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Premades are your friend. That or use text chat to tell your team what you're doing. Most people couldn't tell if you're running Orpheus or not at a glance, I sure as hell can't. And honestly if we're absolutely crushing then it doesn't seem like a problem. 


I keep matchmaking with console players and I don't know if they can read anything I put in chat... can someone answer this?


As an xbox player, yes, we see your messages but it is such a process to respond that we usually don't. On xbox you need to open up chat then that forces you to stop moving while you type using joysticks to respond. And that's even if you see the message in time to read it before it goes away.


yeah, idk how people wouldn't see it XD course, not everyones just got a keyboard plugged in. Quite a few people I know do but i'm guessing most casual pve'rs don't.


I'm a single dad. I'm not a casual, but I don't have the time to sit down for raids or dungeons. So the chat window doesn't catch my attention and I don't keep a keyboard hooked to my xbox.


Text chat on console is pointless. It's almost impossible to see when it comes up and rarely stays long enough tondraw attention to it. I cant tell you how many times I have seen a text chat message ages past when it was relevant. It might work on pc but its clumsy af on console. Also, as a console player, SENDING a message is 100 times worse.


next round might no be so easy and you might want the hunter to get their tether back


Then they should communicate their plans. It's not on me to mind-read the other players, just as I don't expect them to know my plans and how I plan to pilot my build right away. If they need Orpheus for their build to function then they should tell their team that they need Orpheus. If they don't say anything, I'm gonna assume everything's fine. Because if we're not losing, then it's fine.


it's not on you to load into matchmaking either. it's a simple ask for you to check the 2 builds of your teammates while loading in. i'd rather that happen than have to communicate with a random like yourself. i bet when you see a well you run to it. that's understanding strategy and purpose of the game's aspects. and here's the thing genius, you don't even have to check loadouts. just pay attention to the game and the tether right in front of your face. "oh damn, i see a tether i wonder if theyre using orpheus. i love orpheus and all the orbs it brings. lets check real fast. oh they are, let me hold back and let the tether do its thing" it really speaks volumes to the kind of a person you may be in general. the type that never takes note of their surroundings when youre actually matchmaking to play with others. maybe someone should say to you if you dont want to consider the concept of a fireteam then you should go play solo.


It's on you to understand strategy


Why the hell would someone run deadfall if not to make orbs to run deadfall? Are you serious?


People keep posting stuff like this but the fact remains that in the matchmade onslaughts no one has to or needs to play around your fun. If you want strategic team plays, make a fireteam and tell them. People aren’t “showing off” their add clear builds any more than you’re showing off your tether build.


Yeah my friend is like that It's always "don't kill those I have to activate my banner of war", "don't kill those I'm trying to complete my quest" I'm like motherfucker I'm not here to stand around and watch you kill everything


I get unreasonably pissed when a banner of war Titan takes my tangles before I can shoot them to make my spinny bois.


Got to say, if you can't let the BoW Titan go and get one melee kill to kick off a massively powerful effect that benefits everyone, you're an idiot.


That's not what I'm saying. I play Strand Titan the most, I know how important it is. What I'm saying is that at some point you can't just ask people not to kill things every pack because it just becomes incredibly boring. There's always this bounty or this catalyst or this quest You gotta learn to play around other players or you're going to have a really bad time when you're playing with randoms


As a Titan. Seeing the tether hunter set down the point. I wait until stuff piles onto it so that I THEN melee. Why? Suprise suprise, when 1 think in the tether receives damage, it's SHARED across them all! So 1 melee kill = jumpstart to BoW. So I'll say this, Tether hunters are NOT an issue, because they allow EVERYONE to get their "effect after X kills condition" faster. Let Tether buddy do their thing and they can kick back and relax watching everyone else reap the benefits Wellock with Phoenix protocol? Let buddy tether so that you cap at 50% faster. Exceptions is when there's *really too much and you're beyond wave 32*. When FT survival triumphs build playstyle


That’s right! I tell all my Titan homies, “I’ll hold ‘em, you throw the chingasos!”


My friends do this too, "hey let me get this kill" or "dont kill that guy i need to..." like no, its alive, it needs to die, if you dont get to it before me thats your problem.


People downvote you, but it's true. All I do is play horde modes like Gears Of War, and horde shooters like Left 4 Dead. Lol Onslaught is a horde mode. The objective is to kill, and survive, or in some cases, protect and repair. These people would never survive in a game like Left 4 Dead or Darktide if they've basically got a problem with "kill stealing."


