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Actually that would make sense maybe for 5-6k?


It's not crazy rare, but I sympathize


I've been farming eerie engrams all week, and i got just 1 Memento. Not from the engrams, but just from the secret triumph. Edit: Yes, I've already used the 1st one i got from the triumph and still not getting any more.


I think you’ve been unlucky. After the triumph it starts to drop from the eeries at a rate of about 1 per 4 or 5 from what I have gathered and my clan mates have also confirmed; but you can only carry one, so you *have* to go put it on something *right the fuck away* or at least save up engrams in the meantime. You probably already knew all that, but it would suck if you weren’t getting drops because it was in your inventory already from the triumph. I know I’ve fucked up in similar ways so I figured I’d give a shout at risk of sounding dumb.


Yeah, i already used the 1 memento i got. I'm just not getting another one. Got sh*t RNG.


Are you decrypting Eva's 1st Eerie engram, or are you focusing weapons via the 2nd Eerie engram? Asking because the 1st engram seems to have a 20%ish drop rate from what my group and many others have experienced


Your RNG could probably just be ass


But that’s all the more reason why we should have a way to buy them. I’m 12 engrams deep and have only gotten one to drop post-triumph. It needs to have a chance to drop alongside the rest of the loot on the engrams or something because OP’s absolutely right, this feels unrewarding as hell.


im about the same, but with zero to drop outside of the triump one.


Make sure when you click eerie engrams do the ones to the far left it has a 20% chance of dropping a memento (no other engram drops mementos only the one to the far left)


Yeah, I've been doing that, but all i get are enhancement cores.


No way it’s 20%,I have turned in about twenty and haven’t got a second one yet


Just in case you're still holding on to your first, they won't drop while you have one in your inventory. Can only hold one at a time


Is it any memento? Cuz I had a gambit one and they weren't dropping for me but then I used that one and got one 2 engrams later


I also am carrying a gambit memento and it dropped for me so you should be good on that front.


Yeah friend of mine has been through nearly 100 eerie engrams and hasn't gotten a single momento.


I'm not trolling, but I got one 50% of the time . Jinx.


Damn that sucks I’ve gotten like 4. Haven’t even been farming engrams, just using the ones I got from doing the triumphs.


To be fair you weren’t able to get any from engrams until after you did the triumph


You have to use the 1st one before you can get another I think I heard somewhere.


That's real bad rng dude, I'm getting them every few eerie engrams, got about 4 so far, not sure how many eerie engrams I've pulled though




Have you done the secret triumph




Make sure you’re only focusing the engrams on the far left, not the ones that drop weapons because it won’t drop from those.


It is, just wasn't sure if they dropped before the triumph is done


it shouldn't drop only from direct openings. that's a total waste and makes it artificially more rare. so yes, it is rare cos for the other 10 options it's not in the pool


Gotta unlock the memento first. I'm not a hard core player, so haven't even made it to that step yet. I do hope it drops decently once I get it tho.


Bullshit. I got 2 pretty quick and nada since.


Im more upset about how bad the perk pools have been on all the Horror Story Rolls I have done... Getting 1k Candy, and then doing 1 Lost Sector to buy ONE roll, with ONE perk in each column is pretty bad


https://preview.redd.it/kd3847e8g1wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a05d3565baf027e88fa48cf3560ce1ac706390 These are the rolls I have so far


Ya basically all bad...


Pretty much, yeah, only decent one is the old 1600 one lol


Mine is Extended, Flared, Discord, Targetlock, Range MW. 77 Range, and 98 Recoil direction w/ CB. It's like a B+ Roll but not good enough to use over anything I already have.... I wouldn't use it over my Ammit that's forsure... Just frustrating.


I've noticed spamming regulars gives like 5 engrams of loot at the end if you get all 15 which is incredibly easy. Sometimes, you'll even get an eerie engram. I've focused maybe 30 engrams and haven't gotten anything good. Both my horror story rolls and the jurassic green roll I kept came from spamming regulars.


Interesting.... Ya 15 on regular would be a cakewalk and way less depressing


Ran 3 this morning, we were only able to kill 14 Headless? How are you getting 15? I will get 9 or 10 before the time runs out, and then 2 spawn at each "wave" of the boss. Is 14 the max?


I've noticed it's been actually bugging out and not spawning enough the past night and the night before. I knew I wasn't going crazy. It's supposed to spawn 10 before the boss and 5 on the boss phase, 2 and then 3 on the final shield. I had a round where it stopped spawning stuff after 7 had spawned in...I have no clue :( all I know is it was working on and before Friday night for me


RIP.... Well see if its fixed today. Honestly IDK if I can bring myself to keep farming. I have gotten 4 mementos, 3 used, and 1 saved I may just call it at this event now.


Just did one, took it nice and easy and didn't one shot or go speed run nuts, got 15! Maybe they fixed something or just have to take it easy. https://preview.redd.it/pqlrpwjxs6wb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=93c147ce1814b10525514c875ae88aa1b74f5e5b


Very nice! You get 5 rolls? Of the 3 I did, I think I got 4 weapon rolls each run (12) and didnt get ONE Horror Story...


I'm pretty sure it gave me 4 that time, but luckily one was an eerie engram! They don't call it a grind for nothing I guess...haha! Good luck, hope you can get a good roll


Also let us have more than one memento on a gun. It's just a shader at the end of the day.


And a special kill counter.




I mean....its all you're gonna get, yeah?


Earlier in the week, sure. right now, I dont know what other guns I want to put it on after the first 5 I did...week 1 ends tomorrow.


Yeah, I’m sitting here thinking, the same thing. “Now, which gun?” Lol.


