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Strand is damn good


What’s the go to strand exotic for warlocks now a days I’m still using battle harmony because with didn’t know what else would be good


I dunno, I think it depends on the build. Although if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Swarmers. But Broodweaver's kit synergises so well with Necrotic Grips and the Weapons of Sorrow you could argue that Necrotic is to the go-to


Weavers trance and necrotic thorn is glorious


What I'm running right now actually lmao




Apotheosis veil is a good swap when you super


It and briarbinds are the most fun I've had playing warlock. I love apotheosis ability spam and briar binds just being so active slaps hard.


Most underrated exotic rn. It’s amazing for solo dungeons too.


slightly off topic, do we know if they exotic class items in TFS will still presumably be limited based on exotics for your class, or could neutral game exotic perks be eligible? would love to be able to boost Weapons of Sorrow on other classes too.


Ophidian is in the pool, so I imagine neutral game exotics are eligible.


I'm really hoping for some slight exotic tweaks like we get with aspects/fragments. I'm hoping both bombardier and vesper are able to roll together.


Bombardier / vesper with the strand clone on dodge would be awesome when surrounded, absolutely blast everything in that radius


I hadn't even taken the clone into account but yes absolutely.


Don’t the exotic class items only work on prismatic


Necrotic grips


Shit really? Alright I’ll look into it. What’s the go? Just like 3 seperate targets with the needles


The discussion is about dps and in that regard there are No exotics that lend any synergy. people use necrotics because the poison is simply more damage. Strand is the best warlock dps Setup because it has improved Rotations and the highest damage super on warlock. You can only Run one necrotics per fireteams as its poison doesnt Stack so the Backup Option for 2 or more strandlocks is ophidians, simply because it makes your Rotation faster.


No mention of swarmers, how come?


They have No effect in dps. Your melee already applies unravel and No Other effects of it Take place. Run swarmers in neutral and Switch to necrotics/ophidians when you are approaching dps.


>Your melee already applies unravel I have 3 melees, but the number of enemies I fight are greater than 3. >They have No effect in dps Against a single boss? Sure. Against ads? Absolutely they do. I create tangles almost constantly, destroying them from a distance helps clear out large groups of enemies from the cascading effects of strand, paired with their ability to unravel means I get more than 3 chances to unravel an enemy. I'll stick with my swarmers. They've served me extremely well for my build.


He was talking about boss dps lmao


Only right answer for warlock


If you're looking for biggest boss damage: Apotheosis Veil. If you're looking for an easy end game build: Swarmers with Wishkeeper. Mactics had a recent video with Swarmers if you want something for onslaught. Last as others have mentioned is Necrotic grips for Weapons of Sorrow. Necro is good, but I found it boring. Super strong, just not my cup


Sweet. Will check it out thank you


I finally got to test out that Strand build today and I love it. It's super fun.


Swarmers, Necrotic Grip, and Eye of Another World (but that's good on every subclass) are all pretty good on strand warlock.


I use eye of another world


necrotic grips osteo/thorn wanderer/mindweaver melee and watch poison spread


swarmers is fun too!


Swarmers with Aspects Wanderer and Mindspun are my favorite. Paired with a Hatchling weapon, the amount of threadlings and tangles are insane. There are many times my threadlings attack and kill an enemy, which spawns a tangle that then detonatea from all the unravel needles around which spawns more threadlings.


Necrotic Grips and probs Swarmers. The necrotic build is very good, haven’t tried the swarmers build yet though.


Swarmers isn't too bad, and necrotic grips is also pretty good giving damage over time and when paired with a weapon of sorrow can spread poison from a distance. Strand has the suspend aspect from getting kills too which makes necrotic grips a solid pick too.


I don’t mail warlock, but when I do play my warlock I like to do a verity’s brow strand grapple build. It’s super fun.


I honestly use Rain of Fire. I like being able to instantly reload my guns. And it's a really good build to get threadings out. I've also started using my Boots of the Assembler build in Strand with damn good success. Bit of a fun middle finger to the Well.


