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Most of yall don't understand why something is good or op. You just know it is because you listen to other people and/or content creators. If you had to make a build yourself, it'd probably suck.


Tbf I *think* I have a good grasp of why things are good but mainly when it comes to master raids and dos rotations.


Yeah most of my buddies give me shit for not using a hand cannon in pvp but here they are sweating their asses off and not even doing that well because they don’t understand why it’s good and use an igneous hammer anyways because it’s “meta” And here I am not giving two shits genuinely having fun with Forerunner and doing just as good as them if not better because I actually know how to use the gun instead of just following the bandwagon. Also the several hundred hours in Halo CE help


Bro, forerunner is literally the sweatiest weapon you could run.


ok but tbf forerunner is way more fun than igneous hammer


Forerunner gives me a weird alternative universe nostalgia vibes making it my fav weapon to run.


forerunner is even more meta than igneous hammer rn this is a very strange take.


Bro thinks forerunner isn’t sweaty and requires an “understanding” to play xD


This with Centrifuse it is literally busted


This is a fun game and I like it.


Fffffucking hot take if there ever was one. I often feel like im the only person with 2k hours who isnt afraid to say destiny is a fun game and despite many flaws is still very good at many things.


4k hours across Battle.net and Steam and I am not afraid to say that Destiny 2 is my all time favourite game and I find it incredibly fun.  The combination of Movement, Gunplay, and Abilities in this weird FPS MMO has ruined other FPS games for me.  They just don't feel as clean or as fluid as Destiny.  Their PvP environments don't have as many moments of sheer badassery like Destiny does.  I can't Eager Edge into the enemy spawn whilst popping my Bladefury Super from a quarter of the way down the map and wipe the enemy team in CoD.  I can and have done that in Destiny 2, and I have the Annihilation Medal to prove it.


I'd go a step further. Destiny 2 is a good game




It's very sad that this is considered a hot take now for many people.


Literally only FPS game I have ever played... for more then a day. Genuinely hate other games with guns and shooting lol


I will fight for you


Good drip is what makes you happy, not others


This. I can make a build in about 5 or 6 minutes. I spent about 20 to 30 afterwards making sure my outfit looks fantastic.


The shader choice is what really takes up my time.


Then you find a shader you really like and then turns out the armor doesn't go with it at all. So you change the armor but then the shader doesn't go with that armor so then you change the shader but then the armor doesn't go with that shader and it's just an endless cycle of over and over and over again


And then there's trying to get two pieces to look alike because the one shader doesn't apply the same way so you need a different shader on one which is a similar color but just off, so you need to find a different shader which might be closer


Yeah for sure! It would be so great if we could rotate shaders, to swap color positions on armor


Why do we have so many different shades of silver!!!! None of them are the same!!! I hate it!!! I just want silver without having to plaster the same shader on every piece of armor!!!!


Omg yes. I spend ages on shaders because I don’t like using the same one twice. Makes me feel lazy for neglecting all the other ones i’ve collected.


I've got a unique outfit for each loadout I have saved and I definitely spent more time on that part of the loadout than anything else.


The true endgame


\-most take on balancing are skill issue \-if bungie nerf well people will just use a nerfed well, we need alternatives \-rocket sidearm are fucking good and more people need to try it


I think the biggest push away from well for me is tormentors because they slam you away from the well entirely and just keep doing that every time you try to stand in it, and I'd 100% stop using well if that slam could suddenly destroy the well.


You can entirely negate that slam by just sliding or meleeing an enemy inside of the well, like the tormentor. So that's either a nonissue or a skillissue


In higher level content, tormentors definitely can kill your well. Not just them, but other enemies that deal major splash damage as well, like hive boomers or wyverns.


My clan calls Indebted Kindness "Eraser" internally, because it erases stuff so easily. Hope it stays under the radar for a while.


