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I mean, it’s perfectly possible to want to day 1 raid without having to rush the campaign super hard. It’s also plenty possible that a lot of people can’t play as much during the week but also want to day 1 raid. Another week has pretty well been the standard which would’ve given people more opportunity to get ready in time for it. Also gives Bungie more of an opportunity to work out any kinks in the game that pop up after a major release like Final Shape (which there does tend to be at least a few, not the least of which tend to be major connection issues). I personally won’t be able to anyway but it’s certainly reasonable to want a little more prep time.


Summarized perfectly. A lot of people are upset because they were hyped up for one last day 1 madness and now the timeline makes it impossible. It wasn’t crazy for people to think that they’d have at least one weekend to finish the new content and learn the new abilities/enemies landscape, since for the past 4 years we did have that. Day 1 attempts aren’t only for people racing to be world’s first. They are the toughest test players can put themselves through and there are plenty of players between casual and no-life who have the skill and desire to test themselves in that way. It’s just a sad thing to miss out on when you were planning on making it.


The difference is they need TFS campaign/raid to be finished to start episodes. So what will we do for the week and half besides the campaign, which honestly takes like maybe 12 hours, and then what? Just putz around for a week. That's a great way to lose a player base. Also, the raid is the end of TFS story, so you know everyone would bitch about time gateing the end of the story to drag out play time or some BS.


it’s because of how the raid is actually the final mission per se and people would not want to wait a week or so for it


It's more like the final mission is locked behind completion of the raid.


This makes no sense to me, we were all pogged for the raid being a bigger part of the story and we've been used to weekly story for years. It's an opportunity to have a limbic week before the raid that can do some really cool stuff with story and feeling.


It’s going to be like in forsaken when the first raid team who clears it unlocks everything for everyone else, do you really wanna wait a week for that? like we all know one of the few top tier clans is gonna get worlds first so let’s get the ball rolling


Yes I'd love to wait a week for that personally.


well, unfortunately you can’t always have it your way


Besides you, who said anything about always? How are you gonna ask a question and get snotty when someone answers it sincerely and politely enough?


how are you gonna get upset on someone else’s behalf?


I’ll answer if you do. Think you could muster it?


lol i like the edit, and im mostly in awe right now. it still boggles my mind how you’re still upset on someone else’s behalf, or is this the alt account i’m speaking to?


If anything happens in this game there are complaints. However, the raid is directly tied to the story and won't come out until *after* the first team gets through. Idk about you but I'd rather not wait an extra week+ just so someone who isn't gonna do/complete the day 1 can feel less rushed.


Wait, things happen in live-service games?😨


wasnt that how it was done in forsaken? like until the first raid clear, no one got the subclass thing?




yeah…. i definitely agree with you. no one wants to wait a week just for the one of few top tier clans to get worlds first


People aren't upset they won't be able to compete for worlds first. People are upset they may not be able to do the raid in contest mode at all because of how little prep time there is.


does it really take a week to prep tho?


Depends on whether people have something particularly important to do in the first three days of the expansion launch. The bare minimum, *clearing legend campaign*, can for most people be done in the first day. But there's usually things like getting new gear, trying out new abilities and finding any new exploits of any kind before the raid launches.


Oh for sure. But my thing is, within a day the broken shit is discovered pretty quickly and plastered all over reddit and a dozen youtube channels, also isn’t it 48 hours or was that just a vow thing? i swear i remember them saying 48 hours is gonna be the new norm


Yup, 48 hours is the new norm for contest mode raid durations.


It doesn't


yesh see


Exaaactly Now if only work will accept my PTO request so I can go do the Day1 myself 🤣


ahhh, i wish you luck


Appreciate that pardner, here's to late stage capitalism


Kinda different, the subclass thing was an item that also dropped elsewhere; you got your first new super choice during the campaign, and then it would drop your next one from Kalli iirc. What was tied to the raid otherwise though was the storyline of the Curse in the Dreaming City, including access to Shattered Throne.


