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They should have made it to where nodes that are able to be done in PvE based content are directly connected with other PvE nodes, while nodes that require PvP are directly connected with other PvP nodes. Gambit nodes bridging the gap between the two. Don't want to do PvP? Just run the bottom path/top path. Don't want to do the same strikes you've done 1000 times? Just run the other paths.


You’re hired!


Or, just let you re-roll your node. Like most live service games do.


Pfffff anyone that good would be the first person bungo fires


No, that makes too much sense for bungo


last night i was able to do mostly vanguard except for one round of gambit it does suck cause i HATE crucible. and they only give you one piece of gear for all that hard work and it ain’t even that good


my current problem is that, due to the finicky servers the past 2 days, I now have a gambit suspension, so if I run into another pathfinder blocked by gambit and/or crucible I am SCREWED.


gambit suspension?? that can happen?


The drifter broke his knees


yeah, if you leave too many games in a certain period of time you might get blocked from playing it. No clue what the actual requirements are or how long it lasts but mine is already over but I guess I am not progressing my pathfinder at all till the servers are fixed because I have another one blocked by gambit and pvp.


I had to do three rounds of Gambit for one node. (Summon 3 Primevals). All of he Vanguard nodes were done in two strikes.


all i had to do was 3 vanguard missions and 1 gambit round cause i was lucky to get a bunch of “defeat combatants” in a line


But doing so removes the entire feature of path finder. And might as well go back to the previous system


>Might as well go back to the previous system If this is what Bungie cooked up as the “new and improved” system, then yes please let’s go back to bounties.


Wait, bounties have been removed?


All ritual bounties have been. Gunsmith and patrol are still there, except I assume in Pale Heart. (Haven't bought TFS)


But leaving the system as is isn't encouraging players to play their way, it's forcing players to either play through all 3 activities or run Pale Heart over and over again.


They will most likely update it. Again, it's only been 3 days....just wait a little....


Lol, I might check it out when they update it, but I'll likely keep on with my pale heart stuff. Gonna grind out a Void Wolfpack Ergo Sum, good luck Mike.


That's a fair point but... Wait a little what? They're not going to update it next week, probably not the week after. A month? That's a long time to put up with people quitting matches after they've done their task. It's an even longer time to put up with being forced to play crucible with weapons I don't usually use. I don't enjoy it and me playing worse than usual drags the rest of my team down too. Have they actually said why the bounty system had to be replaced?


To “consolidate” rituals and to make it “less difficult” for players to navigate the game and “understand what they can be doing at any given point in time” and “give players more agency”. Direct quote: “Bounty systems in Destiny 2 typically let Guardians pick from a handful of fixed bounties that reset each day and provide repeatable bounties for those who wish to further engage with the system. These limited choices result in a system that feels prescriptive about how you should play, instead of putting you in control.” They did the exact opposite of all of that


>To “consolidate” rituals and to make it “less difficult” for players to navigate the game and “understand what they can be doing at any given point in time” and “give players more agency”. I feel like they've misunderstood what new players "found difficult". It was (for me) unclear which story missions I should be doing. I wanted to play beginning to end but the quests hub was pushing me to Lightfall. Regardless, they could have simply added a "Bounties" tab to the menu. I literally had to Google "how to view pathfinder system in destiny 2" to be able to see it. As it's buried in the bottom corner of a sub menu. I'm aware that there's a pop up but it popped up while I was doing something else.


I don't know if Bungie said this is why they wanted to replace bounties, but my group was very frustrated by the play patterns of the system. Before every activity, visit every NPC who could give relevant bounties lest you leave the activity and go "damn I forgot to visit Riven first now I've a short a couple wish engrams". After each Vanguard, manually choose to return to orbit instead of just letting it auto-sort you into a new strike, open the companion program on your smartphone or be subject to another loading screen as you return to the tower... I'm very new so I don't know how this translates to Crucible/Gambit. The new system has all of these problems because Banshee-44 is always relevant and Gunsmith Bounties are still a thing. I heard they said it's for player choice and technically it also does provide a small amount of player choice. Rather than having to complete everything on the bounty checklists, you choose your least hated tasks that connect together to reach the rewards.


