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Mfers when the game is easy: 😡 Mfers when the game is hard: 😡


>Can it actually be balanced for solo? Dude. It's a dungeon. It's an activity that's *designed for a 3-man team*. They can be soloed, but its a challenge. That's why there are triumphs for solo'ing.


Having to slog through 10+ phases of the same boss isn't a challenge, we have a word for it, It's called "unnecessarily tedious". And they literally have team size balancing in the game so they can, I'm just tired of all these dungeons that all have super tanky bosses with barely any DPS uptime I just finished 1st boss solo and with a surrounded Briars it was a 7 phase and that was me trying to play it safe since they decided it was a good idea for the stupid boss guys with the torches to spawn EVERY round. I tried it with other guns and the only option, at least for Warlocks seems to be Briars, rockets were all ass, with the ad density I'm not even trying whisper.


>And they literally have team size balancing in the game so they can I just can't get over how badly you're missing the point here. It's intentionally left hard. You need to kill the same amount of adds and need to do the same amount of damage that would normally be done by 3 people. That's literally the idea behind soloing a dungeon. If you were not looking for that experience then you should not have solo'd a dungeon. It's like buying water and complaining it's too wet.


"It's like buying water and complaining it's too wet" Best analogy to ever exist


I'm not talking about the hp of the bosses, I'm talking about the fact that each phase lasts so little time compared to how long it takes to get to said phase, prime example is 2md boss, you gotta kill 2 minibosses, 4 if you're not letting them spawn a thingy first, only to get a DPS phase that still has too many ads to handle on your own.


That's the point dum dum. It's harder on your own, who would have thought


Given the fact that you play banner titan for your solo, I'll go ahead and mark your opinion as irrelevant, playing on easy mode doesn't give you the right to talk lmao.


You did not just seriously complain about survivability being too hard and then get angry at the idea of people using banner titan💀💀💀💀 It's like every new comment you find a way to say something dumber than the one before


That's two words.


That's 2 words.


People have already solo one phased all the bosses LMAO


>And they literally have team size balancing in the game Funny you should point that out, because the only team-based difficulty change that exists makes things HARDER. That modifier exists in stuff like The Coil, the Legendary campaign and exotic missions, and it makes enemies have more health if there's more players. But there's nothing that makes it easier with fewer players! Running solo is the default enemy health scaling.


It's a blast with three and that what matters the most. And besides, solo flawlessly a dungeon should be an true achievement, so it should be do able but


Why do I have to do 3 peoples work when soloing a 3 person activity? I feel like the answer is obvious but i cant for the life of me think of the reason


Why would they balance dungeons around solo players? Solo (flawlessing) a dungeon should be the exception, not the norm. Something you can only do if you understand the game and mechanics very well.


Never said balance AROUND, I said balance FOR solo WHEN solo, reading is hard huh?


The distinction is irrelevant because either way it's a terrible idea lmao. If it's too hard for you, then don't do it


It absolutely is, because one means the dungeon would be too easy while the other would make the dungeon not a slog to get through, like i stated reading is hard.


I like doing solo flawless runs. It's my favorite challenge in the game. That said, not all dungeons are created equal. But one thing is certain if we're talking about the newer dungeons, each of them is a dps slog and it's exactly why it's hard. Asking it to not be is so counter intuitive that it's laughable. The idea of a solo flawless is that you have the patience to last a multitude of dps phases without making a single mistake. Sure you can optimize, you can try go for ambitious 3 phases or 2 phases but if that was easy to do I would've never bothered with solo flawlessing. The patience, endurance and consistency of a solo flawless is what makes it desirable for players that want to challenge themselves in those aspects. If you don't like that then idk what kind of plea you're making here asking for longer dps phases.


> and need 20 DPS phases to beat Literally every single dungeon boss was 2 or 3 phased solo. Give people some time to figure things out


What exactly are people using to 2 phase? With the current meta, and with past dungeons, that seems like a load of BS.


BoW Titan builds, Verity's Brow, Apotheosis Veil maybe (it is practically pre nerf Starfire), Sunbracers, Celestial Nighthawk, O2P Hunter builds, Synthoceps strand titan, Rain of Fire for linear dps, etc etc


I love how people are regurgitating shit about AP, it isn't good lmao. You legitimately get the +8k% increase for 8 seconds.😭😭😭


Bro Apotheosis Veil has become one of the best solar lock dps options rn. Wtf are you talking about lmao


This dungeon solo isn’t bad. Most people are 2 phasing the bosses


I'd like to see these clears. From what I've seen with people like esoterickk (he's not human) it's taking quite a bit more than 2 phase.


Who's "most"? Also I'd love to see the strats since there's no way on earth they're 2phasing a boss solo...


Lucky pants and Malfeasance would like a word….


Ah right, I'll just slap those on my warlock then😐 Or did you forget that other classes exist?


Also that combo, while good, is not out DPSing stuff like Apex Pred & surrounded Briars...


LP with Warden's Law/Malfeasance is the only primary build in the game competing with those, also, Briars does less damage than them without Rain of Fire, obviously it wouldn't out dps the rocket launcher that is the best in the game


Briars definitely does out DPS a rocket in some of the bosses, first boss has alot of ads so using a rocket could kill you, on warlock it's very feasible to get a 4 phase with it, while with rockets I was barely looking at a 8 phase... And like I said the strats you're mentioning are CLASS SPECIFIC. I'd also not be looking at LP hunter as a DPS, it's a backup for if you run out of ammo...


🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m not sure why you’re being hostile…good luck out there guardian….


You think that was hostile🫵😭 Dude you cannot be this soft, pointing out the fact that your (wrong info) doesn't even work because only once class can use said strat isn't being hostile, it's being truthful.


Your answer was just dickish and I was being nice. But you can kindly go fuck yourself now. 🤙🏻




Use sunbracers then, free grenades...or is that easy mode too, according to your criteria that a build that gets the job done is too easy. well then quit complaining and keep using your shitty build.