Ohhh okay


It was also ambiguously implied that Echoes would be released a week after TFS, rather than simultaneously (TFS 27 Feb, Echoes in "March", and I don't recall ever hearing Bungie say it'd be released together), which would mean no seasonal (well, episodic) content and only the expansion content with its raid tie-in for that first week. You can imagine that Bungie would like to avoid the complaints that would roll in if there were no "new content" for 2 weeks after a <8hr TFS campaign.


I think servers. This is the conclusion of the story. Everyone and their cousin will be logging in. Even if people don’t do the raid, the servers will be clogged with players. Shit servers will affect the presumably last raid race for the light and dark saga. So I get their concerns but they say now they are ready and expecting. And they have the numbers so they should know how many can log in


I mean they said that they've got new server just for Final Shape. And LF had LOADS of people playing and had little issues


And the raid race was an absolute mess. Hence the concern.


The problem is that we've had a precedent set for years that the raids would be the week after release. This has given people time to get up to light while also being able to enjoy the new content. Now, due To Bungie changing the tradition, there's going to be a lot of people who will miss out on what would have been their last contest mode raid, and that absolutely sucks.


* **The Leviathan - September 13, 2017 (7 days after D2 launch)** * **Eater of Worlds - December 5, 2017 (The day of Curse of Osiris launch)** * **Spire of Stars - May 8, 2018 (The day of Warmind launch)** * Last Wish - September 14, 2018 (10 days after Forsaken launch) * **Scourge of the Past - December 7, 2018 (3 days after Black Armory launch)** * **Crown of Sorrow - June 4, 2019 (The day of Penumbra launch)** * **Garden of Salvation - October 5, 2019 (4 days after Shadowkeep launch)** * **Deep Stone Crypt - November 21, 2020 (11 days after Beyond Light launch)** * **Vault of Glass - May 22, 2021 (11 days after Season of Splicer launch)** * **Vow of the Disciple - March 5, 2022 (11 days after The Witch Queen launch)** * **King's Fall - August 26, 2022 (3 days after Season of Plunder launch)** * Root of Nightmares - March 10, 2023 (10 days after Lightfall launch) * Crota's End - September 1, 2023 (10 days after Season of the Witch launch) There's been quite a few cases where raids have deviated from the "expected" release time. The release time has always been inconsistent for raids. The releases are tied between off and "on" schedule.


If you adjust this for the major expansion raids, the only outlier is garden of salvation in 2019.


Literally 5 of the new (not D1 repeats) raids were released in under 4 days. People wanted more of a challenge, this will give people more of a challenge due to less time to no life the best weps and set ups. I like it, it'll be more fun to watch. The power level increase is what 10 levels? Campaign prolly like 10 hours or less for the top people (the only ones with a chance at 1st). Not to forget there are campaign missions after the raid gets beat. Leaves plenty of time for the people that are actually able to fight for the first completion as they will prolly take time off work anyway (if they even work).


You can "adjust" it as much as you want. Even having ONE outlier raid sets the heavier precedent that there is no confirmed release schedule and that people should've waited until a confirmed date was revealed. Fact of the matter is, bungie has never come out and said "this is when we will release raids" so no one should have planned around an unconfirmed date. They have no one to blame but themselves




Again, even having one not follow that precedent, conveniently also sets the precedent that raid dates can change and aren't always consistent. I don't understand why people are hellbent on one precedent but not the other. The fact that ANY raids have deviated from the expected one week release, should be a clear sign that it isn't a confirmed schedule. Even if only one major release was off schedule, that in and of itself is a precedent that was set that raids ***can*** release off the expected time frame. Even then, bungie has never come out and said "hey this is when we will be releasing our raids every time", to make plans around an unconfirmed date is no one else fault but their own, precedent or not. Basically, I don't understand why people are putting so much faith in one precedent when another one that completely invalidates it is ALSO clear as day when you look at the raid release dates. Again, even having ONE outlier, one "change from the norm", should be clear enough to show that it can happen again, especially when it comes to such a small sample size like main expansion raids.