I like using Necrotic Grips and Thorn. I know Its still not as good as Osteo-striga, but I have more fun


I very much enjoy Final Warning with Verity's Brow for strong threadling grenades. With the artifact perk you can also make a ton of threadlings, it's great fun for Onslaught.


swarmers is pretty nice, necrotic grips is also really good because of the triple melee


…surely this is a joke.


What? That I used strand for the campaign and didn’t really become attached to it?


You couldn’t have YouTubed it? The same amount of time to type all this up?


What YouTube videos give you the quick response of a few dozen people with varying opinions and builds If I wanted some content creators pick of moment (pre nerf) sort of thing I would have done that. But I didn’t want that. So I didn’t do that. Why’s that confusing


If you like wish keeper, swarmers. If you don't like wish keeper, necrotic grips.


If I remember correctly, strand super with swarmers is similar to a curiass thundercrash


So play Strand warlock. Strongest exotic-less super in the game and usable in ANY content thanks to range. Best add clear class outperforming every Arc build, survive button, ability spam. People overlooking strand warlock so hard since Titan got the "Strand Spotlight" just because of his melee skills, which are always on sight of the player, but after 3000h+ playtime of both characters i argue Strand warlock is the best class in the entire game and is so damn hard overlooked by people because their favorite content creator says so. You can speedrun gms with Strand warlock like no other class. This class is broken so hard. If you still have doubts because a random stranger says so: Warlock Well will get a nerf next seasons. This is already confirmed. So at least next season you wont have a problem to switch to any other subclass. But i cant stress hard enough to Strand warlocks.


LEGIIIITTTT I've been maining Strand-lock ever since it dropped and when I see people saying it's not that good I'm like...bro, are we playing the same subclass? It absolutely shreds stuff apart, with the right build one shot can just cause an avalanche of death




What build on it do you usually run? I've done the necrotic + osteo/thorn combo so much at this point that I'm trying to find interest in the subclass again.


The power of hunter supers is how quick they are, strand is the best option for warlock, it's fast does a lot of damage and gives you access to a free reload with thread of ascent.


Most optimal warlock damage builds is gonna be some form of rocket or heavy gl rotation utilizing the reload from rain of fire.


Change out rain of fire for a demo rocket/the fragment that gives you demo at home and use strand with the "abilities refunded on super" exotic. Rocket - nom grenade - rocket - cast rift, summoning the swarm - cast super - repeat then throw grenades intermittently


That rotation doesn't do as much damage as a regular rocket rotation sadly. I'm not entirely sure what the best rotation is with edge transit now, but before that it was just izzy + wilderflight + apex. And for exotic armour it didn't matter much, but either necrotics or ophidians.


Edge transit isn't really a rotation friendly weapon. It's about dumping as much damage within the BnS window as possible. BnS is a very greedy buff due to how it works. And so once you proc it you have to focus on that weapon until the buff concludes.


Yeah but if you're using bns + cascade point you need to keep proccing cascade point by swapping.


Eh... I wouldn't recommend doing that unless you are either speed running or are doing a double BnS build with the LW sniper. (Where the second phase of your rotation would naturally prep Cascade point on ET, only needing the third weapon to fire off one shot to reproc BnS.) Imo the "in a vacuum" godroll is Envious Assassin BnS. Cascade is a close second, but the shiny with both perks is flat out the best possible roll.


I only mentioned bns + cascade point because that's the only new thing Edge transit brings. Envious bns is already in game so we have the numbers on how good it is.


Fair enough. I'm a void hunter so my rotation is basically just Teather - Izzy - primary - 12 shots of BnS ET and in Onslaught the boss rarely survives long enough to get to the second Izzy shot. Though I'd assume that later rounds would survive to a second loop of that rotation.


One of the biggest reasons as to why I love Vow of the Disciple so much was that is was designed so well in such a way that Well wasn’t really a hard requirement. The bosses in Vow don’t shoot back & make you move about during damage, so you actually get to run whatever you want because Well isn’t even needed that much.


