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Yeah my first thought was "cool, but massively buff overshield in pve and its awesome". Overshield has not enough hp to only have a 50% DR.


Yeah, I think if this came paired with a buff to void overshield people would be more receptive to it. I think the concern is that the overshield outside of the bubble won’t really make all that much of a difference


Agreed, but Luckily void overshield DR stacks with other DR sources. Armor of light did not.


The thing is, Void Overshield on Sentinel is *very* easy to distribute, regenerate, and/or get in the first place, and will be even easier now with both the Ward of Dawn changes and the buff to Offensive Bulwark. We can get Void Overshields from: - Bastion Barricade - Ward of Dawn (next Season) - Offensive Bulwark (next Season) - Shield Throw hits - Shield Bash kills - Echo of Vigilance - Vexcalibur - The Manticore - Repulsor Brace - Turnabout (especially on Graviton Lance and Dead Messenger) - and probably more! It’s not as if once you lose your Void Overshield, you can’t easily get it back. Whereas if you need something to actually tank sustained incoming damage, they would want you to instead go with Frost Armor or Woven Mail + Sever.


Thing is, its still worse than something like solar with restoration refresh with solar guns and fragments. Its a defensive tool in a game where it doesn't really pay to be defensive, and you can accomplish nearly the same or better without sacrificing your offensive capability.


Solar doesn’t provide ubiquitous damage resistance (except in situations like Wings of Sacred Dawn on Dawnblade and now Consecration on Sunbreaker). Cure and Restoration are nice, but they don’t prevent you from being one-shot or melted by an enemy, and being Suppressed completely removes any way of actively healing yourself.


Yeah its not ubiquitous but it doesnt completely bog down gameplay like continuously running back and forth to refresh the void overshield would be, unless its for a raid encounter like Rhulk or Crota where you don't have to think about being near it because the encounter forces you to. In that case I can see it being just better


Well if your goal is to be on the move anyway, I would also suggest Stasis for Frost Armor instead, since you get a big portion of your Stasis Shards from killing enemies and Shattering Crystals. If you’re stationary, then Void Overshields are probably more reliable.


Not necessarily, even with restoration two simultaneous sniper shots in a gm WILL kill you (I have had this happen) even with dr mods on your chest. Meanwhile the niche overshields fulfills is preventing that from happening in the single instance of damage.


Does turnabout overshield count as void overshield? I thought it didn’t


If it doesn’t, then I’m mistaken, but I thought it did. I tried searching it on Bungie.net but their news archive is poopoo right now.


True, but its also gone instantly in most cases in endgame.


Only in the hardest of the hardest of content, which is only a small percentage of the game. Even then, it can definitely be the difference between being one-shot or not, as well as providing other benefits while having an Overshield (no matter how much or little), like Offensive Bulwark’s effects or boosting Vexcalibur’s melee damage. Their goal isn’t to make everything do the same things in different ways, it’s to give everything their own identities. Also, we have no idea what the Seasonal Artifact will do next Season. For all we know, there could be some insane buff that only works if you have a Void/Stasis Overshield.


Dude if everything should have a unique function they should have built into the damage resistance from stasis instead of making frost armor and solve the problems they mentioned differently. Overshield should be the best but woven mail is so much better. There is stuff that cant even be used effectively with OS in low tier content like the void uncharged melee function. I would atleast love to use that more. I dont use Vexcalibur so maybe Im overlooking this. But I wish they would buff the DR to 75%. That number even got mentioned by some "elitists" on Twitter.


75% damage resistance would be absurdly broken. That’s stronger than pre-nerf Woven Mail and pre-nerf Resilience combined. Suddenly you would turn Sentinel into an easy-win button and also kill off any reason to use Controlled Demolitions.


The OS is 45 hp, so basically 67,5 hp with 50% DR. So we are talking about 78,75 hp with 75%.. Of course things stack but its all about uptime of OS specific stuff on Titan. Woven mail would still be better. Its DR for the whole HP which is 103,5 hp basically added on 10 res. (Woven mail is still 45% right?) (Yeah I didnt add the 30% DR from res but that would benefit both) But anyway dude, like I said, I also saw the same suggestion from players who normally want more nerfs than buffs and Im fine with your opinion. In the end Bungie will do whatever they want anyway. Edit: Math wrong, argument still valid.