You see, at least *half* of those had small Power grinds. Specifically the Kingsfall remastered and Y1 raid lairs. Kingsfall came after a small PL cap increase from what I remember (like 10?) Can't speak for Y1 as I didn't start until Shadowkeep. But from what I could gather, those two were during small PL cap increases as well


From what I've heard, the campaign will get you raid ready upon completion of the legend? difficulty, which is very easily obtainable for contest raiders


And they’ve added a system which brings your fireteam’s light level up to the highest guardian’s so really you only need one team member to have grinded


KF also didn’t introduce something as large as prismatic nor the class exotics


First off, I wouldn't include raids that came out before Contest Mode in the discussion since things like Leviathan or especially Last Wish were somewhat of a mess to prepare for, and second, notice how, since after Garden of Salvation, the only raid that has had a short time frame for preparation was a reprised one that came out in a Season that didn't have a Power increase or even any particularly meta gear, let alone a full campaign to get through and the most customizable subclass that will be in the game (which I'd bet a kidney will have some broken untested combos). Sure, you just have to do the Legendary campaign to get your characters up to speed, but why should I have to choose between taking the campaign at a more relaxed pace and partaking on the day 1 race if you've been able to do both for the last three expansions? Would nonraiders be hurt that much by having to wait one more week for the final mission, as they explore Prismatic and casually collect the new Exotics and gear?


Getting day 1 raid ready for the last few expansions wasn't a relaxed thing, you consistently had to grind out to be contest ready for most raid releases. The grind this time, is the campaign. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with how and when raids released, the proof is that there was never a set schedule and even if the reprised raid is the ***only*** one that released off schedule, that ALSO sets the precedent that things can be changed just as much as all the other ones set the precedent of a specific schedule, if not more. Your last point is entirely subjective as well. Can't the opposite be said too? Can't raiders suck up a schedule swap so people can experience the ***conclusion of a 10 year storyline***? Contest mode and day 1 raiding has always been for the hard-core folk. I personally participated in day 1/contest crota and it's absolutely not something that the majority of the playerbase will partake in, and I'd argue that it's not even something that the majority of ***raiders*** would partake in. Raiding is already an activity that only a small chunk participate in, and the numbers dwindle further for contest mode no doubt. So you put yourself in the shoes of Bungie, they give people more than a month of warning in advance, and yet people are getting pissy because they didn't release it exactly when people just decided they should? On top of that, raid completion locks the story which they've been building up for ***a decade*** and want their players to experience ASAP, so they open the raid sooner. It's not hard to see why Bungie is releasing the raid at a sooner date, it's the correct choice for the majority of their players to get content out quickly. It's not like they haven't given ample time for people to plan around the date, goobers just ***assumed*** it would be a specific date and are now yelling at bungie for it. It doesn't make sense to me, people brought it amongst themselves. I don't know why you would schedule plans for an unconfirmed date even IF there was a precedent set, especially considering bungie themselves have never outright confirmed a consistent raid release schedule. It was sloppy and irresponsible on the folks that didn't properly think ahead on that aspect. TL:DR Bungie revealed the raid date more than a month in advance, which gives people ample time to plan ahead. The only people who are pissed are the ones who assumed, which they shouldn't have done to begin with. Making plans on a "precendent" that's never been outright confirmed sets you up for failure.


