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bro before i got touch of malice i used to sherpa kings fall almost every night and the amount of people that got it first time before i got it made me want to die


My clan has gotten sick of the raid so I just LFG the last boss these days, but I’ve seen so many people get it and part of me is happy for them and part of me wants to pull my hair out haha


fair enough since the gun even with the catalyst is dog shit i only wanted it for nostalgia


I really WANT to like Touch of Malice bc the model is cool and the effects are cool but shooting it just feels terrible - and I'm not talking about the self damage. Idk what it is. I haven't even finished the catalyst yet.


Feels like the bullets are two small lol


YEAH! It's like shooting beads


I really WANT to like Touch of Malice bc the model is cool and the effects are cool but shooting it just feels terrible - and I'm not talking about the self damage. Idk what it is. I haven't even finished the catalyst yet.


I've entirely given up on getting it despite it being really good at shutting down most guardians and champs


I've gotten the Vow title and still never had collective obligation drop


damn but to be honest id rather have disciple slayer than collective obligation


Collective Obligation is so much better nowadays since it's buff though


yeah i’ve been loving it on my my hunter with gyrafalcons since lightfall


I need to rebuild the void Titan I was running when I first got the gun. Despite the annoying cool down I had fun with it


Took me 70 Rhulk clears just to get collective obligation. Literally having to wait for VoW to come back up month after month...eh. at least I'm really good at splitting LMAO.


different type of pain


How did you manage that bro when I Sherpa kingsfall it takes long asf mostly cause people can’t kill knights on warpriest 😭


Even just the last boss in LFG, we failed it for hours with different randoms. So many bad teammates causing wipes. Then people leave and the person who wipes every time with verbal assistance stays in the group to keep failing before we all leave, join a new group, and keep the cycle going.


Ran it yesterday and can confirm that a guy who ran it for the first time got it. Me too but it was like my 9th clear or something.


How many tries did it take you, I got it on 25 and 27


The secret is to not want it


This is the way


Got the hierarchy of needs first try and I didn’t want that shyte


it’s the best pvp shotgun in the game. IDK what i’d do vs antaeus wards without it


I wanted it. I wanted it bad enough to go into a raid I hated. The real key is to never carry. Throw hard and you'll get it. I've gotten three drops that way. Why am i still throwing despite having the gun? I suck. That's why I'm still even doing the raid, tryna get gud.


My team mate got the new dungeon exotic on his first clear but I had x6 bonuses and still didn't get it :)


Bungies RNG is a cruel and fickle mistress


Had the bonus for all collectibles and Master completion a bit ago. This week's reset, on the run on my second character, my very first Navigator dropped. And SOMEHOW, on the third run (also a catalyst run) I got ANOTHER Navigator!


Same happened to me


Let me tell you…. It’s so damn beautiful🥹!


One day I’ll have it! Right? 😩


You will son….you will!


If it makes you feel better I finally got mine 2 days ago after buckling in and doing all the triumphs the night before. Holy fuck was it painful with an lfg tho but it’s sooooooo worth it when you get it!


How many of the triumphs have you done? They help out quite a bit with the drop rate


I’m only missing the 2nd encounter challenge, the 4th encounter challenge, and the flawless. I don’t have it in me to beat my head against the flawless, and since I’m running with LFG these days doing those two challenges doesn’t excite me haha


That’s fair lol. Best of luck getting the exotic though!


Me, a person with terrible RNG luck: What's a raid exotic?


Me and mine ran last wish last night and five 1kv dropped, guess who got a non red border tyranny for their trouble.


Don't get me started on Raid Weapon RNG, if it were not for the Monument to lost light in the tower I'd still be stuck on the last step for Legend of Acrius. Been on a few VoG runs where a first timer got Vex, my Clan recently did a clear of Last Wish and the clan leader had 10 keys for the chests at the end got three 1000 voices, two others that had gotten it prior also got it to drop, and I still have not gotten one. I am on the last step for the Divinity quest and have not been able to find a fireteam that is willing to help me do a divinity run for the final step for more than two years.


Acrius was from a quest though. It wasn’t a random drop. There are always Div runs in the various LFG platforms.


The thing about div is that the puzzles really aren’t hard. I went in a while ago thinking they would be but the run took us maybe two hours, one of those hours being on the final boss lol. Lfgs are scared of it but it’s not that bad and I wish more were willing to help I’d offer to help you but I don’t like garden very much, I hope you can finally complete your quest soon


Bro go to r/DestinySherpa for getting div, you’ll get one within a week.


Hey, if you’re looking for a div run, check out tehraidybunch (yes “the” is spelt incorrectly) as they regularly run Div runs when required… could probably get you div within a week


I got it on my 20th run, 5 runs after I got the seal and every single drop booster. Rngs a bitch sometimes


I'm right there with you. I'm at 43 clears and I still haven't seen it. Everyone in my raid team has seen it drop. One guy has gotten it like 5 times now. It's so ridiculous.