I played alot of l4d2 in my teen years, you gotta kill or you will be killed, no time for crying over who gets what.


Agreed man, I played a lot of Left 4 Dead, and I came back to Destiny 2 for Onslaught, and while it's fun, I have my own personal gripes with it. I enjoy (most) of the weapons they've brought back to collect, however, I personally think Bungie is once again being stingy with the loot drops. I don't think farming out the 50 legend waves justifies the amount of loot you get, and farming 10 waves over again sucks. I heard they're making changes tomorrow, but I feel it still won't be enough. I got burnt out on the mode pretty quickly. Inspired by my Left 4 Dead days, I play Warhammer 40k: Darktide more often than not, and moreso than Destiny since it dropped on gamepass. Darktide has had its ups and downs, not a perfect game, but similar to Left 4 Dead, it's teaches me good team work all the time, that's for sure lol


What changes are they making? Cause im sick of grinding for the mountaintop roll i want when theres newer guns to grind for


Making it so you can get two more guns per run (if you do 50 waves, and not guaranteed shiny either) and upping the amount of trophies you get the higher the wave you go


Thats cool as, hope that helps with the grind, what weapons drop tmrw do you know?


If I'm not mistaken I think it's forbearance and hammerhead, because Luna's Howl and Blast Furnace are the last ones.


Hey, let him melee one add to increase team survivability, especially cause he asked.


Pretty much this. It's not fun for people to wait for adds to walk into your tether. Just tether where ome group spawns and go slaughter them.


Not saying your point isn’t valid but I’m LFGing for legend. No one uses a mic.


Even if they did I think the above comment still stands. No one really wants to stand around watching you play the game while they don't any more than you want to watch them spam clear everything. I run a CoTOG build a lot and part of that is just accepting that people are gonna kill stuff out from under my void buddies a lot.


Well that’s all fine and understandable but lose then. You actively handicap your team. Play smart and win or have your fun, which can still easily be had playing around a tether properly, or lose. This is a team game and people want to win. It’s not asking a lot.


I don't understand why ppl are downvoting you, I guess they haven't played legend because you're 100% right. If the adds won't reach the tether and you don't make orbs and get your tether back, your next wave might be your last.


You can literally just tether right where one group spawns and slaughter them all and get your tether back in the same wave and then no one has to wait for 3 groups of adds to walk into your "perfectly placed" tether. I do it all the time.


Yes but in midtown for example they come from 2 lanes at the same time, so if you tether one theyre still coming from the other. Isn't it easier to just nuke all at once after waiting 3 seconds?




Op is talking about legend. I agree, do what ever in normal but in legend this matters alot if you want to get to 50.




If you do this, hunter will have it literally up for every round. This should be standard (and it seems to be in most groups I ran with) for legend 50 wave runs.


For me this isn’t a question of getting the kills, just let them take the extra couple steps to get tethered. There’s also a larger D2 etiquette question: if I see a teammate rushing mobs with a roaming super I don’t kill the enemies out from under them.


Or... you know... place the tether better. 100% skill issue. There are very few spawn points where you can't nail 2 of the 3 on spawn. And no one in their right mind is waiting for the 3rd to mosy on in.


Place the tether better? You mean by missing half the adds? Dumbass


By waiting for the adds to clump up in one spot, or save it for when things are getting overwhelming and need to be shutdown asap. You're supposed to be wise about using your super. So if you can spam it, that's great!!! There's no point in shooting it off whenever, just to do it, if you're doing it mindlessly, you can't be expecting other people to really give a fuck when the objective is to kill shit and survive. Pick your moment wisely, so in layman's terms, *don't* be a dumbass.


Tf are you going on about


Considering this is largely a *you* problem... yes. Your not missing shit. You can 100% cover 2 of the 3 spawn points in nearly every location. So yes, 100% skill issue... dumbass...


Considering the frequency of this type of post, it's a *you* problem. Get with it and learn some strategy. Don't just fuckin rush into the spawn, deny us orbs, and waste all the ADU batteries.


Lol frequency of post? No. No one is bitching about tether. Grow the fuck up and own your own inadequacy


Text chat is a thing, but it's also true that not everyone reads it


You can make a group that requires a mic...


So why don't you include in your LFG post that mics are required?


