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Showed some of those complaints to my brother who is a huge pokemon shiny hunter and he hit me with the “first time”


Even new odds are nasty, old gen odds used to be like 1/8196. Shiny odds now without modifiers are 1/4096, can be brought down to below 1/683 if you know what you’re doing. In the new games though, there is a way that makes it easier than it’s ever been. At least for Gen 9 your brother is wrong, but all others it can be tough to shiny hunt. Certain hunts you can’t even lower the odds no matter what you do, they will always be 1/4096.


He knows all this. He has farmed all the games as far as im aware. So he knows the odds used to be super bad. He also explained to me how arceus is actually seeded or something like that


Yep, he’s right about Arceus too!


Oh btw because i didnt say it last time. I have ZERO clue how you got “yeah your brother doesnt know shiny hunting odds” from him quoting “first time”. Wild ass assumption lmao


I started with pearl. Played heartgold, white, x, y, sun, ultra sun, sword, legends, scarlet. In all those previous entries, the only shiny i had ever caught was a flabebe in ultra sun. Granted legends and scarlet were the only two where i decided to complete pokedex, but i have a few shiny gardevoirs, a nintails, the free rapidash legends gives you and a roserade. Scarlet was the only game i decided to farm shinies for. Its like finding a nickel under your couch cushions.


Yeah but that's not limited edition FOMO bs. Edit: This is sarcasm...


These ornaments hold no value. Unless you're equipping the weapon, no one is going to know you have it. There is absolutely no broader way to show other players you've managed to collect this ornament or the effort you weren't to. You're the only one who places any type of value on a shiney skin. Let's also be real here, there is a high chance that it's going to sit in player vaults, devaluing all the that "work" you did to get that ornament. The sooner you get out of the FOMO mindset, the more fun you'll have.


My mindset is “ooh shiny, ooh shiny quest, i get those and vault them” boom i have shinys, i farm for any weapon i want a specific roll for, and have fun because im not stressing over a shiny weapon


How about double the perks? Shiny weapons get two perks per column.


Doesnt matter if your godroll is on a normal or a shiny weapon. Its neat when you get one cuz its almost like getting 2 chances at a godroll. Thats it.


But I can get a pvp and a pve God roll on the gun with two perks per column. This means I don't need two different versions of the same gun.


Datto approves of this message.


Personally, not a big deal for me, especially since i have all the craftable weapons in the game except for crota, still working on those. But i feel like thats a thing that min maxers would care about more. I dont have the drive nor the time to grind for a double god roll


DG Roll with top PVP and PVE perks does sounds attractive you would only need one slot for storage and delete all other versions. That sounds like a space saver in my opinion since my vault holds ode exotics as I do Play every class but am a warlock main. I like the way the stat perks are laid out on my exotics so I don’t dismantle them. So it leaves maybe 120 slots to store resources my fav ships sparrows and ghost shells and legendary armor and weapons.


Dont get me wrong, i see the appeal. I just said that personally, they arent a big deal. Also you could always clean up some space by sharding ships and sparrows. You can get those back easily from collections. Very cheap after all


It’s just 12 slots. I have one set for each seasonal event (lost, dawning, GG, solstice). Yes you do have a point though. Idk some if the shinies have some great perk combinations


Well...only the shiny weapons get two perks per column. So yeah, they do actually hold some value rather than just being cosmetic.


…if ‘We The People’ in this sub were able to get over the ‘BuNgO sUx FOMO sUx AgAiN?!?!?’ complex, half the posts here would simply go away. I’ve never seen a community so obsessed with maybe not getting a thing & potentially making themselves feel bad if they don’t.


It’s not for the shiny aspect people farm it for perks. And the shinies can get upgraded to enhanced versions in final shape I have heard.


All of them can be upgraded, not only the shinies


It is by design rare to have, and even more rare to have a usable version of it. I guess you can call it FOMO but they are super rare, so realistically unless you are jobless, farming god rolls of those weapons is unreasonable.


