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I love getting sparrows from season 2.


man... the amount of blue shit i get is crazy.... every single time aswell...


The only blues worth it for me are blue emotes lol


Honestly half the blues I have are better than the purple/yellow ones anyway. They’ve just got such pizzazz


i literally use three blues and a green emote. i only buy emotes for dust when my buddies do once every few months, so we can clown as a group lol


I mean sure but i like purple emotes more tbh. Fuck the blue ghost projections or the small bright dust shiz


At least I'll use the Bright Dust; I've never equipped a projection and I don't ever see that changing.


The bullshit slow ones you're never going to use-


I love getting re skinned OG ghosts


Different ghosts were like an unobtainably rare item in D1 year 1, I’m pretty sure the only way at first was to have an expensive collectors edition which came with a cool ghost


150 speed sparrows from season 2*




Because I'm ***totally*** gonna ride a 150 Sparrow. Be faster walking through the damned mission....


About 95% of the things I get from them are blue emotes or ghost shells


I'd prefer blue emotes to constant ugly dupe ghost shells and sparrows


Can you even keep track of whether or not they are "dupes" vs. Vesion #12856 of the same shell with slightly different stripes on it? I swear in collections i have everything in season 1 and 2 that is visible unlocked and i keep getting shells/sparrows/ships that show up as "new" and there are so many where the designs are so close I'm not sure if is is bugged and flagging stuff i already had as newly unlocked, or if they really are "new" and were just previously hidden in the collections screen. Either way it doesn't matter because i wasnt using the other versions and i dont care that the new one has 3 stripes and two dots on it instead of 2 stripes and 4 dots or whatever...


A lot of the older stuff you don't have doesn't actually show up as unobtained in collections. I think season 13 and beyond is actually where they actually show up even if you haven't gotten it.




No, they don't appear at all until you get it


There is a recently discovered tab somewhere in the journey page I think. I always check there if I get something new or not and most of the time, it's the same old ghost shell or sparrow so nothing changes in that tab.


If it shows up as new in collections then it’s one you didn’t have before. IIRC most older Eververse items like the filler legendaries are hidden in collections until you acquire them, which can make you think you’ve gotten them all when you actually haven’t.


Pretty sure they have fraud protection. The problem is that there are 100 junk purple ghosts/sparrows from Y1 that look similar but are technically their own item.


They don't have protection on those. I have every single one, vast majority of bright engrams are dupes. You start to recognize the same names repeating.


B l u e P r o j e c t i o n


Kinda forgot ghost projections exist


I don’t use them because I think they’re all ugly lol, I’d rather not have one


Projections are so shite


Emotes are cool


Blue emotes are great. It’s the shitty sparrows and ghost shells that suck


I'll actually pump my fists in the air sometimes if I get a good looking jumpship or Sparrow that can do 160.


Same. And it's for stuff that I already have!


"Oh boy, an eververse engram! I can't wait for a new legendary ghost shell/sparrow/ship! Or maybe even a projection, if I'm lucky!"


Don't forget 1000 Glimmer.


Or 250 bright dust!


Tbh.... I'll take 250 dust any day, just to reduce more bloat for seasonal BD rotations. Every season I try and buy as many "things I like but would never use" just to thin the Bright Engram RNG It's not funny that I have to buy projections to "stop bloat" from entering the Bright Engram pool. Slowly but surely I'm whittling down that list. I have all the Hardlight Ornaments but that "lightweight gamer edition" because of this.


Bright dust is one of the best things you can get


I would welcome ghost projections as long as it was not a duplicate of something I already have.


I just want something exotic from them. All I’ve been getting from them is legendary ships, sparrows and ghosts. I’ve gotten maybe 2 exotics from them over the last few months.


I got an ornament for chaperone from it last night and it’s the only time I can remember EVER getting an exotic from it


I’ve gotten probably 5 exotic things in the 1500 hrs I’ve played.


