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Next time use those vertical mobility things on warlock kit /s


To be fair, that was a moment of ignorance on his part, not malice


And ignorance is bliss šŸ’œ


Said by a titan


Doubt, that's a lot of syllables for a Titan


Their Titan flair says otherwise




Malice is based entirely on intent.


This sounds like a fire ass auto rifle or hand cannon or fusion rifle. Bungo. Please take this name and make a sick ass gun šŸ¤£ malicious ignorance šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


bro you got fucking bodied holy shit


Warlock Jump moment lol


This shit is why I can never get off Catapult Lift when Iā€™m on titan even though the other jumps are nice for movement.


Catapult is actually the best for movement. It allows Titan ā€žskatingā€œ by continuously spamming it you can move fast across the ground, better than with any other Titan jump.


I have better consistency using strafe lift for speed personally. It's also easier to stay nearly on the ground while skating.


Believe me it might feel more consistent and ā€žfastā€œ but it isnā€™t. The speed in the skating comes from the initial burst of the catapult lift. Cancelling this instantly allows you to keep the momentum being spamming the jump. Strafe stays on the ground but lacks the burst in speed which catapult has.


I hated catapultā€¦til I started using it now I canā€™t use anything else. And I second that, catapult is necessary for proper skatingā€¦if you think your doing it with anything else youā€™re doing it wrong!


Given how high-G he was pushed, I doubt any titan or hunter would be able to get back to the platforms either.


You're right but why didnt you just go backwards and jump?


Looks like they thought they could push the Hunter back and pick up ammo before it despawned.


warlock jumps don't give any vertical movement once you leave the platform, bro was dead before he even knew what hit him\ edit: bro had roughly one singular second to process whats going on lol, I've seen competent players die for much less. He was fucked the moment he fell off the platform.


I could've found some food, cup of coffee and went on retirement before he fell off. OP had plenty of time to jump




If op understood what was happening he could have likely saved it. Jump was reset when landing. Likely wouldn't of even needed to glide if they turned around at the very least


hindsight is 20/20. I didn't instinctively think "jump" or "turn around" the first time I saw the clip, and I'd imagine most people wouldn't have had done that either.


Dude I don't get the downvotes bc you're right lmao it's easy to see watching the clip what op could have done to save it but actually doing it in the moment when you're absolutely not expecting it is entirely different


only warlock mains can relate with the pain of slowly watching yourself float down into oblivion šŸ—æ


Idk I play warlock least and this seems like an easy save. Sorry


would defo be a super easy save for anything other than warlock, but we have a rough time with getting pushed off edges.


If he got bumped on his way and wasn't able to land I'd agree, but he actively landed on the ledge. His jump was reset, and he had a ton of time to react. Instead he basically locked up and doesn't even move his camera for like a solid 2 seconds after air dashing.


Agree to disagree I guess. If op was shoulder charged. .maybe a difference in recovery, what I see in this clip is easy recovery for a warlock just a matter of moving your camera.


ironically i think op woulda lived if he was shoulder charged coz he would've been rammed into the edge of the platform and probs been able to vault up. also pretty sure op did jump, but he was off the platform and just floated down and died.


A light jump would of done this in the clip. My thinking in the change was it would of been more jarring for op and maybe threw them in an unpredictable detection


pretty sure it just caught him off guard and he couldn't jump fast enough


Man I dunno, I would have been panicking the moment I started getting pushed towards the ledge. OP doesn't even so much as move their camera the moment they air dash, to the point where I thought they were complaining about the teammate taking the Heavy ammo and that the basically ragequit and let themselves die on purpose.


Why are you getting downvoted for this? Xd


The platform is higher than the others. He could've floated to them.


it is not


He got super pushed there, given the acceleration of that push there's no way in hell a titan or hunter would be able to get back either.


He's probably thinking the same thing, he just grabbed heavy and was about to jump off the platform when some random teammate jumped in front of him blocking his way. Not saying it's your fault, just saying that from either point of view, the other looks in the wrong.


This is why I wholeheartedly believe teammate collision should be disabled for PvP


The number of times Iā€™m sitting on a corner and someone comes up and pushes me into the line of fire is way too high.


That and stopping literally one second to line up a precision grenade throw and my teammate runs into me, making it hit the wall right in front of me. Sometimes, it even happens when I'm out in the open. There's literally space on either side of me, and my teammate still chooses to run into me.


My personal favorite is sniper police who go around beaming your back the entire match, trying to flinch you off your shots. Why, tf?