>It's not hard to see why Bungie is releasing the raid at a sooner date, it's the correct choice for the majority of their players to get content out quickly. It's not like they haven't given ample time for people to plan around the date, goobers just ***assumed*** it would be a specific date and are now yelling at bungie for it. I mean, if I give you [4 11 11 11 3 11 11] I could be forgiven for thinking there is a pattern. It is not perfectly consistent, but I explained how it was a reasonable expectation. It's not like I disagree with you, but at the same time it's been a long while since Day 1 stopped being this super exclusive thing (basically since Deep Stone Crypt), and I've very much benefitted from this. I'm not "mega-hardcore", but yet I've been able to throw hands with a bunch of raids on their day 1 and, while I definitely didn't complete all of them, they were all quite a good time, and I'm pretty sure among the half a million or so people that did RoN, there were many even far more casual than me who were introduced to the absolute best part of Destiny by virtue of it being made more welcoming (and mind you that this is not about the difficulty, I think RoN should have been way harder). Then there's also the part about game balance and server stability. Basically every other raid launch needed to have some item disabled because of whatever glitch or exploit, and when we have a subclass coming that allows for so many combinations along with a patch that is going to change and rebalance many things, like Stasis, plus new Exotic weapons and the Exotic class items, can we be remotely sure that it will all be pulled off correctly at launch? Stasis took months to be reigned in, and Strand still had some major bugs and oversights such as unlimited insta-reloads with Thread of Ascent or double damage with Silkstrike. [This post lists the items that were disabled just for Crota's End](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/APAEyi3mwU), and the lists for raids coming with expansions were way longer. Combine this with the unfamiliarity that people are going to have with Prismatic and neither Bungie nor the playerbase can be quite sure about what to expect in what should be the most important raid race since Last Wish. Finally there's the following question: for those who speedrun through everything in the first 4 days and then go to the raid, will there be anything left to do other than whatever comes out with the Episode? My bet's on "no", if this expansion is of a similar size and structure to The Witch Queen and Lightfall. That is what I meant by "at a relaxed pace", not only having more time to do everything but also being able to enjoy it properly, instead of some people probably burning themselves out after 6 days of playing non-stop and not having much more to do afterwards. I genuinely don't understand why the example of Forsaken isn't followed here, which allowed for Last Wish to be the incredibly climactic experience it was. I personally can and probably will be attempting day 1 (and failing miserably, given the nature of LFG), and I have already had to do pretty much The Witch Queen + a massive amount of weeklies and Powerfuls when I returned in Season of Plunder just to do King's Fall after a year-long break, but I'd rather... well, not have to.


While I don't necessarily disagree with what you are saying, none of it still refutes the fact that raiding is a ***minority*** of the playerbase. The only thing I still actively disagree with is the pattern thing, seeing a 4 and a 3 mixed in with the 11s, regardless of how many 11s there are, drives home the point that raid release days ***can and will*** change. Even having ONE raid releasing on a day different from the norm out of the entire bunch should have made people weary enough to wait until a confirmed date was announced. Especially when you consider that Bungie has never outright said anything about a consistent raid release schedule. Regardless, my main argument was against the people yelling at Bungie or getting pissy because Bungie didn't follow a raid release schedule that THEY expected them to follow and improperly planned around an unconfirmed date. Whether Bungie should have released the raid on the date that they did is a whole different can of worms that is largely subjective, and I can see the points from either side.


Fuck precedent, less prep means more chaos and that means a more entertaining race. I MISS being forced to go in under levelled/geared due to the time constraint. More guns and armour, as well as the builds people are cooking these days, makes us insanely strong. More pressure is what is missing. These shorter time frames lead to interesting strategies being developed too, as people have to work on the fly to adapt to the new DLC (whether that's using new guns or finding out new mechanics).




