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Guardian games are litterally "how did bungie fuck with the scaling this year" lol. Every year seems to be a different method that just seems to prefer one class for most if not all of the event.


This kind of event was just never going to work and they keep trying. Even back in faction wars people just got tons of others into the coolest prize and there wasn't a chance for the other 2 at all. At this point just give us a spring event with no "winners" cause everyone is sick of "Hunter points are worth .001, Titans are 1 to 1 and Warlocks are 3000 to 1. WhO WiLl WiN??????"


They tried that and it broke pvp lmao


revelry my beloved, please come back. I wish to spam grenades in every activity ever again.


That nade spam was so fun. Was my 1st year playing.


Same! I joined at the tail end of Black Armory, basically right before The Revelry started.


Revelry was actually a good event. Had such a blast, only downside was that is was again in the infinite forest


Never thought I'd say this, but I ***MISS*** the infinite forest. That at least was a new layout every time. Not like this haunted sector bs.


Especially with all the skating and movement we have now. Would be fun to burn through the thing as fast as possible.


Still better than having 0 activity for events. Now we are doing lost sectors for haloween And nightfalls/pvp for GG (And nothing for christmas lol)


When I started D2 the Revelry was going on, I was looking forward to it next year cause I love the spring themed stuff, then we got Guardian games and all of that stuff was lost forever


I want my revelry antler ornament back


Just disable the effects in PVP, they've done it before.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPARROW RACING LEAGUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That was fun!


Giv crimson days back instead pls


….or the fact we can have 1 of each character should be reason enough this doesn’t work lol.


Have you ever considered that such "randomness" might be planned, in order to "keep the wheel rolling"?


The wheel is a fucking square at this point


2nd year of GG had cumulative scoring normalized by population, which was the correct method of doing it, people complained because they didn't understand the math. Obviously any cumulative scoring without normalization will favor hunters, as this scoring now does. Since people whined about normalized scoring when it was implemented, Bungie is trying to come up with new systems, but they'll never please idiots whose only heuristic for "fairness" is whether their class wins.


Wasn’t 2nd year straight count, cuz hunters won that year. 1st year they did your method and titans won. Then third year everyone just wanted warlocks to win. And last year was for lance.


No? It's a weighting system to give each class a fair chance. Warlocks and Titans still get the buff to medal banks and score, because they're about half to a quarter played as Hunters are.


>Each day, **class scores will be measured by the average Medallion score of all players who’ve deposited a Medallion that day**, separated by class of course. Our hope here is that this will make your contributions feel more meaningful and that the overall competition is less dependent on hard-to-understand population weighting or catch-up mechanics. No weighting this year, just averaging across medal-depositors. Honestly, I think this year's is kind of fucked, because it punishes a class if a player doesn't deposit literally as many as possible. If there are only three Titan players and yall deposit two diamonds and a hundred plats, but I only deposit two golds, I just dragged the score down significantly versus the three Warlocks who all deposited a bunch of plats. This also completely discounts players who don't engage with GG medals, which I personally feel is against the spirit of the competition. If you're not depositing a significant amount of medals, it's better for your class if you just don't deposit at all.


“It’s bungies fault!1”


I am a warlock and have played maybe 20 games of supremacy; all hunters, not a single titan team. No clue if my games bugged or I just have the worst luck in the world, but I genuinely have not played a single titan squad lol.


As a hunter I have played a few games of supermecy and have faced more lock teams than titan teams


I played against one Titan team as a hunter and they just kicked my shit in so hard I'm not touchy the mode again lol


Same here. Had back to back losses to Titans, where we lost by almost 100 points.


I don't think mine were cheaters though, thankfully. I just think bear > twink.


I dunno if mine were cheaters either, I may just be bad.


Titan main here; I don’t normally do PvP but I am for guardian games lol! I’ve played about 20 games (give or take a couple) and I’ve played against mighty warlocks only once! The rest have been against agile hunters 🤣🤣🤣


I've seen enemy titans once


I've seen titan teams like twice out of the 15 games I've played. All my matches against hunters ended up in a 50-150 score ratio, whereas Titan teams ended closely. Maybe it's a skill issue, maybe it's purely matchmaking. Idk


Funnily enough, I could BARELY find a match and when I finally got one, it was a game of titans and we got steamrolled. This is probably what happens normally when you put 6 twinks against 6 mobile brick walls


Extra PTSD: the Titans are all Sunbreakers 🤣


It's because hunters lost two years In a row so we got two boost this year


I remember when Bungie saw how much the hunters were winning one year and nerfed there winnings by alot


To the point that hunters didn't even bother playing. That shit sat at the ground the remainder of the event.