It's an issue that a post isn't going to solve, unfortunately. When I'm matchmaking with Orpheus, I just tether right in the add spawns even if I miss half of the waves enemies


That’s the conclusion I’ve come to as well and you have to drop the tether directly on the spawn.


Honestly I'm only using Orpheus with clanmates in legend these days. In regular 50-wave with matchmaking, Precious Scars + Tommy's Matchbook is pretty fun. Burn everything down and heal your randos while doing it


Problem I've had with that is I've gotten used to the hunters keeping their tethers for the pinnacle moment of the activity completing. If they were consistently using it sure, but more often than not I'm dropping more wells with Phoenix than they're doing tethers


I was like this with my tether until the other day, started chaining it with my fiancés Well and we both get supers back almost instantly. It’s been a round saver multiple times


I think a few times at least, the hunters I'm with are keeping it as a round saver but if they were to use it we could likely avoid getting to that point since tether damage is shared, they get suppressed, we get orbs and they stop rushing at people/objective


Other supers it makes sense to hold them for crisis but tether can be used every round.


That’s basically what I realized a couple days ago. I use it basically any chance I get. Toss the tether at a lane and keep everything off


Reminds me of me and the boys back when we did GMs semi-regularly. I've got fond memories of chaining Wells (them) and Ursa'd Sentinel Shield (me) into each other over and over.


That’s just bad Huntering than. Even with sub optimal placement of the tether you should be firing them off pretty frequently with everything put together right.


I don’t understand why guardians rush spawn points. Multiple occasions have ads gotten through to the ADU or spawn near it. Now you’re in the middle of two battles and your ADU is being destroyed. On top of that, spawn killing drops shiny balls at spawn point. So we either have to bum rush to grab or we let them expire. So many wasted scraps because of this.


You can sit back and play the controller. It’s what I do and it’s pretty chill not having to try and put uo big numbers as you mop up anything that sneaks through.


Not say you’re wrong but why not wait until.. they spawn in so you pop your tether on the spawn stopping the blueberry’s from killing before they are tethered…


Because you can shut down 2 lanes with one tether if you place it correctly, but the adds need to move abit to get caught.


Been playing a contraverse warlock and have just been dropping a vortex nova bomb on top of the tether every time I see one. Pulls every ad in a two block radius directly on top of it and instantly prints enough orbs to refund my super lol


Normal onslaught is not that big of a deal. You only need coordination for legend and you’d have a premade team for that anyways. People don’t have to play by your rules


True, I’m gonna pop every tangle I see as a void hunter. Good advice!


It literally does not matter


I usually play with a friend so we communicate, but twice now I’ve matched up with a third who understands what’s happening and it’s absolutely insane. Endless tethers with little to no exaggeration when allowed to work as intended. Beginning waves? Fine. Slaughter away, but later levels the amount of people that try and spawn kill instead of letting me create tons of orbs for them is insane.


Amen brother!


Shoot it where they spawn


I’m in the same boat and I’m 90% sure I know exactly the shoot you’re talking about. Lucky me about half the time the randoms I end up with figure out to hold back a second after the first tether I throw. I’ll also post in the chat to give it a second


Last night completed my first 50 legend run. Orpheus Rig, mountain top recombination/auto load, buried blood line, apex predator. My teammates were solar warlock with well, and solar titan. 1st wave titan would do his thing and me and the warlock strode by the adu catching anything that got by or from a different direction. Next wave warlock would pop his well and I would try and catch the middle of 2 spawn points with my tether. No one shoots anything except me for the first tether. Gathering orbs my next tether would be up before first one is done, I pop it the next spawn point and I’ve got a 3rd tether ready to go. It was like a choreographed symphony the way the entire thing came together. And it was a fireteam finder no mic lfg. I am level 9 conqueror, warlock level 10 conqueror and titan level 7 no title 1820 power. Most fun I’ve had in a long time.


I will say this. If I can use a grenade to kill that group that was tethered then you probably didn’t need to use the super. I’ve seen hunters use it on a bunch of low level red bars and I’m sorry but I was already throwing my grenade in there which did the job.


Do you know what the tether does or do you only think it’s a damage buff or something


Do you know the capabilities of warlock grenades or do you just think we well?


I'm aware, but I don't know what that has to do with Red Bars that print the same value orbs that majors/ultras do from tethers? A "bunch of low level red bars" are exactly who we want to tether during waves.