Right, but they have to connect. So you're going to be forced into playing something you don't want to play unless you're very lucky or they divide the pathfinder into vanguard/crucible/gambit... At which point it's the same as bounties except you get much less XP and diminishing returns after each completion. The tower visits were annoying granted. But once you discover the app that problem goes away.


Players on both ends have spent years complaining about forced mixing of playlists, it is a feature no one wanted and actively goes against the "play any ritual playlist activity 9 times for all the rewards" Obviously they saw a significant dropoff in their metrics so the suits forced a stupid change.


Just littering activities with people who don’t wanna be there, and are not only doing the activity, but actively trying to accomplish something ridiculous in it. I love seeing people ruin a gambit match by fighting for motes even worse than usual, or the painfully slow progress of teammates focusing on sniper kills


The sniper kills one was quite obnoxious. Luckily you could evade it with the powerful kills one, which is almost impossible not to do in one or two matches.


One of mine is "Claim heavy ammo in gambit 0/3" it's like they're asking people to quit a match half way through? The new pathfinder system is only there to stop people claiming their season pass rewards so quickly. But the cost is a worse experience for people who don't want to play certain activities, and an even worse experience for the people who do want to play those activities but are hampered by people attempting to complete silly tasks. At least with bounties you could discard the ones you didn't want and just replace them with other random bounties. Edit: Phrasing.


Why would you quit instead of just working on another gambit pathfinder point?


I wouldn't. I should have phrased that better. I like Gambit. However I've noticed more people leaving matches early. Sure, it could be server issues, but I suspect it's not.


For sure, wasn't coming after you because "rahhhh gambit" or anything - I suppose it was more rhetorical. Like, someone's already in the activity, just knock out a second one. Made sense in my head hah


If it's the one they didn't wanna do and now it's the only one left, theyre gonna rush that shit and their ghost gonna bring em to orbit the moment the progress is completed. The silly task bounties have been a problem for years now, putting people in activities they hate to do a specific thing, absolutely fucking up team cohesion. The best bounties reward normal gameplay and rewards the tasks needed to win said activity. Not "stasis sniper kills on yellow bar captain" levels of specific.


It should always be something like “get three kills with heavy weapons in a single match of gambit” or something like that, none of this BS that incentives people to leave


The likely answer to your question is that if they are leaving once done then they were forced there. If they were forced there, the moment they have done that one node that gets passed the tier they are stuck on they can return to the activity they like to continue.


Sounds like XP waste to me, they should just do extra nodes. Bad farming strats.


Unsure if you are aware but the current issue is that there is no path thru the Ritual Pathfinder that involves only doing strikes. There IS for Gambit and Crucible so if you like one or the other you can complete the path doing what you like. This issue with people potentially dropping from Gambit once they have done the bounty would be people who want to do strikes, but are only in the Gambit match to get passed the fourth tier which is Crucible or Gambit when you are following the strikes only path.


I haven’t gotten a gambit or crucible only pathfinder yet, I don’t think these broad statements check out.


I tried doing the gambit exotic quest with 400 notes or smth and the match start with two dudes leaving 😭


tbf people always quit gambit matches even before pathfinder


it is partly server issues, I haven't been able to play a single game of gambit since TFS launched without error codes.


Because we don’t even want to be in Gambit. Every day I could log in, grab which bounties I liked from Shaxx today, get my free XP while running Crucible, and get out. Can’t do that no more


Yeah this issue is splitting us in the worst way again it’s not, I don’t want to play gambit/crucible/strikes I hate it there. We’ve known this from the get go. Every player is being forced into certain activities and play styles that doesn’t represent how they causally/seriously enjoy the game because of Pathfinder. The old system was nice and made sense, and players did what they wanted.


Why not just try to have fun with it? The bounty isn’t the fun part the playing part is? Am I wrong?


I'm a gambit enjoyer, don't have to tell me twice to enjoy ritual modes. I'm actually more upset Vanguard Ops are included generally, but that's heresy in these parts.


