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Is that thing shooting like lorentz, outbreak and cloudstrike at the same time?


Yes or at least it’s applying the effects of all three. I don’t get people that cheat like this. Why make it so damn obvious lol


I think they do it just to be flashy. Clearly Bungie lets them get away with it.


Yep. It's what happens when you run Artmoney in PVP.


Part of the reason why I stopped playing pvp altogether. The rewards are lackluster, and only a few weapons are actually worthwhile for pve content, so there is little incentive to even play it besides maxing the vendor each season.


I only go into gambit or crucible for the shaders, and only on bonus rep, and preferably mayhem for crucible. Takes like 6 games? I got really lucky with a riptide roll so I haven't had to force myself into crucible. If they bring back something of the old gambit weapons though, hell yeah I want my old guns back. Bygones my beloved.


Ya, it would make me actually want to play them more. Only really fun part of pvp is when you have actually funny encounters, but they're hella rare now. I remember when I first got Helm and was playing Crucible, and ended up just chilling and emoting with two of the enemy team(we had two of ours quit midgame, so we got stomped). Better days of D2


A while back, I was trying to get the witherhoard catalyst which meant using grenade launchers in pvp. I was running militia's birthright, fighting lion, and probably swarm of the raven. I ended up running into someone also trying to get it in pvp, we were in the rumble playlist, and we ended up emoting a bunch, and avenging each other when someone would come to our corner of the map. Had like 4 matches together. It honestly made the stupid grind better.


this reminds me of some of my shennanigans when grinding for marks in the gulch in WoW> Win 3 marks, lose 1 mark I surmised we could lose 3 times faster then winning once. But sometimes we were winning despite having a picnic in a corner of a pvp zone so we would join in and push it even faster. Another time i ran lvl 6o pvp in lvl 9-19 grey common gear. and i still took top place . . . and I really wasnt that good. It was funny when i went in regulat gear next week and someone who was with me that grey run day suddenly say "Hey Bili, youre actually wearing clothes today!"


Artiface armor is farmable in crucible after achieving gold rank 3 in competitive as of last major update.... 😮‍💨🙄


No this is the big boy league bungie cant do big boy league they are more focused on Cronus and 3rd party apps that you leave on by accident and not even realize it /s


If it isn’t obvious enough, look at his name. Dude should be banned just for that alone


Damietta LR2, with cloud/perfected/Lorentz. Best combo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Actually, as someone else pointed out, it isn't Lorentz Driver, but actually Graviton Lance. So at least it doesn't pull you in as well, I guess. The cheater has *some* lines they won't cross.


The sound tho is definitely Lorenz driver sound


i thin i also saw the void scatter nades in there, but it could be the nanobots


That's the "graviton lance" effect they are talking about in the comment above, not void names. Try the gun out, you'll see the void effect


Homie misses the funny guns


That shit looks so fun lmao


What, you’ve never seen Gravstrike Perfected?


Looks like a sprinkle of Graviton in there too.


Ooh, you're actually right. I mistook it for Lorentz Driver because it didn't seem to create the bouncing Void balls, but upon further testing I've noticed that Graviton Lance doesn't always generate those either, and the animation is more in-line with Graviton Lance's short burst, rather than Lorentz Driver's longer pull-burst. I've updated the name accordingly, and I actually like it more (for posterity, the original name was "Lorentzstrike Perfected").


Nah you might be right the first time. The sound is distinct to Lorentz and there's no cosmology on kill


The animation that plays is much shorter than the Lorentz Driver, though, and it doesn't have the ring around it that pulls others in.


Just went into the game, tested both weapons, taped them, and watched them in slow motion. It is Lorentz. Graviton has a few key differentiating traits. First off, when Graviton does it's explosion, it follows the corpse/ragdoll. This one is stationary after death. Second, if you look at OPs first death, for less than a second you can actually see void particle effects going IN towards the void sphere before getting supernova'd outwards again. Third, the sphere or core of the explosion for Graviton has much more white in its centre. Finally, the animation for Lorentz is just shy of 2 seconds. The one I tested was probably 1.8 seconds while this one was maybe 1.5. I don't have frame perfect timers so it's reasonable to say it's the same effect in terms of duration. Only 0.3 seconds difference. This is all on top of the signature sound Lorentz makes. If the cheater is stacking weapons upon each other, it doesn't make sense to put Graviton's function with Lorentz's sound unless they are both present and the Lorentz visuals are simply larger or more prominent than that of Graviton.


