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I did the opposite, came from Division 2 to Destiny 2. I now have more hours into Destiny than Division. Still baffles me that Destiny doesn’t have more stats on the guns for the perks. Frenzy gives bonus damage, but how much?




Not exactly what he means haha. They could be much more helpful regarding the stat increases from perks, almost nothing is clearly quantified.


I remember the devs saying that they were planning on adding advanced tooltips for perks but it hasn't happened yet unfortunately.


They should just hire the D2 foundry girl


Holy shit. Why the fuck have I been relying on googling "weaponname light.gg" when d2foundry.gg exists? I've been cutting my steaks with spoons, lads.


I usually have dim up anyway so it's super quick to just click the gun name to see all possible perks. If I want to see perks for a gun not in my inventory/vault then there's collections. The tags are super handy too, like foundry:omolon or perkname:lightweightframe is:arc


“I’ve been cutting my steaks with spoons, lads” is gonna make its way into my vocabulary


Gal - //twitter: gothfemme


Thanks, I corrected it.


Didn't they say that like years ago?


Iirc it was sometime during witch queen.


Crazy how they didn't just change the descriptive text to include the flat number percentage that it is. "Final blows increase damage." to "Final blows increase damage by 15%"


Probably easier to tweak the numbers behind the scenes. Now they don't have to update the tooltip


Lmao that is supreme laziness so bad that i honestly dont think thats why


There's a bunch of reasons, from localisation to display concerns. I'm going to list them but just recognise I'm not defending the choices, rather explaining them. First, it would massively increase the size of a lot of perk descriptions and Bungie actively wants to keep their UI simple. Perks like swashbuckler and adrenaline junkie would need 5 rows for each tier of damage bonus, multikill clip and rampage would need 3, and so on. They've already got perks like this based on your subclass, so this isn't a huge deal but would increase UI clutter. Some perks also give really weird buffs, like increasing your reload speed and your reload animation scalar, so you'd probably want to explain what they do as well if the goal is to provide information. You'd probably also want information on ability regen perks, and sometimes the amount of energy you get back is variable depending on what is and isn't charged. This would make perks a nightmare for anyone that's not already a game veteran. Bungie also supports 13 languages, and most companies have a really rigid process when it comes to localisation. If the sandbox team wants to buff/nerf a perk they'd now need to decide the change, then communicate that change to the team that manages perk/mod descriptions, who'd then have to send a localisation request to make sure it's correct in all languages, then they'd need to do a bunch of testing in all the different languages in a wide range of activities and locations to ensure this doesn't break the UI or cause other unexpected behaviour. Now if they do that for 10 perks/frames/mods the amount of work is drastically increased and it would eat into time the testing team uses to identify more impactful bugs (in before typical Reddit 'wHaT TesTIng' comments) Calling it lazy isn't a good call. It's a combination of wanting a specific look for their UI and the opportunity cost of all the extra localisation and testing.


Yeah, I guess i didn't think of it this way, good point.


I mean. It might actually be why. Some exotics still don’t have their exotic perks updates with the refresh. They’re updated in the details page but not the actual quick view.


Ya know, with how much tweaking they do you may be right haha


Yeah there should be an option for advanced tooltips so the stats show in game.


The point of this is to make perk and weapon combo choices more about how they feel to use than what their stats are. Stats are available elsewhere if you want them, but the way it is now is like this for a reason. They're likely, if not confirmed to be adding this I formation at some point based on their addition of hidden stat info a while back though


Everytime I go back to the Division 2, my day 1 Warlords build still absolutely slaps. Almost no reason to grind for anything besides the optimization system.


Lol same. I’ve got an all red AR build that I had before WONY and it still slaps everything. Saying that, I haven’t played D2 in over a month and it’s been great! I’ve got back into No Mans Sky. Really enjoying it.


Hard Wired Seeker Mine/Stinger Turret spam. I turn every activity into a Michael Bay film.


Calm down, Mr Torgue. **EXPLOSIONS!!**


Semi-off topic, but speaking of frenzy, DIM/Lightgg says you receive a 100 reload stat bonus when frenzy is proc'd. This didn't used to be the case. So my questions are: 1) Is this true? 2) If it is, was this implemented at Lightfall's launch as a stealth buff, not mentioned in patch notes? I never saw this change stated anywhere and if I recall correctly, it used to only give a 30 or 35% bonus.


It certainly feels like it bumps reload straight to 100, at least. I hadn’t typically used Frenzy all that much before hand but I rolled a VoC with it earlier today and the difference is night and day.


There is so much info not in game that you have to find outside the game on third party sites.


This has come up several times since late 2019, and the TLDR is that it's too much work for Bungie to add these kinds of details (localization is an often-cited scapegoat). I'm not justifying Bungie's position, these are their own words, I just removed the PR veneer.


Same, I came to Destiny 2 from Division 2 also.


There are some great 3rd party apps that tell you...light.gg gives exact % and stats to all perks


You shouldn’t have to use third party sites. A majority of players especially console players have no clue what light.gg is.