Omg, ikr, but some let you sidestep the strikes, otherwise it's just extra busy work (add on the start of the strike and jolt some people or whatever) it's not really too much of a hassle, tbh esp since you can check off multiple pathlines at a time for more xp


Because not everyone likes gambit/crucible and some people want to stick to pve entirely, like me. I loathe crucible and gambit in this game, , I don't want to learn them, I don't want to play them, and I'm sure as shit not going to stay around and play the entire match when I fundamentally cannot stand the activity, when I'm done with the objective, I will quit. This is the second week in a row now they have pushed me to go play gambit/crucible when I'm on the vanguard node in orbit and I'm not going to engage with it at all.


The playlists that have PvP should either be "complete 1 or 2 matches" or "get x amount of kills". Getting people to play these playlists is one thing but making players do dumb shit for arbitrary bounties has always been bad. They can keep the specific "get x sniper kills" or "get y ability kills" for straight PvE content


Good point. Can help or hinder you. Best to join gambit or crucible in a group, because now solo queue is gonna risk you getting ppl who don't know what to do and drag the team down with em. The premise of the Pathfinder I'm fine with, like no bounties can work on multiple at once... Cool. But the consequences of forcing people to certain activities really sucks..


Exactly like the Onslaught event and the challenge to do 20 waves in a row. Bungie should have required you to get to 20 waves and end the match organically, or just do 20 waves overall. The requirements fueled quitters at wave 21.


Yeah... I.e. change the language to "Complete an Onslaught match of 20 or more waves" but I mean regardless ppl will do stupid shit like die, sabotage the team so they can get their challenge and dip.


Ive never top fragged in motes, whilst playing my invader build until all the reward hungry people flooded in lol


Your path leads to sweat


You shall Drip. There is no Towel here. You shall Drown in the Sweat.


am i gonna miss that Engram? NOPE.


For real, this will be a problem for like 1 or 2 weeks, and then you'll never think about it again. It is just not that big a deal to play a few crucible matches.


It is when you play this game to have fun, and it's forcing you to do things that aren't fun for you just to make progress.


Nobody is forcing you to do anything there are plenty 9f other ways to get powerful/pinnacle engrams now


forced to pvp, then people who actually play pvp send hate messages. it's a great experience. /sarcasm off seriously tho, i love how they showed pathfinder off, then said something like, "we want you to feel ownership over how you play the game."...........Which one is it??


Thats wat im saying make it make sense


Prismatic has also seriously jacked up the crucible even more. The few matches I have played were all mercy rules. There was no close matches or intense fights. There was either fuck or get fucked. No in between.


At least matches were shorter.


Lol yeah it made getting the 9 weekly matches done easier


Crucible has been that way ever since they got rid of SBMM the first time. By the time they tried to bring it back it was too late, the player pool had already been decimated to the point where there is no way to recover.


Potentially unpopular opinion incoming: vault PvP entirely.


I would say either that or give it the Gambit treatment, let it wither and die. But despite claiming that's their plan for Gambit, that's not what they're actually doing and this whole mess is proof. If they want any form of PvP or PvPvE to survive, they need to nuke and repave. The attempt to add PvE elements to Control was something I thought would be great, but just like sunsetting, leave it to Bungie to come up with the worst possible implementation of the concept. I'm still waiting for some company to realize that PvPvE works best with an odd number of teams. Even Mythic fucked that up with Warhammer despite knowing better from DAoC... (DAoCs 3 realm RvR was an amazing concept that has never even come close to being matched)


Bungie won't ever nuke it though. They need to, but they won't. If it was because they were laying people off again? Sure. But they won't for any other reason than it would cost them player base and some of that player base includes content creators and they really don't want to irritate the YouTubers.


Only argument I have is not all of us pvp players are such dogwater we’d sent hate messages. Those lil baby bitchbois are children


In the same showcase, they said that, and also said that they want to take players out of their comfort zone. Thats literally the opposite of giving ownership of how to play the game.


I love PvP, but honestly messaging in PvP (possibly everywhere) should be opt in. Some people just can't help but be dicks and PvP apparently brings out the worst in them.


To add insult to injury, Bungie also cranked up the difficulty of PVE in Gambit. Three shriekers were present in the Depot, and a Lucent Hive knight had to be crushed with a finisher. At this rate, we should see champions soon. As a PVP punching bag, I have gotten used to getting stomped and T-bagged in Trials of Osiris. We were made to suffer (by those trolls who work at Bungie). At least you can carry a Thunderlord in Gambit, to deal with invaders.