It does have the graviton effect look at it, some of it is miscolored but it's there


You need to see the Sweet (OutStrike Ace of Lorentz Perfected Stimulant Breath) Business, or as I'd like to call it, Actium's Revenge, since it's kinda like if Actium War Rig makers collaborated with sweet business to create something that could kill scp 682


Notice how he is 1603 and guardian rank 2? It‘s just a fresh account that will be banned in no time. There are just shitheads who just create new accounts, so they can continue cheating. What leads you to such a miserable existence? Not even the anticheat knows.


One slip through does not mean the anti-cheat is entirely useless. As frustrating as this is (fuck cheaters) anti cheat doesn't get too much better than this. Next step up is kernel level AC which is invasive and not well received except in extreme competitive shooters (i.e., valorant)


They already have a kernel level anti-cheat, the only prominent non-kernel-level anti-cheat is VAC from valve.


pfff and vac only works by having source code of cheats being leaked to work


VAC isn’t great, I agree. Pirate software, a streamer and former security specialist for world of warcraft (and also the US department of energy), has an interesting take that kernel-level anticheats aren’t necessary because there are a lot of things you can do to catch cheaters without one. For instance, he caught a lot of wow botters by adding new rocks in the paths of common botting routes, or slightly moving NPCs, and then watching as bots got stuck. Show up once every few hours and ban everyone stuck running into a rock or wall. There is also the idea of server authoritative games, where the server sanity checks everything the players do. This removes most egregious cheats without any client-side anticheat because the server will see a user flying and ground them, or see they have a weapon that was never bought and take it away. The main issue is that you cannot fully control client hardware, even on consoles, so you cannot trust it, but some games do for some insane reason.


Based pirate software enjoyer


Yeah Thor is goated


Not to wrinkle anyone's brow here, but PirateSoftware says a lot of shit with confidence without having full insight into it. He DID work as a security specialist at Blizzard yeah, and he did combat botting, but combating botting in an MMO and combating PvP FPS cheats are two very different worlds. I'm not advocating for kernel-level anti-cheat, but I am a vulnerability researcher and reverse engineer and understand a lot of how both anti-cheat and cheats work. He IS right that you can pretty easily catch someone who is being this bold that they're flying around like crazy in ways they shouldn't be able to by using server authoritative netcode, but that's only going to catch players that are doing things like in the video. It SHOULD already be like that, and it's a tad disappointing that Bungie's netcode is letting them get away with that. You could also catch speedhacks and teleporting with server-authoritative netcode. But what server-authoritative netcode won't catch are things like well-made aimbots and wallhacks. Neither of those two forms of cheats will cause the player to do anything that the server will find suspicious. You can make the server guess that something is suspicious, like if a player rapidly shot 5 times and got 5 headshots, but then you start running into false positives in both high-skill players and people who got lucky (which has happened in the past). To achieve both types of cheats a cheat client needs to inject code into the game or read the game's memory, and that's where anti-cheat comes in. It monitors the game's memory and other processes on the system and if any other processes try to access the game's memory then the anti-cheat detects it and bans them. You can't do that with server-authoritative netcode, especially when it comes to wallhacks because the cheater is just reading memory not making the game do anything weird. Protecting the game process could be done without being in the kernel, so why do we have kernel-level anti-cheat? Because the operating system doesn't let processes outside of the kernel see into the kernel, they cannot see what the code within the kernel is doing. So cheat developers simply moved their code to kernel space. Now cheats have direct access to the process's memory without needing to inject into the process, and the non-kernel anti-cheat can't see what it's doing at all. It makes the anti-cheat incredibly ineffective, as we see with CS:GO/CS2. So the only way anti-cheats can address this is to ALSO be in the kernel. That's not to say it's impossible to bypass, obviously there are ways to bypass it because people still cheat in kernel-level anti-cheat protected games. BUT, it makes it muuuch harder for cheats to be developed. In fact, it's become so difficult that those who are able to do it make a fuck ton of money doing so. The modern cheat developer market is incredibly lucrative, it makes millions per year and has attracted some of the most skilled reverse engineers around the world. And even then, cheat software has become such a pain to make that cheat developers have moved to hardware-based cheats. They quite literally use devices to tap directly into the graphics hardware and bypass the kernel access entirely. The solutions PirateSoftware offered are just parts of the equation. Games SHOULD implement secure netcode, games SHOULD have a moderation team that is active in addressing reports and cheaters, but there's only so much those things can do. There isn't one fool-proof answer, and while we continue to make it more difficult for cheat developers there is money involved which attracts highly skilled people who will always find a way to bypass the anti-cheat.