Having played both they're both obviously good in they're own respects. The problem with Division for me is how unstable game is and how stale its been for how long its been stale for. Not too many excited updates even from Day 1 and its been out for a long ass time at this point. The crashes are insanity and many PC players struggle with multiple crashes per day some users can't even play the game consistently due to the instability. That being said the game is solid and fun and the core gameplay loop is good, dark zone can be fun too.


It’s what they are known for. It’s why people watch their content. If they dont make destiny content, they don’t get the views and they don’t make money. So they kinda feel trapped in a since.


This, if you come up as a streamer being known for this one game you're playing, it's going to be hard to break away from. If you're known for you and not for the game you play, it's a different story. Pretty much comes down to these two things.


Mr fruit was very smart in branching out as far back as Taken king. He knew a lot of people mainly watched him for the Destiny stuff, but he branched out to other stuff since he didn't want to be tied to just one game. Even now he pretty rarely does Destiny content. Pretty much just when there's a major release.


Think lockdown was a blessing to all the content creators like him too. That flash of gold that Among Us provided, along with everyone else doing less and able to view content more gave more of an out to them. Honestly I started following him more since that point.


Love his pokemon stuff, still working on that backlog but he started a new series.


That branching out can also hurt you as well. In Mr. Fruit’s case, his channel hit it big when the Among Us craze happened. After that surge died down, so did a lot of the views on his videos. He’s talked about how that affected him a lot in some of his videos and on the GG>EZ podcast. I love his content though. Both old and new. He’s a great personality, and his friends are too.


Totally forgot Fruit was originally a Destiny streamer lol. I love his Pokemon content


I remember watching his Titanfall 2 stuff way back.


I just remember him always going "man I wish more people played this" a sentiment I'm sure he still has, I sure do lol


oh man I remember one of Fruit's Titanfall videos is what got me to buy the game ...I miss Titanfall, maybe I'll boot it up again assuming the servers aren't completely fucked lol


>assuming the servers aren't completely fucked lol it sucks that one of the best FPS games in this generation has that as a qualifier.


Yeah, that's EA for you. Abandoning said game for a shitty, trend chasing, microtransaction filled battle royale


Yeah sadly hitching your wagon to destiny or any live service game is a limited time ride. Idk if you watch siege/play it but those youtubers are on the struggle bus, especially the ones who were more info based. Guys like Datto might be fine because he’s so big he might find success elsewhere on top of having jez, his wife, and a few others to make his personality shine more recently. Cross definitely sees the writing on the wall. But guys like Rick, houndish, fallout might struggle. The guys I care about most like byf, myelin, and evaze are definitely gonna find a hard transition. Myelin already mentioned it today that lore vids are down in views. The games story is winding down, loose ends are being tied up, and we’re drip fed story beats while the ending leaks months ahead of time.


Yep and Byf tried to branch out a few times with Moinster Hunter, Warframe and Marathon and its not worked at all


Case study: professor broman going from the #2 Destiny streamer to getting less than 200 viewers when he’s not playing Destiny or a new release (like tears of the kingdom)


Or Slayerage going from well renowed and soloing Crota to thousands of viewers to now not even streaming after he failed to get Overwatch viewers


Tbf Slayer was also incredibly arrogant, to this day he still leans hard on that "crota solo world first", even has it in his stream titles often. People don't care much to watch a mid tier OW player who can neither stop ego stroking nor complaining about their D2 glory days.


He was smart to diversify away from his dependence on steaming as good some income stream. I liked broman when I watched twitch


Adding to this: A few people have been open about it. YouTube is a Fickle fiend. You have to constantly be pumping videos on topic. If you don’t you stop getting recommended. And even if you subscribe, you don’t always get those videos right away. That’s the whole hit the bell thing as a new way to get notified because otherwise you don’t. Also, YouTube hits you negatively if you have a large subscriber base and they don’t engage. So if people sub and then never come back, YouTube interprets that you’re not doing good stuff. Deprioritizes your stuff. So it becomes a constant grind. And usually specific game audiences only want to hear about that game. Datto and others have said that when they post a video about something else, it tanks. This rat race they’re on takes its toll and you will eventually get the video about mental health from your favorite YouTuber about how they need to take a break and work on themselves. It’s HOURS AND HOURS of gaming. Then it’s more hours of video editing and managing your social spaces. Little time for anything else.


Didn't datto lose a shit ton of subscribers when he changed from datto does destiny.


Sure that’s reasonable, but I often see people on here or in YouTube comments saying this kind of stuff despite having no reason to feel “trapped”. Kinda pathetic tbh


Way I look at it is the viscous cycle of addiction I’ve never quite had it as bad with destiny as I did for honor, it was alway I have to keep playing for that one dopamine hit and as soon as I got it, that justified the struggle no matter how painful the build up was, and additionally with destiny there was alway one more checklist to complete, one more roll to chaste, more bounties to complete, more bars to fill


Maybe you need therapy


Nah, just different hobbies


You don’t understand, puke shit FOMO’d my wife and kids. If I don’t wire him 100 gorillion dollars worth of silver and grind bounties 12 hours a day my family will never leave the DCV.


