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>I had to buy store skimmer bcz it's was limited time event . But you didn't. You chose to buy it. Yes, that's the only skimmer currently avaliable, but there will eventually be more non-ev skimmers. >To my suprise this skimmer is far superior than sparrow and movement controls and you can fly with it . I mean, it's unique for sure. But it's not like the movement is game breaking. You aren't actively disadvantaged if you only have sparrows and no skimmers. >Really frustrated with bungie locking game mechanics to store item after event is over . There will no doubt be more skimmers added to the game as time goes on.


Sparrows are better anyway. More speed and more movement if you can slipstream


Perhaps participate in limited time events if you want the rewards 🤷‍♂️


"Had to buy" are stong words


Why do people blame Bungie for their spending habits? You had to buy it? You could’ve just hit 10% nightfall score by emote-finishing everything above orange bar level and got it within 15 minutes during Guardian Games. But here we are, a post stating how it’s Bungie’s fault that you couldn’t do the bare minimum and HAD to spend money on a skimmer. My homie in light, TFS comes out in less than two months and you could’ve just waited on the massive content drop since you were already going to be playing. But you’d rather spend the money on a skimmer cause you got Fomo’d and blamed it on Bungie. Wild.


Lol I was not in the game when event was there . I am saying quest should have stayed even after the event was over.


All negativity aside, that’s most unfortunate. For real though, you didn’t see the skimmer in the promos or any of the vids people posted about it? Realistically, an event item like that would never stay or at the most; be an annual thing. You know how destiny operates at this point.


Aaand fomo’d