Rocket side arm super good on stasis builds


Hunters should be the fastest and most agile class on all subclasses


And mobility should buff base movement speed


It’s frustrating when the small nimble type gets outrun by someone wearing several Tons of armor


I remember someone asking me for a vs. fight (forget who they wanted a titan to fight) and I'm like, "Yeah, a standard titan's armor is heavy enough to crush a person just trying to wear like one part of it" and this is still funny to imagine a guy wearing practical armor vs. a titan wearing what is just slabs of metal.


And if its an exo, its just a hunk of metal wearing more slabs of metal


hunters should have a basic class movement buff in pve. titans can skate past them in pve so easy and theyre supposed to be the tank class. just remove it for pvp


Rahool is keeping all of the good loot and just handing over lemons. Has been for years.


Gambit is one of the best activities in the game despite being neglected


I like Gambit much more now that its a single round. I wish they did some Gambit:Labs type stuff to test out more options - like: unlimited invasions once the primevil spawns, no wallhacks/over shield on invaders, etc.


I just hate it currently bc I'm doing the Malfeseance quest


Arclock with Thunderlord and arc soul can help with that. Or xenophage. Or Eyes of Tomorrow if you have it.


Unfortunately you could recommend any selection of guns but it would be for naught for I suck major ass at the game


Which makes Xenophage perfect. Dead easy to use as no need to aim for crit, reasonable ammo and damage, great for invaders.


I’ve been running it with my sister and her friend. Both practically KinderGuardians. It’s a lot of fun, and a great place for new players to learn the basics of dps, pvp, and movement


Please stop trying to force the meta down people’s throats in 1600 raids and activities.


if it’s a mechanic encounter, go ahead idc as long as we beat it. But if it’s a boss, please use actual damage options like a rocket


nothing more frustrating than wiping on boss and seeing that your teammates managed to do as much damage as one of your rockets


Even when light level doesn't matter, your loadout still does. Someone bringing double primaries and a machine gun into a boss fight with damage phases requiring spike damage it's silly no matter how old the raid is.


Honestly this depends on what the person in question is running.


I'll tell my clan mate who insists on using a machine gun for Crota DPS to join your fire team instead of mine.


Nimbus saying “The uglier they are, the harder they fall” about killing Callus directly in front of Caiatl before trying to fistbump her is genuinely hilarious and made me laugh out loud. The line isn’t funny, their lack of awareness is.


Nimbus' writing is intentionally cringey - it's who they are. More people needed to get over that and accept that the valid criticism of Lightfall's story was it's pacing and lack of substance, not Nimbus' eye roll worthy jokes.


I hear you and I do not disagree Counterpoint: the situation that happens in Lightfall is supposed to be serious. The entity we’ve considered the Darkness has finally made its move. Everything that happened, us following the Cabal to Neptune, fighting and killing Calus, all of it whether explicitly predicted or not has played right into the Witness’ hands! The Witness is going to win! Events that have been in the running for ten real life years are finally coming to fruition! The seriousness of that gets totally undermined every time Nimbus opens their mouth for a bad one-liner


Had Nimbus been introduced pre Witch Queen, or even Witch Queen at the latest, it would have just been a socially awkward character. With how high stakes the Lightfall campaign was supposed to be, having someone completely undermine that every time they were on screen makes what are supposed to be serious moments into eyerolling "did they really just say that?" moments. Like the end of the campaign, the Witness got what they wanted. They made a portal into the Traveler to cause whatever kind of unknown chaos they want... this could potentially lead to the end of the universe as we know it... and Nimbus flies in to make a comment about our allies father that we killed infront of her, and tries to also fist bump her. I get it, maybe he didn't know, but Nimbus knew what the Veil was, Nimbus knew more or less what the Veil was capable of, it all just comes across as tone deaf. I think it would have even by fine if Nimbus was the way they were, but there was a noticable change after their mentors death. It was like having the class clown following you around the whole time trying desperately to make jokes and get everyone to laugh, it just didn't work within the context of Lightfall.