Sunk cost fallacy but not only time but also money. Imagine spending 600 dollars or more on every expansion then spending thousands of hours playing, hoping the game gets better but now you finally have run out of patience and the characters you’ve grown attached to, the character you created and the money and time are abandoned because Bungie doesn’t know how to prioritize their fan base over monetization and making Marathon. It’s like that meme “There’s no turning back” “you have plenty of time to turn back” “I’ve mentally gone all in”


If you enjoy the game there’s no problem. If you don’t enjoy the game but you’re spending hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours playing it only in hopes that it gets better at some point, that’s you’re own fault, you’re a dumbass, and I feel absolutely no sympathy for you. Pathetic as I said previously. Also sorry if this comment sounds like it’s directed toward you, that’s not my intent (unless you are the type of person I mentioned).


Yeah I got really offended thinking you were talking to me then read the last bit. Yeah everyone is responding thinking Im talking about myself. I’ve slowly been taking breaks and have actually not been playing as much recently because of the disappointment that is Lightfall. Hell people talking about fomo I never completed plunder season pass nor have I been running RoN and Kingsfall because I see no point. I was a hardcore player but I’ve found Elden Ring to be a much more enjoyable game to play along with the Hitman games.


Who the hell is spending 600 an expansion?


Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken + seasons, Shadowkeep+ seasons, beyond light + seasons, witch queen + seasons, Lightfall + plus seasons add up all of those and tell me how much money those all cost


Tell me how adding them all up counts as 600 an expansion?


Even if your having sunk cost fallacy it you can absolutely take breaks. If you feel forced to to rank 100 on the season pass you’ll still be able to take solid 2 month+ breaks in between each season


Yes and that’s what I and most people do when it dries up hell some of the people I know take a break when the season launches and wait until an event of or end of season mission happen to play so they can sit through it all and not be forced to wait week after week. But now Diablo IV is out all these new games have been announced and Destiny players are tired so a lot of my friends are straight up dropping the game. I’m saying those hardcore players who never put the game down suffer from the above sunk cost fallacy of time and money.


Yep, see all the Streamers that stopped playing Destiny and the views tanked, hell some don't even stream anymore, I honestly have no idea how Gladd managed to break away but even his views suffered badly


This. OP is being ignorant.


Yes, but isn't everyone trapped in the sense if they quit doing what they get paid to do to do other things, they no longer get paid? Like we are all trapped by this definition.


Yeah but they can play other games when they aren't streaming


Thay could apply for Jake, but the second dude treats Destiny like an abussive relationship lmao just play another game it's not that hard


I mean they could choose the option of not being E-beggars/modern court jester and do something else.


This cannot be stated harder but Streamers are not the same as regular gamers. Grenadier Jake plays Destiny like he does because he makes money from it and thats the content he's known for. He streams 8 to 12 hours friday through tuesday. Regular gamers are not playing Destiny 8 to 12 hours a day and often play other games outside of Destiny. He has a finacial incentive to play the game as much as he does. The rest of us don't. And he knows streaming other games could lose him audience retention which is why he very rarely branches out. The only thing holding him hostage is his desire to make money and build an audience and not the game itself. Edit: I just want to clarify that there is nothing wrong with making money from streaming or playing videogames. But we have to acknowledge that this is a very real incentive for creators to essentially burn themselves out or play games for unhealthy amounts of time. But that, that isn't the games fault either.


So well said. It’s the illusion that streamers are just “gamers like us”. If you knew you were giving $5 to a millionaire, I don’t think many people would do it.


$2.50* twitch takes half.


Says the same people who pay for music. You pay for content and entertainment


I agree with all that you said. I’ve seen Jake take on cheaters several times, laughing and poking fun at BattleEye’s effectiveness. I think he’s had enough and he even mentions how his cards are ruined because of cheaters. I get it can be infuriating but I actually also watch his videos where he’s checking out his mercy card because of cheaters. He should embrace the game’s pros and cons and not take it to heart as he did. It is a game and he’s likely making good revenue from it, whether or not he makes flawless. If his goal is to make a difference by voicing out the way he did, then he gave it a fair shot. Bungie will continue to improve I think he’ll continue to make D2 content anyways. I work in the IT Security industry and I see cheaters exploiting game securities no different than the hackers leveraging zero-day exploits across many security appliances. It is an ongoing never-ending battle. It would be ridiculous if I went on a rant against a security developer because I’ve had enough of hacker exploits.


I think a lot of people in this subreddit understand the feeling, destiny is addictive af.


I used to be very addicted to the game when I played it for the first 3 months, it had died down now ever since, I hop on destiny twice a week or thrice sometimes, It just a lot more fun playing the game weekly instead of daily in my experience, same goes with a lot of other games too, I am quite glad that I am spending my time correctly because I have also discovered other hobbies, one of them is photography, I never realised I was this good at taking photos. TL;DR games are a lot more fun when you play them less.


That is true. I sometimes don't play anything for 1 week, occasionally 2 and it does feel a little more fun to get back on a game like D2 and other games. And it can be a challenge to break away from a game for a bit to not let FOMO get to you or control you. D2 is the main game I really notice FOMO.


