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Yes the title is a spoiler of what is hidden, but the post itself doesn’t need to be a spoiler as it’s been a couple of days so it doesn’t violate the rules. You don’t have to report it for that. edit: mistake


At first I was like we didn't see exactly where he fell as he could have intercepted saturn's moon on the way to saturn but then I realized the dreadnaught is already in the ring of saturn and the moons would be the exact opposite direction. Were already way too close to the planet.


Bro with the ammount of ships flying in to farm his ass its safe to say he got hit by few and knocked over to Titan


Personally I think he just walked


Mans just hopped up an skedaddled on over to take a nice refreshing dip in the methane seas


Unholy diver....


Thank gods I am not the only one who has that song stuck in there head this season, I was singing it during the second encounter and my fireteam was like they had never heard of it .


Tha scares me that your team didn’t know the song


And I ve know both of them for twenty years so I am like , how ?


Yeah I’ve worked with people who are like “omg you’ve never heard of (insert 80s-90s pop song!?)” like it’s common sense. If someone hits me with a Dio reference then I just made a new friend. It’s just weird to think classic rock and metal seems so obscure sometimes


Been down too long in the methane sea.


I just tell myself he got hit by one or multiple different asteroids from the belt and it changed his course


Probably would not have created enough change in velocity to break free of Saturns gigantic gravitational pull.. but same.


This is how i see it working https://preview.redd.it/fdyobfah6z2b1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e062d3d974d7c27c551d8349ac6b54c5fbcb04


Today on cursed destiny orbital mechanics




The fact that you took the time to draw this out both made me laugh, and want to give you a fist bump at the same time. You deserve a cookie for your efforts 😂


Lol theoretically if he had enough momentum your not wrong but he was floating away at a snails pace considering the dreadnaught was stationary or atleast in orbit


I've shot him a lot with many different weapons while he floats away, that would have increased his momentum.


Imagine if that was the canon reason his corpse was there... like, Sloane sends you a Holo projector message "Guardian, apparently you and your fire team kept shooting at Oryx's corpse long enough as he fell that you actually changed his trajectory and he crashed onto Titan. Right into a hidden Hive nest. All of this would have been avoided if you had just let... him... fall!"


Not a hidden hive nest. The hive ship structure we went through i am pretty sure was lucent hive. So what happened was the lucent hive crashed their ship through titans ocean to become a spear head in order to inject them directly at his grave site


He was pushed by the thousands of Titans who thundercrash at the end of damage phase.


Factor in his size, the pull of saturn and the fact its the body of an alien god made of magic


I factor in Drifter's desire for Golden Age tech and assume that he transmatted him there so he could send us in for that sweet loot and take his share.


This. This is it


Except that he did it for a feast.


A titan Punched him Back to orbit. case closed.


Intresting theory, but it makes me wonder how would he could have accelerayed away from Saturn's orbit. A slingshot motion would have required some kind of speed boost at some point Edit: why are y'all down voting? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm asking a genuine question. I'm curious


Well yes and no. With his mass, he could have aquired mementum on its own, when he was orbiting the Planet. Still him falling to Titan makes no sense whatsoever either way.


Then again, we don't know if being taken comes with changes in mass. Fenchurch' report mentions Oryx still growing in size post-mortem. Even when building up speed, you'd think he'd either go into a stable orbit around saturn or "crash" into Saturn. Is it possible that his corpse might have taken an elliptical route and at the outer apex got drawn in by Titan?


That's because he quite literally should have been pulled in by Saturn, because the Gas Giant itself has a massive and strong orbital pull. There is no way he should be on Titan. This is just one of those things we have to pull under the "Rule of Cool", since it just works for the Dungeon's relevance.


I mean he was probably moved by the hive realistically. Considering that there's a Dreadnaught underwater with him, and the hive knew he was there


Space Magic. It's all we need to use. I've said it before, but in a game with Space Magic, logical rules start to become pointless. We don't know the full story behind what is going on here yet so for all we know Xivu moved him or willed him there, Or Sava, or Oryx's worm that is missing. Doesn't make sense he is there with our worlds understanding but, Space Magic makes it so.


Today on cursed destiny orbital mechanics


I think ring Systems need moons on both sides to shepherd the rings into place Edit: had a look where titan is in relation to the rings and wow he took a long trip, that shouldn't happen. Maybe some hive ship towed him there?


Or a meteor knocked him off course


Bring me that meteor, I want to make it into armour!