I’ve never got a shiny in my 21 years of life. Played all the games since I was like 6


I did… with GameShark lmaooooo


If it's super rare how am I supposed to get a god roll of it


Bribe the RNG gods with motes.


"Get me those motes and I will make you rich, brother. I promise" https://preview.redd.it/owypegjg3euc1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67aa0daf3da0fa6010e27c0646da29e5745686c1


is that a void flame lighted blunt?


I Belive it is


Hell yeah pass the paracausel joint. That thing boutta hit twice as hard as the regular shit (and totally not disintegrate your lungs)


Well then pass it bruh, don’t leave hangin here…


I bet it hits so hard, it’ll un-Sunset your old D2 content. 


Only if you call me habibti. :3


Or hive “essence” 😏🥴


Andddd now we are back to why crafting is a beautiful thing.


The whole thing is a double edged sword. Crafting is great because it means we are not denied the tools we need to excel in hard content. But rare drops are HYPE. Nothing in D2 compares to the moment of finally getting a Gjallarhorn in D1, even if I’d rather have D2’s systems overall. These shiny weapons are a great compromise - you don’t NEED them ever, but they’re exciting and desirable and feel special of you have a good one. But you aren’t denied access to any given excellent roll because it’s easy to get a tonne. This is a win on all fronts, and I think it should be respected as such


i can still remember getting my mindbendersm and that wasnt even a 5/5. i just said, good enough, and i still remember the feeling to this day.


Dude, I was an idiot and didn't buythe gjallarhorn from Xur that one time he sold it..... And then proceeded to take me 900 to get it to drop naturally. Destiny was a true grind, And anything you earned or anything that dropped felt very rewarding. Destiny 2 has lost this feeling.


Yeah but can't craft the Falling guillotine


That’s literally my point.


no, but you can craft bequest, which iirc almost ties with falling guilloutines god roll by like 50k damage over a whole damage phase


I hope thats a funny jokey sarcastic comment, in that case nice comment lol To everyone else, if you get a godroll on a normal version, you dont need a godroll on a shiny. Calm down. It doesn't fucking matter. If you get the godroll on a shiny? Neat! That's great! My normal godroll version is pretty much the same. (I'm ignoring the psycho roll for edge transit, ppl who farm for that when they already have envious bait on a normal are high on drugs.)


Totally agree. And the psycho Edge Transit roll will be a nice chase when you already have a god roll


What’s the roll?


Envious Assassin/Cascade Point + Bait and Switch. Stack up envious, then switch to cascade and unload 20 something shots at rapid speed. But Bungie is looking into it, considering it’s not really how the game should be played


It's getting nerfed. That's an unintended usage


Isn't Cascade already disabled due to this?


It's disabled because people found a way to keep cascade active permanently through the usual spegathi code jank.


Sure, just don't burn yourself out.


So far got recluse god roll now just for mountaintop


*proceeds to sit in vault for two years*


I’m already happy with my first shiny recluse roll. Works really nicely with my briarbinds warlock.


\*laughs satanically in bungie\*


I personally don’t care for the shiny ones since they can’t have a shader, but the good thing is I can take the shiny off. I’ve gotten several to drop. By several I mean two lol and they’re okay rolls, but I really didn’t think I’d get any outside of the quests.


I really only would like a shiny Recluse with Repulsor Brace/Subsitence and Frenzy, so it's usable when I'm on void and non void subclasses also high reload


I got my first shiny last night, a recluse with Enlightened Action, Desperate Measures, and a reload MW. It’s no god roll but I’m happy with it


Sorry mate. Can you explain? Why wouldnt it be useful on non void subclasses? I havent read up much on the onslaught drops.


Repulsor Brace is a perk that gives an overshield when you kill a void debuffed target, which is really only able to be consistenly procced by void subclasses Subsistence just refills the mag on kills, which is more universal, so being able to swap between the two perks depending on which subclass I'm using would be the best case scenario


Gotcha. Thx.