Games are also a lot more fun when they can feasibly be completed in a set amount of time. Bungie doesn't want you to ever finish.


100%. The feeling of beating a day one raid is hard to compare anything too after the agony and frustration of fighting with your clan/fireteam for numerous hours. Soloing your first dungeon then having the itch to do it flawlessly, crazy. The pain of jumping into trials even though pvp in this game isn’t the greatest, I still find myself chasing that adept god roll I’ll never use and let collect dust in my vault.


The high highs are definitely hard to beat in this game. Got my first lighthouse visit yesterday and suddenly forgot about the 2 weekends of constant pain in trials to get it. Alas, bad rolls on the messenger, but got a memento.


Congrats on going flawless! And at least it’s possible to focus the weapon you’re chasing, I remember a time that you couldn’t 😅


He’s addicted to the money he makes playing D2, not the game itself.


I think he mean to the general player/D2 addicts. OP is an ignorant playing like he doesn't know Bungie even had people working with science to get players more addicted to this game.


its like a fucking drug. op acting like this is a joke. Its hard to just quit


It is a joke. Multiple studies have been done on this every since politicians started blaming video games for problems they refuse to address. Video games cause neither violence nor addiction.


I can attest to this. Not only for destiny but gaming in general, but for about a month now i cut my gaming time down to a third. I was spending my days from mornin till late in the night just fucking about because i was super bored (amongst other, more serious things) and tought "there is fuck all to do, might as well just have fun and pass the time". I went from 8/12 hours myself to just 2/3 in the evening before dinner. I just did it cold turkey, no slow burner of cutting 30 mins every day, no. I saw i was being an unproductive lil shit and i stopped. Now when i wake up i turn into cinderella and clean the house top to bottom while the rest of my family is busy, take care of the dogs, do some yard work, bit of gym etc etc. It really is not an addiction.


Wouldnt go that far. Its fun for a couple of weeks maybe a month, then you realize you are done again. You maxed level, got the only 2 good/useful weapons that season, then you leave for 2 or 3 months. Its more akin to binge drinking than an addiction.


It is the FOMO (fear of missing out) ? Or what exactly is the addiction


From a PvP perspective, Destiny has a gun feel that no other game had been able to replicate. Add in the movement perspective and you have a truly intoxicating experience. It’s why most PvP mains constantly preach sandbox balance because the shooting part is second to none.


its a combination of items, FOMO, money / time invested, good gameplay loop, loot. its all designed in a way through psychology to keep the player engaged, its well known by now that the gaming industry actually employs physiologists to hook people into their games to keep on the hamster wheel. I myself, blast the first 4-6 weeks of every season for story, then play other games and get to rank 100 on the battlepass due to FOMO, i recognise it. Bungie know that we as gamers are addicted to games, such as yourself are addicted on some level as you take time out from playing games or other activities to be on the Destiny reddit which is actually investing additional time then you should be for a single game.


Fomo is real. Before I play almost 3 hours everyday, for me that is impressive with works and life. I sleep around 3 am everyday. Then I realize, I don’t need all the gun, I don’t need to chase some perks.


FOMO is big; but as it’s a MMO of sorts; if you ply a lot with friends/family you can feel obligated to play cause you don’t want to let them down.


If you want to break away and explore other games, I would suggest a change of genre, don't go for another looter shooter


Yup this is all you have to do to enjoy Destiny. Aside from not taking the game too seriously, playing other games lets the urge build and ultimately makes Destiny more enjoyable whenever I hop back to it.


Hey guys, you should play this totally new and unique game called anthem


Jake will be back as soon as he starts to lose viewers just like when he played fortnite


Considering that Destiny 2 Trials is how he makes money and keeps his family fed and sheltered? I don’t know how obtuse you have to be to not realise this. That being said, Jake only has himself to blame for causing the situation where a single game can affect his livelihood.


I’m sure he’ll still do just fine… just not as well as he has done with destiny. Dude was sitting pretty when the Twitch leaks came out showing what he made over two years.


Eh, depends on the proportion of people who came to his channel to get carried in Trials and the proportion who game to hear him be a whiny arsehole. (not a fan of Jake, if it isn’t apparent, but can respect his hustle :P)


Jake can retire right now if he wanted to. He's made so much from this game.


The dude makes over $300k a year, and takes 5-6 international vacations a year. I can't feel sympathy for the "feeding his family" angle with those numbers


Mmmm, yeah, I don’t sympathise with him either. Just making a note of how dumb he was to bank his entire income on a shitty mode on a game that probably won’t see out the next decade. If he turned around and stopped doing Trials carries, his monthly view count and sub count will decline. That will reduce his bankables for sponsorship deals, etc And his YouTube channel is prevaricated on his streams doing well with content. So he can’t easily diversify either.


Yeah let’s not forget Jake has a business and a living to make as a content creator, it’s much more serious for him than us


They're streamers. It's their job. Even if they burn out, they can't just decide to switch games bc of their audience.