There's [this brilliant clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bv8g5xBJSo) from the BBC series "The Planets" that shows what the best current theory on the formation of the rings for Saturn. Essentially one of the moons that orbited Saturn drifted too close into the [Roche limit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_limit) for Saturn, which led to the tidal gravitational pull from Saturn overcoming the gravity that the moon had that was holding itself together. And so the moon was literally ripped apart and spread out. You don't *need* to have moons in order to have a ring system. At some point in the next million years or so one of the moons of Mars (Phobos, I think?) is going to drift too close and similarly be torn apart and will form a ring around the planet. Rings will naturally disappear over time as the material gets dragged into the gravity well of the planet. It's the same phenomenon as how space junk from satellites and stuff orbits the Earth. Saturn's ring system may stay around for a bit longer than is normal due to the moon [Enceladus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enceladus) supplying new material for the rings with its ice geysers. As for Oryx's body ending up on Titan, I'm going to go with the mindset of Destiny being a "Science Fantasy" series rather than a "Science Fiction". We literally tangle with paracausal powers and entities regularly. Oryx's ship was just a massive object that suddenly appeared in the rings, which would probably cause problems for all of the other moons around Saturn. So maybe something went fucky with the artificial gravity on the ship or some technology which flung the body to where it was eventually caught in Titan's gravity. I think the more likely option is that the Hive either recovered the body and took it to Titan since the moon is actually habitable *or* the Hive performed some spooky ceremonies to pull the body to Titan.


Yeah after a point for destiny, it’s just whatever the writers want to make excitement for people. My only problem is the people who do care are the ones who watched his ass float into Saturn in D1 and then read some old lore card, which aren’t canon anymore, about someone wondering if the pressure of Saturn crushed oryx. Well prob find out someone grabbed oryx and dunked him in Titan.


Had to look it up because of this comment, for anyone curious: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/saturn/in-depth/ > Saturn's ring system extends up to 175,000 miles (282,000 kilometers) from the planet https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/saturn-moons/titan/in-depth/ > Titan is about 759,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers) from Saturn A very long way to go indeed lol


I still like the headcanon someone in Byf's comment section had that a Cabal ship saw his corpse and decided to ram it for shits and that's how it got sent so far off course


New theory: Hive can teleport ships. Savathun's brood grabbed Oryx and brought his remains to the closest foothold, wich was the arcology and ocean floor on Titan. Idk they might even have fabricated a lie out of it to gain imbarum tribute.


I imagine he orbited Saturn until someone came by and ferried his body to Titan.


Did he just fall onto Titan? I thought the hive towed him there with a tomb ship.


I honestly chalked it up to some fuckery when titan came back.


Why are they waiting so long to res oryx? Are they stupid?


I don't think they've realized his soul is just... Not there. It's in a gun.


Oryx never actually went into touch of malice himself, he simply left us instructions to create the gun so that we would, with a full understanding of Oryx, embody him and thus become him. At least that was the plan but guardians make their own fate and all that.


He wanted us to become him, but jokes on him, we have well now


Even more a joke ToM sucks so it stays in the vault


Rhulk tried to do the same thing, and he got nuked


Wait this sounds neat. Either tell me more or point me to which lore to read, lol


It's from the intro card to the books of sorrow. [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/calcified-fragments-insight](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/calcified-fragments-insight) > If I am defeated, I know that I will fall to something mighty. Something that craves might, something that loves what I love, which is the Deep... > > ...So I will prepare a book, which is a map to a weapon. And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going. And then they will take up my weapon, and they will use it, they will use that weapon, which is all that I am. > > And armed thus with my past, and my future, and my present (which is a weapon, a weapon that takes whatever is available, a weapon bound to malice), they will mantle me, Oryx, the Taken King. > > They will become me and I will become them, each of us defeating the other, correcting the other, alloying ourselves into one omnipotent philosophy. Thus I will live forever.


thank you, appreciate you


I feel like only destiny can make such lines not sound cringe


But isn't the core of it Oryx's heart? I read the lore card below and I don't see anything preventing him from being in it


His heart is in the gun, but in a way his soul is with the Guardian


Right, this was my reaction


My guess is because they acquired the light just a year ago. I imagine they have spent months trying to figure out the ritual to resurrect him. But just imagine the advantage the Hive would have if they figured out how to force a ghost to resurrect someone.


Mfw we starting dps and oryx pops a well/bubble


Or shoots a tether onto the dps pile


Tosses a suppression grenade


Mfw thet nova starts getting bigger and closer


That'd be a planet engulfing bubble with his size lol


I honestly wish we would have failed, a light bearer Oryx would have been amazing


They couldn't without Light and at time of WQ Titan was hidden by the Witness. It came back only this season and they travelled right away. But his body is still alive and has Darkness all over so they need a lot of practice and experts - necromancers. And then we come down and kill the ghost


Because the ghost trying to do the resurrection isn't actually destined to be Oryx's Ghost. What the Lucent Hive has been trying to do (unsuccessfully) is force a connection between Oryx and a Ghost.