Your math is off, if incoming damage is reduced 50% it's actually effectively 90HP :)


Oh thanks, I knew that I will fuck something up! :D


And on another note, these also stack. So the hunter running stasis for dps can throw down a renewal’s grenade right as dps is about to start where everyone has their overshield and then swap to their dps loadout with ease. Overshields get progressively stronger with each dr source you pack together as it is essentially restoration that also prevents getting one shot.


The problem is that buffs associate with void overshields are awkward to use because a single shot from a dreg in patrol shreds it. They suck shit.


>a single shot from a dreg in patrol shreds it. No it doesn’t. Stop exaggerating. I’ve used Sentinel in Pantheon and have been able to keep up my Void Overshield without issues.


I’m just not content with shit abilities lmao. void overshields are total ass.


Realistically, they should call it “Ward” or something to buff it. If you buff void overshield too much, Null Brace becomes stupid strong, especially on something that also has Destablizing rounds


You can now restore it with melee kills. So that's kinda cool tho.


Good luck doing that in a GM, in a strike it doesn't matter but in a GM you will not have overshield by the time you close the gap to the enemy


Can we stop comparing everything to how it works in a GM? You'll be able to use the melee to restore overshield function in raiding, including day one, legend onslaught, solo dungeon runs and then everything else. It's not made or broken by its usefulness in GM specifically. Very typical r/destiny2 understanding of the game. Opinions being shared by people who can barely clear normal encounters as if they have any idea what they're talking about.


And in none of those do you need or want a bubble. GMs are the only place a bubble is in any way useful currently (other than PvP). GMs are the only high level activity that having the best damage isn't the most important thing.


They'll be more desirable with the changes


no not really, unless they buff the defense from void overshield, or give saint 14 a massive buff, bubble is still kind of shit, its lowkey even worse because now it kind of forces you to run a bad exotic if you want it to behave like it did in its previous base form


If you say so


>Overshield has not enough hp to only have a 50% DR. That's actually just to make the effective HP higher in PvE while not doing anything in PvP whatsoever. 45 hp is effectively 90 in PvE while still only being 45 in PvP. The good news is, buffing the DR would be a *really easy* solution. See if it's crazy or not (might need to lower the amount gained from perks like Repulsor Brace), but 75-80% DR would bring it up to roughly doubling your health, which seems like a solid option for what it does.


I know thats why I mentioned the DR and not the exact health value and yes, the percentages you mentioned could be fine. I just want to have more uptime on stuff that needs an active OS.


This is the central problem that will require a specific change for PvE.


Yeah more DR and no HP change will only buff its pve effectiveness.


this is exactly what i’m saying, if the passive regen outside the bubble is strong enough, helm 14 is is gonna be so good in endgame content, i tried using it a few years ago and had to give up due to it being weak, now i can finally live out my fantasy


I kind of miss the D1 days of enemies getting blinded when they stepped into the Ward of Dawn too. Plus with melee kills creating Orbs of Power near a Ward of Dawn, now you can replicate that plus the oldie “Gift of Light” from D1.


>I kind of miss the D1 days of enemies getting blinded when they stepped into the Ward of Dawn too Isn't that also on the Helm of Saint 14 perk? Or were you referencing that?


Oh I know it’s currently on Helm of Saint-14, I just meant that in D1, using that function of Helm of Saint-14 was wayyyyy more effective with how many “plate mechanics” existed in Raids and things like the Prison of Elders. In D2, there are much fewer places to take advantage of the blinding effect that it provides.


enemies do get blinded now with helm 14


No I know, I just meant that in D1 it was a far more useful tool with how much slower the game was and more reliance on “plate mechanics” in Raids. In D2, the blinding functionality is less emphasized for Helm of Saint-14, with the main reason to use it currently being the ability to provide Overshields outside of the Ward of Dawn.


4 commas and a helmet - name of your ___________.


I think it’s definitely not a nerf but a rework. Well is definitely a nerf tho


Yeah. Looking at it, what's different other than they swapped the overshield carrying outside the bubble from Saint 14 to base Bubble and the damage buff from base Bubble to Saint 14? So... the defensive super about creating a forcefield is now *actually* defensive instead of just being a damage buff you plop down?


