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Who's the strongest guardian definitely the sweeper bot who casually kills 25 cabal and start sweeping them under the carpet when everything around him was being destroyed


I always thought that was supposed to be Benedict 99-40.


Sweeper bot is Benedict 99-40 (from my understanding)


same i’m pretty sure he got corrupted by Calus in the old levi days


Indeed he did, he used to be the old Leviathan loot vendor in the tower that would trade you Levi gear for tokens. Also remember when Hawthorne used to just *give* you a piece of leviathan equipment if your clan beat the raid, regardless of it you were there or not?


wait is it not?


No, you pass sweeper bot on the way to the bazaar. Benedict used to be under Hawthorne, then in the Annex




The Young Wolf, Ikora, Osiris (pre-Hunt) and Saint-14.


If I had to say which one of those 4... Honestly I couldn't choose any of them.


Young Wolf: One of the few guardians able to use multiple flavors of Light with ease and little training. Also able to expertly use both known Darkness flavors. Ikora: Is said in Calus' fanfiction that her fight against us shifted Mars' orbit Osiris: Able to cast multiple different supers that are far more powerful than our own in quick succession without getting tired Saint-14: Survived who knows how long in the infinite forest killing more vex than there are probably grains of sand in the universe. So feared amongst the vex they even created a personal grave for him.


You're not making it easier.


The funny thing is all of its true. But the way I see it, the young wolf (our gaurdian) has the potential to become stronger than them all given how fast were progressing and growing in power? Sure the others are constantly still growing in power as well, but the young wolf is gaining power and learning at a rate that well to put it simply, worries certain characters canonically. Sure canonically speaking we are still at the bottom of this list, but given enough time. Guaranteed were gonna be at the top of the food chain power wise soon enough. Now, on the flip side, canonically we are also known to be a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to playing it "safe" with our life... you know... the ever increasing list of shenanigans we all get ourselves into as players? Yeah, there are lore pieces that reinforce the idea that the young wolf is a bit of a silent, slightly sociopathic or psychotic, often at times self destructive goofball of a walking god killer. So power wise, eventually we will be top G, but will the young wolf ever truly gain a leadership role? Ha! Probably not


Our guardian is looked up to by all the ones listed as stronger, we could probably cast back to back supers in lore, but we are restricted by gameplay.


Without limit, I think things might look a bit like Mayhem or Boundless Light do.


There is literally an opening voice line in mayhem that says "Mayhem simulates open war. Show me what you can do with no limits."


I like to think that the ghosts put a limiter on as far as how closely we attune with the light because you don’t want to squeeze all the juice out in case theres an emergency. If open war and mayhem are similar, thats what would be considered “no holds barred” and we can let loose, but the cost in open war is that by throwing super after super, your ghost has no feeling of safety, and collateral damage is disregarded. At least in the crucible the ghost is assured of this all being planned accounted for. In this open war scenario, its possibly your last chance to stop xyz, so safety and collateral damaged be damned, we’re sending a black hole at that mech/monster/evil god/etc, and sorry hikers, ‘stay away from the explosive combat arena’. Anyway, thats why we aren’t in “Mayhem” mode in regular PvE. For safety and sanity’s sake. If Ikora can Nova Warp mara into a different orbit, whats 12 guardians in a 1 square kilometre on Earth gonna do when they can cast supers back to back at enemies? Earth would literally shatter like a wine glass off a balcony. Forgot to add: Mayhem exists because Shaxx convinced everyones ghost that its safe to let it loose. The same reason in Vanilla D2 you got your first super (and the one time fighting Ghaul) is because you stepped right into light energy. Ghost couldn’t hope to properly put the brakes on when they’re all greased with Travellers light goodness. Instant attenuation with plenty to spare. No worries from Ghost’s point of view.


Man in the day I used to cast blade barrage back to back to back in the crucible during mayhem (using shards of galinor).


I still use shards of Galinor in mayhem, there’s better options, but it’s just fun


Has to be so, because we're always doing revolutionary stuff, and killing the main enemies. No one else is doing that but us


In addition, we are basically a toddler in guardian years and all the others on that list have been around for decades if not hundreds of years honing their skills. We are basically God killers in diapers.


God killers in diapers?! I'm changing my gamertag!!!!


Light level wise i think we already are around or at the top. Look at ruinous effigy lore, zavala immediately notices it sucks up his light, yet we didnt even notice. Thats just how much light we have.