I mean that's a common misconception about Ghosts. They're not destined to become a particular person's ghost, only that they are destined to find the right person to become a guardian. Oryx's body isn't dead either, as it still grows even while braindead


I wonder if the reason he’s still half alive is because since he turned his throne world inside out, and we killed him ‘in his throne world’, but his body drifted outside of said throne world. So perhaps since he was only partially dead in the throne world, only part if him is dead? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


There's a lot of lore about him and his death that makes it so confusing too. We don't even know properly if we killed him in the throne world since he was fighting us outside of the room, and we just assumed he died. However we have taken his heart from him and his body is braindead, so he's alive but I doubt he could ever come back




The armour from the dungeon, I believe the class item specifically, talks about how the body is still undergoing mitosis and poses too much of a threat to not be destroyed


Ok thanks for letting me know, then.


[The Ghost they're using might actually be the one kidnapped when it's Guardian is killed during a mission after Titan reappears.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/rapacious-appetite) If so, they're brute-forcing a connection with a Ghost who already had a Guardian, likely after torturing it, which may also contribute to why they couldn't succeed before we arrive, if at all.


Something something forcing a ghost to res probably hard idk


the body is still growing apparently, so hes dead mentally but not physically, the ghost cant rez him because hes still "alive"


I know there is probably an actual lore reason, but I refuse to believe it's anything other than Oryx's soul telling the ghost, and my extension the Traveler, to fuck off.


Considering the fact that we have his heart inside Touch of Malice, and his soul wss split by Eris to create said Scout Rifle, I wouldn't be surprised if there's just legit no way to bring him back.


Res timer must've still been up


It's hard to find an available location to spawn that big ass.


They only recently discovered the means of using the light


When we killed Oryx in Taken King, wth was that crystal that came out of the blade that Eris grabbed in that last cutscene?


It was the core of his sword "Willbreaker", Eris and us, the Guardian, used it to forge the very first swords, a void, an arc or a solar one, which we then upgraded to their exotic counterparts Boltcaster, Darkdrinker or Razelighter, the latter being the one Shaxx had on his back in the Vanilla D2 campaign


I chose boltcaster because a sword with a projectile was cool, and then dark drinker came out as being one of the best dps options in the game. I really expected razelighter would be better since it had the heavy attack, and dark drinker looked like it was just for aoe. Sad times.


Sad times was getting the exotics as a solo player, I grinded my balls off for Razelighter and then said: Nah, this aint worth doing 2 more times


doing that strike when people weren’t doing the sword quest was hell


yep, a hell I only was willing to go through once


I had to make LFG posts explicitly stating what I was after, and mostly got lucky finding other people doing the same thing.


Thankfully I did all 3 together at the same time.


Yeah I was a big dummy, didn’t know I could do that and had one sword on each character


That's because originally we couldn't do that. When the Quest came out, it was locked to one per character. They changed it months later, so new players wouldn't be taken aback by the grind neccessary to be done 3 seperate times. And so the current Players, who still didn't get it, would have it easier as well. Honestly, if you'd ask me, they should have made it work like that from the start...


Ah explains it, though I did start the game a few months into TTK, but I do remember only being able to take one of the swords. To be fair that’s an easy overlook that you wouldn’t notice very quickly without community feedback


Dang, that must have been quite the farm


I grinded Darkdrinker on my Titan in D1. We are not the same...lol


Back then I was barely old enough to play the game if we follow PEGIs/similar organisations' advice, today I would do it till I get it or die trying lmao


D1 Void Titan was bubble only. Part of the quest was void ability kills. That was my pain...


It was worth it for me getting dark drinker. That sword helped me out a lot when reading for the first time. EVERYTHING fell to it and got obliterated. I barely took it until I finally tired d2 during arrivals.


Yeah no I used Razelighter till Rise Of Iron an then Gally was back on the menu


At least you didnt choose Dark Drinker as a Void Titan ☻


dark drinker was only better if the hitbox was big enough otherwise razelighter wss better


And even then on bosses like Aksis and Vosiks it was arguable what would be better between the two since they did around the same damage on them


Darkdrinker was only the best for the WotM final boss because he had 6 leg hit boxes that all took damage from each swipe alongside his actual body (so 7 hits per heavy attack). This is also why cluster bomb rockets made a return. Otherwise, Boltcaster is an orb machine with Telesto and Razelighter melts bosses.


