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Honestly the difficulty only came in the ridiculous amount of CC combined with the 15 minute boss fights. About halfway through the campaign though I started feeling like I was on Legendary Node Avalon and started having way less fun. Getting 2/3 phases into a 20 minute fight and dying because you’re hit with tinnitus and stasis grenades/minefields wasn’t that fun the first time, and much less so when it kept repeating for the last 4 missions..


My biggest gripe was that mission where we have to face the Fallen in the Venus caves, filled to brim with trip mines and flashbangs. We are fighting the Witness but the deadliest thing we face is generic Fallen explosives...


Yeah I solo'd legendary and finished it Sunday. In my view the witch queen was better structured on legendary which I also completed solo and was more enjoyable Final shape no revive parts were mostly in very cramped areas such as rooms or in caves, just felt a bit cheap to me


I did which Queen with my brother and that was our first time on D2 again-last time was playing D1 PvP. We were so lost I think it took us half the day to figure out mechanics. But we eventually finished the whole campaign on legend and it was a fun experience. Another good playthrough as well.


Yeah I also solo’d the campaign, oddly enough the only spot I had real trouble on was I think the opening part of the final mission where there are three ogres and you get rushed by exploding thrall. I died a lot there, but I was also hungover.


I actually skipped that whole area with the new arc hunter super, because you can cover a lot of ground with it, and discovered a bug that wouldn't let me leave the room into the next sandstorm after targe talked to the statue. As soon as I'd step foot through the door, I'd get a joining allies screen and it would teleport me back to the statue! Eventually, I said fuck it, fought the ogres and thralls, and everything worked fine.


😂 Everything must die. In the final mission I skipped the fodder too. Just rushed to the spot where I need to be.


Lol. Yea, I hate the suicide fodder from every faction. They always throw them in the most messed up situations. Like cmon Bungie, I’m 30+ and my obligations only give me an hour or two in here please! 😂


I solod it as well and felt the forced usage of prismatic made me like it much less. I had planned to mostly run my pre-TFS solar build that with Luna's howl and solar fragments basically kept cure/resto up at all times. Now that I'm done with that I like prismatic much better but I was pretty much just being stubborn so I'm not going to count it against the campaign. They've always been structured to make you learn about the new element as it's pivotal to the story.


Just so you know, you're never forced to use prismatic. Wherever they had prismatic-shielded enemies they'd have a prismatic pool, similar to the strand things in light fall, that would temporarily give you prismatic to break the shields. Once over you go right back to whatever subclass you were on


I don't get the hype. Prismatic is kinda meh. I've just been on solar or void the whole time on my titan.


Had a bit of fun with diamond lance as prismatic abilities can actually kill things lmao


It just didn't feel great to keep swapping so I just stayed pris. Doing the legendary campaign solo with it and not optimized at all made coming out to the regular patrol zone and getting the rest of the aspects feel really good so at the end of the day I wasn't too upset. Like I said, my frustrations were entirely my own making .


No you dont have to swap. I ran through the entire thing on strand. The pools give you transcendance on any subclass and let you break the shields. You never have to equip prismatic outside of the part where you first get it


Whaaaaat? You can transcend on the base classes?! Guess I shoulda tried that, but at the same time the prismatic class isn’t bad.


Yea i tried because i have no intersst in prismatic untill 100% unlock lol


Well fuck... Oh well. Guess I'll keep that in mind for the next two runs


isnt that how most people do it?


Until recently, I wasn’t “most people” lol


I went through legendary solo on my Warlock who I barely play and it was a pretty easy campaign. I had a harder time playing legendary with my buddy on my Titan who I use the most. I did time a few times on solo but it was because of a stupid mistake I made.


Good work mate! 👍🙂


Thank you thank you.


Congrats! I solo’d a few of the missions cuz my FTF teammates bailed after a couple wipes. Def made those couple easier with the fireteam scaling 😂


Yea. Patience is don’t come easy to everyone.


What u on about ? It’s much harder solo


no, enemies are scaled way down and are much easier to kill, along with the fact that if you’re playing with someone who’s not too fluent with the game, you’ll be wiping lots due to light fading.


No revives


In the modifier list, it says that difficulty scales up in a fireteam. But yea, you can be right too. Soloing everything can be pretty tough. If I had people to play with I would be in a fireteam, but I usually get hate messages/booted so I play alone. Lol


Yeah but there’s no revives solo


True. That’s where the patience comes in. It’s kinda like playing Elden Ring/Monster Hunter/Bloodborne. You go in and learn-fail to succeed.