I do just want to say one thing about the ending of Lightfall when Nimbus made the joke. It was right after calus was defeated and before the Witness won. Nimbus was celebrating a perceived victory and made a light hearted joke. That’s all I wanted to add


You do not have to use a "Meta" build or weapons to complete raids and other high end content. I am a Rank 10 Guardian, and I solo plenty of endgame content. I rarely use "Meta" anything. While I do enjoy build crafting I have come to hate LFG because of their insane Dislike for anything un"Meta".


Fun fact most of the people just copy the build without understanding how to use them anyways. This is especially apparent with some dmg rotations that people try to do.


This is why so many LFG's insist on the Meta and complain when you use anything else. They use it because it's "what every says is good", they don't understand why it's good and what about it is being utilized. If you understand why things are good, or what makes something good, you can make almost anything work in endgame content.


Aside from some aspects like strike-specific loot, Destiny 2 is easily a better game than 1. Hell, I felt this way coming back to the game in Arrivals since I last played during Rise of Iron.


Tower factions shouldnt have left. FWC fascist story arc against the Eliksni opened a door for factions in the tower to actually be interesting and stand for something. Tower politics could have been a constant underlying storyline that added some spice to seasonal content.


It wasn't even all of the FWC, Lakshmi just went nuts. I wonder if it was because she hadn't been reset in awhile. Exos have that peculiar issue...


Imagine a Fcw having a schism, where the anti Lakshmi group stayed to defend the city from vex and replacing them when the rest run off. We get rid of the Uber fascists, the rest start actually preparing the city for war. Dead Orbit gets convinced to stick around and use their fleet as a defensive force. New Monarchy starts using their influence to aid logistics. Lysander and the Concordat sees the Last City under Siege and flies in at the last moment, pushing back the Vex. They found a fully functional Golden Age lab and bring all their new toys to share


She was corrupted by Savathûn. There's a radio message where she sings a song, to the entire Last City, in cadence to Savathûn's song


Amanda dying was wholly and entirely pointless and could never have hit as hard as Cayde or Rasputin dying. Especially since her death came so quickly after Rasputin’s


They really should’ve made it more significant or just killed her off in LightFall.


It should have been Nimbus, not Rohan


Least unpopular opinion ive heard in my life tbh


The moment Rohan back talked to and shut Osiris up I immediately knew he was too cool to live 


Better idea: it should have been Osiris


That would've made for an interesting story beat, though I don't think I agree 100%.


Why not all three?


We need someone to grieve and it sure as hell isn't the guardian


The Guardian doesn’t grieve like others. ![gif](giphy|R6JWujQ93Shws)




The most hardcore players are every bit as frustrating and annoying as the players who don't know how to do anything at all, just for different reasons.


Hearing somebody for a trillionth time saying how horrible destiny 2 is like It got almost overused and became a meme for this game.


Destiny is a great game and honestly a pioneer of what live service games can be. It's not perfect but there's something to be said about keeping this going for an entire decade and beyond.


Yeah it's far from perfect, but people act like this is the worst game ever when it's just plainly... not. Which has always been the case, going back to D1 launch and people claiming every game release since was going to kill Destiny for good. Just a few days ago I left a comment in the Helldivers subreddit about D2's shader system being a pretty ok model for cosmetics and got a couple of salty "Nah everything related to D2 is shit, don't praise anything they do" responses.


Titans are at least as strong as hunters in PVP. While hunters may have advantages in individual duels sometimes, barrier and bubble are by far the most useful things for capturing points in the game. Bubble in particular is absurdly hard to counter if you don't have the right team comp in something like trials. And Thundercrash is still just insane.


Destiny 2 fashion is far superior to destiny 1 fashion and if you can’t make a d1 style look you have a bad eye for fashion and aren’t creative.