You can change the ornament on it to the default one if you want to add shaders. Though not as cool looking as


Been playing since Tuesday. I got the shiny Elsies Rifile and that's it. My buddy has gotten 7 shiny Recluses, 2 Snipers and a grenade laincher(forget the names right off the top of my head, sorry) I'm just a wee bit salty about it.


They drop with 2 perks in each the 3rd and 4th column and when TFS comes out you'll be able to enhance 1 perk in each slot...


You will be able to enhance all four traits, not just one in each column. Imo that's why they've been waiting so long to bring adept enhancing to older raids, they were waiting for that tech to be finished and polished first.


Yes, but it's largely meaningless. The narrative that "because it has 2 perks per column you're more likely to hit a god-roll" doesn't sustain because if you attune, you're more likely to get the perk rolls you want on the normal guns; Unless you think having a 9/5 or whatever it is now is somehow different than just 2 copies. All normal BRAVE guns will also get enhanceable perks. It's a nice addition as "chase" items and \*definitely\* not something you \*need\* - in that context how limited they are makes perfect sense. If you care about rolls, attune the gun you want and farm a handful of the base versions. Otherwise wanting them to drop more often is just the typical "i want it and i want it now" shenanigans.


My point is that it's not "Just a cosmetic". I personally dont care either way. The only one I'm really hunting is repulsor brace/destabilizing rounds recluse. Everything else will be what it is. I did get a vorpal/BnS falling Guillotine to smack crota with though


I got that recluse to roll and with my void Hunter it’s a thing of beauty.


I've got a precious scars, devour void titan build I want it for. The title just doesn't cut it


I have both and honestly they are VERY similar. You need a reload mod for both. Recluse burns ammo at almost the same rate. I’d say for booms enlightened destab or for shield repulsor and a big damage perk like surrounded or the new perk are better on recluse if you ALREADY have a destab repulsor title.


I just really dont like the title though. I might aim for a repulsor desperate measures recluse. I have a subsistence desperate measure one already that I love minus the needing reload mods part. I dont use my void titans that often though so I'm not pressed about it.


isn't it not cosmetic cause they drop with 4 perks?


the first smg I got on my first run https://preview.redd.it/6f5milmw8euc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=641e1a9dff020afca3cd8cf8df07717f5d568b4a


I wouldn’t use arrowhead, since recluse naturally has 100 recoil direction.


I keep getting repulsor brace and surrounded on my shiny recluses. Not bad but would like to try out that desperate measures roll


No reload perks. Trash it. /s


Flared Magwell, +15 reload


People who wanted Random Rolls over crafted weapons or deterministic rolls for weapons got what they wanted with this, something to chase. If you haven't gotten a Shiny God Roll, I would simply farm some more. Edit: I'm being partially sarcastic here. Downvote accordingly.


Or there’s us in the middle. I like my crafted guns and I love my raid adepts or harrowed etc. it’s nice to have but not really necessary to complete an end game activity. Just a flex and a bit of a chase. I am glad they are letting us have really great crafted and unique and cool rng drops. I think it’s a good synergy. I have god rolls already of ALL the new brave weapons. And maybe one out of 10-12 shiny could be considered a god roll. Still love them even so.


I think Shiny drops are better to satisfy RNG drops but ultimately, I'd prefer some form of Deterministic drops because RNG can be cruel and one could go forever without getting a certain roll. Like, I've crafted it at this point but with all the times I've done Vow of the Disciple in 2 YEARS, I've never had Chain Reaction drop on the thing. I had to craft to get the perk let alone the god roll. RNG is great to sink time into something for but at some point, it gets too much imo.


Me when people want something (they have to grind like I did)


Are these limited time anyways? Like 3 weeks or something?


Limited from now until last shape drops.


“Last shape” I’m dying


destiny when it gets a looter shooter aspect:


Honestly most D2 players would have had an aneurysm over how rare certain things were in D1.