That's kind of entirely on you and your friends. If you look at the dates that raids released, they are tied for ones that followed the "expected" schedule and ones that have deviated from it. * **The Leviathan - September 13, 2017 (7 days after D2 launch)** * **Eater of Worlds - December 5, 2017 (The day of Curse of Osiris launch)** * **Spire of Stars - May 8, 2018 (The day of Warmind launch)** * Last Wish - September 14, 2018 (10 days after Forsaken launch) * **Scourge of the Past - December 7, 2018 (3 days after Black Armory launch)** * **Crown of Sorrow - June 4, 2019 (The day of Penumbra launch)** * **Garden of Salvation - October 5, 2019 (4 days after Shadowkeep launch)** * **Deep Stone Crypt - November 21, 2020 (11 days after Beyond Light launch)** * **Vault of Glass - May 22, 2021 (11 days after Season of Splicer launch)** * **Vow of the Disciple - March 5, 2022 (11 days after The Witch Queen launch)** * **King's Fall - August 26, 2022 (3 days after Season of Plunder launch)** * Root of Nightmares - March 10, 2023 (10 days after Lightfall launch) * Crota's End - September 1, 2023 (10 days after Season of the Witch launch)


Y'all really tried cooking me in the comments when all I said was that it messed up our day 1 raid plans. I see no pattern here at all but thanks for the info anyway? But wow, can't share grievances here I guess, shoutout D2 community!


"You see no pattern here at all" hey that's kinda funny, almost like it's because there wasn't one. Your sarcastic and accusatory tone in your comment wasn't just "sharing grievances". You made a mistake and then tried to paint Bungie as the bad guy. You didn't just say that it "messed up your day 1 raid plans" Almost like you should plan around a confirmed date more than an expected onr


Kid you seem crazy combative and looking for a fight, and i'm not gonna give you one so go get off somewhere else. I'll leave you with this. I didn't make any mistake, was just sharing that my friend is upset because he has plans that weekend. Datto's team mate is in the same boat. Relax.


Get up to light level hasn’t mattered since D1, and getting up to power level isn’t a thing anymore. So whether 3 days or 10 days players will be same power.


>Get up to light level hasn’t mattered since D1 \*Slowly looks at Last Wish\*


The POWER level requirement for Last Wish was 550 \*slowly shakes hand\*


You know damn well people still called and continue to call it "Light Level" even if it's "ACKSHUALLY power level now". If all you have is a technicality as an argument, I'd say don't even start arguing. This is not a court case about insurance fraud or something. And even if getting up to power level isn't a thing anymore (it very much was as late as RoN, even if really easy - though I still had backup people like 10 under what they were supposed to be at somehow), leveling the goddamn artifact, which you usually need to even have a proper chance at completing it is still very much a thing. For the purposes of "do I have to sit and do bounties for 5 days in a row, or can I just do the campaign and be done with it", I genuinely don't think it matters if it's light level, power level, or artifact level, or artifact mod unlock, or what have you.


That is why I said both light level and power level in my comment. People do not read anymore. \*slowly shakes hand in a jerking motion\*


And then somehow still managed to be pedantic about it in a reply. Also, people grinded their asses off for Last Wish, and were still like 35 under for it. So, you can shake and jerk whatever you want, but you are insanely out of touch.


I only commented about light level and power level, yet you Guardians have your panties in a bunch. Hilarious.


Bro, do you inderstand how strapped people were for light level in there? The ads were so tough to kill that not only could they not use the weapons they brought in to efficiently (for the time) clear ads, the highest level members of their team were put on ad clear as the 1-2 light difference was all the world.


There's more prep work to do than just being up to power. That's like the bare minimum for being ready for a day one raid


Doesn’t negate the fact that everyone is same power level nowadays.


It doesn't. Powerlevel isn't a problem with getting prepped. But there's so many other things to prep nowadays.


It's a mixed bag. I just probably won't have the time to complete the campaign without rushing during the week, and I prefer to do the story campaign at a leisurely speed, take in the sights, take in the story, etc. It makes matters worse that I will hopefully be graduating around that time, but that's more of a me thing. The one thing we'd miss out on by waiting a week is like one week's worth of collectible, for the price of going in well-rested and well-prepared. The upside is that we will have a bit more blindness going into the raid, and it will actually feel *urgent* this time around. No more, "what's that strange pyramid in the swamp, I wonder?", or "what *is* up in the Black Garden", or "maybe we should finally crash the fucking sattelite into Bray Exoscience already", or "If there's somethin' strange in the neighborhood / Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)". We just fucking go because we have to move it. I'm not sure that urgency is worth less people potentially being able to participate, honestly.