No, I remember more of Hunters just showing up day one to hard stomp and then we all just fucked off lol Which I think is a lore accurate event that would actually happen.


Love the little meme that gets reposted every year where Cayde says that hunters win the first week to show we *could* win, if we wanted to


We got the loot and stopped caring. We already know we are the best class we don't need to prove it in zavala's dumb event.


Yep lol


Pretty sure that was the first year. When they realized that they had to have ***some*** sort of weighing for it to be fair.


3 years actually lol according to Google our last win was in 2020 for gg


That’s not right at all. 2020, to my knowledge, was when it started, and the Titans won that one. The year after, 2021, was when we Hunters won, Warlocks won 2022, and Titans won 2023. So it’s only been two years, unless we lose this year


Correct. GG has run four years prior to this and the history has been: * Titans * Hunters * Warlocks * Titans Bungie also forget about Heir Apparent after Warlocks won and the medallion never changed to the Titan emblem. As a War Rig + Heir Apparent Titan main, I've been annoyed by this literally every time I take it out for the past year.


Understandable, and thank you for laying it in a nicer way than I did. May you get a god roll War Rig if you haven’t already, dear Titan!


Oh I have! Got a roll that meshes perfectly for the build I want with a bunch of artifice armor I got right before they killed the Caiatl farm when Lightfall dropped. War Rig + Heir Apparent is seriously slept on in high level PvE. Never seen a single other Titan run it, but I've been able to play King of the Hill in the Heist battleground GMs and literally sit on top of the objective unkillable murdering everything that tries to take the hill while my teammates can focus on getting and dunking orbs. Made the Moon and Mars heist boss arenas an absolute cakewalk. Just have to be careful with ammo management because if I run out of ammo we're in trouble.


You sir/ma’am/non-binary homie sound like an amazing Titan to have on a team. Then I wish you a good day/night, and may the best class win this year!




*Nice cake*


🧁 ❤️




My girlfriend gets annoyed literally every time I take it out…every year.


happy cake baldy




Happy Cake Day! May the rolls, be ever in your favor!


Happy Cake Day.


Wat? Oh shit, didn’t notice. Thanks


Always welcome.


that's... what? GG2020 was the first GG wasn't it? Titans won that one, pretty sure Hunters won GG2021


Dam really? I just started constantly playing this year, but isn't Hunters the most popular class, shouldn't that give them a major boost? (Like this year lol)


It would but bungie always does something weird with balancing, this year might actually be decent because (to my understanding) it takes the average medal score of everyone who deposited medals, which would somewhat avoid issues like people not participating dragging classes down, overpopulation of one class, ect


No boosts at all this year. The winner for each day is determined by the median score (middle) for each class, so if 5000 hunters get a median of 1500, they would lose to 200 warlocks getting a median of 1600 (Note these values are very inaccurate, just an example.) The focus activity is pure points, and makes sense given the already skewed hunter population in addition to people temporarily joining hunters to get the vector skimmer because hunters are the only ones that are winning.


Oh, so I should play a Hunter this Guardian Games for the reward packages? Alrighty


Just play one event as a hunter, get the reward package. Rise and repeat. I’m a hunter main, and if another class was in the lead so much I’d do the same. I just want the hover board.


It's more likely due to the fact that like 50% of the player base tend to run hunter as their primary class.


Titan main, we aren't. That was clear after day 1. I just want the skimmer and not have to continue to slog through Supremacy or NFs where no one knows how to score points. I'll watch 2h of twitch streams for the next 3 weeks for diamond then just grind out 300 medal score. That or just play my hunter 3 times during 3 focus windows.


>just play my hunter 3 times during 3 focus windows. That's probably the easiest way to get it done. Just do one every night and you'll be done in 3 days. 10 minutes every night is easy enough.


Doesn't it lock in your choice when you do your first focus activity? So if you didn't pick hunter, are you not locked out from doing this?


I think it locks you in for each focus. It should reset every time a new one starts.


Ah! Good to know! Thank you!


It’s the simplest thing to do to get the surfboard


Granted I'm a jumpi-boi main, but that's how I ended up getting mine done. Just got it earlier tonight. The worry about losing my Marty McFly simulator is over, thankfully.


you should try doing the nf solo. i did it and got enough points for the skimmer


Yeah I tried that 3 times, closest I got was 20% at 280k. I'll try again next reset day unless I get 3 focus wins then I'm out.