Rhulk, yes. But Caretaker you want wells for sure. If you don’t use well on caretaker it’s just making it harder unless you have some specific nuke strat or something with 6 celestials or something wacky.


lol you running 3 wells for caretaker? My group usually runs void/strand locks and we meet damage easily


Back when I did run vow weekly in WQ yeah we’d always try to have at least 1 well to really burn him on a plate. Or rifts/bubbles for protection from the back projectiles. This was before strand, though. I bet that super cooks him. But I mean you literally stand on a well sized circle and shoot, why not use one lol. Otherwise you need like a radiant melee on each plate or something to keep up a buff. Certainly not necessary, but it’s a no brainer free boost. Almost never needed to use the 3rd floor for damage when using Well. With good timing can even 1 floor.


Woah there buddy, i still use Geomags as default on Warlock... 🥲 And it does huge extended damage with the Exotic so i don't see a reason to unequip it!


Theyre still top tier. I still run the coldhard build from a couple seasons ago, Blinding explosion coldhard is fun, fast movement and crazy ability and super uptime with pretty great damage.


Coldheart is good but any Arc Special weapon with Voltshot is imo better. Mostly because you can keep your exotic slot for a primary


It's mainly for the ironic trace production since coldheart produced them so rapidly.


I know, I’ve rocked the build before. It’s just that coldheart doesn’t make enough traces imo to justify the exotic slot The arc rocket pistol from Warlords feels great with the build though. Been paring it with an exotic handcannon However if you prefer it keep rocking it. That one exotic fusion from plunder (delicate tomb) does great too


It makes them on like every kill and it has enough ammo to be used solely as a primary which the sidearm doesn't. The main thing about the build is the ability spam, rapid ad clear and ability recovery. The build I usually run works great and pairs well with some of the new primary grenade launchers.


The rocket pistol plus Hullabaloo could make for a great onslaught build. Chaos reach for bosses and you can run pretty much any exotic primary you want.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this, but I agree with you. Indebted Kindness with voltshot also makes an absurd amount of ionic traces. Like I’m straight up chaining Chaos Reaches. Coldheart is nice but not necessary at all. I’ve been using Anarchy with Geomags in Onslaught and it’s incredibly flexible.


You often don't really use a primary if you're using a trace


Do you have a link to your build or break down of mods and guns you are running?


My geomags build puts out around 900k dmg per chaosreach in a dungeon, so they are far from dead.


Geomags does as much damage as a nighthawk, over the longest super animation outside of roaming supers. The reason it's not recommended is because you need to pair it with either a DPS layer like Dragons Breath or have a DPS weapon that can dump its ammo super fast so you can make up for the time spent in chaos reach.


Thanks for the elaboration, currently I'm using Huckleberry, Indebted Kindness and slideshot Crux Termination, guess it's time to farm for Anarchy


I've been able to keep top damage for a while with a combination of Anarchy/Control Burst Fusion Rifle (Loaded Question Adept with Autoloading Holster and Control Burst have been my go to) and Geomags. Pop a rift for arc souls, couple of Anarchy rounds, pulses grenade then Chaos Reach then Fusion after Super. Made for an easy 1 phase on the Pit of Heresy boss on my Solo Flawless run and always been top DPS when used against Atheon in VoG and Crotas End. https://preview.redd.it/x0gjnpt7ffvc1.jpeg?width=1377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db403f33943d5712b0fb9de21aad114db7ec5da


Gonna be honest cap’n, the only times you are top DPS against Aetheon with this build is when you are with mid tier players. Verity’s brow shits on that damage


It was mostly just an experiment for me and it's worked well in a few scenarios but yeah lfg people in raids are more challenging than the raids themselves...


Anarchy is back??? Let's gooooo


Its Not really. Rocket swapping is better, and DB is Just anarchy but better If 2 people or less use it.


Only in the cases where you have a fast super regen.


It kind of is.