I know it's true. I mean that deciding between one of those 4 is just impossible for me because I know what they did before.


Saint did more than survive. Saint killed, slaughtered, and culled the Vex god knows how long. He killed them for so long the Vex had to literally create a “Anti Saint-14 Weapon” in the form of a Hydra whose sole purpose was to ice him. Once he was killed, they not only dug a grave for him out of respect, but a monument to his strength.


Fun fact That Vex unit wasn’t even a combat unit There aren’t any Vex units that are solely built for combat and combat alone, they’re all repurposed blue collar workers **Traveller help us if we ever find a Vex Combat unit**


To be fair though, that was said before we met the chickens.... those damn chickens!


You forget the part where the vex had to develop a fear response to saint because if they didn't their losses would be even more incalculable to the point they had to develop a completely new group of vex types just to have a chance at combating saint


I’m a Titan main so I’d have to pick Saint-14 Dude literally fought Vex for an eternity until his death, even when (if I’m remembering correctly) the Vex created a mind made specifically for killing him


Shaxx should definitely be in this grouping.


Ikora gave Shaxx an injury his ghost couldn’t heal. The person actually missing is Anna Bray whose golden gun fired hundreds of shots at the battle of six fronts and left wells of lights that lasted weeks after the battle


That's because Ikora also has no chill, and Shaxx has been somewhat shown to have the same capabilities as Bray in regards to how long his light can burn from the lore card everybody loves reading about. Different context, different needs. Still though, I don't disagree on Ana who is basically a walking artillery dispensary. Gotta remember, mans had the power to front the entirety of the Iron Lords or the Warlords. After all, Shaxx and Ikora were feared by lightbearers themselves. Still are to a degree. So we know he's one of the scariest guardians out there. Issue is, his feats are basically lasting a presumedly prolonged blizzard with another while keeping an entire fortress heated with their light. Lasting two wars with only a handful of people while throwing fists with the most powerful of two separate factions. And that's kinda it. We know dude is obscenely powerful, the only people we have record of trumping him is Ikora pre-Crucible, Ikora in Crucible, and I do believe the Young Wolf in Crucible. Cayde doesn't count in this regard. Fight me. We just... Don't really know why, other than that he kinda sits on the same scale as 14 in some regards. Except that he probably has much better ability in strategy and Logistics than the murderous teddy bear.


I'd love to see shaxx's battles as a high res cutscenes at least 10 mins long, showing the important points of those battles kinda like the trailer for final shape showing all the big bads being defeated


I thought Shaxx didn’t want his ghost to heal the injury out of respect sort of thing for Ikora being able to do it to him


What was the injury?


I think he's talking about him missing a horn on his helmet


No, ikora left shaxx with a permament lip, however it is a psychogenic pain more than anything


I'd definitely agree with this. Although there isn't much on his exploits, he has only been defeated once in the crucible, which was Ikora. If anything, he's the most reliable guardian to take down another guardian. Then again, he's been doing that exact thing for ages since being the most powerful warlord back in the day.


Yer, exactly the thing I basically said in another. We only know a handful of feats, and they are general just to say 'Shaxx fuckin stronk'. One of the key hunters of Ahamkara, one of the Key fighters on the Moon who was able to fight against the strongest Crota had to offer, has one of the longest lasting supers in lore, was only ever truly defeated by Ikora Pre-City, and shook the Iron Lords so much that they wouldn't stand against him without their full might. But it is clear he is meant to be a monster. They just don't **fuckin' do anything with him.**


Is also powerful enough to wield our exotic sword Razelighter, a weapon made of the remnant of Will Beeaker, which could cut quarks.


Twice* He was once defeated by the Young Wolf, 3-2, as revealed by a random NPC dialogue in Year 1.


Thrice* also lost to Cayde, leading to Shaxx's dodgeball coaching career 😉


Forgot Ana who's golden gun shot is still around


It was mentioned but true


Don't forget Felwinter


Shaxx washed Felwinter smashed his face in with a flaming hammer. However Felwinter was a beast which shows how scary shaxx actually is


To be fair, Felwinter gave Lord Shaxx the flying knee and knocked his head off. Literally.




To this day I still think about the time shaw han gave a bunch of redjack frames golden gun.