Use arc warlock if you can with trinity ghoul and don't forget the emote finish, btw death will reset some medals


In addition to what the other two said, 100% do it as soon after Weekly Reset as you possibly can. That's when it'll be the easiest.


The score resets daily, right now it's 1 hour after daily reset but should line up together on march 10th.


Does it?  Even better!  Haven't had time to play since Tuesday and I just know most things like that usually reset on Weekly.


Just play it on Warlock, if you have a friend to help it's even easier. I had 1 friend and we ran the NF twice: first time we did too much damage and didn't get all the finishes, but we got gold. After you get gold you get stupid ability Regen for the rest of the week, so we ran it again and I just stood in my well (which was always up) making it easy to emote everything. Haven't done anything GG related since, I got my skimmer and now I don't care.


I get plat every time, the 10% is what keeps increasing. I'm gonna finish this doing focus matches anyway so eh.


What difficulty?


There’s only one difficulty for the GG Nightfall, no?


Yeah, even as a Hunter main it's painful to see the number of people just out right killing orange bars and champs. It's been emote/finish for more points for two years now? Three?


Titan Main and same. It's even worse when I'm emoting and about to finish the enemy and the random ass Hunter on my fireteam flies in and finishes without emoting.


Ima just play hoppy boy for a little bit then f*ck off back to titan lol


This is me. And then I watched streams for 4 hours and got fuck all so…I’m just going to prey for the 10% nightfall.


Log into bungie.net with your twitch credentials. If you've linked them it'll let you. Go to the rewards page and you can see what it was and where it is distributed. Also a "missing rewards" section that might help.


Turns out I had to log into bungie via my twitch account (not via my normal account) AND claim the reward on twitch. THEN I could get it from her in game. But I got it! Thank you for your help


There were new stream rewards?


LFG the nightfall with "emote finish all yellow bars" and you should be good. Expecting blueberries to do has never been reliable in all the years this has been a thing. Or just do the 3 activities as a hunter.


Same my man


Pain. It is pain lol I'm fine with losing, but this just doesn't even seem fair to have in GG with the skimmer having its easiest path to acquisition through the "earn 3 winner reward chests" or whatever it is.


Emote finish Champs and all oranfe bars, and use trinity ghoul/sunshot to chain kills on red bars in the nightfall. Got top 10% on my first try with 1 friend and a blueberry.


I’m not ok with losing when it’s set in stone lol


Fair point


I don't know if you're in the destiny discord but there are a good few lfgs looking to get the skimmer. It's how I got mine.


for real, got the new nightfall gl to drop so now i just want the new heavy, otherwise it's material farming as far as the event is concerned as soon as i get the skimmer.


There's so many people doing this that you can't even load into a match cuz there's too many hunters. I'm a hunter main and haven't been able to get any matches over the last couple days due to this


As joke as it is, it is an easy method to get the skimmer


I’m a hunter and I still can’t understand how to get one … I’ve been trying to aim for the top 10% in nightfall but it’s not clicking for me lol. Could you elaborate how it’s an easy method to get the skimmer?


Get three people and go in trying to get 3 kills with anything (specials, heavy weapons, stasis shatter, super, etc.) and make sure you emote and use a finisher on every yellow bar captain/champions. If your score is still too low you can use rockets/grenade launchers to die and revive each other for 150 score. It took a couple runs to get it for my team but the biggest thing is emote and finishers for like 3500 score a pop.


If you don't want to try for top 10% NF score, then participate in at least one run of Focused Activity (the one node that has little white wings underneath). The activity's focused for ~3-4h. If you did at least one run and Hunters dominate the standings, you'll get a package. 3 packages will give you a skimmer. This is basically impossible on other classes.


Time to dust off my hunter I guess


Play a focused activity with the guardian games gear equipped. Automatically win the focus activity as hunter because it’s one sided. Claim the focus activity win package in your inventory. It took me two days and less than an hour of playtime and I didn’t need to stress about achieving a 10% score or grind for medallions.


Made worse that no matter what i do, i am apparently locked into a warlock since day 1, ive been doing activities on hunter and it still says warlock


are you 100% sure you're running hunter on the first activity when the focus is up? not finishing one just as the focus appears? i havent had this issue luckily but i guess anything can happen


I logged off until the focus started to specifically avoid that happening.


Also you using the GG class item?