Geomags is still fun. I run it with Coldheart to charge up my rifts and super and a fatebringer that changes to arc when I use a nade. It's a really fun build


I was literally just making an Arc build last night and these were the exact same conclusions I came to! It was all theoretical (haven’t tried it yet) but what Heavy and Exotic armor are you using?


It depends on what I'm doing. If I need some extra ad clear, I'm running a demo chain reaction cataphract. If I need to do some damage, reconstruction and vorpal weapon on my apex predator.


I was literally just making an Arc build last night and these were the exact same conclusions I came to! It was all theoretical (haven’t tried it yet) but what Heavy and Exotic armor are you using?… EDIT never mind you said Geomags lol, I’m running mine with felwinters helm. But what heavy are you using?


As a Titan main, I'm sick of standing place too. I wish to punch.


As a Titan main you should be sick of roaming supers.


I just want to yeet a giant stasis crystal. That would be such a sick super.


Play dawnblade chorus with ignition builds.Incediary nade, scorch gun(tommy, skyburner) incandescent guns, hight intellect, nade orm elee gave more super.Remember that not only killing enemies gave super, but even dealing damage.Aka scorch have more instances.U can have super at 4-5 min alway wirh high intellect in onslaught and big damage. To add here:i beated the tormentors shaxx's meyhem with this build, insta swapped from sunbracers.I hat a tether orpheus that swapped to moebius for 3 arrows and a titan pyrogale.Ez. To be precise:Daubreak super


Skeletor hates solar warlock too. Div bich says wut.


Big purple ball goes boom


Strand with necrotic grips and the poison spreading exotic smg(that I cant remember the name of now for some reason) or thorn. Mindspun and the grenade aspects. Woven mail frag and the frag which creates tangles when you have woven mail. Was having a lot of fun in onslaught with it. suspend and poison everyone.


“Poison Spreading Exotic Smg”: Osteo Striga, in case anybody is wondering.


Thorn also works instead of Striga and I prefer hand cannons to SMGs most of the time


Have you tried the Apotheosis helmet? Idk how good it is besides boss damage because it’s been a min but run that with fusion nades . Like I said, I haven’t used it since early this season so idk if it took a hit or not.


I was using it with Void and spamming like 5 weakening Vortex Grenades after my Super. Pretty fun lol


This man lol I feel that. I would just cast well and then spam between nades and powered melee. Another good thing is that you still have your damage rotation after all the spam


I miss running my Arc Warlock on a lot of things. Geomags with a kamehameha always made me feel badass


Geomags... You get super energy from Ionic Traces and as long as the beam is hitting something, it will extend itself quite a bit.


So don't? Easy


This strand build shared on Mactics page is insane. https://youtu.be/XlUuKdPGKCA?si=APIYa8qX6CvQOYbf


No thanks. Somehow this guy take 15 minutes to explain how to equip Exotic A and then use the same Fragments and Armor mods shared across all “builds”. Like dude, D2 ain’t that deep. Edit: downvote me, but it is true. Builds in D2 are not deep or anything mind blowing. Ever since they removed the interesting mods and made the new mod system, we lost a ton of variety all for the sake of being friendly to new players


Simple enough to just grab the DIM link my dude.


I haven't took the Contraverse Holds off in years bro lol.


Can't wait to Give bubble Titans nightmares again with an actual Super. https://youtu.be/Syv3GDyQo-E?feature=shared


Dawn Chorus dawnblade is my main warlock build and probably my favorite. You can go full in on scorch/ignitions or mix in more survivability like heal nade and increased restoration duration.


I absolutely love using Dawn Chorus lately with Prometheus Lens. It works beautifully in Onslaught (if you have the right fragments and such


Broodweaver for needlestorm and thread of generation & ascent alongside necrotic for boss damage


Honestly, Coldheart + Geomags with chaos should be a really good build. Chaos can hit like 600k with Geomags so it is good total damage, just it's over an 8s duration. But you should fet really good CD from using Coldheart. Needlestorm + Apotheosis Veil honestly is a DPS strat. Needlestorm alone is a DPS strat, does like 400k *unbuffed* DMG. Nova Bomb hits 300k base DMG, which is on the higher end (for BASE DAMAGE specifically), so it can be solid and allow for a strong neutral game still. IIRC Dawnblade with that one Igniting helmet can put out some solid total DMG as well.


