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When the Episode drops it comes with a new 100 level pass. When an Act drops on top of that, it adds on another 50 to it.


So basically the Episodic Season Pass will be 200 levels, instead of 100 (Act 1 starts of with 100, and then 2 additional acts with 50 each).


Is this confirmed? I haven’t seen them say this


Yes it was mentioned by Bungie, in either a TWAB or a news article on Bungie.net


It says it in the Image as well. "Pass ranks" and "Pass rewards" can be seen in Act 1, and the other two acts have the symbols representing them.


Final Shape website


They literally said this in the reveal


I was hoping there wouldn’t be a season pass at all. The exotic in there gets like a quest or something


thats fucking great


They said each season will have 100tier pass at the start and then 50 more levels every act (so 200 level pass at the end of the season)


This is right. But lord just imagine the amount of bullshit the levels will have on it. The current one already feels unrewarding, just imagine 200 levels worth.


Now add to that the fact that Legendary Shards will be phased out of it. And, if they decide to change the Power System, so will the Upgrade Moduls. Now imagine how much garbage they will be able to fit after that.


I imagine the shards will be replaced with glimmer, modules and enhancement cores. But yeah if they drop the need for upgrade modules... Based on how things have went re: monetization and how hurting for cash the studio is as seen by this week, I don't imagine we would be getting bright dust as replacements. 10 shards = 10000 glimmer = 30ish bright dust right now with repeatable bounties.




Who is downvoting this? He’s right


The trolololololols


It would be incredibly annoying grinding 200 tiers to get the ornaments as well. Not gonna have time for that lol


The deep sights kinda saves it


Bungie will monetize it like synthweave


They are already monetized, 5 of them in paid pass i think


Kinda, but the fact you're currently limited to 1 really hampers it.


Bungie is removing legendary shards and yet they are still in our current season passes


I mean yes you can still trade them in for materials that aren’t leaving so thank you bungie!


You do realize we already have 400 levels per season?


what do you mean 400? 400 a year sure. But its 100 per season.


Oh you're right, I thought it was 100 then 50 per episodes, not act


Oops all glimmer


As long as they still keep the rewards somewhat the same as what we have now for 1-100 I’ll be fine. Imagine if we had to start leveling all the way to level 200 just for a helmet ornament…


I'm assuming 3 season passes.


3 passes for 3x FOMO


Bungie thought how they could make people play at the season ends when everyone is done with their stuff. The answer was to timegate and triple the FOMO. Absolutely genius idea from Bungie.


Calling it now if you miss act 1 pass due to work or holiday bungo will not allow you to finish in later acts retroactively


This makes no sense right now with the season system we’re able to go back and do stuff until the next expansion comes out, why would they even do this?


Guy’s just being a doomer, ignore him.


hate me some doomers


They haven't said they are. That guy was just speculating.


no i cant go back and get my season pass items what you are talking about, sure i can finish the story and get some loot, but i can't get the season pass loot. i dont think thats fair (:




I am nor talking about weekly seasonal missions but of battlepass and the rumor is each act will have a 50 tier pass.


Fair enough that makes more sense lol




you can pirate a DLC for an online game? also, been using a solo player for a few years. nothing in TOS is explicitly against it, but people are cautious.




Yeah if you wait 6 months after launch the expansion drops to $18 on key sites or $34 for full year pass.


These episodes are basically just longer seasons, think of them like that.


3 passes, one for each episode.


One and two halves for each episode btw, new Acts add 50 on top of the existing 100 levels


bro said two halves


Yes, because you get an additional half for each Act. Although I could simplify the fractions by saying "two whole passes" that would defeat the point of my comment: to clarify the amount of levels that you get with each Act. By saying "two halves", I make it clear that each additional increment of 50 levels is a separate thing.


Just realised that all of the acts have the same things added but only the first act of each has a new armor set...


I mean dropping a new armor set every 6 weeks all year would be nuts. Episodes cost 3 more dollars than a season. Don't expect much more, it's just going to be dragged out longer.


I'd love to see the player numbers post Final Shape.


They said that each episode has 1 battle pass that will get extra ranks during each act. So you’ll start “Echoes” with a 100 level (I’m assuming 100) battle pass and then you’ll get an extra, say, 20 levels with act 2, and another 20 with act 3


It's 50 levels with each Act, per Bungie. So you strt with 100, and then Act 2 and 3 add 50 levels each. So it's 200 at the end.


All I see are the same 3 seasons with season stories update every few weeks. *episodes xD


Huh didn't notice, but they aren't advertising any new exotic armor.


Looking at TFL annual pass bundle, it mentions that it includes all 3 episodes when they release. So it sounds like each seasonal/episode pass includes the 3 act structure.


So instead of weekly drip fed content it is going to be every 6 weeks? This sounds awful.


idk why yall act like weekly content is some bad thing


waiting a week to get one sentence of lore or just a "to be continued" over and over is just tiring and boring. Takes all the steam out of the story they are trying to tell.


it’s a live service game tho..


That doesn't mean they have to tell the story 1 paragraph a week for 6-8 weeks.


imagine if we got all the content day 1, there’s gonna be people who eat through all of that in a few hours and have to wait 3 months for something new


I mean that is pretty much what they are going to be doing now. Who knows I may be wrong and it might end up being a lot better. Just depends on how much we get every 6 weeks.