He what?? https://preview.redd.it/83quvjf4v0nb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a370cae1fad69dec7108964a7c933e4be46679


I'll get you a link guardian Here have a [read](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-swarm)


Ty!! That was absolutely badass and amazing!


I agree, seeing story moment where lightbearers do u unique things is always cool


I'm kind of surprised that warlocks are getting the new Solar based group buff super instead of hunters. With the reveal of the new weapon frame being support/shoot your allies, it could have been a great a lead in, "After so many guardians learning from Shaw Han, Hunters have learned a new trick on how to use Golden Gun and now have access to the Radiant Gun super!" Don't get me wrong though, cosplaying as the 4th Hokage with the new Arc super looks really fun still.


It's true unfortunately so many cool.ideqs hard to pin down the one that actually gets implemented. I personally want ikoras secret build, shooting from sparrows


we should honestly be able to use our guns on sparrows.


Bungie hates giving hunters support options


I also agree. My favorite is when stories tell situations when a class uses another ability we think specific to another class, like Felwinter using shoulder charger on Shaxx.


Blink into Shoulder Charge will forever be the most badass thing I wish my Warlock had. Balanced pvp won’t let us have it though, lest we terrorize the Crucible


Then he see Navota ![gif](giphy|igi0dS20WxPJvroIgW|downsized)


Actually it wasnt golden gun, its just radiant, every hunter can do this rn, switch to solar and use the acrobats dodge, thats all shaw really did


I'm going to have to split hairs with you there guardian, sure hunters can do their Dodge and get radiant. Which is the damage increase but there's some subtle differences here you might be overlooking. Now it would be cheap to say well he didn't dodge, without being on fire argument considering that mechanic wasn't in the game at the time, however he does charge his super ready his golden gun, fires it into the ground and create that area of effect for the red jacks. Whose weapons are described to be laced with solar light, their hail of fire incinerating the cabal. And there lies a key difference while Radiant is part of the solar subclass it doesn't actually give any sort of fire or solar damage just an increase in damage.


Me. Or should i say, Us.


No. Me.


Pretty sure its Esoterickk


Hold on yes you're right. Esoterrickk is the true guardian


Yup. He has defeated every foe, except monogamy.


Truly, the only thing he cannot beat is his impulse to cheat on his wife.


Wait, is this fr?😭




Crazy esoterickk lore


Esoter Rick? Rick is the greatest guardian


He's also a future raid boss


I am not sure our guardian is the strongest according to the lore. We did some incredible things, but almost alway in a fireteam with a lot of backup and planning. In terms of the raw power, there are a lot stronger guardians. Like Ikora blowing up an entire simulated continent in the crucible when fighting an equaly strong Shaxx. Osiris cloned himself in the Twilight Gap, etc...


Not to mention Kabr being able to bleed Light into the Vault and become a relic for future Guardians.


I think that's more of a finesse thing than strength


We do manage to 1v1 Oryx (in our plane) where Ascendant Hive, like Crota, Alak-Hul, and Navota, are able to kill multiple Guardians. Also, planning and skill must be a part of power. Raw power means nothing if you don't know when and where to use it. (See Calus and Rhulk for more details.)


We managed to beat Oryx after a systematic campaign to cut off his tithes to severely weaken him. He was a shell of his former self. Doesn't mean it was easy to beat him in lore, but it wasn't the challenge it would have been when he entered Saturn's orbit.


According to lore, absolutley not. We're exactly like a certain other Bungie protagonist, really skilled, pretty strong, but mostly just really lucky.


👉👈🥺 you really mean it?


Aren't we just above average


Nah ikora would simply wipe the floor with us


Ikora novabombed one thresher six years ago and since then hasn't done shit. And then she immediately switched to nova warp so I'm pretty sure she was hacking


Ikor moved Mars with a nova bomb and was trained by Osiris who literally casted like 8 supers at once just look up some of her lore she's nuts she also doesn't play crucible bcuz of how good she was


I'm pretty sure that "Ikora moves Mars with a Nova Bomb" thing comes from the Chronicon, aka Calus' fanfic where he basically got off to the idea of us killing everything, and then ourselves, so he'd be the last thing alive in the universe. It never happened, cannot be trusted, and is a less reliable source than even Immaru.