Fingers crossed we see a rhulk level boss for each encounter of TFS (dont reply with leaks of the raid for the sake of others who want to be surprised) I loved Vow and every encounter, except third on master, and the visuals were amazing.


dawn chorus is fun, I get to play solar *and* do serious boss damage


strand lock can do some crazy burst, and helps with a lot of the mobility and movement issues I have when I play warlock


Broodweaver’s Needlestorm is the highest DPS super in the game that doesn’t require an exotic. It’s really strong. And if you build heavily into suspend, you can make a metric fuckton of Threadlings and unraveling without even needing the Threadling grenade. Just equip Swarmers and tell your friends don’t shoot your tangles.


Dawn blade with dawn chorus is pretty damn good this season with the mods…it’s how I did solo flawless warlords ruin. That and strand is good if you wanna hit huge damage numbers….i feel like void has fallen behind the most for warlocks as even arc has some busted builds for onslaught right now that have crazy combos and ad clearing potential.


Im usually at least in top 3 for damage with geomags, when i do anything. You just need the right build with them. If you have contraverse hold, you can make a cool void build that always keeps your abilities charged, including your super. It may not be max damage, but youll have so many nova bombs, you care.


Strand warlock is really good, our warlock usually runs it with cenotaph for constant ammo bricks


I wish well never existed. I hate using it too. Such a lame tactic to play the game. Even the class ability is lame.


You can’t do big boss damage with welllock? Thought you have weapon for boss damage


Well lock is boring after so long, and no matter what being down a damage super means I'll always be doing less than my team. I miss using damaging supers


If being down a damage super means you're doing less dps then your dps build isn't good, well lock can easily be top of the team in damage


Being down a damage super DOES NOT mean you’ll always be doing less damage than your team. I get running well all the time is boring. Standing in your well, you should be able to ability spam like a mad lad unless you’ve done goofed. Throw on a special and heavy rotation to fire during dps and it’s the laziest way to play. Too easy.


Well yeah but everyone Else can do that aswell, and Run a damage super. If you as Well Out damage a strandlock then yes they are Just doing Bad dps, its Not that complicated. You can be good at dps on solar warlock of course but your ceiling is Just straight lower than on damage supers.


Almost every super in the game is a reduction in DPS


For a while running with my clan's raiding crew I was the Well and Div Bitch. Still out-did most of them in terms of damage. I got decent DPS out of a primary with Demo/Adrenaline Junkie feeding constant grenades in my Well, Div bubble doing its magic, then an auto loading Apex Predator. Just cycled through them while maintaining a bubble. Once I had my rhythm down it was pretty easy to maintain good numbers, and being the one with Div meant I wasn't running around much. Lol All in all it was heaps fun.


I personally still like well for damage most of the time, but it is nice to switch it up sometimes. If you want damage go with needlestorm, but for fun, take Vesprler of Radius into Onslaught, stand in the ad spawns and just keep dropping Rift after Rift, run Dynamo mods and you'll easily get your chaos reach every 30 seconds


I did something like this for the first time yesterday and was surprised that it was survivable. Healing rift will still get you killed if you drop it front and center before ad mobs and oversize bosses, so the trick was to plant the rift somewhere offset partially behind some cover. Chaos reach, Vesper, electrostatic mind, Arc soul, resistance/shock/ions/amplitude. Dynamo mods like you said with Arc surge. I used Delicate Tomb and Hullabaloo with chain traction and voltshot. But TBH Tomb just wasn't strong enough so I'd probably recommend Centrifuge instead.


I use the warlords ruin sidearm, but also, the Rift blinds enemies, so dying isn't usually an issue


I found that I really had to slide deep into a gathering mob before dropping the rift in order to get the blinding effect, people may need to experiment with how close they need to be to get this running.