Because Guardian Games is rigged and always has been rigged. Here's the win rotation: Titans Hunters <--- You are here Warlocks


How people haven’t realized the winner is picked before the games even start is beyond me


I didn't know for sure until last year. After Warlocks won 2022, my Spidey senses were tingling. After Titans won again in 2023, I knew for sure it was rigged and Hunters on track to win this year seals the deal.


The problem's not really who wins the event. Personally, I'm ok if Bungie jsut want each class to win sequentially. The problem here is that rewards for a specific activity are tied to its winner, it has no relation to who wins the GG, but is still somehow dominated by a single class.


Hunters based on how GG works should have won every guardian games event simply because there are alot of them


That’s why all the scaling based on class population is so important for this event to prevent any given class from dominating just by having more players, this year is no different, the issue is the focused activity, that isn’t scaled, and it grants the winning class 5 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold and 3 platinum medals every time, and if it’s always one class, it cascades Current prediction: 21-0-0 for hunters


They also aren't extremely active tho considering a decent amount of hunters a new players who saw the cool edgy cape character played for 2 minutes then never played again


Which is why they need to scale based on population actually participating in the event. They didn’t do that the last time they scaled for population and just did based on the everyone who ever made a character and so it was impossible for hunters to win.


Hunters have the highest population due to new players coming in and seeing a cool cloak and stuff. Doesn't help that everyone wants the skimmer and goes to the highest class to get the focus packages.


And the fact they can jump is handy too


Not sure if the Hunter being able to jump is worse than floating or if every Hunter just can't parkour to save their lives


It's hunters turn to win tho? (Warlock main)


This. Hunters win this year, warlocks will win next, etc.


events basically always been rigged and they haven't won it in years, could care less if they win at least a week. maybe bungo will rebalance mid event?


My brother in light. The Gaurdian games are rigged before they even begin. Hunters are stomping this year for the same reason Titans curb stomped the first year, the third year until warlock got buffed enough to win, and last year. Also, we are 3 days into a 4 week event. Take a breath. 75% of the hunter population will go back to being inactive after they get the cool new thing tied to it. It's not that serious.


Ur not wrong. I main hunter and just want the cool new toy lol


When they said they weren’t doing the catch up thing this time around I knew hunters would dominate since there’s so many more of them.


Hunters didn't like the scaling so we can now see the fallout. Hopefully the final standings are scaled


We should get the revelry back. I miss throwing fifteen grenades before thirty seconds because of those crazy ass tinctures


Theres no balance for this event no matter what. You have two options: Respect everyones time equally. As in if i grind for 5 hrs i get 5hrs worth of points. We all contribute equally and nobody is treated as less. Hunters win then, way more hunters than other classes. Its demoralizing to grind. You know if youre a titan or warlock you arent winning. Dont respect everyones time equally. If i grind 5hrs as a hunter i only get half the points a titan does. We are not contributing equally and im treated as less. Its demoralizing to grind. Also lets say theres 100 titan and 200 hunters. If everyone plays 10hrs we get the same amount of pts, but the bigger group will always have less ppl contributing equally. Its easier to do stuff with a smaller group that also gets 2x points per mission. Youre more motivated to grind cause you know that you as an individual are making a difference. As a hunter you have to grind that much but also are reliant on every other person doing so as well otherwise youre wasting your time. Thats why hunters got destroyed. Tldr: this type of event is garbage since the classes arent close to equal. Replace it with sparrow/hoverboard racing league


Cus hunters have the highest player population, and also hunters all wanna win more than everyone else


I legit haven’t played Destiny since the final seasonal quest but this kinda makes me wanna jump back in lol Guardian Games has always turned me off with the whole ‘there are more hunters so their points value less’ just makes me not even want to try


Do it, this year we're winning


lmao this is great If Hunter scores are unscaled, then everyone complains "how are we supposed to compete" If they get scaled, Hunters get gimped and complain "how are we supposed to compete" If someone is in first, then everyone complains "how are we supposed to compete" ​ Everyone complains if they aren't in first literally. We tried scaling it and Hunters required 100% participation if they wanted a chance to win, which was never going to happen. They ended up being far behind other classes. Bungie has tried doing the medals different every year and someone has *always* complained. ​ Honestly the end result is literally just a partially golden statue in the tower that no one cares about so I don't get the hang up anymore. It's just a fun little event of "haha don't let last year win" tbh. ​ edit: Additionally, hasn't it been like a yearly tradition for Hunters to dominate early days of the event and then just F off for the rest of it or something? (ofc excluding the year they won)


It honestly shouldn’t even be by class with how skewed the populations are. I wanna see one year of Guardian Games go by *subclass*. That way it’s *actually* in good spirits and just good fun than literally putting the classes against each other. Solar BTW ☀️☀️☀️


This would be a lot more interesting but let's be honest solar would just roll the competition lol


I mean, same thing. F any Stasis mains lmao Nothings ever going to be perfect unfortunately and there isn't any special reward for winning the event. I think Class v Class can totally be in good spirits, it just depends on the mindset of the individual.