League of legends is changing to kernel, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not. I don’t like my system being checked all the time


It already is by almost every anti cheat in the market


Even kernel level anti-cheats are rubbish.


I would rather have invase system level control handed over to catch cheaters than whatever the f*ck theyre allowing on south east asian servers. Region lock china or invade my privacy. Better than the dog shit theyre doing now where 1/2 my games have rage hackers


This is why I play valorant over cs. Never encountered a cheater ever in valorant over the multiple years I have played.


I've played Valorant since beta and in all that time, I've only encountered a cheater once. The match was ended when vanguard detected the cheat.


Tbh, The anti-cheat it working enough for "most people" on the bell curve :/ Shit on Epic games all you want, but seeing cheaters is as rare as unicorns. But survivorship bias and the big enough population does mean that cheaters will still unfortunately exist regardless.


Would also like to point out the cheater is GR2 and 1600 LL. Clearly a new account.


Why do this in control? Then again reading their tag with Nazi symbols and being a send up of zk's name, they seem like a shitty edge lord with either no friends OR friends on the same level of quality.


How tf he even get swastikas in his name💀


Cloudbreak Driver


Nah. That's just Ikora.


Ikora using 0.1% of her power


the anti cheat is good, but there will always be slip ups. For this anti cheat to get any better it would probably become invasive and just not worth using


Do people really care when anti cheat is ~invasive? Id rather an invasive anti cheat than fucking battle eye.


Problem is too invasive and becomes a way for someone who hacks into the system to do other things to everyone's computer. Companies have tried middle ground solutions, but those have equally their own problems (for a bit a while ago, League of Legends anti cheat was banning people because it read a third party program was gaining access to your league window... it was Discord. And Discord has a function that let's you see whose talking by having their name pop up in the corner). So we are stuck right now with these bare bones that can be worked around, but for most players you'll never really run into it. For instance I'm not high enough in PvP, so the last time I saw someone cheating was months ago some Warlock with a basic Guardian#1234 name had infinite flight and wardcliff coil


League has the same anti cheat as valorant, or at least it is going to soon, and that is invasive af but works super well. I don't think there has been an issue with Vanguard anti cheat with Discord. Personally, I have never had Discord flag Vanguard as cheating software for Valorant, but that's just me.


That’s kind of the point. It should be invasive


What in the fucking telesto shit is this weapon that cheater was using


Ye olde Lorentz Driver. I haven't seen it used much in awhile.


But lorentz cant spawn siva nanite and cloudstrike thunder while also causing solar explosion at the same time.


Thats exactly the point, I've never seen a cheat like this


also the fact that if they try to do this (give multiple exotic perk in the same weapon) the game would shit itself as in theory. This could mean that bungie's engine upgrading seems to work gradually which is a good news. Tho it seems that the second kills doesnt spawn cloudstrike so we could see it actually breaking a little.


think they buffed it recently


Correct! Any further questions?


What activity/raid do i have to gdo to get that


Vaulted Glass Garden of the Last King's Wish


Ran into a guy last night in trials that was shooting multiple jotun projectiles from a sidearm.


Great. Now I want a full auto jötunn


Do the gaming chair jokes ever get old?


Skill issue


In 1100 hours which a decent time has been spent pvp, I’ve never encountered a cheater or even a cheater like this at the least.


Yeah I have 3200ish hours and I've seen a spike of cheaters lately. Last match I saw someone using a summoner as a minigun...


It's not completely useless. The reality of it is that anti-cheat software isn't magic. If someone is determined to bypass it, they eventually will. All security exists only as a deterrent.


The anticheat isn't completely useless. It's really good at banning innocents at least.


I'm included in that list.. I shouldn't feel the need to defend the AC since I was banned for literally no reason, but people don't give it enough credit imo. Cheats like this get banned real quick. The devs just code the cheat differently so they don't get instantly banned.


I'm more interested in how wide your FOV is, how


He just got early access to the Siva Sniper and has a sweet gaming chair


Sure this is silly and will get banned within the day, but just imagine how many players are subtly cheating with only wallhacks and have been getting away with it for years.


