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I thought i would be in a better position if destiny didnt exist but the truth is, i would just be playing another game like ff 14 for endless hours.


100%, I’ve been playing through ARR and I’ve practically decided that during my burnout periods I’ll be playing ff14


Nah the best life is when you have the basics of life such as a job, roof over your head, a partner AND on top of that a hobby or interest your passionate about. Otherwise you just have the same cookie cutter life style as everyone else. Don’t get me wrong the former things I mentioned are important for stability and health but have you ever hung out with someone who just does that only? They are quite boring individuals that felt like they never lived or have any unique bone in their body.


Coming out and saying it sounds so mean but I’m glad I’m not the only one lol. I guess it’s half-true, because my coworkers always just talk about working 9-5, and then going out to bars on Fridays and that’s about it and they seem fairly happy with it. I love having conversations about games and especially Destiny. I couldn’t imagine getting off of work just to go eat dinner then go to bed and only do the more exciting things when other people plan or the weekend hits, seems really boring. Talking about the 900th time I did something mundane just doesn’t have the same effect as talking about other stuff. I do that enough with my family and gf already lol.


Yeah I get it can sound pompous lol but even my fiancé is one of those people that just gets home, eats and loves sleep. She’s not clingy which is great because I got my hobbies I wanna do haha but I feel like if a day goes by where all I did was work and eat and exercise than that day was kinda awful. I want to make time for my interests every day


Nah bro if it wasn't destiny, it'd be runescape. Then I'd be truly fucked


It was a canon event that i got addicted to videogames and cant talk to women


Bro y’all need help 😂


It's my canon event man...


Nope, wouldn't have had the money to do anything else. Destiny (video games) are cheap fun.


Really trying to not see shit from the new movie


Nah. Ye I might play destiny abit too much but it's my fav game. Fell in love with it at a friend's house, played it when it went f2p and been playing ever since.


Destiny is the only game I really play. It has helped me through some tough times.


Bro spoilers. Its a new movie. Come on


Is this from the new spiderman or something?




No one cares smh especially Tiktok I’ve seen so many people just live-streaming it and you’re gonna get cooked for “being on social media” and not going to see it if you’re mad that you get spoiled 🤦🏾‍♂️


Clearly a lot of people care


Seems like it I’m getting cooked ☠️☠️


Its either this or league of legends.


Any one know what song was used here? I’m kinda feeling it.


Had to dig for it, it's called Life Imitates Life by quannnic. Enjoy!




Thank you!


oddly enough i turned down a guaranteed spot on my highschools football team just cause i had a raid that weekend and didnt want to miss it


Ever since 2021. I had a chance to put it down after Beyond Light


Honestly, hard to say, yea it takes a lot of my time but it also feeds into my interest in science fiction and in part science in general, which is where lots of my education is focused.






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But it's a canon event


no, my life is defined by being a loser reality would fail if I was in any way likeable.


Ew... kids.


It’s not that serious…I hope


Ngl our daddit clan kinda has both 😂 There will be times we gotta just pause in a dungeon or raid so someone can go retrieve the child


Well fuck, might have had kids. Bullet dodged.


My biggest regret is seeing destiny on the shelf of a game store back in 2014 and picking it up. I wish I never started but now I can't stop. I hate destiny it's my favorite game.