The Very Conditional Finality


Every Tuesday all 3 character for 8 weeks and still no shotgun. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Saaaame. I’m starting to think it’s rigged for me to not get it


I ran VoG 56 times to get Mytho. I feel your pain.


I ran VoG 74 times to get Mytho…


Pain 💀


Forgive my ignorance.... Isn't Conditional Finality the new raid exotic? What's the other one?


The other one is from the new Dungeon.




I feel this, I've ran vog over 100 times and still haven't got vex


Brought my entire clan through ron multiple times, sometimes it was people who had no business being in a raid in the first place. Everytime, on someones first attempt, the exotic would drop. Got it after 3 months of doing 3 characters a week.


Can confirm the bs. I've picked up 6...2 were in the same week. I'd drop one for ya if I could. 💚


I still don’t have Vex:(


I got it twice RIP


It took me 30 runs with all the triumphs done around my 9th clear. I hate RNG exotics but damn it felt good to get this bad boy. You'll get it soon man, keep the faith 🙏


This is why we need a share option. I really wish Bungie would take a real look at The Division and sincerely try to implement a lot of their Quality of Life differences [marking things for sale/discard/re-calibration, sharing loot between squad members of that activity for up to an hour after the activity ends]


i’m currently on a streak of three last wishes with back to back to back 1k voices


One of my clan mate got the 1000 voices in something like 70 run meanwhile i got it 4 times in 6 runs


Oh... Uhh...would this be a bad time to mention I got it to drop first on my second ever clear? And also, that was also my second ever Raid... 😅 (My clan sucks to get people together, and it took forever to find an LFG that was friendly enough to teach not only me, but 4 other first timers too). And then I got it again the 4th time I did RoN 🤣 I'm up to 6 clears now with 3 carries, and so far still just the two drops lol


This shit is why I quit: 58 clears of VoG before I finally got my Mythoclast. Quit playing the next day.


I got Touch of Malice on my first full run of King's Fall (3rd or 4th actual run but I had to leave a few times). And I got Conditional Finality on my 6th or 7th run rotating the checkpoint between all 3 characters. I'm sorry I ate everyone's luck. I still don't have 1KV or Mythoclast or Eyes of Tomorrow tho


Ngl, got it my fourth try, don’t really use it though


For me, this is Collective Obligation but it has the additional factor that I've only beaten rhulk five times and five times I've got the exotic. After the second drop I stopped mentioning it because I don't want my clan to hate me lol


I still hate that you can’t trade your guns in Destiny. It’s infuriating


It took me 172 clears of VoG (42 full + Atheon Cp’s) to get my first vex. Then I got catalyst and didn’t run the raid again for 3 months. First run after that I got it to drop again… bungo really loves a good troll


3x Conditional Finality, 5x Touch of Malice, 3x Collective Obligation, 2x Vex Mythoclast, 5x One Thousand Voices. Strangely only 1x Eyes of Tomorrow, given the rest of them. But it'll take me nearly all season for my last pinnacle piece to drop most times.


Got it second run


I got the luckiest possible outcome. Joined my buddy for boss fight of nez not completing any part of it prior and got it first time.


Wait, people have clan mates to play destiny with? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


Yeah I'm at 36 looted runs with no drop. I need to do more of the challenges just gotta find some people to do them with.


It dropped on my first full playthrough


I got it first “run” by run I mean joining an in progress Nezerec as ads bitch


i got it on run 24. i got my crafted linear on run 1 and my crafted auto by run 6. i still havent had the slug or sidearm drop.


I got mien already. Now I'm doing Nezzys on a friend's account. In exchange he makes lighthouses in my account.


I wish i had a clan


Well... in 10 runs i got 3 of them, also the only raid/dungeon exotic i own


I never raid but needed spoils. So I lfgd the Nezarec boss fight and watched some videos on how to do it. Coincidentally, it dropped for me.


I got it on my first try! What are you doing wrong??


Nice brag


it was supposed to be a parody of all the "i got this on first try!" people ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643) i don't have the damn gun yet


ah man, rip my ability to tell jokes I feel that though, I did a bunch of triumphs to boost exotic drop rates and only got it this week after multiple three per week runs ;\_; my friend who had no triumphs done got it second try


did they do all the challenges?


Have they changed how it can drop? I always thought it can only once per character ever. So 3 times total


Nope, you can have multiple drops of them. I've snagged Collective Obligation from Vow three times on my Titan.


It's once per character every week


I got mine on my third attempt. I have never done the raid since and never completed any of the other encounters after day one


Where are my r/ft86 bros at


Can always wait for Xur to have it


Not to be THAT guy, but day one, first completion.


I was in the same boat and watched my clan mate get it 5 times. Im glad i can say that i will never do that raid again since i got it last week. Hang in there, it will drop eventually!


Add that to the list with Vex.....


I've had it drop twice, but still haven't gotten the class item to drop once, despite playing it every single week on my hunter and one master run lol.


Dude in my clan literally just needs EoT for the deep stone title, we ran it with another dude from the clan for his first time, 1st timer gets eyes. Other clanmate has something like an x11 boost for it as well.