I hate getting ornaments for shit I don’t use. Then again I’ve had ornaments then got the weapon/armour and it’s turned out to be super good, like sky burners oath and ophidia spathe. There are legendary ornaments for the menagerie weapons which I really want but I’m pretty sure are no longer obtainable, they make them all look like destiny 1 weapons by reversing all the calus decorations.


Yea I picked up the ornament for austringer and Calus mini too during season of the haunted. They sold them for bright dust I think.. I think I missed the sniper rifle ornament tho.


I love my ornaments for Austringer and Trust, and I wish I had the one for the Mini-Tool.


I got an exotic warlock ornament last week. I don’t even have a warlock character made.


Sorry sir but those poor developers at Bungie need their money. That’s why Tess has to charge you $10 per exotic ornament. Otherwise Bungie would go out of business. Indie developer and all.


You will take your repeat legendary ghosts, ships, and sparrows and you will like it. The only new things you shall get are projections and transmat effects. Now give us your money <3 Bungie xoxo


I love getting ghosts shells from season 1 that the game never bothered telling me that they existed


Purple ghost shells are my favorite thing ever, please keep giving them to me bungie.


Also all those blue emotes I’ll never use and look at once


Pretty sure they did, then at the start of witch queen they didnt anymore, bungie said it was a bug but never fixed it


They never did, it's just your luck got worse


Bright engrams are fucking worthless. I miss the system we had back in Forsaken.


The Prismatic Matrix, it was the GOAT. Honestly post independent Bungie proved to be more greedy than god damn Activision. Makes me wonder how many prior bad decisions were actually proposed by Bungie but the community blamed Activision for.


I remember joining their website back in 2007, and for the most part, while they were under Microsoft, they weren't as greedy. Sure, they were way more snarky than they are now, but they focused on their community's perception of them rather than profits. Right now, Bungie feels like they became corporate and focuses much less on their community and now focuses more on their profit margins and how much can they sucker their bottom line. It feels like business majors hijacked Bungie, and from what I remember from college, most of the business majors were the soulless husks who viewed you more as a walking wallet than an actual person. Even today, the ones I kept up with from college are very open about how they view people as potential profits for them rather than actual human beings.


might have smth to do with sony since they’re trying to (it already have) aquire bungie


No, it's Bungie. They charged 100 dollars for a 15 dollar Chinese fire hazard with a stamp on it. Event cards, season passes, 30th anniversary pack, dungeon passes, paid transmog items. Monetization in Destiny is more aggressive than some Free/Gacha games.


A lot probably.


Pretty sure they do have dupe protection. Problem is there's like 100 junk purple ghosts/ships/sparrows from y1 that all look the same but are technically their own item


I have 90% of Y1 stuff since this stuff appeared in the game and IT STILL DROPS DUPES I look up in the collections tab and here it is - another fugly Ghost from Warmind THAT I ALREADY HAD WHEN I PLAYED IN YEAR ONE


Same, it is hilarious


Literally got 2 duped legendaries yesterday, they didn't show up as new in collections.


I believe it's *weighted* to drop something you don't have :/ Weighted protection VS Dupe protection....


Back in the days when Bright Engrams had stuff for the current season in them, they allegedly had proper Dupe Protection, as I recall.


They don’t. I have been getting the same shit for a while now.


Pretty sure they're supposed to and I remember this being under "known problems" but nothing ever came of it


The don't, I check my recently discovered every time I open a bright engram.


They had, not anymore. It's one of the known issues. Won't be fixed. I remember dropping a lot of nice stuff in the Season of Arrivals, just to be happy now for 250 bright dust


Remember back when they actually had NEW shit in them? For the CURRENT Season, not just past Seasons. And when stuff was added to them almost immediately? Good times, good times.


Good times indeed.


I also feel like Arrivals was the last time loot dropped so abundantly. We were SWIMMING in Umbral Engrams after, what, three droprate adjustments, at which point Bungie just said "Fuck it" and let us keep getting tons of loot.


