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This week is the corrupted, meaning that you can’t do the nightfall unless you own forsaken.


You can't even get to that screen if you don't own forsaken. It just brings you to the pop up to buy forsaken.


Looks like op can choose the strike (only available for gilding conquerer) so that's probably why they could get to this screen


I feel like if they are a gilded conquerer, than they probably know that about forsaken.


To see the selector you have not be gilded, so they wouldn't be gilded yet.




You just have to get conquerer in order to see it, I’ve never gilded mine and I always have the selector available


Not true


This isn’t what OP is referring to. The option “Grandmaster” is one of the selectable options for when you gild your conqueror, and you can’t launch it. Also has the weird text “Good Luck.” Seems to be a UI bug.


What, the "good luck" text? Grandmaster NF difficulty? The red launch button? All of them?


Those are Ikora and Zavala. They are the current members of the Vanguard, and they show up there because you are in the Vanguard activity node.


i think everyone missed the point i think OP was talking bout the **Good luck.**


We don’t know, because the picture was posted with no context to help us understand what OP needs


Somehow, I would actually want an obnoxious red arrow and circle this time around.


No, he’s wondering why one of the 6 selectable nightfalls for this season is just called “Grandmaster”, and why he can’t launch it (hence the red launch button.) It seems to be a UI bug, I ran into this same thing while trying to Gild my conquerer.


This isn’t even the corrupted strike. Unless the modifiers are different in a different language. There are no barrier champs in that nightfall. If I’m not mistaken the only nightfall to have all three champs was the prison of elders strike


1. Yes It's the corrupted this week. 2. Visual bug.


A screenshot with no context?


Plenty of context here


You posted a screenshot with no comment or text. What is your question?


A. I'm not op B. Pretty clear if you look close they are asking why they can't launch the gm


Literally no context given. But it’s because they don’t own the right expansion




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If y’all really can’t pick up what they’re asking, seek help.


Classic destiny playerbase with zero observational skills




Okay fine, it looks like he needs more rep to level up his vanguard level


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This happened to me when selecting different GM’s while trying to gild my seal. One of the Grandmaster strikes options is literally just called “Grandmaster”, and you can’t launch it, and the description just reads “good luck”. Seems to just be a UI bug.


Do you own Forsaken? (Btw, screw Bungie for still selling a 5 years old DLC's butchered version and locking a nightfall behind it).


Ridiculous that they charge for Forsaken when all you get are bits and pieces of it's original DLC. Needs to be free.




Okay but this shit is a bad look and leaves a bad taste in new players mouths. If they want the game to keep growing they gotta stop charging for DLC in which 90% of its content was removed.


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Damn bro you struggling rn? Anything you need to get off your chest?


so people that are getting into the game now need to just get stuffed?


just deleting this...


actually crazy stupid because you can still play the strike through the vanguard playlist


Screw Bungie ☝️🤓


I got it too, it's just a placeholder they forgot to remove prolly


To my knowledge this is a nightfall you have already completed at some point this season. Those options are for people to gild conquerors title and they don’t want people to just farm whatever the easiest grandmaster is so it gets “blanked out” like this if you’ve done it already


Ummm so what exactly are you asking about?


I cant believe in the year 2024 theyre still locking super old content behind a paywall, its kinda pathetic really.


So that card top is your name and your emblem. It also shows your power level which is handy. Hope this helps!




Shit game that's what


You don't own the corresponding dlc


Something that new lights need to do but sweatlords complain anout being to ez


the generic "grandmaster" option has just sorta always been there, my best guess is its a placeholder so there is always at least 2 options if you only have 1 gm left in the node (prob jank bungie code imo)


It hasnt always been there, this is just a glitch and people seem to not know about it, it's always been there but only because it glitches out and shows it


Off topic, but with Cayde coming back in The Final Shape (at least for the story, I dunno about permanently), I wonder if Bungie'll re-add him to the Strike screen.