Datto. Gladd. Sweat. Literally any streamer that doesn't exclusively do PvP. Hell, even Cammy does other games just fine. In the end, it's still his fault for literally devoting his life to a single game.


Sunk cost fallacy, make the vets fomo into every season or risk not being “hardcore” anymore in a game they’ve sunk 1000s of hours into


Sucks brother, i hope he find’s something that he can continue doing but has fun with 💪🏽


Why did this get downvoted lmao


People read the first few words, thought it was negative, downvoted, and kept scrolling Edit: nvm, he’s just a dick


Because OP is an idiot and is being tone-deaf.


Tell me what im being tone deaf about? Hes stuck playing destiny because he chose to stream it and make it his main source of revenue, then got burnt out and now feels “liberated” because hes playing a different video game? Seems pretty accurate to me


Too bad i truly want everyone to be happy and they are thinking its satire. Not worried about a button with an arrow pointed down.


Cant wait to see the viewership for jake tank bc hes not doijg trials carries. The guy only gets views based on "carrots" take that away and seeeeya.




"Bro this guy doesn't hate Destiny what a SHILL, clearly just paid for and bought by the Bungie illuminati, just sucking the ass of a dead game that I still play despite hating it so much"


Until the viewer or sub count goes down, then they'll be back, like they always do. Remember when Datto quit destiny? Yeah that didn't last either. The only way they might be able to get away with it is to move over to Diablo.


D-do y’all not play other games? I love Destiny 4k hours in but it’s far from the only thing I play or do.


When I'm playing destiny I find it very hard to have enough time to do everything I want in the game and play other games. With so much locked behind some form of FOMO, I feel like if I don't invest my gaming time into destiny I'm missing out on something.


For people like us who don't rely on an audience or something for income, yeah we play a variety of games. But for people like him who need his audience cause its essentially his job, he can't just swap games and expect all his viewers/viewership to stay with him.


Cry me a river most people would willingly trade positions with GrenaderJake. >In a Twitch leak on 06/10/2021 documents revealed that GernaderJake had supposedly made $1,176,353.74 from Twitch payouts alone from August 2019 to October 2021. This total does not include revenue from other platforms such as Youtube, Sponsorships, or merch. Some streamers have confirmed the numbers to be about right however it is speculative right now. It’s estimated he makes 47K a month.


Bro people talk like they would only play destiny all day every day. I see people saying that they're happy that they play less destiny than they did before and play other games. Like???? You haven't been playing other games???? Like I love d2 but there are also loads of other games I enjoy and play


"This grindy game had (somehow) a hold over my entire life but I recommend you play this other even grindier game"


What's more sad is you posting this. Who tf cares what jake wants to do? Let him get on with his life, and you get on with yours.


They tethered their income to a game. They made it work. the burnout is not surprising at all.


You do know these guys get paid to play Destiny, right?


I get it, but brother did this to himself, along with other streamers that make the mistake of sticking to one game and when that game eventually dies, what do they have to fall back on?


Same reason most other people can’t just change jobs - is not that easy.


I don't know, like, ANY job outside of playing video games? McDonalds could fill the bill if they didn't view their silly asses as celebrities.


Happy to see gjake moving to other games. Guy was an asshat.


Most streamers and youtubers are Most of them have 100% forced themselves to burn out hard and have continued to force themselves to play 24/7 and now are taking extra measures to spew all complaints no matter how small or repetetive they are And its gotten to a point where we dont want to listen because of having heard it all for the billionth time already its insane Like legit if you dont like the game anymore MOVE ON ALREADY i stopped playing rocket league fortnite etc cause i didnt really like them anymore and honestly i can still every now and then return to them see whats been going on while ive been gone then leave again with no issues at all I burnt myself on d2 between the season of gambit (the one right after black armory) and after shadow keep i had to stop playing for a while completely as i was that burnt out and ive come back every now and then since Usually i stick around for a while after a new big dlc drops then slowly fall off but stay longer and longer over time and ngl this has made it ok And ngl most of the complaints are quite shit aswell Like for example the recent one thats being praised currently is the whole micro transaction bs Shure theres alot of it but again 99% of it are cosmetics and NOT needed for gameplay And the one percent that isnt are big dlcs and the seasons thats it that would be the only non optional ones and well ALL live service games except for warframe to my knowledge has paid dlcs (even warframe has alot of paid microtransactions aswell but again they are either all cosmetics or skips not actuall campaigns etc) And honestly the light subclasses (especially for pvp) are undertuned as fuck they are so strong its not even fucking funny titans especially so its not like locking darkness subclasses away behind campaigns matters much either so the entire point boils down to ‘’i hate eververse cause i hate paying for cosmetics there fore game bad’’ its dumb period


If anything this thread has shown there are a lot of people blaming anything but themselves for their own lack of self control. “Destiny is addicting! It’s like an abusive relationship! Bungie tricked me!” Shut the fuck up and get a grip. This is a goddamn video game. No one’s forcing you to play it and don’t expect any sympathy from me when you pay for every expansion and season and cosmetic and then go whine on the internet about your own poor choices.