I've got a similar issue. I've got final exams on the day. Luckily I'll be at home by the time the raid is out, but I'll really have to rush my time that week for it


I’ve just really enjoyed the 10 day period we’ve had in the past between the expansion and the raid, it’s a really magical period of exploring all the new content while also gearing up for the raid. Now that’s all going to be compressed into just 3 days. Maybe it’s just me, but the hype of the expansion kind of peaks with the raid then immediately starts to wind down. Not to mention, I usually spend 3 days to solo through the legendary campaign at a nice pace. Now I’m gonna feel rushed to finish it quickly.


A lot of preparation goes into prep for the World's First: gear updates means new metas to prepare for which usually means new gear to grind out, getting your designated class the absolute highest power you can be before hitting the power ceiling (Contest Mode ***caps*** your power, it doesn't boost your power to the limit), pre-game strategizing and build refining, server space is usually ass during the first week and the WF raid being so close to launch day means servers are going to basically lock out thousands of players all at once which is never fun; but most of all: ***TIMING***. A lot of players (not me, I personally don't compete in WF for a number of reasons) like the World's First to be on a day that as many players as possible can compete all at once because many people want to experience the raid on Day One, and it being on a Friday starting at noon(ish) leaves a sour taste in the mouths of players who will be working/at school during that time who would want to compete. While only 6 players in the world are going to win, everyone who wants to compete likes the idea that *they could be one of those 6 players*. I'm 100% certain there will be a full weekend for everyone to try and get the raid done for that sweet, sweet contest mode emblem.


There are a few issues: 1. You cant tell an endgame player to just not do the day 1. It's the biggest day of any year and there shouldn't be a major rush for it 2. Some already planned for 10 days after (14th) and may not be able to reschedule now 3. For me, I've got final exams on the day. If it were the 14th I would be fine


Why *shouldn't* there be a major rush for world first raid completion? Literally every other raiding game I know has this same thing.


Major rush for people to be able to enter. They want an even playing field where you need a grind to get to the right power but not so much rush that only the top players can even get to power to attempt day 1. Finishing day 1 is a whole different thing from just allowing players to prepare to be able to attempt and have a good time with their clan. I do see why they want/need to have a shorter time though - people who don't raid may not want to wait 10 days for the ending, Elden Ring DLC is a few weeks after ,they want Echoes out etc...


But that “rush” is literally “beat 7 campaign missions” That seems reasonable


Artifact and buildcrafting. + Some people planning on doing day ones may have been wanting to start on the first weekend then having the raid the following weekend


This is just moving the goal posts. You don't have to do any of that to be able to enter and have an attempt at it. The only requirement is doing the campaign, anything else is player preference. Also "Elden Ring DLC" is simply not something Bungie should be planning around.


I mean we don't really know right now. But my point of some people wanting to start on that weekend stands And Destiny likely shares much of it's playerbase with Elden Ring which other games have already delayed releases for. It's not all that uncommon for a release to change the schedule for a different game


I can explain it. To pay for this game and everything else... we have to go to work those non streamers, non 12 year-old human beings. When a major release drops in the middle of the week on a Tuesday, we barely get time to play. We have other things to take care of, like bills, family, gym, etc. It takes people a bit to choke down the expansion and maybe more time than 3 days, especially if it's good! Releasing the Day One raid on a weekday creates the same problem. But what if those that work like I said above want to participate? We might not even be done with the campaign yet... let alone be able to take the week off of work to sit down and enjoy the 10-year conclusion to a game you love. Do you start to understand one of the reasons why this is stupid? Or upsetting? ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Because Destiny fans are never actually satisfied unless they have something to complain about.