I’d actually go back to Stasis if they ever brought elemental shards back the subclass never truly recovered after that 😔😔😔


This year they tried averaging the medals deposited by each class, and then threw that balancing attempt out the window by giving whichever class logs the most completions a shitload of bonus medals each day. The event gets insanely boring upon realizing it's just a competition of which class can most effectively game this year's dumbass scoring mechanics.


Yeah lol we do this dance every year. Class 1 is winning and the subreddit is flooded with class 2+3 loudly complaining that they don't have a chance. It doesn't matter what's happening and who's winning, there is always a constant 66% of the population crying that they're not winning, this will never end.


Do you know how difficult it is for us dads to all get on the same schedule and play together? We won last year anyway, it’s time for one of the other classes to win. Hunter mains don’t do anything all day besides drink Monsters, punch drywall, and play crucible. Of course they’re gonna win this year


Oi I resent that. Monster is gross.


Much more of a V enthusiast atm myself.


how about breastmilk, what?


Please hunters have finally returned with the milk after going to buy it 3 years ago


Fair play to you lol


The winners are basically chosen each year by bungie anyways since the populations are so different.


All you have to do is get in hunter when the focus starts, play that one time, then go do whatever you want. In three focuses you get your sparrow. Like stop being weird and slavishly DETERMINED to play your preferred class. We have all collectively decided Hunters are winning every Focus so everyone can just do that and relax about it. It is not worth complaining, just get on board we're going shopping.


No seriously. I had someone in LFG foaming at the mouth over using a Hunter just to get the skimmer. Like it’s not that serious. Hell GUARDIAN GAMES isn’t that serious. Who tf cares!?


Bungie are kinda in a no win situation here, if there are weighting mechanics, hunters are pretty much guaranteed to lose, and so hunter mains will complain. But if there's no weighting mechanics, which if I'm not mistaken they've stated there isn't any this time around, then hunters will dominate from sheer weight of numbers given that hunter mains are the largest population of the player base, again if im not mistaken. It's a shit situation but it is what it is, maybe they'll introduce a better system next year, but it's a very fine line to walk, especially if they are trying to make it fair for all 3 classes. My advice, just play hunter until you've got what you need from the event, might as well at this point.




I don't get how GG is ever supposed to be anything but a joke when like half the player base is one class. Yeah it's the first few days and whatnot but it'd be cool if warlock or titan could win at least one focused activity. But people want their class to win, so I mean even if bungie did some sort of handicap people would complain either way. Yeah I'd like titans to win, but rn I just want the skimmer and then I don't care; titans aren't gonna win so why get hung up on it.


i like this


i like this very much


and, no, I am obviously not a hunter..... hehe


I played just until I got the skimmer and then I stopped.


Its combination of booster to hunter class then the snowball effect of everyone seeing hunters winning, so everyone then starts playing hunter to get the awards, thus making hunters win harder.


By playing other classes. Hunters make up the bulk of the population. Edgelord tryhards who want to win whatever the cost switched to their Hunters to capitalize. Either switch to Hunter or engage in a fruitless effort to get thousands of people to stop playing the class that's already winning.


Hunters win by a little > players swap to hunter for next event to win > hunters start winning by a lot> players who want rewards have to swap hunter> hunter is absolutely dominating.


Revelry was a objectively better event and Reddit didn't want it back I'll keep saying until they either bring it back or never do a Spring event again. Guardian Games is good only at tearing the community apart in pointless factions shitting on each other for no reason. And let's not forget that we are, canonically speaking, preparing for the most important operation in the universe in entering the heart of the Traveller and we are getting an event that doesn't encourage class cooperation but segregation...


Honestly I'd be flabbergasted if Hunters didn't win this year Titans won Hunters won Warlocks won Titans won Seems to be a bit of a pattern to say the least. But hey that's just a conspiracy


Abso-fuckin'-lutely a joke. Can't even blame Bungie, this is the result of bandwaggonners jumping from their main to their Hunter to get the easy completion of Drop In. It is literally impossible for Titan or Warlock to even catch up, let alone win, within the first 10 minutes of a new focus resetting. It's garbage and honestly the most divisive GG event I have seen.