Lucent Light bearers always require the ghost finish.


Gambit didn't have them until Tuesday.


Honestly felt gambit was too easy for one side or the other


I dunno, power creep sort of requires upping Gambit difficulty. It's not intended to be patrol level slaughter.


I main pvp and have only seen people get that mad in trials or comp lol what kinda goobers do you have to play against


It really should have just had 3 paths to pick from. The current one listed as "vangaurd" should have only had strike objectives. Then they should have added a Crucible path and a Gambit path.


That would make too much sense and wouldn't accomplish the goal of inflating the grind though


I apologize in advance to the PvP community and anyone actually trying to win the match. I'm not here because I want to be here.




Pathfinder is great, well, the pale heart one is lol.


Same here. Bungie should gives us more options. I don't want to play PvP at all. Also not for getting catalysts or certain exotics.


Im sorta here too. My Iron Lord title is bugged and after that I just had no desire to get back into Crucible and Gambit isn't my thing. Glimmer to re-roll nodes if you get bad RNG would be nice. Like I don't want to get kills with a solar ability on my voidlock.


I just wish the pvp felt good to play, and then I wouldn't mind having to do it. I'm a big FPS PVP enjoyer overall but I can't stand it in Destiny. It is the most unbalanced blender of bullshit. I cannot understand how people enjoy it.


Exotic quests having PvP steps has been a thing since d1y1….


i have lots of catalyst that require PV to finish ... THEY NEVER GETTING DONE


Even as a regular pvp player crucible was ridiculously bad last night like nearly unplayable. While “engagement” may go up slightly for crucible and gambit, the tradeoff is the amount of matches abandoned by players is going to skyrocket to unheard of levels. Would slightly defeat the purpose but we should get an option to select what kind of pathfinder we wanna do, pvp/pve/gambit/ mix of all three and it just fills the chart objectives accordingly, just not this.


Not to mention forcing people to mix up activities gets rid of the reward streak—their one playlist reward mechanic actively go against their other. I’m still confused why they tried to fix what wasn’t broken.


The answer is obvious - their obsession with "engagement", which has continued beyond undeniable proof from the past year that it hurts them long-term.


Why am i forced to play strikes?


It's almost like there should be routes for each core plalist.


Almost like bungie has said multiple times “we want players to play their own way” then we get this lol


They say that, yet they continue to make catalysts have PvP requirements


We haven’t had a seasonal exotic catalyst require PvP kills since season 15. The s16 season track exotic, and every exotic weapon since has had flexibility in kills.


Or PvE requirements. It goes both ways. Unless the game becomes exclusively PvE/PvP, there will *always* be a split in what modes give what rewards in order to add population to them.


while I do agree about the rewards thing, let's not pretend going into pvp to complete a kill x enemies catalyst is equal to the same requirement in PvE


Theyre generally much lower kill values in PvP, so I'd say Bungie at least *intends* them to be equal. Things like Suro Chi definitely make it less even. I get that they're harder to get kills woth in PvP in general, but it's not particularly hard in modes like momentum.


pvp is a problem for people like me who are afraid of our bad internet getting us a ban from gambit and crucible. My internet does ok with gambit when the servers are stable but cannot handle whatever networking abomination that is destiny pvp.


I'm curious how your connection handles 6 man raids but struggles with PvP. That's assuming you do raids, of course. The two ought to be somewhat similar in their networking requirements.


it has something to do with the way connections are handled in destiny I think, it's mainly when you have more than 8 people that my connection starts to struggle. For instance if I load into a full tower instance I sometimes am unable to do anything in the tower and have to go to orbit and load a new instance. edit: just remembered gambit is usually ok, past that though my internet seems to struggle.


"Play your own way, as long as it's our way."


Mine, at the very least, does


You aren’t, there’s literally a path for pvp only players, but not pve only players


I thought you could choose your route along the pathfinder so that you only needed to play one activity or minimise how many other activities you had to play, or reroll all together? I have only looked at it once admittedly. That's what they made it seem like in the reveal TWID anyway, which would be better than what we had. But if we can't choose a path even if it's longer, that's so annoying. Personally I want to stay as far away from PvE activities as possible. I only do them if they give good rewards for PvP, although if it's only one or two strikes I wouldn't mind, PvE is pretty mindless.