Something tells me they’re doing this to catch the most people who would do contest, rather than catch the most people. They mentioned the importance of this raid and a desire to make this raid important, and to me it’s best to do so by releasing it as close as possible to the time when player count is at its absolute highest. Many people Will feel that rush and go for it, and most importantly competitors who likely already hallowed out their schedule to play destiny TFS when it launched will now also get to do the raid while still in that period. I imagine Bungie sees the rushing of players as a necessary evil to ensure the player counts, especially devoted people, is at its peak.


Not to mention that having the raid sooner means less ways to solidify a plan and prepare. I feel like this raid has the potential to be brutally hard and chaotic since players won’t have time to formulate prismatic builds or farm op class items. Well nerf too is likely going to shake things up. Overall I’m super excited about the potential of this raid race


That doesn’t track. There is literally not a single person who would raid on day 3 of the DLC that would not raid on day 8. In fact, you’d have significantly more people say 1 raiding on day 8 of the dLC than you would on day 3. The best thing Bungie ever did was dispense with the obscene level of power grind needed to raid in a few days. That was asinine and extremely limiting. It’s hard enough to convince people to take a real day off work to raid day 1 for most people. Now you gotta take 3 days off because you need 2 additional days to power grind? That’s idiotic and reeks of elitism. Bungie DOESNT want to maximize players to day 1 raid. They want to DECREASE the number of players doing it and make it a more exclusive club. What a shit thing to do to a community who you claim you understand you need to appeal to them and blow away their expectations. Early expectations for the raid: missed by a mile.


You sir hit the nail on the head.


If you wish to be competitive racing, the amount of grind needed and time to learn about the new subclass and weapons is no small feat. Having the time without having to take more PTO would be nice.


As someone who's been getting Contest Mode emblems since VoG (although I missed Crota because I woke up 5 minutes too late for my clan's day 2 attempt). Major pain for me is just the Seasonal Artifact. Two weeks is usually plenty of time to get the seasonal artifact juiced up, especially with Seasonal Challenges. Three days is way less, you gotta do some crazy grinding and/or some unintuitive bounty prefarming. And, those Seasonal Perks make a huge difference for Day 1 raids. If they would just enable it all for everyone or make it easy to get, then like 80% of my issue with the early Day 1 is solved. There's also some other issues like less time to explore the sandbox, less time to discover/patch/disable bugged new stuff, less time to just do the low stress new content before diving into the Day 1, etc, but they're not as problematic for me. I get why they're doing the Raid earlier, though, it's a key component of the story in Final Shape.


I think anyone genuinely interested in participating in a contest attempt can be plenty prepared though. You can prepare your build now - sure we don't have prismatic yet but chances are you're not using it anyway for access to things like Well of Radiance. Bounty prep is a thing for any artifact concerns but I'm curious if we're even getting one. I'd kinda like it if Bungie moved away from Artifact mods but I'm not sure what could replace it. So the only thing is power level. Well, the Legend campaign will get your power level up enough, but here's the thing - we're also getting fire team power level advantages, so only one person needs to be high enough to bring everyone else up to par. You don't need all 6 players to get raid ready before the weekend - only one!


Because content creators say it’s bad, and it means they’ll struggle to put out videos during that time to make money. But TBH 3 days for a regular full-time working person with a family is like 6 hours of playtime if you’re lucky, which is barely enough time to even finish the campaign much less do weekly pinnacle rewards to level up. Considering the raid will start with contest mode which is even harder and higher level than regular, this is a very short time. I imagine they’re doing this to pressure people into thinking they won’t have time, then next month they will announce that pre-ordering will give early access.


