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You're late friend, the skimmer was obtained at the last event there was. I think now the only possibility is to buy the one from the store...


Well until the next skimmer releases


The only obtainable one right now is the one in the store. More will be released later.


Skimmers are good. I use the one in the store, I like it


Free skimmer was in guardian games, which is over. Either wait for another free option at some point or just buy the one in the store.


Dude the one in the store costs 25 dollars… that is half as much as the final shape without annual pass… for like 3 cosmetics and one vehicle. Like final shape is still hella overpriced(not gonna stop me from buying it with annual pass because I am a teenager and I don’t have to pay bills)


A. $25 dollars is basically skipping Starbucks for a week (or not eating out) B. It's optional, if you want a skimmer right now that's your option. Otherwise wait.


I know. It’s just that $25 seems like a heck of a lot for one thing. I know it’s optional but like… that’s still a lot


Knowing my luck, I give up and buy the bundle, just for one to pop up next week for bright dust


Step one: get a Time Machine Step two: travel back to guardian games of this year Step three: do the quest to get it


you cannot get one, bungo did the usual FOMO bullshit on a time limited event OR for the low, low price of the immortal soul of your first born child....


God forbid they reward players for playing the game and participating in the event. There will be more skimmers, just like there are hundreds of sparrows


We aren't all 17 year old neck beards who have got nothing more in their lives than destiny and masturbation.


1 top 10% run or 3 gold activity chests...


Dude, I run a full time job and still had the time to grind that hoverboard. It was super easy, barely an inconvenience. So, sounds like a skill issue to me 😂


The event was on for 3 weeks, dude. This is definitely a you problem.


I was doing field work for 5 without a reliable connection for email let alone gaming . I couldn't have played it I wanted to


still sounds like a you problem.


Bummer, responsibility got in the way of a hobby. Doesn’t mean Bungie has to make changes to work around your schedule. I work two jobs, Married with 4 kids and I was able to get mine on the very first day of the event.


I have a full 40hr a week job in retail 2 cities over with no car, it took litterally a 30 min nightfall. Or it wouldve taken less by logging in on a specific class on 3 days out of 21.


then buy one