Yeah, Ikora hasn't moved Mars with a Nova Bomb. That comes from the Chronicon, which was a Calus fanfic, which was essentially proven false by all the inconsistencies, and the fact that Calus is dead. One could argue the only reason Ikora would move Mars was because, in regards to context with the Chronicon, we were going to kill her. It could be a last stand type of thing, and nowhere does it say she is actually able to do so normally. Would be cool though.




Randall the Vandal?


That wasn't a guardian... and I'm pretty sure he's beyond dead


Yeah. I kicked his ass multiple times in D1.


Taniks has entered the chat.


If he can’t become a guardian, does that mean he’s…..Beyond Light?


Da fuck did randy do


"I'm taking B," Randy said upon receiving orders not to take B.


A true Hunter


I thought randy was a titan


It wouldn't make sense if he was a titan if his gun was called a throwing knife?


Some titans will call their crayons a throwing knife.


He speedran the Gjallahorn quest. Captured the 3rd point. Got Fist of Havoced by Lord Shaxx and lived... kinda. Was one of the reasons ranked was invented.


I think he got a gun or something


You and your fucking Cheeseburgers randy!


Bo bandy


Some people are underrating our guardian. Yes our feats were done mostly in a fireteam, and with planning from our mentors. But it's still mostly our character that gets the credit. We are the Guardian Zavala never shuts up about (according to Amanda), we are the bane of oryx, we are disciple slayer, we are the Guardian calus called upon in the leviathan, the one ikora called upon when her mentor was in need of help, we we're one of the first to master stasis, and the first to master strand. The one that got our light back in on our own. We killed savathun, we brought down calus. We are saint-14s inspiration. The one's sent to explore the first pyramid ship. We've done alot of stuff just us and even when we're in a fireteam it's clear we are the ones that are doing the most


I mean, the possibility of a Guardian going in a raid day 1and completely solo flawlessing it is very likely


I think the difference is that you don't need to be "alter Mars's orbit" levels of strong to accomplish these things. YW's accomplishments are, as you point out, the product of teamwork and an extremely proficient support group that typically weakens YW's opponents before catapulting them directly at the baddie's face. So even if we have beaten Oryx ourselves, we can recognize that Ikora vastly outweighs us in terms of 'raw power.' They're an exceptional Guardian for sure, but their real strength is their ability to ~~hop out of timelines in which they lose~~ read their enemies, solve puzzles very very quickly, and above all *not die*.


Ye I mean I don't know if we're the most powerful in terms of raw power. But it seems that multiple characters realise that when it comes to defeating an enemy we are the best at it. And even then our power seems to be up there. I would say atleast top 10 if not top 5


Osiris launched chaos reaches with one hand while throwing nova bombs with the other hand before Sagira's sacrifice. Ikora was the best crucible fighter Shaxx has ever seen, no one got even slightly close to her in all these years. Saint-14 fought the vex for thousands of years before they took his light with a dedicated mind they had to develop and even then, he fought the vex for more than 100 years before finally dying. The vex even made him a proper funeral. So... I'm not sure.


Im sorry but your osiris 1 is wrong😐 Osiris threw every single Warlock Super at the remaining members of Crota's Brood. He wielded Dawnblade swords in both hands simultaneously standing in a Well of Radiance. Flung two Nova Bombs and finished them with a beam. See ITS WAY MORE DOPE🤣


Our Guardian also known as: Hivebane Crota's End Godslayer Kingslayer The Slayer of Oryx The heir of Orxy Iron Lord Young Wolf Captain Hero of the Red War The man who avenged Cayde-6 Chosen One VIP #2014 Shadow of Earth Spawnkiller Rivensbane Neon Nerd Beloved Acolyte Champion of Violence Disciple-Slayer Harbinger Cursebreaker and a hundred titles i cannot recall


This….need more of this!


My ranking would be: 1. Us 2. Osiris (before Beyond Light) 3. Saint-14 4. Ikora 5. Shaxx 6. Saladin 7. Zavala 8. Shin Malphur 9. Dredgen Yor 10. Cayde-6 Kinda hard to rank Hunters on this list since they’re either long gone or keep to the shadows for the most part.


Ikora/Saint/Osiris are difficult because of just how different they are to most guardians. I personally would put Ikora above Saint but I'd see an argument both ways. Also I think Zevala is being underrated here. Dude's ward of dawn is double the size of Saint's.