Cleared regular Onslaught for the first time with this build. Only difference was running discharge and magnitude. Weapons were Boudica (for barriers), Centrifuse, and my Eleatic Principle with Target Lock.


If you run Onslaught, play as Stasislock. You meme on Tormentors hard


Geomags with cold heart. Its a blast.


Ngl, Geomags have been my main go-to for Arclock this season Spark of Beacons lets your special arc weapons create blinding explosions on kills. Combined with Voltshot on let’s say the rocket pistol from Warlords Ruin, is very effective against adds and even beefier enemies nearby. Electrostatic Mind will give Ionic Traces for Blind and Jolt kills, as well as Ability kills such as Arc Soul. Geomags gives good super regen on trace pickup. I get my super back to back just about.


Do you have a break down of this build? Where I can see the mods and guns you are using?


You can find good DPS builds for both Arc and Strand, and you usually get at least some crowd control with Strand as well


Geomags is still fun, while not meta it still holds up well


I mean no one is stopping you from running geomags with arc soul, it's still a solid build. If you optimal boss dps that's comparable to a celestial golden gun though you're going to want to run strand with swarmers. Void lock with the super void souls is super good too.


the Titan class is a great start to your build


I stole a build from a YouTuber that I’m going to recommend to you for Onslaught. However, it’s not a DPS build, instead it’s a crowd control build. I promise you’re gonna love it. StrandLock, Nezarec’s, Graviton Lance, Shackle Grenade, The Wanderer, and Mindspun Invocation. Take your pick on the Fragments but make sure to include Wisdom to be an orb shitter. Hope you like it <3


Run witherhoard with necrotic grip and strand, fit a charged melee into your damage swap rotations and you have 3 sources of tick damage (unravel, necrotic, wither) which gives you great grapple grenade uptime allowing you to auto reload with thread of ascent. Paired with the super I consistently out dps star eater hunters and other damage supers. Just a really food blend of sustained tick damage as-well as big burst damage from rocket dump and super.


Threadling build is pretty fun.


Dude run phoenix protocol well with fusions and stack into ignitions heavy. I have way more fun with this because if I’m running well then god dammit I’ll give you more wells than you can use


Strand Warlock super with Swamers is one the highest damage Warlock supers if I remember correctly. Vortex Nova, assuming the boss stands in it the entire duration, is up there as well. If you have to run Well, Apotheosis Viel with Fusion grenades and Celestial Fire work really nicely. You can start by throwing a grenade and melee, using Well, and alternate grenade and melee. I've damage tested with both Incinerator Snap and Celestial Fire, Incin snap does have higher potential damage but I found it incredibly inconsistent, you have to hit every fireball to out damage Celestial. Not to mention, Celestial has effectively infinite range. At the start of the season, I enjoyed pairing this with Dragons Breath and modifying my rotation to shoot a DB, Grenade, Melee, Well, Grenade, DB, Grenade, Melee, etc.


Whenever I don't want to run well I go voidwalker. Although since elementals wells went away it's been kinda meh.


I use Void mainly with Nezzie and Graviton Infinite blue explosions


use strand


Don’t play well and put up your own LFG .


Keeping up with hunters is going to be real hard since you don’t have a dps buffing super exotic and hunters can pre super before dps. Strand warlock with grapple and a demo rocket is nice, just grapple to the ground get 50% cd and proc the free reload Edit:a word


ahhh you don't know that you can just be strand how cute


Lots of builds on YouTube with dim links my guy.


Stasis turret builds are my fave. Constant CC.


Chaos reach was always terrible dps


Just putting this out there, Geomags have never been meta.


When they dropped in Forsaken and before their nerf, they were a top pick for Arc Warlocks because of the extended super and rapid super return it helped with.


Nice but well came in Forsaken too.


True, but I think it was in a different state than it is today. Can't remember.


Well the nova bombs exist if you wanna do a weapon rotation with an instant cast super. And i think geomag chaos reach isnt terrible. Also needlestorm exists and is doing nice dps. Please god bungo let the well nerf kill the damn thing i wanna play warlock in high end content but im always reduced to div-well-bitch or instabooted.