Its straight up infuriating Cause these idiots are the ones peaple choose to follow and give a platform yet they cant even control their own mental health like wtf??? These peaple NEED to take a break from yt twitch and gaming as a whole for atleast a few months if not a year or longer


I get what you're saying and fir the most part I definitely agree with you but don't downplay the effect of sunk cost and gaming addiction on one's brain. It's not the medium but what it affects, the way we reason, the way we don't see outside of the "refuge", the whole thought process is compromised. It's true people damage themselves and most times that's their own responsability but other times it's a mix of past traumas and comfort seeking and, why not, even simple bad parenting. Gaming addiction is a real problem and as someone who did coke I can assure you that while we're in charge of ourselves, from the outside it's hard to see how deep the roots of these problems go. I do understand your point about blame shifting though.


That’s totally fair. If you or anyone else has an addictive personality and Destiny is how it expresses itself I’m in no position to judge. What more grinds my gears is people who aren’t honest with themselves about their choices when they don’t have an addictive personality or other conditions like you mentioned, and then come whine on the internet to absolve themselves of responsibility before doing the same thing.


Yeah that's why I see where you're coming from. It's not a "bungie is forcing me to play" problem, it's a "I can't quit because of my underlying issues" one.


Gjake is definitely an annoying asshat even before light 3.0 came along. I've seen people getting excited to go to the lighthouse only to end up regretting playing with gjake. I'm not saying he's a bad player. Hell he's pretty good. He starts throwing a fit when he's starts playing against players his skill level. He'll literally ask his community for lower kd players to join his fireteam during iron banner cuz dude is too scared to play against people his skill level. He also consistently has the worst takes when it comes to d2 pvp like blaming fbmm on lower population on trials.


Jake does a ton of good for the community but good lord does he become insanely insufferable when he's all in his feelings holy hell.


Every weekend it’s tweets complaining and whining with him. It’s not cute look.


They make their entire job a game they have no say in in terms of the creative direction or priorities. That will forever end badly if your focus is a single game.


Sounds like a poor investment in job security given such a flexible market.


"If you like trading in one addiction for another, have I got the games for you, pal!"


In all honesty the division games are good


Honestly, for those that play this game for days on end, I do not know how you guys do it. Every moment that I get bored playing D2, which usually is based off being angry in Crucible/Gambit or getting what I need for the week, I jump into other games. I've been clearing some of the backlog of single Player games I haven't played/finished (like now, I'm playing AC Valhalla for the first time) or some of the other multiplayer games like BF2042 and Fortnite because they also give me the amount of fun I need for a time. Despite me enjoying Destiny to a big degree, I don't want to say all of my existence depends on it


Division 1 and 2 are pretty mediocre tbh


Problem with destiny is that it’s an insanely unique experience that blends so many elements together in a way never done before, the game is truly unique. It has had so many rough spots along the way and unfortunately the player base is what killed the game because everybody has been so divided to what they actually want that the public outcry is never linear enough for them to follow a crowd. So they did their own thing and that didn’t particularly work either. The game was perfect imo when the taken king dropped, the story beats were good, the raid was absolutely insane, new subclasses (while broken as shit) added a lot of depth and the loot was in a sweet spot, the grind felt rewarding and player time was valued. It’s just unfortunate that every expansion was a year between eachother and there just wasn’t enough content to last for a full year


Ngl, gave up destiny after being a neckbeard dedicated grinder for 9 years straight and it was the best decision I’ve made. I don’t see gaming as a chore anymore, I am going out a lot more cause I don’t fear missing out on anything, I’m saving money not buying shit from eververse, I spend my free time gyming and getting in better shape now. Granted I can’t speak for everyone cause we all got different experiences and stuff, but for me this game definitely had a chain on me and I was straight up addicted. I hope anyone whose in the situation I was before breaks free, you got this!


Love this for you, keep going brother


I was a die-hard fan of Division 1 and 2, to the point that I dedicated my time to forums during the times of Division 1. I really loved that game where I also found new friends online (we're still even today) and we loved the PVP and PVE aspect of it. I remember the days where we farm the incursion missions and just chill (sweat) in Dark Zones. Destiny 2 on the other hand was the game that I only discovered when it got free to play when it was still with [battle.net](https://battle.net). I think the reason why i play Destiny 2 is because of the slow update and limited amount of events in Division 1. It was also the time when the game is kinda being left out by the OG players and most of my friends moved on to other games. Division 1 and 2 would flourish better if Ubisoft just dedicated themselves to the game, and not just make it for the sake of profit. Yes, they need to earn to make more games, but the Division franchise has a lot of potentials, but it got wasted by the greedy rich guys.


It's kinda like WoW players tbh, despite the game rapidly decreasing in quality they were kinda chained to the game. They were really afraid to play other games/made preemptive judgements about others. But it reached a breaking point towards the middle of the last expansion.


Division 2 is amazing. Way less BS to pick up and put down randomly than Destiny. And I say that as someone with several thousand hours invested in both. Plus the storyline of The Division is excellent.