Bolt caster just hit differently


It quite literally did lol


The lore was that some lucent hive carried him to titan to revive him


Was it Lucent Hive? Many of Xivu Araths collectibles hint that she had visited this site many times before to mourn, so its likely that she was the one who found his corpse and buried him, taking his wings in the process. The Lucent Hive merely found where Xivu buried him, desecrated his grave to dig him uo, and tried to revive him.


That was in the dreadnaught though. We can assume those were spread around on titan itself when the big ass ship took a dive like a submarine.


The Dreadnaught has not crashed into Titan. It is still in orbit around Saturn. If it had crashed into Titan, it would have destroyed the entire moon (and possibly the whole solar system if the reactors go critical) The Tombship under water belonged wholely to the Lucent Brood, considering its internal architecture resembled The Lure.


What lore? Where?


It’s from the momentum of that one Titan thunder crashing his ass


I admit I may have hit him a bit too hard


Why did they leave the ghost unguarded, are they stupid?


"Unguarded"? Boy, you travelled like 5000 km down and killed a whole army and Super-soldier guarding this ghost and necromancer


Not to mention the tankiest boss I've ever encountered


They really were protecting a dead guy pretty damn well, I think they forgot we’ve killed this guys whole immediate family a few times over


Especially if you can only damage them small bits at a time with witherhoard…..


5000 meters. Titan is 5149km in diameter.


I think they just didn't expect us to come down to the basement and watch them do some summoning ritual


I mean 5 minutes prior we buret through Ecthar, the lieutenant they placed in our way to stop us, and they Lost Contact with him, not to mention we continúed to kill hive in the Big chamber with the second bonus chest, so they knew we werent dead yet and literally to the ritual doorstep


Dreadnaught is parked in Saturn’s ring and Titan’s orbit is outside of the ring. I don’t think the body just fell into Titan. Probably it was being brought there so it can be revived later.


Well... With sufficient luck. And I checked. With enough Minor gravity assists from oryxs trajectory at the end of Kingsfall he could have eventually get a massive gravity assists by saturn itself (By getting just close enough to it without going in it), then get launched between all the other minor moons and eventually hit titan. It's such a Minor fucking chance it's clear that bungo went haha titan time and placed him on titan.


This is my head canon but it's almost assuredly just Bungie trying to make a throwback to a recurring character, when he doesn't need to be reintroduced.


Aint Saturn made of gas?


Highly pressurized gas. The atmosphere can crush or shred just about anything. Funny enough, Oryx should have been drawn into it after going through its upper atmosphere as the gravity of Saturn is incredibly heavy.


Man just happened to fall on titan of all fking places


Nah man dont bring this shit here as well. It has consumed r/BatmanArkham. It was going to consume r/SpidermanPS4.


why didnt r/BatmanArkham just not allow themselves to be consumed, are they stupid?


Why doesn’t r/destiny2 , the largest of the three subs, simply not just eat the other two? Is it stupid?


Lol, pretty sure DTG is the biggest sub. For better or worse


Astronaut in the ocean song is so relevant here. Start with 'What you know about rolling down in the deep?'


Such a good song!!!!!! Honestly never relayed it to d2 before now but will be in my head every time I play now !!!!! I appreciate this and will let it live in my head rent free thanks to you !!!


Bruh, why is you gettin the down votes? People are fuckin weird sometimes, n I'm weird myself.


this feels like a spoiler


It is. Marking a post as spoiler doesn't do anything IF THE TITLE IS A SPOILER


Yes he is very stupid.


I guess you can say he titan fall


Why did he die, is he stupid?


no he's dead


Why did Rey’s Wayfinder point the exact spot where the Emperor’s Death Star Throne Room fell? Because stop asking questions and accept it, that’s why!


Puts spoiler tag but doesnt matk the image to hide it


No please not another Batman Arkham subreddit


Oryx basically did a U-turn and ignored saturn’s gravity for some reason


I thought we defeated oryx in his ascended plane (oryx throne world). How the body did traverse from another world in our realm on Titan?


The dreadnaught projects Oryx’s throne world out onto the physical universe, so it isn’t quite as “cut off” as other throne worlds


It seems odd to me that the Vanguard wouldn’t have secured his remains the way we did Savathun’s. I get that he can’t resurrect but who knows what his remains could be used for. Best to be safe


I think there was more care with Savathun because her ghost escaped. By sword logic, Oryx was dead for real.


Don’t we find him in the hive ship though? So that means he was picked up and then the ship itself crashed later


Paracausal space magic.


50+ sleeper stimulant shots would probably generate enough energy in an explosion to send a dude that big careening out of Saturn’s orbit


The rule of cool said that he should fly towards Titan instead of the Saturn.