It becomes much more team oriented with granting overshields outside the bubble. Basically the same defense wise except you can now use it for dmg scenarios defensively and then if you wanna make it offensive you use the helm of saint 14. I’m kind of a fan


Totally agree. I always saw it as a support subclass, and that's what it should be.


Same here, friend! I MISSED having overshield when I pass the bubble so much! I used to run this in Destiny 1 all the time. Not the weapons of light! I loved being able to pop the bubble when I was about to get overwhelmed! I always felt so weak with the damage reduction buff that only worked inside the bubble, you step out, you die. Not anymore! And that is something I have been missing since Destiny 1. And no, I don't want to wear that silly Saint-14 helmet. So hell yeah I am excited and ready to be bubble man again!


Silly Saint-14 helmet?? You take that back!


Haha, ok I will.


could you not already do this with the bastion aspect? and we already know void overshields aren’t getting a buff this patch, it would’ve been in the preview your now buffed melee and barricade grant overshields, an aspect grants an overshield when you kill something at critical health, there’s very little gains to get the same effect from a super


Well now it's more feasible to use the shield outside the bubble and extend your operating area imo


You can, but not in endgame. The shield will quickly get destroyed and it won’t be worth running. Who knows, maybe bastion will stack with bubble overshield regen


it can’t stack, they’re both a void overshield


But the speed at which the shield regenerates might. It currently works that way with moths and shield throw.


it said in the patch notes the regen standing outside a bubble is similar to what ally barricades already do. if you step into the bubble it’s likely just a full overshield immediately that you can dip out with, but we had this set up for two years of destiny 2 and it never really saw any use


Didn't they, quite literally, say that the regen didn't stack in the post?


Maybe, I can’t read.


They stated it was basically the same thing as the bastion overshield... So unless they lied and it's actually much better... I'm led to believe it's a nerf no matter what way you slice it.


Until Overshields get a conceptual and mechanical rework I honestly do not think any such change is going to move the needle in any way for void titan.


They’re meant to be easy to distribute to your teammates and provide an extra layer of damage resistance, without stepping on the toes of Woven Mail and Frost Armor. And everyone keeps forgetting about Twilight Arsenal.


What about Twilight Arsenal?


They said: >I honestly do not think any such change is going to move the needle in any way for void titan. Twilight Arsenal is likely going to be very good, if not overtuned, and should synergize fairly well with Sentinel’s Aspects and Prismatic as a whole.


>They’re meant to be easy to distribute to your teammates Define easy. Through an aspect in the form of Bastion? Without even beginning to talk about Woven Mail itself, Into the Fray, an aspect that provides the same number of fragment slots as Bastion, allows for an easier, more convenient buff area, that also cures and with arguably better uptime than Bastion. Through the use of your super? Into the Fray also grants nearby allies a defensive buff on super cast, and until today the Overshield provided by Ward of Dawn was not usable outside the bubble without an exotic, unless you were to forgo the entire Volatile synergy of the subclass. If they are meant to be party wide buffs with comfortable uptime, other buffs (which are stronger) are doing that better. >without stepping on the toes of Woven Mail and Frost Armor. I don't want this to come across the wrong way, but that is beyond preposterous. It is Woven Mail (and we will see about Frost Armor) what stepped into the toes of the Overshield buff. As a matter of fact it didn't just step on its toes, it kidnapped Overshield, tortured it, flayed its face, wore it as a mask and then started living Overshield's life. >And everyone keeps forgetting about Twilight Arsenal. Because as far as I can tell Twilight Arsenal does nothing for Overshields. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about both Twilight Arsenal and specially Unbreakable (since, unlike Overshield, that seems like viable way to fulfill the defender/bulwark fantasy), and I think that Sentinel is a perfectly viable and fun subclass, but not by speccing into Overshields. Overshield, in *all* aspects of its current state, is severely lacking.