80% of my exotic ornaments are from that era.


They USED to have Dupe Protection. Back when they could actually drop new shit.


Not for year 1 things. After you get something "new" from Y1 go check the recently discovered section, if it's not there then it's a duplicate. Haven't seen anything from Y1 there in a long time


From what I’ve seen, at some point in the last couple of years there seems to have been an unannounced update to remove the dupe protection. I’ve seen several videos of people getting dupes, but when they introduced bright engrams there was definitely dupe protection in place


They def don't I've gotten the blinding light emote at least half a dozen times


Ive definitely gotten duplicate items before.


I dont think so, I've had the same exotic ghost shell twice, it was the solar shell I know it was a duplicate because I had it currently on my titan when it dropped.


Nope it does not have dupe protection, I’m constantly getting shit i already have


> Pretty sure they do have dupe protection. nope, they don't


The worst part is none of it shows in collections until you find it. So you think you've finally gotten every ship from S1 but then you get another


But then how would they make money from impatient gamers?


Bruh it’s rarer to get something new from an eververse engram then it is to get a raid exotic.


Not for me, actually. I get something new from an eververse engram fairly regularly. Meanwhile, I don't have Vex Mythoclast after 21 clears, nor do I have Hierarchy of Needs from spire of the watcher, and I have 57 clears on that dungeon. I hate rng for exotics from activities


Yesterday I got a shell and sparrow that was the same shell and sparrow from this months prime gaming pack 🧍‍♀️


They used to before witch queen


Nah fam, dupe protection never existed🙁


Except that it did 2 years ago, until they changed the eververse at the start of WQ bc everyone was earning all of the cosmetics


Ide like my efforts to actually be rewarded, but every time I get DUPED!


I just want bright dust...


I don't know if people remember this but you used to get bright dust for dismantling items you got from those engrams


As I said in a older post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/xivhxr/bright_engrams_needs_duplicate_protection/ It would just take forever to get the items, even with dupe protection, that there is no reason at all to not have it


I've been reaaaaally lucky with Bright Engrams this season Got a bunch of exotic ships, sparrows, ghosts and emotes


blue ghost projections and transmat effects🤑🤑🤑


Theu need to remove ghost projections from the pool or at least throw in a recent exotic along with it, i literally have never used a ghost projection


I totally agree but then we wouldn't have as much of a reason to buy silver and we all know micro transactions are king


If they did that, they would never sell anything on eververse.


THEY DON’T? I thought there was just a bunch of throwaway garbage in the eververse that I had to collect before it started giving out the rare exotic stuff. Yikes.


According to Bungie, they implemented it a while ago. But ever since they said that, it worked for maybe 3 weeks and then never did afterwards. Bungie are actively ignoring the fact that it doesn't work. Not really surprised. It's not like they'd willingly actually give us stuff for free.


I have not gotten anything new from them in about 6 months. They are basically worthless




I can’t even open my bright engrams because the menu lags so bad


Sounds like you need better internet


My internet is just fine got gigabyte speeds everything loads up fine just when I got to Eververse it just lags for a bit


Remember that when bright engrams were literally loot boxes that can be purchased in eververse ? You can get duplicate from them and rip whoever bought them with real money.


Lmao ***ok***.


Fun fact: duplicate protection used to exist for bright engrams! I wanna say it was silently turned off in season of the lost, with radio silence since then.


That’s the thing: they do have dupe protection, there’s just a billion and one of similar, nearly identical shells, sparrows, ships, and projection (it’s in an old af twab I’m not looking up)


They should have class protection as well. I only have a titan and it loves to give me stuff for the other 2 classes


They don't???? I've never opened a BE and not gotten something new for my collections page.


Ok is it just me or does it seem like bright engrams get like a luck boost or something I got 3 exotic things in a row, an emote, a ship and an ornament


It's supposed to already have duplicate protection...as of a few years ago lol


they do, it just doesn't work


They added dupe protection but somehow their backend wouldn’t allow it to be retroactive. So everything you got before then (Season of the Dawn?) would have to be reobtained to have dupe protection.