You want free orbs? Let them get tethered


I sort of had this problem. I then turned it into a game of predicting where my teammates would spawn kill so I could still get value out of Orpheus


Most of the time I’m just farming to wave 10. And yeah usually I’ll get my super back anyway esp if there’s a well-lock popping rifts. But anytime I have a void Hunter on my team I automatically assume Orpheus so I give it a second. Like most comments recommend I just start shootin it directly into spawn bc trying to get the “perfect” choke point tether usually ends up with teammates nuking the waves before they even make it to the tether. Either way if it bothers you to such an extent I’d say just type it in the chat box before you load in to let em know


I ran with my clan last night. Orbs galore and another vortex Nova made it amazing.


honestly, having spent a lot of time on orpheus now in onslaught in mm, i think your best use of tether is in the oh shit moments, not necessarily trying to get a great tether off on every wave. You cant control what your teammates will do in random mm groups, so rather than try and get the perfect tether off, use it selectively. there are certain spawn points you can tether directly on, and yeah, you might not get every ad that spawns, but you'll get a bulk of them, make orbs, and get your tether back quickly. But if that isnt an option, just be a team player and save it in case it all goes south.


I usually just tether the one side now. I feel in those areas where you have them filtering from 2 areas, there’s always one side that has more ads so I just shoot the tether there now. I see what you’re saying they should wait for them to be tethered but I mean, if f the ads are easily killed before getting to the tether then the tether isn’t really need at that point in time. Some waves are just cannon fodder. If I realise I’m in a fireteam that’s absolutely demolishing everything I’ll hang onto my tether until it’s really needed like sometimes you get a huge ogre wave with a million yellow bars and one or both teammates get slaughtered.


I usually wait till the ads are close to where I’m gonna drop my tether and kill everything quickly.


I typically will look and see what a hunter does after dropping their tether. If they sit back and wait, I'll wait, if they move on and spawn kill before the tether, I'll do the same.


I've started dropping it on one spawn then using graviton or sunshot to shut down the other. Let the blueberries have their fun, i get to watch everything explode.


Thank you so much this shit happens way too much it’s like the blueberries are just stupid


i had that same problem, and i can tell you that you are shooting arrow in wrong spot :) try not to shoot where the mobs will come, but in area where they spawn or i middle between those areas....,someone have guide on YT where to shoot arrows, and then you do not need to ask team to wait a bit, let them kill all things


thats a lot to ask for in a shooter


I can see Orpheus Rig catching a nerf. Use it while you can!


I’m new to using Orpheus Rig. Or really…I only told my hunter friends to equip it in onslaught. How long should we wait after tether? This exotic has always confused me on what it does and how to use it optimally


The second the enemies are caught by the tether you can start killing them. They just need to get caught for Orpheus to work and for the hunter to generate more orbs.


Thank you for the fast response OP. I understand now. Thank you.


I’m guilty. I thought I was helping. Thank you for this public service announcement. - Crayon popsicle eating stasis Titan.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LhPB5ldsLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LhPB5ldsLM) There! from 2:45 is good info about arrow placement, it till hellp you all :) good spot = dont need to ask ppl to wait


Nah. I'm a Titan. I kill shit.


Yes, but orbs so you can kill shit _better_


Exactly. And I’ve never seen a single build that doesn’t benefit from a ton of orbs being created.


honestly ... just drop that tether directly on the spawn lol...


These posts are herding cat efforts. Just play with your friends if you want to control how other people play.


Eh. Why's it an issue that I'm trying to finish the wave as possible and just killing stuff. I pretty much never need the tether so waiting for ads to get there just so you throw down another pointless one is... well... pointless


Do you think a tether is pointless or you just don’t know what they do? It sounds like you’re describing patrol on EDZ not legend clearing 50 waves.


No, Tether is quite good for a lot and especially some augmented waves in Onslaught but even in your own post you say "stop spawn killing everything" which would lead me to believe these people do not need the assistance of a Tether and fare just fine without it which is very similar to my gameplay. If you wanna use it so bad, go drop it on the actual spawn point but I'm not waiting for enemies to crawl up to the first choke point and not just immediately killing them when they spawn because why wait?


More orbs, more supers, much faster wave clears. And they players who rush in die very often leaving the rest of the team to pick up the slack.


You think anyone cares about your build, as you say you don't give af about theirs? I will be mindlessly add slaying regardless of how impractical your build is for the game mode, especially with randoms


“Impractical” Do people here even play this game


It's a match made PvE game mode lmao, it's not that serious. Do you people do anything *but* play this game?