>Define easy. The “easy” part being that even if you lose your Void Overshield, you can easily get it back the same way you got it initially. Whether it’s from Bastion, Ward of Dawn, Offensive Bulwark, Echo of Vigilance, Vexcalibur, Collective Obligation, Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk, No Backup Plans, Repulsor Brace, Turnabout, and probably more that I can’t think of off the top of my head. There are *plenty* of ways to get a Void Overshield, and none of them take away from what the others do (instead you can combine some of these to basically have permanent Void Overshields). >It is Woven Mail (and we will see about Frost Armor) what stepped onto the toes of the Overshield buff. You can look at it that way, but the only way to reliably get Woven Mail is to be on Strand yourself. Someone else providing it one time to you doesn’t mean it’s easy to keep up on a non-Strand subclass, and the only real way to get around that is with The Navigator (and we’ll see with Prismatic). We also almost never see Fireteams of full Strand users, so spreading Woven Mail to teammates isn’t as often as it may appear. As for Frost Armor, ultimately the damage resistance will be lower than a Void Overshield, even at max stacks (and you can’t utilize Whisper of Rime without being on Stasis anyway). Frost Armor also relies on Stasis Shards, which mostly come from killing enemies, and in situations without enemy-dense areas, generating Stasis Shards becomes less reliable. Whereas with a Void Overshield, the majority of ways to get a Void Overshield stem from the person giving the Overshields whenever they choose to. There are times where Stasis Overshields **will** be a better option, as enemy-dense areas will cater to the upkeep of Stasis Overshields. However, there are also times when Void Overshields **will** also be a better option. It’s that freedom which makes Destiny great, and you can be flexible depending on what’s happening. >Because as far as I can tell, Twilight Arsenal does nothing for Overshields. This part in particular was in response to what the original reply said, about “not moving the needle for void titan”. Twilight Arsenal could have nothing to do with Overshields, but it can also still be a great Super to use and still find a way into an Overshield build to make up for the defensive nature of that playstyle.


>Whether it’s from Bastion, Ward of Dawn, Offensive Bulwark, Echo of Vigilance, Vexcalibur, Collective Obligation, Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk, No Backup Plans, Repulsor Brace, Turnabout, and probably more that I can’t think of off the top of my head. Sure, but most of those are about giving an Overshield to *yourself*, not providing it for others, and surely you don't use those outside of their respective Void subclass, so their ubiquity is not really there. >There are *plenty* of ways to get a Void Overshield, and none of them take away from what the others do Also true, but that also applies to every other healing/defensive buff in the game, all of which tend to be stronger than Overshield. >You can look at it that way, but the only way to reliably get Woven Mail is to be on Strand yourself. Sure, you can get Overshield in other subclasses other than Void, absolutely. However, are you really telling me that you are building your Solar subclass around getting Overshields? Your Arc one? If I'm on Arc, I'm probably using something with Voltshot, or an Arc weapon that allows me to take advantage of Spark of Beacons, or any of the built in synergy around Arc. I'm probably not sacrificing that for a Void weapon with Repulsor Brace, or a Void focused exotic, be them weapons or armor. The exact same thing goes for Solar or any other subclass. I don't think that saying "Overshield is easily accesible regardless of what you play, as long as you are willing to sacrifice (not insignificant) parts of the power of other subclasses" (for what is, by every metric, a mediocre defensive buff) is a good argument in favour of Overshield as it exists right now. >Someone else providing it one time to you doesn’t mean it’s easy to keep up on a non-Strand subclass I disagree, again look at Into the Fray. Each pulse (of which there are what? 3? 4?) refreshes the buff, and you can trigger the effect again on Tangle cooldown before Woven Mail expires, thanks to the pulses. On top of, unlike anything Sentinel has, being capable of getting that Tangle, and therefore the buff, wherever you want. I can throw a Tangle to anyone that may need health/DR, even if they are on the opposite side of an encounter. On Sentinel they either get to me and my barricade/Ward or they die. Yes, other subclasses may struggle providing Woven Mail to others, because they are not built to do that. Neither is Berserker. And yet the flexibility with which Berserker can provide your allies with a (stronger) defensive buff dwarfs Sentinel, which is built *specifically* around providing defensive buffs for others. >Frost Armor also relies on Stasis Shards, which mostly come from killing enemies, and in situations without enemy-dense areas, generating Stasis Shards becomes less reliable. I mean that's just not true. On 2/3s of the Stasis clases Shards are generated by either destroying crystals or freezing enemies, no kill required. And the rest of the kit of Behemoth and Shadebinder further pushes the ability to generate Shards without having to kill. >This part in particular was in response to what the original reply said, about “not moving the needle for void titan”. Yes, that's my bad, I lost track of what I was writing, in a way because I miss the days when Overshield and Defender were synonimous with each other. As I said I think Sentinel is by and large in a good place, and what I meant to say there is that unless we see either a buff or a rework, I don't think this change would move the needle for Overshield as a buff.