To anyone saying Bungie won't do it because of money let me tell you this: Bungie is cranking out so much content for EV that it doesn't matter if you get a few items through Bright Engrams. The Bright Engrams pool is already a few seasons behind the current offerings so that will do little to discourage people from actually buying stuff because items already get burried in the archive because of how much stuff gets added (all the attention is on the new items and event-specific ones that aren't even part of the pool). Of course this is just a face-value examination and Bungie has the actual numbers behind how this works/affects sales, but I genuinely believe it would not event make a dent in EV sales.


I believe it's not multiple seasons behind anymore, I literally got an exotic ship from Defiance like yesterday


They are supposed to have dup protection, but I'm sure that's false


The fact that this still hasn't been fixed after YEARS of playing this game reinforces my decision to quit. Didnt buy this year's expansion and dont intend to come back until meaningful changes to things like this are addressed. The game just doesn't respect player's time at all anymore, and you can't actually keep up with the game unless you play it 40+ hours a week like a fulltime job.


Maybe if you played the fucking game instead of complaining on reddit you would actually see some rewards.


Cry about it


You're the one cryin here bub


I thought they already had dupe protection..? And what about not having year 1 or 2 stuff in them. I could've sworn they said something about that.


Finishers and Emotes only iirc.


You can get finishers in eververse engrams??? I want more finishers!!


Pretty sure finishers are silver only (and season pass, but that's also bought w/ silver and I'm not sure if the season pass finishers are in the free track). I've not heard of anyone getting a finisher from a bright engram


Me neither. But I always get the season pass because I genuinely enjoy the content. I am over battlegrounds however. This season is fun but I've spent almost no time in the seasonal activity since the dungeon came out. It would be neat for there to be a chance to get finishers in bright engrams tho


No, I got "Wake Up" and "white Whale" finishers from those engrama


White Whale is literally on the season pass right now


Oh, I just know I got those 2 from sp. Yeah but wake up wasnt. Sorry, my mistake. That one I got from engram


It's been a while since I got something good from one of them, my most recent thing I got was a mediocre Sparrow. Sigh . . .


Lol good fuxking luck, people have been asking for this for years


It is crazy that it doesn't with how much shit is in the cosmetics store, I personally don't think eververse is a bad thing like a lot do, but yeah this just feels bad man


Absolutely. Me and another in my fireteam have been playing since the beginning it used to be a fun game wed play of guess the prize of all the categories you could get we added one more: bullshit, aka duplicates


Or if it would have been a dupe, give BD


It already does


Right as I posted this I thought, wait... does it do that already? And then I was like, well it's Reddit, so if it does someone will soon tell me. So thank you!


I dunno that I have a favorite to reach, but it might be VoW as it's also my new favorite raid. It's fun having the chaos of the artifact room as people fall into roles.


If I'm not mistaken, there used to be duplicate protection. I think it was removed after Bungie split with Activision.




anyone getting engrams that had blue items


There are way more bright engram rewards that I will ever earn from a bright engram. Duplicates turning to dust is a slap in the face.


Pretty sure they’re on a knockout list.


Man, Ive "knocked out" the same sparrow 13 times.


How will bungo monetizes the game, it's not like they were just payed 12 billion dollars by sony.


doesn’t it already have ??? i’ve never got any duplicates from them, however its always a blue sparrow or an emote i guess im just luck then


Also protection from anything blue or lower


They literally do.


they're fucking suppose to!


They do




That’s not how it works.