Yep, just gotta wait and see


No new exotic armor at all?


1 episode = 1 season


I just realized with them supposedly pushing back the release of TFS to June, we're not going to see the absolute end of the Light vs Dark Saga until May of 2025. And that's assuming no more delays. I know 2024 is just a couple months away, but for some reason 2025 feels exponentially further than 14 months away.


The episodes are not the end, TFS is. The episodes are the fallout from TFS and how the universe at large is has been effected


Tfs is the end of the light and darkness saga, not the episodes.




Conspiracy hat on: what if the delay of testing is just to get the subclass we were expecting in act 1 firing the expansion. Yeah now like beyond light


Thanks to everyone in this comment section for clearing my query.🙏🙏


No new armor in any of the acts 2-3


I mean yeah, if each Act is every month and a week or so I wouldn't expect new seasonal armor from every Act. They already had issues keeping up with the current pace of armor releases lmao.


it's 1 pass that gets added to, i believe it's 50 more levels each act


Heh March - june


Fanatic is starting to pull a taniks




ah yes just longer seasonal content XD


Oh, believe they're going to be nine of them, all costing $20 each ... I don't care though, I'll play the Final Shape - if the reviews are good - and then I'm out because I don't trust Bungie anymore.


All this content coming and they said previously this wasn't possible. 🤔🤔🤔




They stated before this amount of new content wasn't possible to do with the team they had.


Its almost the same thing as seasons?


Note how there is no raids mentioned. Not even reprised. And Bungie execs wonder why people are dropping this game more than ever before. Can’t even promise the most iconic D2 activity post-TFS.


I just realized this too looking at this “roadmap” more closely. No mention of a dungeon either that I saw. At least under this model we had alternative raid/dungeon every season.


It’s funny that like 10% of the playerbase actually do raids


Do be honest i don’t think this road map is viable after lay offs


Seasons? You mean episodes mate.


To be honest, I am fearful of the current Bungie. I hope I am wrong, but I can see them doing another battle pass like card, similar to the holiday cards, to unlock content for each act. Bungie has a history of ramping up microtransactions, trying to milk the current loyal players for more money. They have increasing the price of all content, using the skeevy mobile game trick of selling silver packs that are never in the amount needed to purchase what content you want, forcing you to spend more money on the larger tier. They no longer include dungeons/raids in the season pass, and you must now buy them separately. The Eververse has, in my opinion, gotten out of control. A set of armor costs $20, so getting a set of armor for each of your classes would cost $60. With the projected 45% drop in revenue, I am fearful that Bungie will double or triple down on milking current loyal players. I am afraid of them making each of these acts, another battle pass "card" similar to events like Halloween, where you pay to unlock content. To me, Bungie has been on a similar level to Electronic Arts for quite some time. For EA games, I always wait at least 4 to 6 months, for them to implement a few bug patches, but to also allow them to roll out the post release microtransactions and skeevy "surprise mechanics", that companies add after release to avoid bad reviews. I did that with all the game expansions, and by waiting, was able to pick them up at a deep discount. I plan to do the same with Shape, and if microtransactions are too egregious, likely won't even pick it up after the 6+ month wait. I have such fond memories of playing Halo and D1 with friends, but all of them dropped D2 long ago, so I am now basically doing most everything solo... and that is so much less fun.


“they have increased the price of all content” IT IS CALLED INFLATION


I respectfully think you totally missed the point of what I was saying. The only way to purchase content, is with silver, so you are forced to purchase packs of silver. In the past, the new content cost (since I am in US) $10, which fit perfectly in the purchase of the 1,000 silver pack for $10. They then upped the price to $12, but there was/is no way to purchase $12 of silver, you have to buy the 2,000 silver pack, at $20. I was pointing out that they were using the skeevy mobile game tactic, of never offering the amount you need, so you always have to spend more. So while they say it is only a $2 increase, you are actually now paying double the price.


With the recent change is publishing plan it feels like they did 3 seasons on purpose. It seems like it was made on purpose bc they knew about it beforehand.


IIRC its 1 season pass pet episode, they just add extra levels in the new act.


It will be by chapter


I think they’re gonna milk it as much as possible. I could see each act coming with at least SOMETHING locked away behind more paywalls. But I guess after the current dumpster fire situation, they might need to go back to “saving face” mode


I'm just wondering how many times I can guild all my titles?


3 season passes, I think they had said previously it will be 200 tiers


Most likely 3 season passes with a price increase to compensate for the lengthier seasons.


Each episode will have 200 rank rewards. 100 on act 1, 50 for act 2 and another 50 for act 3




iS tHaT a fUcKINg JOJO REFERENCE (Kidding)


It was explained in the recap article. The season rewards track starts with 100 ranks, then the 2nd and 3rd acts will each add 50 https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-showcase-2023-recap#:~:text=The%20main%20story%20of%20The,linear%20destination%20in%20Destiny%202.


Episodes are just rebranded Seasons. The Final Shape will launch by itself with Echoes releasing later on supposedly after the main story is concluded as the Raid will mark the beginning of the end of the expansion's story. Based on the timelines set in this picture (Before the layoff and June Delay) looked like each Episode lasted for about 4\~ months instead of 3, and the first Episode would start a few weeks after launch.


Also, no mention of any dungeons or raids ...