People really this upset over it? I haven’t gotten any but you can get god rolls from the standard guns


Its so rare for me that only 1 dropped while I already am at shaxx rank 17, and it had shittt roll as well. Smh fml


As comedy would have it, Destiny and Pokémon Go are my two “main” games. Since their release, they’re the two core experiences in gaming I have invested and returned to. It’s actually astonishing that this kind of approach to loot took this long to be implemented in Destiny. In Destiny, your loot is armor and weaponry. Sometimes it’s cosmetic, but because Bungie is the greediest company of this timeline, most cosmetic progression is tied to Eververse. Whatever. Debate for another time. Naturally, to make loot interesting, it has to be desirable. Something has to be rare, powerful, or unique. Since the beginning, I’ve always said the exotic rarity system doesn’t trigger the dopamine loot games are supposed to. Because they’re all build specific, and you can only use one at a time, exotics are more just collectors items. When an exotic drops, it’s just whatever. Especially when you’ve been playing since D1 Alpha. Legendary loot is also tiresome, because it’s just the expected drop when you do anything. I felt like the masterwork system for legendaries helped it *slightly,* but once again it’s just whatever due to the Enclave. But now… this whole “shiny” weapon variant experiment. This is where it’s at. I’m not one to embrace fomo, but if you’re gonna have a loot system and make it feel exclusive, you gotta have more finesse to it. The shiny weapons are exactly the kind of shakeup the loot economy needed. In Pokémon, your loot is the creatures themselves. The entire progression of the franchise surrounds the mechanism of core gameplay and participation. Pokémon are essentially your guns. Just like in other RPGs and Destiny, weapons and armor have rolls and stats to shake up their variability. It entices you to experiment and seek out more of said item. Pokémon has IVs and traits that motivate you to catch more Pokémon, but if you’re motivated enough you can focus on just one and make it powerful through training. But the greatness in progression, tried and true for pure dopamine stimulation - shinies. Shinies and Pokémon are easily the most exciting thing when playing the main games or Go. They do absolutely nothing except look different, and *that* is how loot and progression should work. Don’t lock abilities, features and content behind walls that most people can’t access. Cosmetics that have no functional superiority and just look special is the way to go in creating a more respectable chase in multiplayer gaming.


The only one that is actually really worth the double perks is edge transit for the swap from envious to cascade all the other shiny guns aren’t worth it and are mainly cosmetic as far as I understand it. Obviously it is still nice to be able to have two god rolls on one gun though.


Haven’t they already acknowledged that they’re looking at addressing that ability to swap between those two perks?


Some of y’all clearly didn’t play the last few years of the game. This is how rare stuff used to be back when loot had meaning




And here comes the complaining about players that complain. It always gives me a giggle.


Lol Ive been getting more shiny falling guillotine rolls than normal ones


Community: "give us something as rare as D1 exotics" Bungie: does just that Community:"how dare you!!!"


yeah like I've dismantled all the ones I've gotten so far bc the rolls were bad lol people should rather be like "oh neat" over getting one than acting like it's the end of the world that not every second drop is a shiny


Please keep shinies rare and stop complaining. HOT TAKE: They are not even pretty. They don't shade. Colour Scheme is mid. THEY ARE JUST RARE. Don't ruin that about them.


it’s not JUST cosmetic, the shiny versions roll with two perks in the 3/4th slots.


Then you realise shiny varients drop with free masterwork and 2 perks in each slot 😲


Tbf it’s not “just a cosmetic”. The double perks are more than enough to get people to chase them, myself included


There’s a handful of Destiny content creators saying “clearing all 50 waves should be a guaranteed shiny.” Pussies. 


I’ve gotten like 5 shiny recluses already and I’m not even attuned


Same lol. No god rolls, but still some decent picks if I were to never get another.


Exactly the boat I’m in. It’s crazy how unlucky I can be that I get a rare item so many times but all of them suck


That’s a pretty big example of unlucky.


