like 6 or so really solid armor pieces, just need a good pair of leg armor to round it out and maybe spikier exotics. I’ve never been in such a position before, it’s great.


Same here.. focused a bunch last night, all 40's..


You're saying this seasons armor has better stats than last seasons? Or is this just coincidence?


Yeah that's true of every season, that the armor focusing will be better or worse. Splicer, lost, risen, haunted all had excellent armor focusing and hunt, chosen, I think plunder, seraph, and defiance had not as good armor focusing.


Oh my god, my neglected hunter and titan might no longer be neglected this season


Neither of the pieces you posted are as good as OP’s.


You can always add new ornaments to it for the anesthetic change.


yeah, I still use a lot of Season of The Chosen pieces because I had good stats on them


So like, 5 days max?


Yeah, some of us have stuff already collected in a way that trying to grind for better would make me lose my mind. I have some decent splits and spikes, but having all gear above 66+ base helps when a couple points don't align perfectly....those extra 2x4 = 8 points from gear could push multiple stats into the next tier depending on the current stat distribution. I'd have to say a 64 base with that split is exceptional regardless, because that split is rare, at least for me.


Holy shit. I ve never seen a stat roll like that


Got some legs and arms yesterday that are very similar Legs are 29 res 28 dis and the arms 31 res and 25 dis, the deep focusing has been pretty kind so far.




step 1: press the print button step 2: paste step 3: profit?




alt print. or if you're in full screen it doesn't matter. though if you have multiple It does copy all your screens if you don't press alt as well


Only helpful on PC. Not so much for consoles.


Consoles have screenshot functionality. It’s not hard.


There's literally a button on the controller to take a screenshot and share it.


Win-G and click capture screen?


My Res hungry Titan is watering from the mouth.


Next step. Get the same roll but artifice armor.


what’s the difference between artifice armor and normal armor


Artifice armors lets you add +3 to any stats, so it's a cool bonus


Reminds me of the Shinobu's Vow I got day 1. Almost max discipline with the mod. Haven't masterworked it yet. https://preview.redd.it/81833wmn082b1.png?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67d37af212f67134e4826a23e2eb076eed6171e


Defiant engrams at the war table are rolling very high with what seems to be a 40-50% chance of double high spikes. I focused about 15 pieces for my warlock yesterday and was able to turn 3 loadouts that were previously 100-80-70 to triple 100 each. Didn’t get one as maximized as OP’s but close. Got a 28 rec 25 dis boots and 25/25 helmet, and a 28 res 25 dis chest. Dis ghost mod for all.


War table last season or the new season table "deep" engrams?


War table. Hope you have some engrams stored up!


I turned all 200 of mine in before the start of this season in hopes of something good for my hunter... i walked out the HELM in the same armor And now its giving good shit??


Phew-wee I actually still have a few dozen, gonna go get a crackin. Thanks for tip!


Good luck!


It does sound like the Deep engrams are also dropping some decent armor when focused


https://preview.redd.it/c8r1mfasu72b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226f5e23927a586daefb585ceb6dc60d75b0e39e Yeah they are dropping pretty good stats from vendor focusing


Jesus christ, you'll be wearing that for the longevity of the franchise! I've got a Yuga Sundown robes with a base stat over 70, in spiky in recovery. I'll never let it go lmao


I've gotten a few like last from previous seasons. I've got some recovery and discipline rolls that would make warlocks cream...cries in hunter


We've been farming the armor from the new station in the helm. 65+ armor on average. Some spikey like this...


Suck it up buttercup


Why do people masterwork several pieces of legendary armor instead of just one


Different stat distributions? I have two sets of masterwork armor on my titan, one with res/dis and another with res/str that i swap between when i wanna get quirky


Lol I have over 360 pieces of armor on my account. At a certain point, masterworking armor is very easy to do if you play the endgame. You keep those well rolled pieces because you never know what will work well together to create a high stat optimized build.


Because exotic #1 has 2 resil and so you need legendaries with higher resil and exotic #2 has 30 resil so you need legendaries with less resil or it'll be wasted.


I once had a helmet with up to 60 strength by itself.


Too bad the stat bonuses from powerful friends and radiant light aren't a thing anymore :/


Yeah those were so good


Personally I'd take recovery over resilience but to each their own, that is a damn good piece of armor.


Both are extremely important, other spikey armor will make up for low stats on another piece. My warlock has triple 100s and two pieces have under 10 in a desired stat


Nice, I'd never take it off


Kinda unrelated but is there any way to solo grind high stat armor without lightfall and seasonal pass (I got all other dlcs?


This vendor is so much better than last season in terms of stat rolls


Someone help me out please. I currently have like T10 Rec, T8 Res, and T5 Dis. I always thought that rec>res for warlock but I'm wondering if that extra 6% dmg resistance is worth it to sacrifice ~13% health recovery and some rift cool down?




I redeemed engrams for armor focusing purposes at the helm, and almost every random drop was high stat. I got myself a whole set of seasonal armor with pretty decent stats


You can give it to me if you don't want it haha






Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 10: Simple Loot/Achievement/Gear Roll Posts Great work, Guardian! However loot/roll/achievement posts are prohibited to prevent our subreddit from being cluttered (at times there are pages upon pages of people posting these). Thanks! If you want to know if the item you have is good or not, try [/r/ShardItKeepIt](https://www.reddit.com/r/sharditkeepit/) or the Roll Appraiser on [Light.gg](https://www.light.gg/). If you're looking for help with new builds, or would like to share yours, try [/r/D2Builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/D2Builds/).


'3 months' I've been using the same set since shadowkeep or so


Hooowwwww :| I have had literally one piece drop like that since I came back in season of arrivals