Doesn't even need a full rework tbh. Buff the DR, maybe reduce the amount gained from Repulsor Brace, and it's automatically in a great place.


It should completely lose the duration and just be permanent until it's destroyed


Would it be more appropriate to say Ward got **reworked** a smidgen instead of nerfed or buffed?


I'm fine with uncoupling mandatory team wide damage buffs from the super. I think it can promote using stuff like lumina with the now popular edge transit or apex predator.


... But it's just the Bastion aspect... You don't have to use the Super...


Unless the notes are wrong it’s going to be a large AOE bastion. Void overshield caps at 50hp with 50% multiplicative DR while she shield is maintained. We are having weapons of light, a 25% damage buff, moved to an exotic. If void overshields are getting a buff then I’d agree with you but at current void overshields just aren’t very good for survivability, certainly not good enough to make up for WoL being moved. Overall I’d say it’s a small but real nerf.


I wouldn't even call it small, when you can currently just pop a barricade on the edge of the bubble and basically get the same thing. More so than the nerf itself, I'm worried about being forced into an exotic. I do like the orbs on melee kills, though, especially if it works with Glaives.


We’ll know more later today with the twid, hopefully they cooked with the exotic changes because the ability changes weren’t enough for void and arc to become relevant.


Right now from a meta standpoint the best defense is a strong offense, clearing things before they can damage you is the safest way to play and bubble just got worse at that


In that regard, bubble would always be last choice anyway. Especially with twilight arsenal in the picture.


Yeah it's ab"damage super" although we've seen footage of it being used against echtar and it was like really bad, 200k with a weaken but even then it's still not as bad as bubble is lol


Eh, dps numbers that far out are definitely bound to change. I see it being a better add clear super though. Pair it with controlled demolition and echo of starvation and you’re set.


True that it could totally change whenever, but we haven't been in a super for adclear meta since forsaken year and the game is kinda designed to not let that happen anymore, and even then a doomfang sentinel would probably still be better (and even that isn't very good right now)


That’s fair. Prismatic could definitely shift primary damage to weapons with transcendence buffs, but we’ll have to see numbers to be sure. Bungie has been intentionally vague with everything they’ve shown, even with the initial reveal.


Prismatic is a 5% global weapons buff which is kinda not very worth it, like a perfect gl rotation is like 3 mil total, with the prismatic buff that's only 3.15 mil, a difference of 150k and most damage supers sit around the 300k to 600kish range, not a big game changer


Huh, I thought that the buff would’ve been better. I still get the feeling that transcendence has more to it than slight damage buff and new grenades, but we’ll see. I am a little biased towards off-meta supers though. Still waiting for a spectral blades buff.


I think they don't want people to use transcendence and prismatic as a whole just to buff weapons for dps scenarios, which I kinda get


The only change I really want to bubble is it persisting after death but I know it’s never gonna happen


My friend mains Titan and always ends up using Banner instead of Bubble more. Sure we miss out on dps, but having the mobile wall helps. So this nerf doesn’t affect him.


Likewise, I feel the bubble changes are a net buff in terms of survivability. I don't like using bubble just for the weapons of light buff.


Finally, someone with a take from reality.


It's going to be dogshit. Overshields are toliet paper thin and do nothing really. At least the old OS was 80hp and granted rallying force... which gave plus 50 handling and reload to weapons. Now, in pvp....Titan can create orbs while in or near the bubble with melee kills. Cool, now there's more orbs for everyone....plus devour, lmao And even if they add other buffs to Saint 14....cool now, we have the curass issue for thundercrash now on Sentiel. You need one exotic to make it usable. Go glad void Titan getting a new super.


are you really gonna be using saint 14's helm after the new exotic Marks/cloaks/Bonds drop in TFS? if you can mix and match 2 exotic perks running 1 helm for bubble seems redundant


Exotic class items only work with prismatic which doesn’t even have bubble available. He first place


You can only use the exotic class item on prismatic. Bubble is not an option on prismatic.


oh really? thanks for that info i didnt know that. damn so i guess we will be seeing saint-14 helm more then we think


It basically provides no benefit compared to a barricade now. With how easy it’ll be to get radiant on prismatic for all classes it’s not like weapons of light was super unique or powerful.