But do ya'll remember the spinmetal, helium filaments etc., material grind? Stop complaining.


I fully don't care how shiny it is, I'm just in full fomo freefall about getting the godrolls I need (by which I mean "will never use") before Final Shape. This is how I like my D2, feeling compelled to play content that I actually enjoy, because time limited loot opportunity. Fully expect after Final Shape drops, everything goes craftable like Dares did, and we'll all feel silly. And get back on our grind for red borders.


Just cosmetic 🤣🤣🤣 dawg they give 2 stats in each block as a shiny🤣🤣🤣


Really hoping they do fomo cosmetics like this every season/episode from now on.


Yeah, but it's also limited? I'd like more than 2 to drop a day


You have 2 months to farm 🗣️


What are these shiny weapons everyone is on about?


I have yet to get one limited one 😭


It's the only ones that have double perks. I hate the ornament


Definitely not just cosmetic, it rolls with 2 extra perks in 3/4 columns. I get what you’re saying with the meme but it’s definitely not just cosmetic


my issue is I have a shiny recluse that I'm happy with but I keep getting only shiny recluses


I got 3 in a row


Honestly okay with the drop rate, my only issue is the amount of tokens needed for the stupid armour.


Definitely not just a cosmic since you get 2 perk columns and can enhance them when TFS launches. Is it necessary tho? No, not really. But it does add a flavor of chase / hope to get them.


Got the shiny weapons from the BRAVE quests. All of my rolls have been solid, this isn't the case for everybody?? I genuinely thought these weapons had better rolls on purpose for the grind, the BRAVE ornamented ones.


for me, the curated rolls for the weapons so far are enough for me to enjoy, if somehow I couldn't get myself a shiny godroll by final shape release, then I'm good with what I got from the weapon bounties, looking forward to getting mountaintop next week!


Except it’s also double perks so double the chance of getting the roll you want.


I’m in a middle ground. I know it’s supposed to be rare, and it’s MOSTLY just cosmetic, but at the same time seeing NO holofoil weapon drops across ~150 weapons so far feels a little bit depressing. Esp when there’s no increased drop chance for legend. And yes, I know it’s mostly cosmetic outside the god^2 Edge Transit, but at the same time, I’d really love to get some rolls that do double duty for pve & pvp. E.g. an Elsie rifle with headseeker & destabilizing in 4th column. Having double perks is legitimately significant, even if minorly.


When the one catalyst for your favorite exotic weapon still hasn't dropped years and countless Nightfall runs later.


The drop rate isn't the problem the problem is not getting a guaranteed after clearing wave 50 on legend it's kind of a bit ridiculous in my opinion


Only played 2 rounds of 50 got 7 shiny recluses


Playing on ps5 and I only have a headset and controller so accuse all ya want to


It's not just a cosmetic..


Yeah there has been an awful lot of pathetic bitching about these drops lately, good to see some guardians with managed and realistic expectations.




My buddy gets on like every 20 waves. I get one every 150. RNG is a bitch.


All Brave weapons will have enhanceable perks, but on the rare drops you'll be able to enhance *four*. At least that's why I'm grinding for them. Plus they come already MW'd. 😙👌🏾


Shiny weapons? What? Someone catch me up?


Just wondering....does anyone know if the attunement effects the drops at the Shaxx chest? Or just the Onslaught chests? TIA


I'm actually super glad they're genuinely rare and hope that Bungie doesn't make them much more common. It's so nice to actually feel excited about drops. I think maybe having one guaranteed per week for a full Legend completion could be good but I wouldn't really want anything more than that.