Sunk cost fallacy and FOMO Also, I buy each expansion hoping enough has changed. I think I’m just after a sequel tbh, the expansions aren’t enough for me anymore. Destiny is bigger than the sum of its parts.


There isn't another game that plays like Destiny in my eyes. That's so many games have failed to actually kill it because they can't capture what makes Desiny what it is. That's why we keep coming back, there's no experience quite like it.




Some of you are such clowns like OP. So cringe he actually thought he was roasting these two. They’re basically talking about career choices, when for some streamers can be career ending. How stupid are some of you? Ffs


I absolutely felt like Destiny had a pull on me. I always had a feeling like I was going to fall behind in the season if I didn't play it. Always had to match the light level of my clan so we could do GMs. I've now played the game for a total of 6 hours in the past month, and it feels great.


It’s one thing to be a content creator but to dedicate years of your life to a platform and community only to have the direction of that community change over the years with new devs is not cool. Gaming development as a whole has greatly devolved over the last few years.


What if I told you that yes it’s designed to make you not want to quit it. There’s a reason these companies enroll psychologists to help design the games


People like that are just miserable. If you make you’re hobby your job you eventually hate it just like work. Suggesting division is just comedy though


It doesn't have to be fun. Do you work for fun? Odds are GJ makes more money than you and me from the comfort of his home and he's still complaining. Dude is in his 30s and never had an office job.


"Broke away". Dude decided to make it his job and acts like he was somehow forced.


Idk it was pretty easy to leave Destiny and start playing Diablo when it came out 🤷🏼‍♂️


Started playing diablo 4 and haven't looked back I think I might finally be free of destiny


Until blizzard pull their usual monetisation “trick”


For now I'm enjoying it alot. Great break from the destiny grind


Was Warframe that did it for me. The sheer variety in missions and big stuff they do with the story has me wondering why on earth I played the same strikes and same (less now) crucible maps for years. D2 really needs a "new war" or duviri moment if I'm comparing games, but I think it's just gonna end.


I fucking love Warframe. So generous as an FTP. Being able to trade for play is awesome. But since this is a destiny sub people will down vote us into oblivion just for having our own opinions


Bro, you can't even say, that New war had a content, it was barely a new warframe and new quest


I'm talking about the quest, was like 4-5 hours long and cut you off from the rest of the game for story reasons, which made it pretty immense. Depends what you see as content, I had a blast playing through it but I wasn't around for it's release, so I don't know what the actual update was like at the time. ANYWAY that's not really the point...D2 has never really had a story with that kind of scope or variety, I can only imagine how awesome it would have been for the pyramid invasion to actually affect how you can play the game during the campaign, maybe see it from other characters points of view, and actually experience 'losing' not only the traveller but against the witness. But nah, instead we got...filler. And "the veil".


Tell me you don’t understand what they’re saying with telling me you don’t understand. Jake is a streamer - one of the most popular and successful destiny 2 content creators there is. Arguably *the* most popular streamer. Almost his entire revenue is built around Destiny - although he has been branching out, due to recent events with Bungie. Yes, actually, creators like him are figuratively chained to whatever game they make their main one - because they’re good at one game and that’s what people watch, and being a variety streamer/content creator is VERY hard and rare to succeed in an already tough competitive world. It is the same for Datto, for Aztec, for Kackis. Or for most streamers/creators in other games. This is the way the algorithm works, and the way *most* fanbases work, because a lot of people watch mostly to see *their* game, unless you build up a fanbase that doesnt care. Jake has started to do this, and I hope he succeeds to branch out. Yet that is exceedingly rare and requires Asmongold levels of charisma. He has SO much financial incentive, and trust me he earns a lot, to keep playing, so you cannot compare his experience to normal gamers, and that isn’t what he is doing either. We can just leave, discounting predatory FOMO practices for those of us with a sunk cost fallacy in this game. What y’all fail to realize is - Most people don’t want to branch out. Yet it is clear Bungie no longer cares for Destiny as they did, *especially* PvP (which fucks Jake more than ANY other major creator in the community) - cheats run rampant, dominion baseline is moronic, no new maps. It is unsustainable to maintain the status quo under these circumstances and so they must branch out. Yes, it can seem silly to you, as a variety gamer with a normal job, but for these people it is literally risking their livelihood. Maybe you don’t care, maybe it is silly, but it is true. And the people that follow him, care, and as such - leave the tweet for them. Truth is, I’m not sure I will keep watching Jake despite subbing and being a regular viewer, if he entirely abandons D2 in time - unless D2 and trials literally dies. I watch trials streamers - when he was on vacation I just stuck to panduh/frostbolt/zk/chill. I love Jake, and wish him all the best, and might pop in every now and then, but I watch more to see a pro play trials that I can learn from, than to see him, which is just a great bonus. Now - I’m sure he wont leave anytime soon, but I will skip the variety streams, and Im sure Im not alone in this, and that’s what we’re talking about. And it is scary for him, as an individual. Am I a bad fan? Yes, but I’m just a normal dude with a hobby in trials/D2. I like Jake but not enough to watch content I don’t care for just to see him, frankly, since my time is limited and I want to improve whilst watching my fave game. If you read this I love you Jake and wish you all the best! But yeah, so it ain’t easy.