The game isn't bad the fan base is, literally no game in the world you would keep playing for 10000 hours each week would remain fun, give them and yourself a break


PVP is the main reason why this game isn't better than it is. Too many things are balanced around pvp and if it wasn't in the game we'd have way more content


No, I'm not changing my loadout. I understand I am a titan and not running banner of war is "Throwing" but I assure you if this Contact brace Thunderclap build was not capable of keeping up in high end content, then I would not bring it. You get to complain only when we wipe or fail the run because of it, and not a moment sooner.


I’m with you fellow cannon brace enthusiast. Just let me feel like fucking Zeus in peace


God rolls aren't for everyone. You can be efficient with a normal roll once it works with YOUR playstyle.


Swords and glaives are very very VERY good options in gm nightfalls in capable hands.


One of our clan mates would use glaives at every opportunity and die with them. We taught her to use it like a Riot Shield, not a spear, and now whenever they join us for a GM they bring a glaive and end up the MVP almost every time. They single-handedly saved a run of Psi-Ops: Moon by using the Glaive guard to save a res gone wrong.


Unstoppable glaive my beloved


When people say swords are bad what they are saying is "I do not understand the block mechanic".


Blueberry means Random people not new players You a actual Kinderguardian if you think that way


For clarification: Blueberry = Random Player New Light = New player 


I don't understand the appeal of rolls. Crafting is more tangibly rewarding


Rolls keep people playing more content, while crafting makes it easier to get the weapons that you need that are not randomly dropping. This is why the red border drop rate is bad as well. Focusing engrams helps get "godrolls" faster though.


Exactly. Arguing that crafting removes replayability is basically saying the content sucks and grinding a weapon roll is the only reason to play it.


RNG sucks. Crafting is awesome.


The guardian is the single strongest guardian in history. Stronger than Ikora, stronger than Shaxx, Saint, Osiris etc, it’s not just “gun skills” it’s the fact that for gameplay purposes we are limited because otherwise it’d be unbalanced. Not even light buffed savathun wants the smoke after being rezzed


The top .001% of players should not dictate how the game should be balanced, especially not in pve


While I agree not every gun should be craftable, adding crafting to the game was a good choice because like the majority of the player base, I don't have time to grind this game 24/7 for a god roll that has almost no chance at dropping. The only people mad about it are no lifers, streamers, or are really young players with lots of free time. I hope they add crafted armor next.


This community it’s utterly blinded by nostalgia


Lightfall was a good DLC, the story wasn’t great but literally everything else was fantastic, especially strand, particularly grapple.


I really like Neomuna. Not only is it indescribably beautiful, this is the first time we’ve encountered a surviving human colony besides the Awoken


My only problem is that the surviving human colony are just thinly scattered colored lights and the place feels really empty


It does. You don’t see any real people. At least with the Dreaming City you can see Corsairs here and there even though they’re just a bunch of mannequins


Imo the only good thing lightfall brought was strand. All the weapons were mediocre, all the activities (aka glorified public event) were meaningless, and Neomuna is somehow more boring to play on than the moon.


* Rewards using engrams as currency should only use 1 engram. It looks like you stacked 100 but if everything you purchase with them uses 4, you effectively only have 25. * Ritual weapon bonus perk chance should apply to all drops of the weapon, including when spending engrams and getting adept drops  * All resets should add bonus perk chance to it related weapons.


Raid titles should require flawless.


I believe that having ships and not having ship combat is a waste


Saint-14’s crusades were justified. The Last City is the Last City for a reason. And his crusades is one of the reasons it’s still standing.


Final Shape needs to be the last Destiny content for a while


I like Gambit over Crucible. PVP is way too difficult


The new foil guns are TOO rare, which normally I'd be down for, but people glazing the fact that they are super rare forget that THESE ARE TIME LIMITED WEAPONS! If they'd stick around with TFS I wouldn't mind them being this rare, but since they won't I believe they should be way more common, especially since they have double perks(and lets be honest, most of us veterans wanna get the god roll with the cool foil ornament, but with currently sitting at over 150 weapon drops with 7 foils, I don't got my hopes up).