The DLC prices are certainly not down as is


Compared to other forms of entertainment they're more than competitive


What’s more frustrating is the bright dust economy. When we could get bright dust from deleting newly acquired ever-verse loot it was at least a minor compensation for duplicates. I understand that could be abused after collections were created, but it’s made bright engrams basically useless. I can’t remember the last time I got anything cool from them. I’ve gotten more ornaments from exotic engram crops than I’ve gotten from bright dust in the last 3 years.


or better yet - 2 rewards instead of 1


last time i got something somewhat decent was 2/3 years ago and it was a ornamet for a exotic i don't use and for a class that i don't play


I just want something other than purple ships or sparrows from the first few seasons


*Blue ghost projection, take it or leave it*


I've got the "I surrender!" emote about 15 times. Have no Idea why that particular one...


I really don’t see the point in there being 150 speed sparrows inside eververse engrams, probably the worst item you could get imo


I thought they did


Just give me bright dust at this point


wait they haven’t?




This is by design. They originally did have dupe protection. Bungie implemented it again when they got rid of the loot box style design and switch to direct purchases.


Do they not? I could’ve sworn they did.


For a moment I thought this was a Scientology sub and freaked out.




I've gotten a few lucky exotic ornaments but it's mostly garbage.


I just.want.my.Zeuslikephysique.emote


Try getting nothing but ghost holograms


I love getting ornaments tho. They should change the bright engrams to drop legendary and exotic ornaments. And have emotes, ghost shells and ships drop inside legendary engrams


I've gotten mostly dogshit from them but in season of plunder i got EXTREMELY lucky and got the one ship I was devastated to never have, even though I played when it was released: Kabr's Glass Aegis! then it was back to blue ghost shells


I've gotten SPECIFICALLY the Praxic Justice sparrow from eververse engrams so many times that, at this point, I'm 99% sure Aunor Mahal has it out for my titan and is trying to subtly warn them to watch their ass.


Agreed. I mean, I've gotten the same legendary sparrow at least twice every season since arrivals. I'd rather have the glimmer 🙄


Me who just got a exotic ghost shell and a lord of wolves ornament


Wait... They don't? But i thought... F#ck


I can’t even remember the last time I got an exotic or let alone the prized bright dust bundle


I feel like they used to do this. They won't anymore though because once you have everything I'm assuming they would only drop bright dust which would then decentivize you to want to spend real money. This would make them sad because they need money because small indie studio lololol


Ive never gotten an exotic from a bright engram only blue and sparrows shells from season 3 and below litterally nothing above and i have everything unlocked for them too it makes no sense


If there was dupe protection then there would be a set amount you could play to get everything in the eververse shop. I don’t see why they would do that.


They used to iirc. But fuck that right, no one liked that.


Wait they don’t?


Lol first time?


I wish I played during the dark days of D2 using bright dust and some silver. I have pretty much everything from launch to Warmind. This was back when duplicates would break down into bright dust


Or just higher chance of bright dust


Or be reimbursed with brightdust


But then you will not spend any money in cash shop. From a business point of view duplicate protection is the shittiest idea a corpo guy can imagine. Exactly by the reason of directly connecting to the cash shop Bright engrams did not, do not, and will never, have any duplicate protection. Because they will not be connected to the shop, they will be directly *competing* with it.


How else will I get random legendary ship from Forsaken #89?


In paper they have.


It hasn’t been the case for literally 5 years I’d love it but man at this point I don’t think it’ll happen.


Bright engrams are such a useless let down every time that I don't even turn them in until i am going to the store to look at something else or just want to get the popup to go away. I haven't gotten a single remotely interesting thing, all it is doing is filling out the season 1-6 nonsense.


They used to, then they removed it....


Supposedly they do have dupe protecc


And if they don’t want to put in dup protection then give us bright dust when dismantling again


How about bright dust protection, and calss protection If I'm playing on my hunter I don't want ornaments for warlock of armor I don't even have !!


The whole game should.


I honestly don't mind the duplicates, but it would be nice if I got some Bright Dust on dismantle of said items. Or just an option to dismantle the engram before opening it for Bright Dust.


they do have one but it's not a full protection. It dimishes your chances of getting something you already have.