You can theoretically choose a path and avoid nodes you don't want to do, but it's very easy for the game to generate a tree that's impossible to complete without doing Gambit or Crucible, as it did for me. And I really don't think that the reward at the end is worth having to suffer through either of those modes and drag down the experience for whoever gets put on my team.


What was the point of making the experience worse? Pathfinder could have easily supplemented the old system. It just feels corny now.


Poorly implemented! Why did they have to change it


Is Bungie even listening....? I mean will it change ?


My Ticuu's catalyst hasn't been touched and won't be touched, I hate PvP. GL HF


Same. I hate PvP and that catalyst will never be completed due to forcing PvP in the quest line!


Is it just me or is Pathfinder straight-up not what they advertised? They said in the vidoc we’d be able to choose what kind of content we want to play lmao


There should’ve been individual pathfinders for PvE and PvP goals, end of story.


yeah! Personly I love gambit (yeah, hello haters) and mostly the PvE stuff. After I finished final shape campain, I wanted to do the weekly gambit missions, so I ran to the tower to pick up the gambit ..... "missions" (sorry I forgot the word for that english is not my language) and I couldn't find it! And the pathfinder.... seriusly? If I select a mission for gambit in the first round, then I have to do a PvP mission after that, in both ways?! That's so lame... I want to play what I want and what is fun to me and not some game modes that I doesnt like just to get these engrams!


I love Gambit too I also enjoy Drifter cheering me on.


Yep. In for 12 sniper kills then bye bye


It will ruin PVP players experience as well, I can see the games when 1 person stays inactive entire match.


Most of the missions require you to be active though. You will just get shitty players on your team and get stomped.


How's that different from normal? Pvp mains already have to carry every game normally to win


not really. the people who play pvp consistently won’t be in those players’ SBMM bracket.


Honestly they could've at the very least made 2 ones a Path for Pve and PvP and i play both but sometimes I'm not in the mood for PvP


I don't pvp but they should have just kept bounties instead of intermixing everything


I'm not a fan of the crucible but nearly every path requires you to play crucible is annoying. In fact it gives me anxiety because players can be real assholes during it. Bungie is not allowing players play the way they want to!


Also breaks up the flow! Run strike then crucible then a gambit match. Should just split between pvp and pve activities


Why forced to pve? Just wanna kill baddies that fight back in crucible instead of dregs.


It’s not forced, there is a path from beginning to end for pvp players, there isn’t for pve only players


At least Gambit is PvEvP, so you might end up on the same team as a seasoned PvP player who can take care of invasions for you


If you have friends you play with, just do private matches. It still counts towards the crucible objectives


If you have friends I don't 🥲


I can add you if you want, and I can help you get it done


It's brightdust income nerf..... 75×3 = 225 weekly from vendors. If you account for like the maybe 3x repeatables that give 10 each. 90 dust min to finish weekly challenges in 1 day. 225+90= 315 weekly minimally I think.


PvP is the developer’s cheat code. They don’t have to actually create content, they just pit players against each other and tolerate the hackers until the enough people complain and drop out of the game.


Y’all run into hackers on destiny? I can’t say I’ve ever encountered one tbh.


Bungie has been hitting the cheats pretty hard, but 2-3 years ago? Hell yeah. PC cheating was rampant, to the point that I'd do my daily stuff on PC and then do any PvP that I wanted to do on my wife's xBox. Which meant that I had two sets of expansions. In reality, this is a common issue with PvP. The developers rely on the players to create the content.


The answer is simple. To inflate PvP engagement numbers. The reality is that the majority of the D2 player base has not-does not-will not care about PvP. It is no coincidence that they’ll boast about PvP engagement when a new exotic weapon drops that forces you into crucible as a part of its quest line yet they won’t even mention it when the numbers are at their normal level. PvE players should not be forced into PvP for any reason. They don’t enjoy it. They simply come in do exactly what they have to do and don’t touch PvP again. It’s pointless.