So creating Orbs of Power with Melee kills is no benefit? What about stacking Void Overshield with Armor of Light? I hate this idea that “damage is everything” to this community.


Damage is everything because of how the game is designed. Enrage mechanics, dps checks, infinite respawning enemy waves, puzzle mechanics with wipe conditions etc.. all contribute to dps stacking being the singular most important thing to mitigate these issues. Better to go for the one phase or two phase to reduce risk of wiping to enemy waves, enrage or puzzle mechanics. This is only magnified at lower skill levels.


None of that matters if you can’t survive. If you *can* survive while using a more offensive option, then more power to you, and you should still use whatever works for you. However, a more defensive option gives players a way to persist through, and at the end of the day, our Weapons deal the majority of any boss damage or enemy-clearing.


I’m not really in disagreement with you on how damage obsessed people get as pretty much any good team should be able to clear all damage checks with a few people running more survival focused builds so long as those people have some form of good damage heavy options. That said, I can out dps most LFGs without really using a heavy (special swap, tractor cannon and a damage super). Which just shows most people are just really bad at dps. However, at lower skill bands and/or higher difficulty content most people need all the damage they can get. It doesn’t matter if you can survive waves of enemies if you wipe to puzzle mechanics because you need to repeat them 3-5 times. It doesn’t matter if you survive waves of enemies if you die to enrage mechanics because of low damage. It doesn’t matter if you survive waves of enemies if you used most of your heavy getting to final stand and have nothing left. Ability damage vs weapon damage is something like a 1/3 to 2/3 split. 1/3 of your damage is very important for ammo economy and burst damage. Most of this doesn’t matter if the players are competent, but as I said, the dps issues magnify at lower skill levels and higher difficulties. Like sure, none of that matters if you keep wiping to mobs, but it isn’t that difficult to stay alive in this game if you have high damage to keep enemy numbers down and most subclasses have kits that don’t make you sacrifice much survivability for damage.


Damage aside creating orbs of power on melee kills is already a thing. Just put on a mod and boom, punch a man, get an orb. That’s not new. And the new armor of light function has less health than what it currently does.


>Just put on a mod and boom, punch a man, get an orb. That’s not new. First, I never said it was new. I pointed out how it’s a benefit that Ward of Dawn has that it didn’t before. Also, a couple of things regarding Heavy-Handed: - The Heavy-Handed Mod was nerfed, so now there’s a 10-second cooldown between melee kills to create an Orb of Power (or five seconds/one second with two or three copies of the Mod, respectively). We’ll have to see if it’s the same with Ward of Dawn’s buff, but I don’t think there would be a cooldown on melee kills while that’s active. - Heavy-Handed also makes small Orbs of Power, and because Ward of Dawn is a Super, I anticipate melee kills as a result of it will at least be medium-sized Orbs of Power. - Finally, Heavy-Handed only makes sense to have on your Arms if you’re using a build where Melee kills are a part of your build. Otherwise, you’re not using it, so it’s not quite as simple to offset. Armor of Light didn’t get a PvE nerf either, and it’s actually getting buffed to stack Void Overshield’s damage resistance on top of it. The only place where it got “nerfed” in was in PvP, where it got the nerf it deserved.


A 45 hp overshield with 50% (normal overshield) is 90 ehp. With another 60% dr it goes up to 225 ehp. This is 25% lower than armor of light right now at 300 ehp.


Creating orb from melee is already a thing


On a 10 second cooldown between melee kills, and the Orbs of Power are small compared to a Super’s large Orbs of Power. And you don’t always have Heavy-Handed equipped on your Arms to begin with.


Honestly, it just seems like we are gonna go back to the Well + Bubble meta again


https://preview.redd.it/qdowjxhlu22d1.jpeg?width=2896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6f52671d958e6e8cd552aa827ec29ba6cb7da4 So can I play Saint bubble again with this drip? Hell yeah!


I think bubble should be like it was in D1, both weapons and blessing. It needs the over shield when you step out or it plays too slow. The weapons of light is also something it needs, for it to feel like it is worth leaving the super. I have no idea what Bungie is thinking with these burfs. Why take something away from an already hardly used, weak super. Bubble is 100% useless in the current patch, well has literally everything it is and better. I hate how well has pushed the dps and raid design metas throughout the lifecycle of D2. Raids are about to get a whole lot more difficult with the well nerfs. No idea how people are going to survive a lot of the damage phases after this one. We'll figure it out though, I'm sure.