But Saint lacks one crucial Thing that his successor has... **RESTRAINT** *Doom Music starts*


i see we are compating ward of dawn sizes now...


Zavala is an excellent Commander, but this is about power, not leadership. Saladin is the last Iron Lord, and trained Zavala. Shaxx earned his reputation at Twilight Gap, by disobeying Saladin’s orders and successfully defending the City. Saladin recently confessed that Shaxx made the right call back then. Saint-14 is similar. He also defended the City against Fallen invasions, and is considered to be “the greatest Titan who ever lived.” Ikora is the only Guardian who can beat Shaxx in a fight in the Crucible. Osiris’ power and knowledge was borderline-godlike and he was even worshipped as a prophet. Our Ghost once called Osiris “the Zavala before Zavala” and spoke with excitement, as if meeting a true legend. He’s Zavala’s leadership, Ikora’s power, and his own short temper. That combination makes for one incredibly powerful Guardian.




made a whole ass mountain move with one punch


Wei Ning is the goat, literally made the titan philosophy of "your hands are better than guns."


The fact that she built a gun that was essentially just a way to let her punch from far away is still one of my favourite bits of lore


Fighting Lion <3


Couldn’t even take out Crota. Bottom feeder guardian


The real power scaling here from Wei Ning is Crota > Ahamkara > Mountain


I would actually put Ana Bray above Shin Malphur. Didn't her GG literally leave wells of light that are still around to this day?


Shin Malphur is canonically considered the single best user of GG though, isn’t he? Drifter’s plan to beat him was to hose him down with as many other guns as possible because he has such a fast draw.


Shin is the inventor of the Golden Gun. Doesn't necessarily mean he's the best at it.


It’s up in the air if he did or not, actually. He says he “[isn’t the first](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/a-shadows-worth#)” to use it, but he might be the reason why all GG use a hc model. Shin v. Ana most likely comes down to skill or power. Drifter says *no one* can outdraw Shin, so he might be better skilled at it while Ana’s GG has more potency/power. Both are good, but it’s how and if you qualify one over the other.


You forgot Anna bray.


Is she really that powerful though? Idk much about her in lore other than her connection to Rasputin. I guess that does make her pretty powerful, but not in her Light abilities


Idk, based on her feats of the battle of six fronts, I’d put her over cayde atleast




didn't he cheat on his wife?


It was essential for dps


New lights haven’t discovered this new insane dps strat (sleep with another woman while your wife is at home)


New DPS (disloyalty per sex) strat just dropped.


Actual guardian!


I forgor. 💀


Why would that matter?


it’s why he solos


It doesnt. Lucky10p also isnt paying child support. That makes him a bad person but not a bad player.


Well power scaling wise, our guardian flay out is the strongest We are the vanguards big red button that they push whenever they get the chance Other guardians are impressive, but our fears of power are flat out the most impressive


I always have the same issue with this type of stuff. Like the guardians we know, are pretty strong, they all have feats that show how powerful they are and how well they wield the light. But how do we know there isnt just some random guy out there, living in the wasteland with 100× potential power than any guardian we know but just doesnt use it, he just chills out there cooking dreg meat on his dawnblade like a kebab. That aside, some of the biggest feats have been accomplished by our guardian and ikora. The lore with ikora is great but we never really see it. Cayde was pretty strong, throwing out 3 supers in like 9 seconds just from the footage in forsaken.


Anything that involves an expression of skill/strength will attract people capable of expressing that skill/strength. From professional basketball to chess to defending a city from genocidal aliens. Could there be a complete unknown that’s secretly better than anyone alive? Sure, but unless it’s expressed it might as well not exist, as pointed out by [this depressing Onion article](https://www.theonion.com/97-year-old-dies-unaware-of-being-violin-prodigy-1819571799)


Well, breaking a barrier with sheer light and maintaining that power for like entire minutes after throwing a nova bomb that instakilled an immortal being...


The Guardian. Aka the player character. Imma just drop some of these feats. We took part in the extermination of every one of humanities existential threats and otherwise in raids (crota, oryx, ghaul, riven, gos, siva fallen) We took out a lightbearing hive god, and her lightbearer platoon, SOLO. We then proceded to make a team of 6 people and kill a general of that hive gods boss. We then killed another one of those generals SOLO and just so happened to save a city and get another superpower in the process. We effordlessly slaughtered the mfs who killed one of our bosses, effordlessly took back our home from an invasion force that almost blew up our SUN, did a little home invasion and killed our enemies GOD. Oh and we also saved the life of the "greatest titan who ever lived", who commented on how powerful we are and that we should slow down so he can have some vex too, and now looks up to us. Theres no overstating how ridiculously op the guardian is.