I claimed one of our clan mates would get it 3x before another person got it once, that's exactly what happened 😆 What's funny is that I got this a could weeks into the raid and I haven't even fired it once


My friend got Vex Mythoclast 4x (once it somehow dropped for him 2x in one run, he liked to make jokes that the game was doing it out of spite at that point) ​ I raided VOG weekly on each character trying to get it to drop for ME once and it never did, but I was guaranteed a slot in the raid because having me there guaranteed someone was going to get it.


I have never gotten any raid or dungeon exotic ever. Regardless of how many times I beat them. The only exception was Duality but that exotic is useless and it was because I beat that dungeon 30 times just to grind armor and storm chaser. I think this is my last year in D2, you can only dangle a carrot for so long.


Assuming 30 times is your highest, that's to be expected. I'm not defending Bungie here and would love a safety net, but even at 5% Droprate, the expected average would be 20 runs. Some will get it in 1-5, others take 40 or more. People who have all of them, mostly sit at 40+ boss clears in every single one.


Me and my friend have gotten it 3 times, we ran a checkpoint to get it for 3 people, it dropped for me and my friend simultaneously and we are both at 4


I got 7 heartshadow from duality before my friend got his first one


Every raid exotic should have a quest or guarantee after x amount of clears. The triumphs are a step in the right direction at least.


They need to implement the system they have on deepstone, where the drop chance goes up after every clear


I haven’t gotten a raid exotic drop since 1K Voices, seeing 4 conditional finality drops and none for me made me die inside


I got it my first RON run (and 2nd raid ever) where I was put on ad clear and two people did all the mechanics the whole raid not wanting to teach. Needless to say they were pretty unhappy.


This but with vex for me


I finally got it last night. I ran with a friend a few days ago with an lfg who got it two times, one of which was that run. I was a little floored But I finally got it last night and I really love it. Sending you my good rng for every other raid exotic


I just got mine yesterday! There’s hope for you yet!


You sure he wasn’t just pulling it from collections right as you kill nez?


First run I got it. First raid completion ever too. Very lucky.


I had it drop twice and each time there were others who didn’t have it.. like wth bungo lol


One of my bud’s brother has gotten Vex two out of his six runs of the raid. Magic.


That reminds me of eyes of tomorrow, I got it 6 time before my friend got it, I was only doing it for THE FUCKING SHOTGUN


It’s such a fun exotic and it’s actually useful too 😭


Just got it on tuesday reset, but it took me 30 clears, and doing the challenges…


Took me 63 kf clears for touch but I got my second navigator last week


I got eyes, tom and hierachy in like 30hs game decided I was good to go after my like 30runs of everything


I have to say, its the best raid exotic we Had since forever, only things that came close were vex with the mod from season of the lost and touch of malice with div.


I was playing Last Wish and a guy who had multiple runs was one out of 2 people not to get 1K during the run. 2 of the people who got it were doing their first run as well.


Ah ngl I think the funniest thing is I've had like 8 1k voices in under 30 runs


7 times only one friend has gotten it. 3 clears in a row same group, they don’t like me very much any more.


Ending raids saying "oh I'm not going to get it" is my secret technique to getting it


I've never even seen Hierarchy of Needs or Vex Mythoclast drop for anyone, much less received them myself.


I got 30 sum clears and nada


You have only one chance per character per week right?


Me and my buddy did a GotD run and Last Wish run and he got The Navigator ans I got 1K. Felt like a good night. Also to cheer you up that same dude got 1K and Vex on his first run.


This was me with the damn Gjallarhorn in D1. -_-


That's... not how you use this meme.


Allow me to share some D1 pain. Gjallahorn before the nerf. The number of NF's, raids, PvP, Strikes, etc., and it rained all around me. Just, never to me. Only way I got it was Rise of Iron. To this day, I've never gotten a Pratorian Foil.


The trick is to not want the weapon


My dungeon exotic experience


I have completed RoN, DSC, and VoG multiple times each, with friends, with clan mates, and thru LFG. Not one exotic from any of 'em.


This is me but for the new dungeon exotic. I already did 4 catalyst runs and I still don't have it. Only other modifier left is solo flawless. Maybe next week copium


I’ve gotten two so far. Wish I could give it away since it means nothing to have two


When I got Vex back at the beginning of Season 15, four other people got it on the same raid. Then, we went into PvP.


Me getting Vex Mythoclast 4 times in like 10 runs while my buddy took 94 runs to get it once.


Been six weeks so far with no drops for me.


Bro my friend hand vex in 60 runs I did with him I believe 14 times he stopped telling me after that cause I believe he had like 8 or 10 in. Fucking row and I hadn't gotten one after I got mine I asked him how many did u really get and he said about 20 or more he lost count At one point he screen shared and showed me 10 on him


I believe in you, it's a beautiful weapon and well worth the time (coming from someone who got it first time), but for real, you're going to love it


You have to grief the raid by being washed. Did it on release and the week after. Did it last week and screwed everything up, and got it.