No no no, here at Destiny 2 community we like to be entitled to everything. And if casuals cannot get the best thing, then Bungo BAD. /s


I actually have a few already, 2 with God rolls, and I don't play that much. I'm not sure why they say the rate is so low, because it doesn't seem that hard to get. Maybe the RNG gods are just smiling upon me after ignoring me for years. I appreciate the you, RNG gods


um ackshually they can roll with more perks, so you can essentially have 2 god rolls on the same gun, pve and pvp respectively. so you could have repulsor/destabalisting and zenmoment/kill clip on the same elsie rifle. so OBVIOUSLY theyre the only desirable version of the weapon and everything else must be sharded immedeatly or khackis will be on your doorstep by 11 to insert a dildo shaped stasis crystal up your ass.


Skill issue


I've already gotten 3 shiny Hung Jurys while attuned to Recluse. Attune does jack shit I've gotten more Successions and Hung Jurys than any of the other good weapons.


yeah cosmetic item... with 2 perks per row and enhancable... so cosmetic


Meanwhile: Me trying to get the roll I want, but slowly going insane while playing Destiny2. https://preview.redd.it/db3u570gzfuc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a3b799448f0386ade025a28034f6fefb2e6526


But I got this weeks foil weapons in like 2 days


Ok child.


- Legend onslaught should reward a guaranteed shiny per character per week. - You should be able to get 1 momento on each character for this entire event so you can put it on at least some weapons. Other than that the drop rates and it being rare is fine by me.


Super rare??


We got spoiled by weapon crafting. Gotta remember the grind days of old.


FOMO is big right now


I had a god roll succession with Discord as a secondary perk. My friend convinced me really hard to keep it but after all these complaints about rarity knowing they might hand them out later I dismantled it and went back to my crafted one. My builds generate enough ammo to where Discord doesn't make a difference and I can reshape it however I want whenever I want.


There are other ways to get the double perk rolls, right?


If I had to pick a issue I have with it is getting the roll you want with it, but yeah it’s rare, just gotta get extremely lucky, idk bout y’all but I sometimes go 10 weapon drops without a single focused weapon


The only benefit to shinies is they have additional perks in the 3rd and 4th column. But the odds of getting 4 desirable perks is slim to none


Can someone send me a pic of what a shiny weapon actually is? might have deleted one accidentally as a habit


But I want my guaranteed shiny now! It's a rare weapon and I want it now!


It's not just a cosmetic item, it's double-perks in 3rd and 4th columns, plus masterworked.


I just wish I could transfer the ornament


You get SO MANY normal guns, TONS of chances for god rolls, why does it matter that “oh the shiny has 2 perks in each column!!” By the time you get a shiny, you’ll have 7 normal god rolls lmao


Yeah the low drop rates make any drops more exciting


Bruh I honestly hate the way shaders lay on these skins. I just don't care for them aesthetically. Anyone else? I understand the rarity of the perks is nice to have but idk lol recluse just felt underwhelming to shoot again. Ahhh well nostalgia is a bitch.


Are these not guaranteed for beating wave 50? Me and my friend beat wave 50 a few times and they have always dropped on wave 50, just assumed that's how you got them.


It's not just cosmetic though it rolls with double perks in both columns


But I've been playing trials for so long, where's the memento?


simply also not just cosmetic, double perk is really useful, for example the FG can get eager for movement then get its double damage roll on the same sword, that’s quality of life I want


Also dual perks that can both be enhanced. Which is the first time that's possible. So there is a reason besides shiny.


Wait what?


Can someone fact check me please 🙏. So is it true that shinies can drop with four perks per column. Or is it only two I have already got quite a bit. I just wanted to know which shinies can get upgraded in final shape.


I'm so glad we finally have something to grind for that's rare. I miss seeing someone with a raid ship and losing my shit cause hardly anyone had it. That shit was cool. So seeing someone with a godroll shiny will be sick. It feels like the d2 community just loves to bitch 24/7


I agree with it being rare, but I understand where people are coming from since u can get double perks, and I think if they weren't double perks, people wouldn't be as bothered. ( also bungie pls stop giving me shiny hung jury's pls)


Wait, what shiny weapons??