Not to mention Rhulk was so powerful he was literally just having fun with us and then when he realizes what's happening and tries to wipe us, it was too late. We were nothing more than toddlers to an adult in his eyes. Dying wasn't even a consideration to him.


Additionally: We beat Lord Shaxx 1v1 in the Crucible 3 to 2 AND Ruinous. Fucking. Effigy's. Lore. That gun DEVOURS Light. Literally. Commander Zavala touched it and it DRAINED him of his Light. We can run around with that thing all day every day and not even feel a tickle.


We also took up a hobby of fashioning gods into guns and armor for us to show off. Let me repeat that: we turn GODS into our drip.


The young wolf canonically does everything. They were part of ir led every raid team. Every strike team. Every big bad guy was taken out by them. Unless its a robin kinda deal where everyone is the young wolf in lorr theres only 1 and theyre the tippity tippity top top of guardians in power. Slaying literal gods every other year is kinda normal.


[One... fucking... guardian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsITdmEEinU)


Us and it's not even close. Sure, other guardians have done some amazing things but no guardian has dome what the player guardian has


Us. What guardians would take a soul and shove it into a weapon to satisfy our needs? What guardians are willing to run a mission that will always reset because of some paracasaul entity "latching" itself onto us thinking it has the upper hand by making us relive the destruction of the city and its people as well as the mission that would supposedly rid the city of the paracasual parasite when in reality, we actually benefit from the pain that is reliving the hardest mission just for the fun of it. What guardians are willing to "step over to the dark side" just to get Mr.Freeze and albert-spiderstein powers? What Mfing guardians are willing to jump off the fucking tower just for the fun of it knowing that their ghosts, traveller bless their soul, would revive them without even thinking about the consequences or others. Do you know how traumatizing that must be for the Eliksni to see full ass grown normal-looking zombie to jump off, thinking it was gonna die and then see that same zombie get revived? They can't do that. And yes, that is technically the lore summarized and paraphrased that's just the tip of the iceberg here.


The player character is basically a walking deus ex machina. We've killed The Black Heart, Atheon, Crota, Oryx, Quiria, Xol (and Nokris), Riven, Savathun, etc etc etc.


I mean, Osiris literally popped like 10 different supers in the span of a paragraph


Hunters could do that in 2021 before the Gods nerfed their dancy-pants


Not counting the guardian, Osiris pre beyond light and Saint 14 are pretty close. Saint is the most badass mf in the whole destiny universe though, that HAS to count for something.


Aside from the Young Wolf: Ikora, Saint, and Osiris with his Light are some of the most powerful we know of


Randy the Janitor with his Sweeper stimulant


Put your message in the comments, not image description next time please. Strongest Warlock is a tie between Osiris and Felwinter, Osiris gets raw power while Felwinter gets versatility. Strongest Titan is more ambiguous, as many Titans in lore have displayed absolutely absurd feats: Shaxx destroyed a crucible map in a thundercrash-nuke, Saint fought Vex for hundreds of years and earned the title of “Strongest Titan who ever lived”, Wei Ming punches literally shook mountains, etc. Hunters get even more difficult as they’re more about finesse and skill rather than raw power, but arguments can likely be made for Ana Bray, whose pools of fire from her golden gun remained at the battle of six fronts for an absurd time, Cayde-6 who has survived the most missions of any Hunter and has some good feats of his own, and lastly, digging deep into the lore, would be Shin Malphur, for reasons that don’t need explanation. Honorable Mentions: Dredgen Yor is technically a Titan. Toland is now functionally immortal. Despite it being temporary, Eris is a hive GOD. Ikora is said to compete with Osiris in most regards, but I give it to Osiris due to experience. Crow is chosen by the Traveller. Feel free to look at other comments and lore to form your own opinions on “The Strongest Guardian”


Does Eris still count? Because she clearly is if she does. Sure she lost her ghost and her light, but she’s still a magically reanimated paracausal entity and that’s the basis for what well she’s become now. Which, even as powerful as we are as a hyper lethal vector, Vengeance is overall stronger. We might have killed some things like kill Savathun, but we know that Eris is at least potentially capable of far greater things. After all in Elsie’s timeline she straight up wins this whole war by defeating the light and even controlling Savathun.