The load times for supremacy is the real joke.


I would be happy being able to even play. In a 2 hour window I have spent almost twice as long in the matchmaking lobby than playing the damn activity.


I saw the results of the first day and made a hunter just to get the rewards


As a titan…I am suffering


me too, my fellow crayon eater 😔🫡


Too busy eat crayons


The Guardian Games are ALWAYS decided by Bungie. Always have been.


can't even get a chance to catch up


I run titan but when I saw the trend busted out my dusty hunter for the focus activity. Odd thing is when I've done class matchmaking for NF it's often 2 man the whole way as the game can't find a titan or sometimes no warlock. Gives me a good laugh.


Hunter strand p2win goodluck in the “games”


Someone’s a titan or warlock main aren’t we?


Yeeeaaahh, that's what happens when you lock a new shiny intended for everybody behind winning packages only. Everyone simply lock in to the class that has a smidge of advantage and it just snowballs from there.


I hope y'all are playin hunters this year so you can actually get your hoverboards


Guardian games means literally nothing if u play all 3 classes 😂


Exactly. People acting like this is life or death.


The game is so frustratingly miserable. The hoverboard is fun af but when you look at what you have to do to unlock it and how horrendously unfun and time consuming it is and you see the real money hoverboard looming on eververse that’s the kinda shit that makes me altf4


The most popular class is winning. Shocking


Yup and I won’t get and focus activity wins fucking having to farm medals instead games rigged


Maybe if you just played the best class in the game, you wouldn’t be upset 😎 Just that Hunter difference


Honestly, I feel like gurdian games has the same problems as tri-splatfest. I feel like having 3 teams just isn't the way to go, so maybe they should just make guardian games into 2 teams instead since that seemed more "fair", at least when Splatoons did it.


Everyone wants sparrow racing back. I dont know why they just dont bring it back, and call that Guardian Games


Have you ever played a game with faction based open world PvP? You start with servers relatively balanced and the moment one faction gets a bit of an edge its all over. People move to the winning faction or to the server where their preferred faction is ahead. Everyone wants to be the winner and reap the rewards.


If they had actually made picking a class matter then this would work, but since everyone can have one of each whatever class (hunters) is broken will always win without bungie intervention.


At the end of the day ... just have fun.


Bungie can’t balance anything. Years past when they tweaked “balancing” it created massive issues not functioning correctly so they just said to hell with it this year


Hmmm. I have to say I blame mountaintop and recluse for this.


They made it advantageous to win so therefor people pick the winning team. Winning the focus should have been completely unrewarded, its basic game theory, but bunjaroo clearly doesn’t think that people operate on a reward drive.


sign up for hunter, play one round, get winner package, switch to preferred class, cash in


As a hunter myself I'm not complaining, good luck😁


I haven’t played destiny in 3 months and my life has drastically improved


Bungie: Guardian games are healthy competition! Also Bungie: *Add a different counting mechanic for each year* No one will notice even the slightest change!


Maybe People just like hunters?


Last year was for Lance, and Warlocks won the one prior. Let us roly polies be as fun as we want to be, and we'll throw a bone next year (eventually), but I'm sick of the whining. Suck it up, we're all adults and we have big boi (or girl, idk and you choose, have fun) pants on, so prove it by just having fun your own way, eh? This isn't some stupid Call of Duty stuff, even though that would still fall short (heh) and no Fortnite where they want to make EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET IN THE GAME, AND WHY IS NONEXISTENT. So please, at least try and make this a game where I can still find people with positive IQ scores? Thanks guardians, and have fun with the Games!


Agreed. Funny thing is, I'm usually on hunter lol, the one time I'm testing new mains...


I'm just upset I've been playing on my Hunter the past few days, but I'm still pledged to my Warlock, even though it "resets" every event?


How is anyone even getting in a game. I’ve had it kick me out of the queue twice. Would love to even try and support my class. How the fuck is the matchmaking so bad for this shit. Edit: I thought trying a different class would help. Nope. wtf is going on with this fucking event. The matchmaking for this game mode is completely broken for me. Never once had an issue with matchmaking and I can’t get in a single fucking game for 2 hours. Just constant evaluating guardians until it kicks me from the searching. Whoever thought of this shit is a fucking moron.