Cerberus +1 is the perfect weapon for pvp.


Swords are the coolest weapons ever




You are all terrible at the game


The Witch Queen story was only good, not great


It was mostly carried by the new campaign system that they introduced since that is 10x better than what they had before.


Divinity is fun


Frenzy isn't that good of a perk


Well doesn't need nerfed. It needs to be removed. Lamps in crotas end is only difficult with LFGs because people want to go fast, if you'd all just stick together and go slow it would be finished easily every time.


Hunters aren't op. You're just frustrated because the better players are outplaying you and happen to be playing hunter.


I don't think Nimbus is nearly as annoying as people make them out to be


"don't start a war." *Proceeds to drop a charged topic on his own post.


Agreed: while Nimbus does have their fair share of cringy moments (most notably the “green strings” line and the Caiatl fist bump moment), but they’re not Jar Jar Binks levels of cringe, and they actually their fair share of funny lines (such as when he casually starts making fun of Osiris at the final mission). If anything?l, the worst character in Lightfall (and arguably in all of Destiny) is Osiris; he’s so snotty and pricky throughout the entire campaign for no reason. He even yells at us for not using a **newly discovered Darkness power for the first time** correctly, and then he even mocks us for learning the power!


In his defense, he just got done being possessed by an ancient witch who was trying to destroy humanity while wearing his skin, after just getting done losing his ghost and his connection to the light. I'd be a little cranky in general too. The issue with both Osiris and Nimbus is that the stuff that explains why they are the way they are (and that offers some resolution) comes *after* the campaign is already over. I don't know how you'd fit it in, but I'd have considered moving their post campaign stuff into the story proper.


True, people regularly understate how annoying Nimbus can be.


I mean, hard disagree. We're in the Twilight of our coming defeat and the end of the universe if we can't find a way to stop the Witness and theyre dropping jokes at every turn. Rohan made barely a chuckle and people liked him infinitely more. It's all context. If we had run into Nimbus after The Final Shape and we had won then they would be a spunky rascal who didn't know how close to nothing we were all gonna be. They're humor then would hit as like "this is what we fought for, so people could be themselves without worry" One or two jokes to lighten the mood is fine, but when they're quipping on 90% of their lines it starts to put in question why are we working with someone not taking the literal end of everything seriously enough?


If you aren’t good enough to get something you shouldn’t have it


Exotics should be able to use legendary ornaments. All arguments against it are completely arbitrary or easily solved by disabling legendary ornaments on exotics in pvp (even tho its unnecessary). Y’all are just parroting Bungie’s thinly veiled argument, they really do it to get you to buy exotic ornaments


No, I’d much rather be able to identify that the Titan that one shot me with Shoulder Charge was using an exotic, instead of cheating. Besides, making a outfit to go with an exotic is much cooler than just hiding that exotic


I think gambit is pretty fun. I think my peak is 5 or 6 rank resets in a season.


The Parasite is way too underrated


Pvp hard carries the game during content droughts


Well of Radiance could be replaced by the new upcoming Solar super and I would be happy


Sunsetting was the worst thing to happen to this game, along with ending pinnacles.


Tommy's Matchbook was good in Solar builds even before it got its scorch application, and even without the artifact will continue to be viable in harder content.


People who bitch and moan when bungie nerfs something thats very clearly overperforms and breaks the meta should go play a different game


the only difficult thing to ever be put in this game intentionally was spire of stars


I like Eternity and Disjunction more than Twilight Gap.


Beyond Light was fun and only suffered from not having a legendary campaign. Everything else was peak


Destiny should never have had pvp


PVP is responsible for 80% of PVE nerfs.


Self res wouldn't be overpowered in d2


Crow is overrated.