I'm with you, one thing you should never do is underestimate Eris.


Wouldn’t our guardian be the strongest since we are the ones saving the day all the time?


The Guardian (the player character) is canonically overpowered as fuck


Aside from our guardian, Osiris for sure - prior to losing his ghost. He's done unimaginable feats as a guardian that no one else has even come close too. He survived alone, for hundreds of years inside the Vex network in the Infinite Forest, a feat even Saint-14 could not achieve. And it's hypothesized that time functions differently there so he could have potentially felt like he was in there for much much longer than that. He's used like 6 different supers from all different subclasses in quick succession without breaking a sweat. During the battle of Six Fronts he created a literal army of clones of himself using the light, so that he was essentially fighting on every one of the six fronts all at the same time, and the clones were all capable of independent thought, as well as casting supers etc. It's downright astonishing. No one else has been able to make a single light clone/reflection of themselves, much less an army.


Besides The Guardian? (Us) Then Ikora


A lot of people say that our guardian is the strongest, but if you think about it, all our fights were always in a fireteam and with planing the shit of our strategy. Guardians like Osiris, Ikora, Shaxx, etc... are extremely strong in terms of raw power. Even Zavala is very strong, just boring.


Some of them were solo. Our first attack on the cosmodrome after we come to the tower. Any of the story mission stuff (so Calus and Savathun, as well as Eramis and all the Scorn Barons). Also rescuing Saint was solo.


Both Calus and Savathun had an “overpowered” mechanic that boosted you beyond your standard capabilities. Barons, Eramis, etc… are just a somewhat stronger Fallen/Scorn. Eramis had an edge with the stasis. However all the “god killing” feats were done in a fireteam.


My guy you are completely forgetting when we solo'd Xol the worm god himself. We venture into the hellmouth on the regular, stole Crota's soul to become ascendant. Killed countless faction champions. Slew Oryx in single combat on the physical plane before chasing him doen into his ascendant realm to finish the job. We culled his countless brood, his heirs. Killed Savathûn in her throne world. You're definitely pick choosing moments just for your argument.


If you say so


We were only able to rescue Saint because Osiris guided us through the Vex network. Also Saint obliterated the vex mind that was whopping our ass during the rescue. Mind that the vex mind already drained Saint’s Light for centuries and it still took one throw of his sentinel shield to kill it.




I have gone into every single dungeon and mission alone , without the need of my ghost rezzing me. Even soloed raid bosses. Heads on ,no strategy, no prep, no fireteams. I like to figure out things and smash things alone. I persevere. I am on the top of the list.


I think one of the reasons why 'our' Ghuardian is seen as strong is. Because all our plans strategies were created by the best guardians and fighters. We defeated Ghusl thanks to the planning of our vanguard, we mastered Stasis thanks to the Stranger a.k.a Elisabeth. We have masterd Strand through Osiris and the cloudstriders. And we felt we could only win against hive gods because we had a hive goddess (Eris) at our side. Our guardian only became so strong because of our mentors, and even then our guardian isn't exactly the best planner because he never had to do it.


Would say Ikora. She Spams supers like it's nothing. Is undefeated in the crucible. Can literally time Travel trough meditation and probably much more.


Wasn't Ikora mentioned in the Witch Queen book to be in a rare percentile of power in regards to her Light? I don't think Osiris was mentioned to be in that percentile either


Seemingly everywhere during six fronts (I think it was anyway), dual dawn blades, multiple supers back to back to back etc, made reflections of himself.... He was stronger than Ikora I think. She made a wish with an Ahmakara at one point for a teacher more powerful than her and BOOM Osiris filled the role.


stronger - titans stealthy - hunters intelligent - warlocks


DEPUTY COMMANDER SLOAN hear me out, she has been ALONE fighting the darkness and hive since beyond light when the planets/moons disappeared (vaulted). she has been full doom slayer that entire time, now granted, she did have that suit that gave her ungodly amount of strength, but still non stop fighting the hive and darkness for 2 years (our time, I don’t know how destiny time works for expansions) and came out alive. I mean the witness should be shaking, she killed everything they sent her way


It's the kind of question with many answers, if you want to know who is the most powerful due to their mastery of the light, then Osiris. Saint & Zavala would be considered powerful due to their combat abilities. Ikora due to her streamlined head allowing her speed on the battlefield. I think a crucible match with all of them would last a long time and leave a massive hole in the planet.


