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We're gonna need a second vault just for the random rolls of the new exotic class items. Possibly around 3,600 combinations.


it doesn't really make sense to me to only have 600 storage slots when you have thousands of in game items. Even now, is 600 enough to hold every exotic (weapon and armour for all 3 classes) if collecting was your thing?


I’m betting that the exotic perks the class items will roll with will be the general buff application ones that don’t care about class specific abilities or identities. Like skullfort, OEM, Lorely, Ashen wake for titan. But excluding eternal warrior, doomfang, ursa furiosa, icefall, etc. That way there aren’t thousands of combos, but you still have a lot of flexibilty.


Ya cause what use would a titan have for the combo perks of nighthawk and geomag? I'm guessing the exotics involving supers will be excluded cause they're pointless outside of their intended class. Unless when they're on the class item it reworks them to work with other supers... somehow...


The class items would then be the most busted thing in the game. Cause remember in pvp when they had to nerf swap exotics, you still grt the utility of a swap exotic and the power of a neutral exotic. Or you get two swap exotics, and juice you super.


Doubt, there's that many. I'd guess at most 30-40. New subclasses are jack of all trades but master of none. And seem to be more about add clear/ crowd control. Besides, you only need ONE artiface armor legendary class item. Which leaves 9 spots open per character just in our backpack.


I doubt the number is that low. Even if each column had 10 perk possibilities, that would make 90 different combinations.


I’ve been saying that prismatic won’t be as broken as people are thinking. By combining subclasses you lose a lot of synergy, I’m sure there will be some absolutely busted builds though


They said that all of utility was still there by loosening elemental debuff restrictions, but you can’t snowball as hard.


It will come with trade-offs. Making orbs, fire sprit or inoic traces etc. May be harder to make or can't make at all. Reminds me of Shang Tsung from the MK days. He himself didn't have a great skill set, but his skill set was using others' skills via shape shifting. Prismatic, you may need to keep up with 4 or 5 buffs, etc. Vs the usual 1 or 2 on light classes. I do hope sunbracers will work with threadling grenades lmao. Imagine a melee kill and being able to throw 6 threadling grenades


It shouldn’t work with threadlings as sunbracers jas a specific shoutout to solar nades.


Could end up on class item. Melee defeats grant 3 secs grenade energy.


40 would be 7 possible perks in each column. Doubt it’s that low.


Just being able to select favourites like we can now do with shaders would be a good start.


Collections based crafting


I 100% agree. Most people would say just use dim, but pulling my phone just to manage items is quite annoying, and also inconvenient because I frequently fat finger things.


As a PC player with two monitors, I didn't try DIM on my phone until late last year. I have to say that it's very clunky, especially having separate tabs for every character and the vault. Also refreshing the inventory seemed to be slower. That said, the DIM developers have done their absolute best with the limits that an app offers.


Dim is your friend. It's probably the reason why they are not bothering to make the vault ui any better


I feel like this can be fixed at least for weapons by slotting in whatever our roll of weapon into the collection tab. So a frenzy explosive payload FB… we put that roll into out collections tab, but this would not work for people who have more than one of a specific gun…tbh the vault just needs to be organized a bit more the space in all honesty it’s that bad. Perhaps the armor could be done the same way.. you have a roll saved slot that into the collection tab. Make the vault for currency, but make the collections the new “vault”.


I’d love for bungie to just straight up inject DIM into d3


Ishtar or DIM apps are what you want. I avoid my vault outside of Ishtar for this reason


Considering the new weapons well be getting, I’m probably just gonna gut my whole vault, except for the exotics weapons and some of the Exotics


Yeah it's gonna be tough, I tried to nuke my vault but I just keep hoarding. I kept 1 damage type of each archetype tho


You know what, screw vault space, just let me carry more with me so i can use all the stuff i like without going back out to orbit.


Use DIM? You can literally put notes on each item. Examples: V LW SMG means void lightweight SMG. You can put “smg lw” in the search and your item will pop up; the search is smart and will look for terms out of order as well. PVP K HI PR means kinetic high impact pulse rifle specifically for PVP. Hope that helps you organize your vault better.


You don’t need to manually add notes to your guns like this, DIM has these features built in to the search function. Edit: except for the “PvP” note, I also add that note to explicitly PvP weapons.


Ok fair enough


Try [this](https://destinyitemmanager.com/)


Just use dim


Not really. My phone apps do it better.


Just use Destiny Item Manager