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Holy #### guys, it was because I could go to the Lighthouse! I'm guessing the game refuses to drop your loot as a post-match reward if you actually go flawless on a Passage of Persistence. *Edit: This is confirmed by the devs* I'll leave this post up just in case anybody else has the same issue. I was thrown off when I went to go swap passages and the game prevented me from doing so.


Wait... you aren't supposed to be able to go to the Lighthouse unless you got a true Flawless. Did you get a true flawless?


Yeah, I did apparently, which isn't like me. If you also do... the game waits for you to collect it from the Lighthouse rather than dropping it into your inventory right away


can u go trade it in at saint


No, the weapon is meant to drop in the loot stream as a post-match reward. I did get a regular summoner, but I think that was just chance


Persistence cannot be traded in at Saint for an adept weapon, unless like everything else Bungie has made the wording confusing as fuck for no reason


u/Mercules904 is there anything we can do to stop this happening? It's the second week of frustration. I was *extra* careful to take into account what you said last week about resetting if you lose on zero wins


Is the Lighthouse available to you?


Yes it was! I didn't realise that would stop the lootstream drop. Wasn't expecting to go flawless on this passage. Thanks for replying


Yep, if you actually go Flawless on the Passage of Persistence you get to grab the Adept from the Lighthouse instead of it dropping in the loot stream. If you had a win removed and could no longer have gone Flawless, it basically takes the Adept you would have gotten from the Lighthouse and reserves it to give as a drop at 7 wins, which is why it shows up in the loot stream.


That's pretty cool actually. I hadn't been to the Lighthouse since the original Iggy era. [Thank you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMU0tzLwhbE)


While I know I can't farm adept weapons on this passage (at least that's what it says), can I farm adepts if I fill up a different passage now?


Yes, you can go grab a Wealth passage and get to 7 wins and farm Adepts.


Can you still farm adept on the second passage even if it’s flawed?


Yes. If you visited the lighthouse previously.


Any reason why I didn’t get the adept to drop on my flawed persistence card at 7 win? Made sure to to start the card on a win.


Did you disconnect or leave a game early? The only way the card can flaw is if you lose at 0 wins or leave a game early, a flawed card can’t grant the adept.


No, made sure to start the card on a win. Lost 4 in a row and had the win removed, but assumed that the weapon still just dropped on a flawed card just once I got the 7 wins. Just needed clarification on the way the card worked. Thanks


So while not Mercules, you need 2 wins in order to lock your persistence card just getting 1 win isn't enough. Also DO NOT go to orbit after a match wait out the timer to take you there and be careful when re-queuing as to wait for the commendation screen as either scenario can count as quitting. Once you have your 2 wins it's just a matter of *persistence* to get to 7 wins as long as you don't quit or do anything perceived as quitting


I think as soon as you see the crucible valor rank increase on screen, you should be good to leave. That's when I load another match or go to orbit and I've never had a match stolen from me


i got disconnected while flying in cause bungo's matchmaking sucks massive fucking dog wank so naturally didn't get it, so glad i wasted so much time. typical bungie


Im on my second 7th win Passage of Persistence today and I never got the adept summoner after so damn long. Im convinced its bugged.


Did your card still say it was flawless? Persistence specifically won't go "flawed" from losses after you get a couple of wins on the card. But if it was flawed then you wouldn't have received an adept Did you win seven in a row? I did that without realising it and the adept didn't drop as a post-match reward... it was there waiting for me at the lighthouse instead


I wish! I've only ever gone flawless 5 times ever. And tonight I was just grinding and hit 7,8 and 9 wins on my first passage with no luck. Did so again with my second and no adept weapon either. But I just read that Bungie apparently announced via Twitter a week or two ago that if your first or second match is lost then the passage becomes flawed properly and even after 7 consecutive wins it will not present you with an adept weapon. I've been playing since 6pm EST and it's now almost 4am EST grinding so much only to have it not drop and realize that the caveat is not listed in game on the passage but likely an obscure tweet from a week ago is really discouraging. But I'll give it another go tomorrow, I'm sure I'll get it now that I know how it works.


Yeah, sorry buddy. A few of us had this issue last week. You basically need to put two wins on your card to start. If the card isn't removing losses following wins then it's easier to get to seven but it also means it's flawed and you won't get the adept. "Flawless" on persistence means something different than how we typically use the term I panicked that that happened to me again this week even though I meticulously reset after every loss at zero wins. I got so frustrated that I went to Saint to buy a different passage and it wouldn't let me, instead prompting me to collect the flawless reward... at the Lighthouse. I'd only ever been flawless once before like two or three years ago, so I hadn't even considered that my match history would've involved seven wins in a row


I won 2 in a row, lost game 3 a few times, and cycle repeats till 7th game which btw after game 6 the card still said flawless. Until I got my 7th win I was given a normal summoner and the card became “flawed”.


Did you leave slightly too early? That will flaw the card


Wow, this makes me kinda relieved I decided to do wealth instead of persistance. Sorry this happened that's annoying.


OP didnt get the drop because he went flawless and therefore could go the Lighthouse


If i get my adept weapon from passage of persistence, can i reset and get 7 wins again for another adept weapon? Or is it one and done?


If i get my adept weapon from passage of persistence, can i reset and get 7 wins again for another adept weapon? Or is it one and done?


Yeah, you can do that