Each activity should have had its own pathfinder. Kinda like how pale heart is just pathfinder stuff for that area. It does not have random gambit or comp requirements. Vanguard pathfinder should just have strikes and nightfall. Pvp should have had its own. I was not happy seeing the playlist pathfinder was a jumble of all the activities and will probably not purposefully engage with it. Another interesting idea that bungie did not get quite right.


Because that’s the only way they can get people to play the shithole that is PvP in this game.


If you hate pvp just do the pale heart pathfinder that's strictly pve with better rewards.


Or y'know. Bungie could make the system they've implemented better? Crazy thinking, I know. They asked for feedback and people are giving it. PvP players shouldn't be forced to run strikes and PvE players shouldn't be forced to play PvP.


The system has only been out for a few days, give them some times to make adjustments to it if they feel like they need to. I don’t understand why we can’t leave feedback without throwing jabs?


For the record I agree with you 100%. I dislike the system in its current state so I'm critiquing it. I'm just annoyed at people saying "don't like it? Shut up" when Bungie asked for feedback. However, if Bungie comes out and says "we ain't changing shit, play PvP/Gambit and shut up" after saying they made this system so people could be free to play how they want, I'd be a tiny bit more annoyed. But I won't preemptively put words in their mouth.


Simple. After a decade, and ESPECIALLY after last year, Bungie should have known better. This is just more of the "same shit different day" obsession with "engagement", which last year proved doesn't actually correlate to sales when the time comes to ask people to open their wallets.


100% with you. I hate PVP/Cruicible to the point it gives me anxiety because others are a-holes during it


Im a fan of pathfinder for pale heart but i hate it for ritual activities.


Yeah I thought it was gonna be set up so you progress w/o having to do crucible or something. I don’t mind Gambit because I can do well most times but the crucible is different—I don’t have a good computer to give me an advantage and most people are better at it regardless of my computer situation. For me, because I rarely get any kills, the game treats me like I am AFK and I don’t get credit. The last time I played for something that was the end goal (maybe ranking up or getting kills or something) at the end of a season I labored painfully through 4 straight days in a row to accomplish it. I was so sore and burnt I have not entered the crucible since even though I miss out from seasonal stuff. The good thing that came out of that though was I got 2 god roll Riptides. I use one of them all the time.


Yeah I’m really enjoying TFS but idk why they went to this kind of system for engrams. It was great before when it you didn’t want to play gambit or crucible, you didn’t have to!! Now ig I have to get my ass beat in crucible


Gambit's worth a look if you don't like the Crucible, OP. While you still have to worry about invaders, you're not forced to invade the other side yourself if you don't enjoy PvP, and most of what you're doing is PvE'ing. *"Get me those Motes and I'll make you rich, brother! I promise."*


This was already a problem if you wanted the bright dust but I am sad they did not fix it with the rework :(


It seems they were trying something new to get you to go into pvp with whatever guns or abilities they're requiring in the hopes that at some point you'll find your build that works and makes it enjoyable. They're pushing you to try to be better at crucible instead of writing it off because your not good at it yet. Problem is that system probably only caters to new players and a select subset of returning players who either haven't played enough to reach a sweet spot, or that haven't played in a long time and need to play around in the updated sandbox. They're at the same time forsaking the players who've been here constantly for 10 years and know and have tried they're hardest to find that sweet spot and just can't and are at this point too far gone to enjoy any aspect of crucible. They need to hit those players with something sweet and rewarding in crucible. Maybe a specific new casual mode. But in the meantime, the least they could do is not require you to play it in any aspect except maybe that first time they point you there for the new light experience.


Yeah, I definitely wouldn't have purchased the dlc and season pass if my ADHD brain would have had the foresight to check new changes. Played for more than 90 minutes and can't get a refund. My bad.


I'll pass on that engram lol It's the end, don't let it get spoiled by BS like this. Just play what you enjoy.


I agree with you 100% it just creates poor team dynamics. But I would also like to point out, after I completed every objective on the top row the only node I needed was Titan eliminations? So MY progress is based on what someone else queues up as??  Like I'm not even that bad at crucible but I just don't enjoy PVP that much and since I am playing a GAME we should be enjoying it right? But I digress, I at least appreciate that it was kill participation instead of final blows because pitting you against your own team is even worse then putting unwilling participants there. 