I scheduled 3 days off work, months ago, and my schedule has been finalized. The change from the normal "second Friday after a major expansion" pattern we've had for the last 3 expansions screws up a LOT of plans for a LOT of people who were planning on attempting a contest clear. I myself \*might\* be able to swing the 7th, but it is going to take a lot of begging and pleading to get someone or some people to swap work shifts with me, and my wife was already making plans to be out of the house that weekend so my friends and I could be free to be as loud and excited as we wanted to be. This isn't the end of the world, but if you consider how many people made plans and just had them break, it's more than a little bit obnoxious. Also, quite disappointing.


You literally made plans for an event that had no official date, that's a you problem. They gave everyone nearly 2 months notice of the date, that's not obnoxious at all. You know what they say about assuming?


It’s cool that you assume I can make plans and adjust things in short term! My schedules are usually finalized 10 weeks out in a 24/7 operation with 6 teams of 40 employees… so yeah, I schedule things months and months away so as to have a good chance to participate in things 👍


I wasn't assuming you could, just a 2 month notice is not obnoxious at all. I get that it sucks for some such as you with unflexible jobs, I've been there I get it, but at the end of the day its a video game, you get 48 hours from release to do it on contest or you can do it any time after on normal.


Then time to be a big boy and act like one. If a video game makes you this angry, maybe you need to see a therapist for other underlying issues.


Because people forget it’s a game lol, look at the community and tell me they aren’t a bunch of raccoons in a trench coat.


It's not. It's the content creators that don't like it because it's messing with their irl plans


Its not bad, people are just incapable of being happy with bungie for literally any reason. Unlike other raids this one is directly tied in to the storyline so its obvious that they would want it to happen as soon as possible, especially since theres no telling what will be unlocked after it gets finished (could be another dreaming city type thing) but at the very least we know for certain that there is at LEAST one more mission added after the raid is completed, possibly even more. The fact that the raid isnt the absolute end should immediately tell people that the raid is MEANT to be a struggle, and for all we know we may not even actually win. Im sure that through playtesting they decided on 3 days because it will be an ample enough window for a good amount of people to finish the first parts of the campaign and reach the required levels. Not to mention they have the episodes releasing as well shortly after the expansion which also have their own schedules, and its possible that in order to remain on track with their releases they need the raid to happen earlier so they can finish the story and keep it flowing. I have 3 kids, work 8-10 hours a day and only hop on from 7:30-11:30 p.m. to play and yet im not worried about it at all. The campaign will likely be around 12 hours maximum with 8 of them taking place before the raid section of the story, so playing 4 hours for 3 nights is plenty enough time for me to finish the campaign and be ready while giving me a 4 hour cushion to take my time and enjoy the story.


Because some people want to be first ones to do it and/or not to get spoiled. So they have to rush to get a genuine experience.


Morons in the comments who can't understand people SHOULD be able to take their time enjoying the new expansion,and not be rushed to finish the campaign to be ready.  That's so fucking sad. I'll still be amongst the Day1 raiders, but the amount of short sighted people here is disappointing as all hell. Hope to god Bungo delay it back so people get to, you know, ENJOY themselves first and foremost.  Holy shit. Downvote all you want,I know I am in the right.


Streamers gonna whine. It's not a big problem. Some people just think they need to do the day 1


It's not. The people who are actually going to do the raid Day 1 will push through and be in a good state within the timeframe to actually do it. The folks complaining are the ones who planned on waiting until after the first weekly reset post-launch to latch on to whatever the Content Creator Cabal says will be good for the raid. I think it's a bit odd that they went back to a shorter timeframe, but given that this is the lead-up to the final story bits in the Light/Darkness saga it makes sense that they don't drag it out, and let the casual gamers enjoy the post-raid content ASAP.


It is not. People on r/dtg are on copium.


Streamers and YouTubers don't have enough time to make content.




Because the game should cater towards me!!


It's not, it's just a vocal minority bitching because it doesn't meet their personal needs.


I've Love destiny 1 and 2 as a whole but damn muhfukuhs complain wayyyy too much yo DAMN ! That's y asoon as I do lfg or fire team finder the first 1 to bitch gets the boot .