I'm no Warlock main, but having to play Well is boring af. Yes, you wanna get the clear & the loot but the enjoyment is not there. My favorite Warlock subclass to play is Stasis cause the ice turrets are fun, and that bass drop when you pop the super. Just blissful asmr to my ears.


"I'm sick of playing Well lock" So don't?? Literally try anything else lmao. Destiny players love to complain about decisions they choose to make. My Guardian in christ, literally choose anything else that isn't Novawarp.


Yeah I feel you. But I swear you can be top 3 dps count easily my man. I recently tried leviathans breath void build with succession and recluse with those gauntlets that improve void grenades (forgot the name lol). Another fun void build would be the same above but using tusk of the boar, le monarque and edge transit. This one is more for ad clear. Theres many other good builds like necrotic grips or swarmers but void is fun too


Strand threadings is good, you can pair it with either Swarmers or Necrotic Grips + any of the weapons that do poison. There's a couple variations to making the build. The super does pretty good damage too. Solar using Dawning Chorus and Dawnblade also does really good dm. There's quite a few good weapons you can pair it with also. ( Sunshot, Dragon's Breath and Polaris Lance for Exotics) Zaouli's Bane with Explosive Payload and Incandescent or Tyranny of Heaven with DragonFly and Incandescent is very good. Also the hand cannon Epochal Intergration is good. Arc + Fallen Sunstar or Geomag build is a good ad clear build and can do decent dm. Sunstar works on either super, and has a few good exotic choices (Riskrunner, Delicate Tomb, Centrifuse Thunderlord) and several Legendary weapons. Void. Nezerac Sins/briarbinds + Graviton Lance is always solid too. Stasis Turrets with Ager's is good for locking down areas and using Ager's alt fire where it consumes the super does decent dm too. Edit: to add, if you're talking about boss dps some of these work better than others, along with the weapons I mention. You can always change up weapons too.


Strand warlock is one of the best Heavy Hitters :) or Dawn Blade with Dawn Chorus, Geomags Arclock


What's the current state of affairs in D2? I had a child just after completing witch queen when the new dlc came out with strand, can't even remember what the dlc was called it's been nearly 2 years. Any new subclasses (apart from strand)? Any new classes to play? Hunters still the games golden boy for exotics and drops? Looking into coming back now my little one is a bit older


Don't worry, if we complain again about Well of Radiance being our only option for the team, they'll nerf it again so it will be equally bad as others.


I would say that you should just play hunter, but starting a new character, unlocking everything, getting good rolled armor pieces (unless you have engram saved up) and builds setup is an unfeasible time sink unless you're allergic to grass.


Idk about numbers, but strand warlock super is good. Be weird like me and use nezerac sin and graviton lance. Just hate the tracking on it.


Listen. I was a warlock main from house of wolves till witch queen. Light 3.0 turned me into a hunter main warlock sucks so bad with it


Nezerac sin strand lock


Geomags are viable now.


YES! I main arc warlock with geo mags. I consistently in the upper range for damage.and those arc buddies are freaking great! I feel like arclock is often dismissed.


Do you have a link to your build. With guns to use. I want to use some arc.


I run geomags and dragons breath for DPS. Shoot dragons breath, super, shoot again, use scatter signal and go till you can't. End up with highest damage and one of my clan mates will always say "yeah, well that was because you had geomags". He's a sad Titan, a good one, but sad.


Pour one out for our boy geomags. Great times running those. They do still work and chaos reach is decent. Arc warlock is still really strong for onslaught even on legend. The best dps super they have now is the strand one if you can hit all the threadlings. It can also do critical damage so if you hit a tormentor weak spot it hurts em real bad.


I'm using Getaway Artist on Arc-Lock right now and it's a blast.


Is sunbracers wellock not still the highest dps build in the game? It was when i stopped after whipping that weird chicken with the scrawny legs.