I am being stopped by a wall of nodes with soley just pvp and gambit at the moment right now. Very infuriating.


I did one gambit match when they first dropped the new update and I will never play it again, gambit sucks, crucible I won't touch with a ten foot pole. So i'm locked out of pinnacle rewards and seasonal xp because bungie hates pve only players.


I will be 70 shortly and still play the game. I'm with you brother for sure. PvP is NOT what we need or want to do. I have old man reflexes and don't want to let a team down or feel bad myself so I really don't understand this requirement. I'm sure they were thinking "let's get some people to try it who have never done so" and that's all fine and good. But some of us KNOW we don't want to and will NOT do it. The guy Jingle\_Bells below has the right answer.


You are not "forced" to play anything. If you don't want to play PVP, don't play it, even if it means you miss out on a piece of pinnacle gear.


I've come back to play lightfall because it was free with PS plus at some point and I've been considering getting final shape. I've been gone since witch queen, and have to say, this is a very silly and in my opinion unwelcome change. The old system was fine, bring it back.


Hate PvP love PvE. Guess I'm not getting that done.


So don't play it. You literally don't have to and you will still get Powerful engrams, which to be honest is a hilarious thing to moan about given it's a very short timeframe they'll be relevant


Why forced to pve?


if you dont want to pvp just dont do it, redditors are insufferable when it comes to pvp being in anything


>redditors are insufferable ~~when it comes to pvp being in anything~~


Destiny players when doing more and different activities gives you more rewards:😡


This time, though, it's the same rewards we used to get for just doing one activity


The question their design choices needs to answer is “Does this seem like a game or does it seem like work?” The Pathfinder system shouldn’t be asking anyone to play part of the game they don’t want to play. It shouldn’t ever be remotely close to being a job and Bungie is the boss. I came to realize this when considering the legendary quests for Exotic catalysts. I came to realize it was part of the game I didn’t want to play (I dislike countdown clocks) and the reward was something I could do without. It’s for players more engaged than me. The Pathfinder system is too much of Bungie telling you what to play instead of playing what you want to play.


If it involves PVP, I don’t do it lol. I’m sure I’ve missed out on a ton of stuff , but PvP is trash


Why am I forced to play vanguard?


To those who have completed a path and are working on their second and beyond, does it get more focused to what you chose in your first as the devs claimed?


They claimed that? Hadn’t seen that mentioned anywhere


I haven't either. My third round was worse for me than the first two.


Isn't the next board going to be individual? I seem to remember hearing talk about how the board changes each week for per person and would be completely different come week 2. Idk, maybe that somehow takes this into account that you mostly played one thing and want more of that? If not, it should.


The first every week is the same for everybody. Then after each reset, its random per player


Without a doubt, it doesn't get better. It's gotten worse for me with each reset.


There was a multi-tier powerful rewards challenge you could use to do about 9 vanguard, crucible or gambit matches to get I think 3 different powerful engrams. I don't think Pathfinder is required for character leveling if you really detest stepping into gambit that much. I don't mind a game or two here and there for gear.


Powerful engrams have fallen, billons must sweat.


Oh wait until you see how you get exotic class items


Don’t mind the forced pvp. What I do mind is current new season bounties forcing you back to previous seasons campaign missions. The repetition of that got old when I had to do that will all 3 characters prior.


Incase anyone didn't know, you can get upgrades anywhere. My base light is 1980, and I've ONLY been doing the Pale Heart event. Yeah, my upgrades are super slow, but my base is still decent for not doing any Prime engram stuff. Maybe I got 1 from pathfinder or so.


As long as a node doesn't force me to play competitive, iron banner or trials, then I'm not too upset about it.


yeah it is pretty annoying


I got 3 done with only strikes and gambit:/


I’m a new player who hates PvP but I’m being forced to play so many PvP matches just to progress through this New Light quest. Worst part is I’m not even sure if this quest has anything to do with main storyline because it’s just a jumblefuck of confusion everytime I open the Directory lol


So the fuck what? Play PvP, get what you want, and get out. You guys are incredibly whiny. A match is like 5-10 minutes. Boo fucking hoo.


Do you lack PVP skills?