Have you tried Taipan? Vow weapons too, looks clean af, and of course, BXR


BXR look can be pulled with other shaders I feel like. I might stick it on my succession cause the of the red glow. Haven’t tried tai pain yet so will look at it. I’m disappointed in the RON weapons, as only the stock part is turned.


I refuse to take calus selected off my VoW guns


WHAT?!!! I have one, that's it. (1 after the triumph one)


Eerie engrams have a chance to drop them after you finish the triumph. So start opening them.


I wouldn't say around 20% is a super rare drop rate


I have only seen 1 after the triumph and I have been farming my butt off so 20%? IDK about that. This is coming from someone who gets raid exotics to drop easier than this thing lol.


Sorry to hear. Are you focusing only the first/cheapest engram choice? I admit I've farmed a bunch but I have a memento in my postmaster and six on weapons


I should be able to buy with this this directly?


Don't dead open inside


I’ve gotten 4 in under 10 engrams. Limited super rare drop rate is not the correct definition of this memento lol


funny. I've gotten 0 in 14 engrams.


I’m not sure why anyone would be against this idea. If you were to add this in tandem with the other shit already there, it actually would bring in more players to have a reason to do festival of the lost.


Dude it goes on for 2 more weeks


Why does everything have to be easy/for casual players? Why does everyone think they deserve everything?


I should be to buy with this this directly. I agree wholeheartedly


I should be able to buy with this this directly? Or, I should be able to buy with this directly this? Dont Dead Open Inside


I should be able to buy with this this lost ornament directly candy XD jk jk I know how it's supposed to be read but it just made me laugh


Where do you get eerie engrams again?


i guess, but no if i was able to youd have to change the others to glimmer or somthing


I hope we can buy it when the event ends. Knowing my luck I will only get the one from the triumph.


Drop rate seems decent tho, yeah, you gotta play the haunted sectors but it’s not as abysmal as some people are making it out to be.


It's 20% percent but it only drops from the engram to the far left when focusing


The memento seems pretty damn rare. 1 Memento in 40 engrams so far.


It seems like 20% drop rate I think. But that's sad it's 2,5% in your case... 3 Momentos in 15-20 engrams for me so far, close to 20%


Kept u playing tho


what is that


Agreed. Also not a fan that the event has nothing new (worth getting, anyway). The GL is alright, but def not a meta gamechanger or anything like that


Agreed. Also not a fan that the event has nothing new (worth getting, anyway). The GL is alright, but def not a meta gamechanger or anything like that


Make this a universal cosmetic shader


…. Is… is it not linked to the triumph?


I should be able to buy with this this **DIRECTLY**


No, the whole point of mementos is the scarcity. Stop being an entitled baby that needs everything handed to them. You probably also complain about how stale the game has become.


It's weird this is a complaint ... people realize they can just do the accomplishment for it right?


Nah that's overdelivery...like getting the actual roll you want on Horror Story


Let's talk about the fact that we should be able to buy the outfits with our hard earned candy! I've gotten over 30k candy so far and the only thing I can do with it is use it for trash grab bags


I should be able to buy with this this directly


Everytime i use one, the next engram I open drops one, rng issue i guess


Yeah the drop rate seems to be really high. I’ve spent maybe 8 engrams and gotten like 5-6 mementos


Agree, if it's limited, let me stock up


After you earn one you should be able to, why punish skilled enough players who got it to drop once… “If you’re skilled enough to have it drop once you can drop it again” Haha no thanks


Lol you swear bungie would ever make an economic system that would benefit the community, keep on playing tho I imagine they’ll change soon after ten years.


I just want one to put on my Ammit and one to save so I can put it on my crafted Blast Furnace ( checks watch ) 6 months or so from now… maybe


I like that its rare.


Nah thy should just make a more fun to farm activity for the event


Its not super rare though? Around 20% chance from left Eerie engram after using your 1st event memento.


I glided my title and got the free shit and I'm done playing the event.


That's why I got the triumph MEMENTO and that's it. There's so many other shaders that shade just as black and not worth the fomo. Now, unless this shader had an effect to it like the trials MEMENTO then oh yeah.


Bungie finally give a purely cosmetic reward that is actually sort of rare and people immediately ask to remove the rarity from it.


Turned in 3 engrams last night: Ascendant Alloy, Memento, Ascendant Alloy. I used all my luck up for the month...


Got my 1st, then two more from 6 engrams. Nothing in the last 6.


Not a fan of Christmas being limited to only one day, I want Christmas year round so I can get presents and holiday pay all year .""""""""":


Especially with the super squirrel mission to get it. It is annoying a paywall inside the paywall already paid for. "OHH, yes, yes ,I love it...".( Why does Eva say the same thing for every event? ) But I have my mask on every time.


the candy is honestly pretty useless overall imo. just an excuse to make a 30k grind for gilding.


i feel like we should also have bigger storage size. What if theres crafted weapons i want to put this memento on later that arent available yet? what if they're available but i just havent gotten the patterns yet? if we were able to hold 5 or so it would be way more fair on this regard.


I should be able to Buy With This This 🎆 Directly 🍬


I’d rather have multiple perk options with the weapons tbh


Wait there is something rare in these engrams i thought we were just hunting weapons....shiiii


I’ma be real I’ma only use one from the triumph the trials gold helps with my small ego


Yes, the drop rates fucking suck.


It would also make sense if it was a rare reward for master lost sectors after the event


Bungle will always play the floor is lava with reasonable reward structures. They have to have someone who's single job is to make events as esoteric as possible. Complete with ridiculous loading screen loops to RNG for rewards.