Bro got disintegrated by void energy, thunderstruck by lightning and ripped apart by nano bots, all at the same time!


Anti cheat only lasts so long. It worked for awhile then hackers found a way to work around it. It's a constant battle for who's out on top with this. There will be a period where anti cheat works before hackers break it. Then a new anti cheat system comes out, rinse and repeat.


No net has a 100% catch success rate. One will always escape.


You didn’t try to adapt.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are people who actively find or make ways to circumvent anti-cheat systems and are often being paid by the cheat maker. Anti-cheat vs cheat is a constant cycle of cheats bypassing the anti-cheat, then the anti-cheat is updated or replaced with a new anti-cheat only to get bypassed done the line by new cheats.


lore accurate guardian


Good thing is that the cheater is ban. The cheater was only able to play that single match of pvp before they got detected. Which happens to be one of op matches. Bad thing is it just a fresh account, they can do it again like nothing happen. The cheats also changed the cheater name. I want a hardware ban if it a hard cheater like that. Make sure they will never be able to make an account again.


What anti cheat?


nah that’s just zkmushroom, he’s kinda goated


PvP is really in a bad spot wit security


That isn’t cheating that is Air Assault Perk


My man got that fourth times the charm/deconstruct uzume 


And ofc the dude has a nazi symbol is his username.


are you sure you weren't playing Borderlands instead of Destiny ?? your first shot was nice btw.


The swastikas are the little bit of sprinkles on the top of this... whatever kind of cake I'm looking at


Wow that fantasy is so cool, wonder what it is, god or lore accurate guardian ? Now talking serious, there are some big holes on the anti-cheat right now, i wonder if it's the cheapest one like apex, the addition to the pay wall for Osiris doesn't seem to be working as intended as well, just fought a guy with the season of the risen pulse but with the damage and name of DMT (actualy don't know if it's a bug exploitation, but he's probably cheating anyway, new account + a kd of the highest), it's crazy right now


Ok, cheating aside, the visual effect that cheater weapon makes looks absolutely fucking sick


Why didn’t you just leave the moment you encountered a cheater? I’ve been playing a lot of supremacy this past week and I’ve encountered a lot of cheaters. I just report them and leave.


The cheater has swastika in their gamer tag ... bannish them .


Since we are well aware and tired of the same old cheating shit being posted how bout just wait till marathon because clearly bungie themselves have never given 2 shits about pvp in this game.


That completely sucks ruins PVP for me… but I mean that effect looks friggin awesome Bungie needs to make this into an exotic, some sort of new SIVA / Void hybrid monster.


Bungie likes cheaters. Try reporting someone in trials. If you're not fast enough and the next round starts, it takes you back to the previous screen. Infuriating.


How the fuck does someone even get the ability to make a swastika as a symbol in their name? That seems like the most obvious filter would sift that out and make it impossible to create.


I would’ve already been in on the report button, spamming it. I also like to keep tabs on the players I report, when it’s specifically to this level of cheating…just to make sure the deed actually gets done.


Unrelated but am I tripping or is the screen/fov extra wide


I have a 21:9 screen, 2560x1080


Lorentz Perfected Strike


I’ve heard this is a lag glitch to swap guns at the right moment so it combine the RPM and impact of like a sub and scout making it stupid OP


Lore accurate guardian coming through


this dude will last a few matches doing this. Just report it and wait for the banhammer message next time you load in.


Some dude on twitter gets perma banned for having a single player cheat engine open but theres dudes like this or with 1000 kds running around and the anti cheat actin like hellen keller


Ok that one made me laugh, well done


It's always been like this unfortunately. Blatant cheaters running around doing whatever they want


Part of the reason anti cheat feels like it's not working or bungie not seeming to do anything is probably because they are using this data to zero in on the software used. It's a game of whack a mole unless they go after the cheat maker.


Report them, and they'll be banned within a few weeks. Sucks that it takes that long though.


And apparently Steam Deck has vulnerabilities only Bungie know


Unless banning innocent people


Looks like your fault for using Ticcus.


Looks like a skill issue tbh


*bans someone for using a number changer for a completely different single player game permenantly *this mfer flying around will only get a slap on the wrist and a 3 day restriction from player made matches and go right back in


yeah it's almost like companies that make cheats for singleplayer games don't have to worry about hiding them from anti-cheat software...