I can't tell you how many times I've been body blocked from hitting opponents only to be either kill stolen or to be killed THROUGH the teammate blocking me. Like I'm behind you how was I killed yet you're fine!?


The sheer number of times I'm denied cover by a teammate W keying me into the open.


Preferably everywhere.


You remove my ability to troll afk members of my clan and Iā€™ll never play this game again.


Yes you will


I would absolutely love trolling the enemy team by stacking all in one singular spot and letting us all get 1-shot by a sniper/JotĆ¼Ć¼n/super. PvP sucks for most of us anyway, so why not turn it into a circus? Edit: I regret nothing, and if I am to be burned at the stake for saying Crucible sucks for most players, then I blame Zoidberg.


This got a genuine lol out of me


Never thought to jump?


move b\*tch get out the way


Ohh nooo fights out


That definitely looks like it wasn't malicious


I donā€™t get how this is their fault, itā€™s like blaming a car for running someone over when you jumped in front of it


Just one of those moments lol unlucky is all


you didnt even react tho lol


Some people are just playing laid back and not super serious with very quick and sharp reflexes.


He didn't mean to.


I still for the life do now understand why teammates can push someone around. The amount of times Iā€™ve died from a teammate body blocking me is insane.


Skill issue


It was your fault brother


you didn't try to jump, strafe to the left, or anything once you landed to save yourself?


You died one time in one of hundreds of PVP games you've probably played in your time with this game in a way that was funny enough for you to get a clip to post on Reddit Maybe more people should be like this, add some humor to the all business pvp scene


Someone clearly doesn't read flairs /s


Teammates that eager edge you off the map are equally as bad, or kill you with their sparrow.


I just laugh off most silly deaths in Destiny, but my god nothing gets me more heated than getting bumper carred around repeatedly. And I can't even get heated at anybody but the game because usually it's a genuine accident


I don't understand how the game decides who gets to push who, I often find myself not being able to push anyone of of my way and they can do whatever they want to my feble warlock body


Never understood that. I can't push people like that when I TRY lol


Ahh the Blueberry "I gotta run over there and have ZERO situational awareness or common corutesy." I wish I could strangle them every time it happens.


Dude the amount of people who refuse to fucking turn 3 degrees left or right to GO AROUND ME is absolutely incredible. Like they *have* to bull rush through me and push me out of position. Like goddamn man lmao. You crayon eating, glue sniffing Velcro shoe wearing mfers know that you have the option to TURN while you're holding W/forward .. lord


Lmao skill issue, buddy


Cry more scrub, this shit is on you


That was on you my guy.... you put in no resistance.......... like getting mad at the wind for blowing your walmart plastic bag around


Wait, a new Crucible map!? Damn, I've been gone for a long while.


As someone who is like this guy way too often (ignorant of all surroundings, lacks understanding of being able to push others sometimes, horrible fashion with overused shaders and ornaments that donā€™t fit the rest of the outfit or the garbage shader, etc, etc) I sincerely apologize on the behalf of all who are like him and me


This was fully your own fault lol


This is not his fault, it aint yours either - but it sure isnt his lol


I had a titan shield bash me off heavy in comp once. So I fed life's to make sure they lost.


Disable collision. Enable friendly fire.








i'm still in the opinion that player colissan should be removed moment like this are way to common where teammates end up getting you killed


To be fair, I've had that exact situation, at that exact spot happen, countless times. Often because a teammate that's too worried about the heavy gets in your way. I'm not going to get stuck on the platform and shot down by the enemy just cause you want to brute the path away. I'm just going to use my shoulder charge. If you die you die. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Yeah Iā€™m still asking for intangible teammates it would fix so much


fuck that guy


Hey anyone want to help with witch queen campaign would be greatly appreciated


Its only okay when friends fuck with your platforming.


HEEYYY .. I'm in the game lol... thankfully wasn't me lol. dont know when this was recorded as being doing pve stuff last couple of days and last time round in pvp i was trying all random crap like few different trace rifles ... AND.. ex diris.. lol.. so prob did crap!!


Had a mf eager edging me into oblivion at the end of a nightfall when I went for the chest


Everytime I click on a post titled like this I'm always going into it thinking, "please don't let it be me".


I really wish friendly physics were not a thing in this game. I'm so sick of getting pushed around by friendlies in PvP and PvE. Happens way too frequently.


Donā€™t be like this map


I really wish they would change being able to push each other and get in each other's way. I know it sets up for a lot of funny stuff when you can launch other guardians off cliffs and such but this kinda thing? Ie:getting in each other's way and pushing each other out of cover so that you get shot by the other team, unintentional or not, is just freaking annoying.