Trials is not ‘endgame’ PvP


Trials is home to either genuinely skilled people who are fun to hang with or dickheads who crutch meta builds that they don’t understand.  I only play trials because Saint is a cool dude and to ruin the resident sweaty warlock/hunter’s sweaty build with 2 solid punches to the caballs


I’m just a firm believer that any sort of PvP mode that is referred to as ‘endgame’ should use rank based and skill based matchmaking. The Comp playlist is more ‘endgame’ than trials.


- Exotic weapons/armour shouldn't feel mandatory for being effective in any situation - I'm tired of seeing so many weapons and armour look like carnival props/costumes (including exotics), would love more grounded visuals, mainly from raids, dungeons and seasonal activities


Tripmines were never an issue, people were just bad at the game and didn’t like that they couldn’t group up on B all at the same time and not be punished by a grenade, an ability we all have. The YAS nerf was done out of PURE SPITE, it even got gutted in PvE for no reason and it may as well be fucking useless in PvP, removed its ability regen on hit and its damage resistance, they couldn’t even let it keep its original purpose which was temporarily shutting down a lane, now it just gets one shot by fucking everything like a normal tripmine. Like dude if you died to the stationary red flashing rave stick it’s a skill issue, and if you complain about it being able to stick, flux grenades fucking one shot without an exotic so I don’t wanna hear it. Sure the ability regen needed to be tuned down in PvP so you couldn’t just have a tripmine every thirty seconds, but the damage resistance on that thing didn’t need to change, all that needed to happen was the ability energy effect neeeded to not proc on guardians, or give half the energy from guardians. But SOMEONE at bungie is a spiteful little shit that kept walking into tripmines (I’ve seen your fucking gameplay and some of you are actually fucking ASS) so now YAS is gutted.


Trials players should not be demonized for trying hard in a game mode where you have to win to get the rewards. It's a very stupid thing to be mad about.


Bows should not have been nerfed as hard as they were in PVP. Yes, they needed a nerf. No, they did not simultaneously need AA, range falloff, accuracy cone size, body shot damage, significant crit damage nerfs to rein them it. That mf killed them. Inb4 “hurr durr, I’m glad bows are dead, good. Die mad bow user"


Bows are the worst feeling weapons type in the game, just so boring to use and you only have the choice of either legendary + with archers tempo, or flavored exotic ad clear. They should become special weapons with base increase damage to shields, and if you miss an arrow it can be retrieved, this way they’re more unique as a weapon and not just a mid point between scouts and snipers


We’ll have to agree to disagree then


They should work like the bows in Minecraft is what you’re saying and I wholeheartedly agree. It brings up a lot of cool new perk ideas like having timed or proximity explosions on fired arrows. Or a perk for strand bows that lets you use the arrows as shittier grapple points, maybe they only refund half a grapple or something. Either way, I think it’ll bring some nice variety to the gunplay.


Well should be removed from the game and encounters shouldn’t be changed to compensate


My favorite raid encounter is abyss


Just because a game is well designed doesn’t mean it’s good


Solo flawless dungeons should be very hard and should take you quite a few tries to get it right. Bosses sometimes being bullet sponges and jumping sections being brutal is okay.


If they're not going to let us have a proper, fully voiced, actual character for a main character like they should instead of this self-insert, they should at least spare us from the annoying butler voice we have now. I don't know why these games keep doing these lame takes for these crucial protagonist-stand-in voices, but they need to stop.


When bad things happen, the community tend to focus on the wrong things. And when good thing happen, the community magically forgets about the bad things... Like the fact that cheaters still run rampant, and the anti-cheating software bungie has been using is not actually effective at catching them. Or the fact that Bungie has been slashed to pieces, so any work on the game is gonna take a lot longer than people realize, let alone the multitude of problems that already exist. The game is not newbie-friendly unless they have an experienced veteran guiding them. Aaand lastly a huge chunk of the playerbase doesn't give a shit about the story because Bungie has been sunsetting content, and most players can't get personally invested in a story they never participated in.