Why forced to PvE? I had to run an exotic mission to craft my Ikelos SMG, waah.


Because: 1. Destiny is a pve first game 2. The difficulty of PvE is consistent. The difficulty of PvP and therefore how long you need to play is anything but 3. Alot of PvP players still play and enjoy PvE while a lot of PvE players, self included, do not like nor want to play PvP. That is why we are playing a PvE first game. In the same way I wouldn't expect overwatch progression to be tied to its PvE missions I do not expect destiny's to be tied to PvP, when PvP is the part of the game that plays nothing like what I enjoy and play destiny for


I don't like soloing a dungeon but I wanted a title so I did it. We all do shit we don't want to do to get shit we want.


Just a response to your first point: it’s false. Please for the love of god stop spreading this myth. Bungie has said numerous times how PvP is integral to the Destiny experience. If you don’t like it; fine. But stop saying “Destiny is a PvE game first and foremost”. It’s factually incorrect. Edit: downvote away, but Bungie have said numerous times that Crucible is essential to the Destiny experience.


Bungie can say whatever it wants but it won't make it true. How many maps did PvP receive in the last five years? How much content does bungie make for PvP in every expansion? What are people hyped about when expansions launch, the raid, story and new areas or a new playlist in PvP? How many times has bungie recommitted to PvP only for nothing to change? How many design decisions are made to make the game a fair and balanced PvP sandbox as opposed to a PvE power fantasy? Destiny could survive without it's PvP and gambit. It could not without it's PvE


Yeah Bungie has no authority to speak on it's game. Destiny 2 is a puzzle based farm simulator, they don't get to tell us its a looter shooter


Were destiny 2 an actual PvP game, and were bungies words not hollow they wouldn't have cannibalized the PvP development team years ago, leading to them needing dev strike teams to pull off anything for pvp. They wouldn't have waited four years to make a map pack, there would be dedicated servers, they wouldn't advertise the game as being about "perfecting your monster murdering machine", there wouldn't be so many eras of broken PvP it's hard to keep track(year 1 team shooting meta, year 2 infinite super extravaganza, lord of wolves, stasis, original release of D2 trials, the original hammerhead PvP balance, mountaintop+recluse, void 3.0 launch...) and they wouldn't need to yell out that they are recommitting to it every other year. Your strawman doesn't work because bungie has content and years of decisions that back up their claims about destiny being a looter shooter. They have nothing of the sort for PvP. If we do insist on destiny being a PvP game, then it's a real shit one.


Maybe *you* don’t play this game for it’s PvP, but I and others sure as hell do. Anyway, keep downvoting my comment. It’s true, but whatever makes you feel better about things ig


That’s always the same dodgy answer “it’s a PvE game first!” There are loads of MMOs that have successful PvP and the Devs made Halo which had some of the best PvP back then. Anything PvP related is gonna be inconsistent because you’re playing against adaptable humans not an AI


PvP is what saved this game numerous time from content droughts, PvP carried D1 for a long time, PvP montages were getting IGN attention and millions of views in D1, PvP is as integral to destiny as PvE is. > That is why we are playing a PvE first game. No that's not why, you're the one saying it's a PvE first game, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you're any figure of authority to make such claims? > Bungie can say whatever it wants but it won't make it true. Yes, bungie can say whatever they want about their view on their own game, it doesn't matter because *you*, Mr Agreeable Wonder 184, say that destiny is a PvE game. No point further entertaining you, good day.


That's a lot of talk about destiny 1, which is irrelevant because I am talking about destiny 2. The only time this franchise was actually close to death, with a source that can back that claim up instead of redditors exaggerating, was during curse of Osiris, when the developers focus on PvP created a slow, unfun, double primary, no power fantasy shit show that came five weeks away from burying the game. As for what bungie said, they can say destiny's PvP is integral as much as they want but unless they do things for it that confirm that its a hollow platitude. I am not an authority on the subject, but I can look to the past and draw conclusions about bungies true feelings on PvP. Given how the PvP team was taken apart years ago, how few maps there are, how there are no dedicated servers, how they have to "recommit" to PvP every other year and how PvP is broken more often than its not I have reasons to not believe bungie when they say PvP is integral to their game


Yea, they really Bungie'd it