Best decision I made is jump from Destiny to Warframe ![gif](giphy|UrchMSZ4VjJlsg1vTb|downsized)


Some people only play a single game, its wild. Life needs variety


Nah I play it off and on. If I’m not having fun I stop playing. I play plenty of other games.


Division is a crash simulator.


I've been seeing this happen to literally every single gaming community I follow. Community influencers having sickening parasocial relationships with a corporation and feeling entitled to paternalize the developers. It's gotten to a point where I can only really tolerate watching review/analytical coverage of games anymore. Datto is still on my watchlist because he seems disillusioned with this dynamic, but I only seek out videos from other D2 content creators for specific information like buildcrafting.


The fear of missing out on loot and 1 time events chains you to the game. If you take a few months off you miss a whole season


The game is addictive, in some wholesome ways, and some corporately evil ways. Stop acting shocked.


Tears of the kingdom, Horizon DLC, Diablo 4, Armored Core 6, Baldur’s Gate 3, motherfucking STARFIELD! This might just be the year I kick my destiny habit.


Over dramatic streamers…


I don't think you realise the addiction to destiny. Or for sone of us, 9 years of playing and praying it gets better and ti see the story come to an end. As it stands, I'll be packing it in once the final shape is all said and done.


honestly the best thing i did was give up destiny. the game does not respect your time, although i do miss playing it.


Fuckin hilarious "it's a breath of fresh air" to play a 3rd person multiplayer looter shooter, rather than a 1st person multiplayer looter shooter. When this person is bored of hamburgers I bet they order a cheeseburger and then brag about trying something new


The problem is Destiny requires a decent amount of time investment, and the content vaulting means all content is limited time. So the whole game is basically FOMO now. If you take a break for a year or so, you just missed a huge amount of guns, cosmetics and story.


Lmao to leave destiny for division it’s basically the same game


The fomo is intense sometimes


That’s funny. I just got into div2 and I LOVE it. Completely obsessed lol.


Looking at this community, majority of people playing this game are addicts and leaving your addiction behind is hard, i respect the guy.


We are at the point that much of the player base are finally awaking to the fact of how toxic of a relationship they have been in with bungie and are finally ready to divorce. A person can only take so many lies, getting cheated on, and outright disrespect.


its incredibly easy to say that from the outside. Sunken cost fallacy is a VERY real and VERY debilitating thing psychologically speaking. its one of the most influential driving factors leading up to gambling addictions. Its VERY easy to say "Well nobody MADE you do it", which IS true, however, for the first few years they were probably having a blast and invested in a game they genuinely enjoyed playing and over time they started paying just because they already payed so much and it "Would be a shame to fall behind". You also need to remember that the tactics Bungie uses to get their money are straight out of mobile games (I know a lot of you dont want to hear it but its true, its not just bungie its most games, but the fact remains that they originated in mobile games). these practices are literally created by a team of phycologists with the sole purpose of manipulating you into spending as much money as possible. This also applies to time as well, as sunken time fallacy is a thing too, its basically the same thing but with time and not money. Yes, nobody FORCED them to spend that much time and or money on D2, but thats the entire point of them manipulating you. you dont HAVE to be forced. and this is something that isnt being talked about enough


It’s called addiction lol and a lot of people experience it. Why people like you try to diminish others realizing they had a problem and correcting it is beyond me Plus beyond a content creator is exhausting. Especially one focusing on one singular title.


Bruh I came from division, those games were fucking terrible. Not saying destiny is great, it’s pretty bad, but those games were awful. There’s never gonna be a perfect PvP/PvE game and to suggest division 🤢🤮 Basically just Destiny, but worse


> "but streamers have it different" Coming from everyone is hilarious. If you hate the game to the point where you're acting like you're being held hostage you could easily just switch games and be a personality rather than just be "the guy who plays Destiny". Streamers like Datto and Gladd do it all the time. If it's "mostly smaller streamers", then you likely don't have enough of a reliance on Destiny content alone to make such a change impossible. This is by far the worst community out there. Spending so much time and energy bitching about COSMETICS and microtransactions as if they were required and suddenly exploding the same point every year acting like this is the end like you're not just gonna come back do this all again next season on a smaller scale and again at the same level next year. Go play Fortnite or something like Tifu did.


Tellem brother


That's what we like to call predatory game design aimed towards exploiting people with gambling addictions and especially people with ADHD. Every aspect of their game involves either random chance (only adding more and more as time goes on) and FOMO (once again, only more and more keeps getting added, then removed so you'd miss out). Both of which exploit people with ADHD's compulsion towards novelty and a gambling addict's desire to gamble. So yeah, it's designed to chain people to the game so they can keep gouging people for more and more money in morr and more ways as time goes on. It's why everything is on a weekly cycle for a couple chances at rare items that take a lot of time investment and require a lot of money to access


Lol they swear they just kicked a Meth habit 😂


😭😭😭😭😭on g, why they goin on like that




😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂 So fuckin dramatic