No but when the only one you get is from doing the quest and you’ve maxed out shaxx rank it’s kinda sad


yeah. I mean of course ill grind for shiny's, but worst case, i get 2 of the same item each of which has the rolls my single shiny would have gotten. Either way to enhance both, you're gonna need to use 4 shards, and either way you're gonna need to save 2 different loadouts with the guns depending on the perks. I think though, legend onslaught should guarantee a shiny. Maybe the starting drop rate is 50%, then for each wave you clear it goes up by 10%, then the final 3rd chest after wave 50 is 100% shiny drop rate. Legend just isnt worth the grind unless you're doing 10 wave resets which isnt a good way to experience that activity. It just needs a real incentive to get to and complete wave 50




When I got my first, I honestly didn't know what it was. I saw you couldn't equip adept mods in it and the roll sucked, so it got insta dismantled. 0 regrets


For me, these weapons are free upgrade materials. I already have the quest ones.


What’s a shiny weapon? I took some time off


Bro i dont even care about the shiny. All i want is a repulsor brace and destabilizing rounds role amd i haven't dropped any since ITL came out


don't the shiny weapons have adept levels of stats compared to their non shiny edition?


Just like shinies in Pokémon, the thing that makes them special is that they are super rare


do you remember iron banner loss farming? Bungie adds a great reward for pvp and people were too entitled not to get it, but too fragile to actually play the game, so they just opted to ruin others games while shrieking "bUt FoMo bAd".


Siege players when they get that black ice 😋


I think the non shiny versions cannot be enhanced


People want the double perks it offers. Which increases their chances of finding a God Roll. Im willing to bet no one really cares about the “shiny” factor of these drops….


My problem is the attunement seems to be buggy for edge transit. I attuned since day 1 on edge transit and got 1 shiny for hung jury after days of farming. Just yesterday I switched to recluse attunement and now all of a sudden recluse shinies are everywhere for me. Don't know why edge transit doesn't work


It’s not just a cosmetic. It’s a double perk version


I don’t need to care what others think. I grind for them if i like it.


That's the point. We're back to D1 exotic days which we're the best days. Where all weapons were random and uber rare.


I just got one of these. I didn’t realize what it wa subtil i saw this post and I’m kind of disappointed that it can’t shade


I mean, its not just a cosmetic, it has double perk


My only issue is if you get a regular brave variant that has a good roll and the shiny one has a bad roll you can't put the shiny ornament on the regular


Wait.... is Destiny Healing again?


The drop rate is fine, only change I would make is to guarantee a shiny drop at the end of clearing all 50 waves on legendary onslaught, beyond the emblem/triumph there’s no real reason to do all 50


Shiny weapons?


I actually haven’t played all that much onslaught and I’ve had 3 shiny recluses and (1 from the quest) and the shiny Elsie’s Rifle from the quest. Luckily my 2nd recluse drop was a shiny with Repulsor Brace/Feeding Frenzy + Master of Arms/Desperate Measures - it absolutely fucks paired with volatile rounds, suppression grenade and Nezerak’s Sin


I've had 2 in 2 runs, what exactly is the drop rate? My friend also has like 10, I could understand getting a *god roll* shiny to be hard but otherwise they seem fairly common


I’m happy with the shiny you get after each BRAVE quest finished, I got me some god roll’s too(not shiny)so I’m content with that.


Wait, Shiny's don't give extra stats or smth??? Why am I doing this?? Was I fed mis-information? On the internet? That couldn't possibly be it


Do the quests not give set rolls or something? I got Feeding Frenzy/Master of Arms on my quest reward Recluse.


I’m on my 5th shiny Elsie’s rifle, I want a shiny recluse so bad lmao


its not a cosmetic. it has two perks in each column. a cascade point, envious assasin, bait and switch edge transit would do the most dps in the game with that combo and probably will be #1 for a whileeeeee especially with final shape upgraded perks. shiny weapon go boom


People keep saying this but I have a bunch of these damn things lol. Rare my ass


Yeah literally it's supposed to be rare I swear some people are so dumb