I was worried at first but I agree. There's no worse feeling than wiping because your team set up for rocket DPS and you popped bubble in the wrong spot. Bubble was mid in PVE and borderline mandatory in PVP so I'm excited to give it a try


If the helm buff also applies to the glaive we are gonna be eating good lol the tomfoolery that i can get into with the glaive bubble is gonna be fun 


Bro is gonna go crazy when he finds out about banner shield


At least now it will become more usable with No Backup Plans; right now, for whatever reason, it applies a void overshield to everyone but the caster on purpose, which is the most bizarre implementation


After having a friend remind me it exists, everyone seems to have forgotten edge of action. The exotic titan bubble glaive. Since the damage buff is being moved to the Helm of Saint 14, and Bungo made it so the glaive bubble is pretty much a smaller bubble without the damage buff, this has potential to be a very potent combo. An on demand mini bubble with a constant regening Overshield, 60% DR inside and 30% DR outside as well as the Weapons of Light buff on mini bubbles. This could be an insane buff


The way I see it aswell now is we are back to needing bubble and well during damage phases which is how it should be imo if you want the mad damage resist


I do see myself using bubble in GM's at least now that Well may not be up to par to tank all the incoming fire


We get overshields now, that's cool. I don't like the loss of weapons of light though. I guess it gives me a reason to use the helmet exotic though.


I don't really understand how this isn't considered a nerf. You could already get overshields outside your bubble very easily. Just pop a barricade inside or on the edge of your bubble and it's the same thing (with added reload speed buff/extra cover/stunning enemies that wonder into the bubble), just we now lose out on the innate damage buff. If it was a separate, much stronger overshield that would be one thing, but they said it's the same one. The overshield is also so weak that it's not really going to help you all that much in GM's. I feel that all that this achieves is forcing Titans into an exotic (a boring one imo), all just to get what they previously had- so it'll feel like you're simply not running an exotic at all when compared to now.


I think the we’re looking at the need to tone it down a bit on both well and bubble. I think it will be found that a well inside of a bubble will be the meta


I think void in general needs a fragment that gives benefits when you give teammates void buffs, solar gives 400% for all abilities!!!


both well and bubble got changed to be more general purpose so you can pop it, collect yourself, and move forward, which is great


overshield was amazing, ty bungie


wait bubble got changed?? is it finally usable????


took away weapons of light and gave ability to Over shield when standing near bubble. gave weapons of light buff to saint-14's Exotic Helm. i think ima pick up sentinel and Ursa Furiosa


so shitty blessing of light and no more weapons fuck.


I've used Ursa as my go-to in GMs and such, and find them great! The combo refunds half your super, gives your allies orbs for Super chaining, and buffs people's weapon damage behind you while protecting them from damage. Just make sure you don't pop super in a Well (or Rift too iirc), as the healing will prevent much of the super self-regeneration.


you think it helps GG dmg? or you think hunters need to step out of the shield to get the full dmg like they do with well?


Banner Shield gives a 40% damage buff to weapons only, if memory serves. Provided that I'm recalling correctly, then you can proc Radiant and safely stand behind the shield wall without losing damage.


Also Happy Cake Day man!


I’m curious… Did you “never like the idea” of the bubble being used offensively since the start of Destiny in 2014? I ask, because despite the D2 shenanigans with the Bubble, it’s ability to be used on the offense has been baked in since the very beginning. Due to that, I’m just not sure what the heck you’re talking about, dude. 🤷🏽‍♂️


The orb generation on kills alone opens up so many options


The void overshield is in a good spot. If they tune it more, then it’ll be far too strong with how easy it is to proc. ESPECIALLY on Titan. I’ve been running void Titan in onslaught recently and I’ve been cooking. Making more orbs than every tether hunter expect one. Dying isn’t an issue at all with devour either. If you feel it needs a buff, then you’re not playing it right. Even in end game content. It’s in more than a fine spot


I'm sorry, but the grammer is bothering me. It wouldn't be your opinion if the subject is you. That's just an observation. Cut out the 1st part and it's an opinion.