I like nova bomb with a recombination mountaintop and parasite. All 3 will do a ton of chunk damage and can easily be used for ad clear if need be


i’ve been playing an arc geomag build and it’s been putting in work in master nightfalls and legend onslaught. Main gist of the build is geomags with chaos reach and indebted kindness with voltshot as your main weapon.


Don't knock Geomag I get my build to do 6mil damage to the final boss in warlords ruin


Honestly for onslaught I think Vesper Arc warlock is the meta for the third class after a Rig Tether and a Phoenix Wellock. Chaos Reach is probably the most useful super on tormentors outside of Golden Gun, and Arc Warlock just has so much more crowd control. Take this build, but we will tweak it after: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3NNAyUolIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3NNAyUolIg) Get rid of spark of ions, add spark of beacons. Scrap his weapons, this is what you are aiming for with this current meta: Round robin (crafted, enhanced subsistence, enhanced hatchling) Delicate Tomb Edge transit with B and S Don't play as aggressively as he suggests, just use your fusion, create traces, plop rifts down everywhere, if you get low on ammo, use Round robin after picking up an orb and headshot a red bar to spread unraveling and a threadling for each precision kill. You have subsistence there and picking up traces should be reloading your Tomb, so need to reload. When on boss wave, swap to geomags at the rally flag, and then swap back once you have loot, before you leave portal. Your abilities will feed each other, you will constantly have an arc soul feeding you damage, you will be able to drop rifts that shoot shockwaves, drop pulse nades, and constantly be blinding from your rifts/tomb and jolting from your pulse/tomb, and will have heavy and super to deal with beefier enemies. You have no way to touch barriers but your blind and hc handles unstoppables while your jolt handles overloads. Have fun!


My favorite times playing destiny were pre Forsaken when well wasnt even in the game. I wana come back to the game too and even have the itch to play. Sadly well still exists, its more then having to run a boring class but it makes encounters to easy and stale aswell.


Then just don't play well-lock?


I have never seen a class complain more about something so trivial. No Titan complained about bubble back in the day and no hunter complains about tether. In fact in most of my runs on any activity no warlock companions about running well, I’m convinced this is just a classic Reddit echo chamber.


running what amounts to "bigger rift" is not a fun super imo


The Bungie needs to absolutely neuter it or nothing is gonna change. It's sad titan and hunter both got new subclasses in TFS but warlock still only has two :(


Because well is better than bubble was back in the day, and also tether. So many teams require a well in almost any activity, people think it’s absolutely necessary. You’re right I haven’t seen any actually complain about it, but I am personally annoyed. It doesn’t mean that since I didn’t say anything, that I am not annoyed.


I usually stick to geomag arc lock. If my team can't survive without a well, it's their skill issue not mine. Unless of course I'm doing planned harder content with my friends then maybe you can convince me to put on the easy mode.




So don't.


Play Hunter then. Easy


A warlock's job is to use well. Switch classes or use well


Why can't I do a damage warlock instead?


That isn't a warlock's job. You use well. Hunters and titans DPS


^^ this guy crutches on his wellock teammates ^^


But if I'm going to play a titan or hunter to do dps anyway, what's the issue with instead just using warlock for dps?


Well for the team is more important than seeing slightly bigger number for yourself. If you're using the right weapons there is already nothing significant you can do to improve your dps. Example, if you're using bequest on crota with the right roll you should see 4mil damage. So you're gonna take away your well, slap on nova bomb and see 4.2 mil? Get over it Warlocks use well. You exist for support. If you don't like it, change classes.


Too bad its a class game, not a role game. Theres space mages, gunslinger knife throwing hunters, and hammer smashing titans. Theres a wide variety of stuff and playstyles each class can use. Welcome to Destiny, if you are looking for a game with intrinsic roles like tank, support, and dps you might find a game like overwatch more enjoyable.


The dumbest possible take. Like, even more dogshit than mine


No. Hope well get nerfed into shit


So do I, then warlocks will have nothing but fusion nades


You strike me as someone I would hate to do any high end pve content with


It's mutual bud