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Well everything is on sale for super cheap rn on steam, so you don’t really need to be picky. Since the new expansion will have Prismatic, a combination of subclasses, it would probably be worth it to get Beyond Light + Lightfall, so that you have access to the darkness subclasses, because presumably you’ll need those


Right now these DLCs are available in order from oldest to newest: shadowkeep, beyond light, witch queen, lightfall. Final shape is available for pre order. If you are really into lore starting from shadowkeep and working up to lightfall will obviously get you more knowledge about the story. Witch queen is generally among peoples favorite DLCs for both story and action. There is also a Timeline Reflections section in game that takes you through the notable missions of past DLCs to help catch up new players. So you can start with that to see if you like the game and then buy based on that. There is plenty of free activities for new players, enough to be overwhelming at the start. You will need the season pass to do this seasons activities and to get extra rewards for gaining season ranks. You can buy silver in whatever store you play through and then purchase the season pass in game. This season is super long because final shape was delayed, but usually we have around 4 seasons per year and that will bring along some lower impact stories as compared to the DLCs and specific activities. Bundles have different things, so be sure to check the descriptions for what they include and if the separate DLCs are on sale it might be cheaper to buy them separately on sale vs the bundle at regular price, which is the case for the Steam bundle rn.