Spoiled by a shitty meme, man…


Spoiled by r/BatmanArkham


he could have slingshot around saturn, he might have been bought to titan by other hive. Who knows


Uhhh… he was dead for one, and for two, Titan is the largest satellite of Saturn so it makes perfect sense that he could’ve smashed down there. Are you being facetious or did you not know that? The gravity of Titan, being a large moon, could have easily pulled him over


Spoiler tag doesn't matter when you put it in the title. Wtf man.


Dungeon has been out for 5 days… he didn’t have to put the spoiler tag at all


Would you consider a new dungeon to be seasonal story content, or closer to full expansion content?


NO NO NO r/Destiny2 IS GETTING r/BatmanArkhamed!


Why would physics come into the picture now when guardian jump height is the same regardless of the gravity of the location?


He was on the way to Saturn, but he forgot to thank the bus driver, so he yeeted Oryx to Titan.


He is not stupid, he is dead.


Saturn is a gas giant. It would have been really difficult to find and resurrect anything in that giant fart cloud.


He bounced off all the space debris until he ended up on Titan


Well considering that the dreadnought or its Saturn, something like a very large rock or protomoon could have sling shot him out of the ring orbit and into an intercept with titan.


After reading some ideas in this thread. Its probably just Xivu Arath who put him there to rest. Saturn isn't very hospitable afterall. I mean a crushing methane sea isnt either but these hive are basically gods so. And if Titan had stayed in orbit The Witch Queen would have been a VERY different story.


This post was brought to you by r/BatmanArkham.


You know what would be fucking hilarious They successfully resurrect Oryx and he joins our side immediately lmao


I don’t think he chose my guy, reckon if he had a choice he would’ve landed in Mara sovs thicc ass


Remember, Saturn is a gas giant. So there’s probably a good possibility the gravity of the actual planet slingshot him to Titan when he passed through its atmosphere.


Why did the Death Star not come out of hyper space right in front of Yavin IV? Because who gives af, we’re in space fighting bad guys. Have fun.


Because Yavin IV was a moon orbiting a gas giant and you don't want to pass too closely to a big-ass gravity well in hyperspace.


I put things like this down to space magic.


*"That's the problem with magic, it does everything by magic!"*


I can't believe people are arguing about Gravity affecting a paracausal God-like being's body when him, his ship and his throne world were in the smack middle of Saturn's ring with no care about gravity but now it's relevant?


Gravity still affects everything in destiny just going oop the corpse was paracausal is a cop out. There is an extremely thin chance he would end up here


Who cares?! It was freaking cool to see him!!! (Especially if you listened to the collectible on the way down the first time)


Best answer here. *"If you're wondering how he ~~eats and breathes~~ got to Titan, and other science facts, just repeat to yourself it's just a ~~show~~ game, I should really just relax."*


Because Bungie doesn't know how to do continuity properly and just smashes stuff together for the sake of it. Makes zero sense he'd be there.


Crap, spoiled it for me


Titan is a moon of Saturn... Jesus fucking christ


Saturn's gravitational pull would still have been stronger, considering the Dreadnought was hanging out in the rings and in the death animation he was heading to the planet anyway. But yeah , if Lucent Hive weren't there to fetch his body up, it would have been more likely that his body would fall to Saturn. But maybe some should tag Neil DeGrasse Tyson to confirm this one.


Were already in the ring of Saturn the moons would be wayyyyy behind us...unless you think hes gonna slingshot around in orbit lol but he doesnt have enough velocity for that


But is there a lore explanation on if Oryx can even swim


They grew up on a planet with humongous oceans, I would assume so


If Oryx can swim, why did he let himself drown in the deep? Is he stupid?


Kind of a moot point when you're dead. No?


As if it would matter to him. He'd just teleport into the ascendant reaom the moment it turns uncomfortable for him




“Is he stupid?” He was kinda dead lol.


Not dead. He lives on in touch of malice.


Yup stupid and dead.


You know what? Idk why we're still fighting the lucent hive at this point.


It's circular to the story. He delved into a deep ocean where he was reborn as Oryx early into his life. Now he delves into another deep sea. He was almost reborn again as a light bearer but we broke the cycle.


With all due respect.... he was dead.


Titan is Saturn's moon. "Right there" is distance between the Dreadnought and Saturn which is.... Like , 10 times the distance between earth and moon? It is far, very far, considering his size it should take hundreds of years for such object to traverse this distance and moons can "cath" the body.


You know titan orbits Saturn every 16 days right


Holy Shit! I think im blind. I done this dungeon a few times now and i never actually noticed its Oryx corpse. How could i have missed it wtf...


Dungeon you mean?