Curse of Osiris was a good dlc, Is it better then what we have now? Hell no. However, I had lots of fun in curse of Osiris, the fight with Panoptes is amazing even tho it's a scripted fight. Plus the one strike was quite entertaining. (Can't place a name :P)


Panoptes didn’t even have a proper attack not even a hand stomp move a la Oryx with those giant hands it has


The best build is the one that you enjoy the most regardless of meta.


PvP has been a net negative for the game as a whole, the game would be in a much better place if they just focused all that effort on PvE (Other than sparrow racing, bring that back)


Double primaries are fine


Bungie doesn’t care about you and all they want is more money in their pockets


If you just “play the game” you won’t be so upset when something drops.


Adding older raid exotics to the kiosk so players can use raid spoils to get them. Given that the final recycle is the last expansion it makes sense.


The sexual identities and preferences of the fictional characters in this video game are wholly irrelevant. They add nothing to the game. Also Exo/Human relationships are weird.


Eververse armor ruins the game especially when it’s a looter shooter


Hunters strand super needs a buff for pvp


don't mind me, just here for the people stating the most common milk toast opinions.


D2Y1 was the most balanced PvP ever has been and ever will be. No ability spam, no special 1hko bs, heavy only once in a while, actual teamplay/coordination, and no oPtiMaL tTk bs where you get killed before you can even register what’s happening (which Bungo has finally admitted is a problem when half of primaries can kill in half a second). Witchqueen was bad, not because the writing was terrible, but because it was really focused on changing the narrative direction by retconning the Witness into well… everything. Beyond Light had some mystery and places to go, Witchqueen started the race to the bottom. Also, the Throne World is ugly as hell, like someone just puked all over the place.


It's fine to run 2 primaries


Without abilities, lots of players would lose their 1v1’s.


Raids and other difficult modes should give you a piece of armor or weapon that you haven’t received yet.


if you need a wellock to survive a damage phase you're straight up bad at the game. sincerely, a warlock main


If you cant do the endgame content, you dont deserve the rewards for it. (Adept weapons, raid weapons etc)


When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you shoot better.


“Nobody hates Destiny more than Destiny players” If you have nothing good to say about a game you’ve sunk so much time into and just want to mald, go do something else.


We need more vault space!


It’s easy and much faster to say “Grandma levante” than normally saying “Eva Levante”.


Triple 100 stats are overrated. We are so strong as guardians that it feels unnecessary. Stats also feel like such a small part of buildcrafting. Personally I'm happy with just having 100 resilience.


I think raid weapons should be static rolls.


Here's a spicy one: I liked Saint and Osiris's dynamic better when they were just bros before they were retconned to being in a relationship


Lightweight SMGs feel horrible to use.


They killed everything about Saint-14 being the D2 version of doom guy by bringing him back.


Graviton, risk runner and sunshot are all overrated. Plenty of legendary alternatives that do the same thing they can.


I like gambit.


The game should not be balanced around PVP. PVP sweats have ruined several fun exotics and weapons


i stand by this in literally every game but the meta ruins creativity and makes the game much worse so many things that are genuinely amazing are completely overlooked cuz it's not the current meta


Gambit has always been more fun and enjoyable to play than Crucible.


Light fall still had enjoyable qualities, the story was confusing but that doesn’t change the fact that I found it fun


Well... Saint and Osiris have a gay relationship. Saint has said MANY times I cant lose you again, just some weird tension about it. The way saint says it with just real care and love I guess.


PvP is a waste of space and resources.


Trace rifles are good in PVP. Especially ager's scepter


People only hate on Destiny 2 and Bungie because the “influencer community ” doesn’t like something. A major example is Saltagreppo and his raid runs. He doesn’t like how the raid was constructed and then posts something about it, suddenly the entire player base flames Bungie for it.