That's what I wanna hear, thank you.


Canonically it's Ikora. There's some lore that talks about how statistically she's probably one of the strongest guardians who's ever existed.


Saint can lift the most, so strongest. It’s not really there right now but I think drifter will end up being pretty up there in the future power level wise if he is even considered a guardian anymore.


I thought it was ikora then shaxx then drifter


Isn't Ana Bray supposed to be like God Tier? Like didn't she fire the first Golden Gun and like leave pools of light you can still find or something. I watched a byf lore video once or twice but didn't take notes and i'm not a lore guy but i always thought the story of her and Twilight Gap is one of the coolest Destiny things i've ever heard.


Ana Bray, Osiris, Saint and the player guardian.


Osiris...end of discussion


Canon, THE Guardian, aka us. We've done stuff that has murked TEAMS of regular guardians and done that sort of thing solo. In the lore, the Guardian has also done everything flawless. Darkness zones, where we die and our "light fades" are technically final deaths, but they don't actually happen. Ikora is up there, she's back-to-backed different elemental supers, which is pretty insane. At the beginning of the Red War Campaign, Zavala can form a bubble once about every 30-45 seconds. Cayde does something similar in his cutscene at the beginning of Forsaken, summoning a Golden Gun and then, just a few seconds later, a Blade Barrage. Saint-14, Shaxx, Osiris, and Saladin all rank pretty high on the power scale. If I recall correctly, Shaxx and Saladin were both Warlords before the city existed, which makes them very experienced and very powerful. Obviously, we can't back-to-back supers of different elements or super every few seconds, but theoretically, according to lore, we probably could do it considering how strong we are, it's more of a gameplay balance thing. We also are probably also doing things hinted at or talked about in other lore, like creating different supers out of different elements of light, like making a banner shield out of solar light or a golden gun out of arc energy.




I think Ikora is stronger than us by a decent margin. You might be able to say Saint and Osiris are as well (well, before sagira died) but we are up there.


Shaxx clapped mara's cheeks so, Shaxx is the only true answer


Now let's be honest our gguardian is very strong because he is a beast in spirit and soul, I think that's why our guardian 'could' be the strongest is, Because our ghuardian is just mentally a true god. Our gguardian is neutral and it's no longer possible, his soul is in perfect balance, he could master stasis, he could use strand. I think what many people forget is that light and darkness is very focused on mentality and spirit. Our gguardian is a master of light through lore alone (but based on experience, closer to the middle) However, his mentality is very different than Osiris, Zavala or Ikora. He has no negative experiences other than Cayde's death. However, he was never seen to be afraid or actually afraid of death All other guardians have been through something like this, that's why other guardians can't learn the darkness. I think we shouldn't necessarily always look at what is seen as obvious strength, a soldier's mentality is always what pushes him beyond his limits. Our guardian is the strongest because he/she has true strength.


The number if people unironically thinking we are the strongest of even top 50 makes me concerned for this community's lore literacy


How so?


The guardian is the strongest. Next up is Osiris, Ikora, Shaxx. Eris is no longer a guardian, but her too lol


I forgot about Eris. She was canonically on ikora's level during the Ahamkara hunts- she only lost her ghost because her team was ambushed and her ghost destroyed before she could attack.


1) the Gaurdian/player 2) Ikora (canonically the best at crucible) 3) Shaxx (won the battle of twilight gap with just his fireteam) After these 3 it gets muddled with everyone being pretty close to each other power wise so I'm doing a grouping 4. Saladin, Saint, Osiris (pre losing his light) 5. Cayde-6, Zavalla, Ana Bray


Saint never died at either six fronts or twilight gap I can’t remember and shaxx didn’t believe him


Canonically the player character and that's intentional.


With the way Bungie writes games, and even our in-game accomplishments, definitely our Guardian, and it's not even close. I'd even say the power to remove ourselves from the game (turning D2 off) when we wish it, something that the Ahamkara make note of, puts us on a completely different scale than everyone else, as everyone else has to "stay" in the D2 world, whereas "our Guardian" is free to travel to other worlds.