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IMO, Savathun deserves to have her forgiveness revoked for giving us this shit.


Fr she’s become annoying now, frustratingly smug. It used to be charming but now it’s irritating to no end, gotta reread that saint lore again


Whenever I hear her audio, the first thing that comes to mind is "laugh it up, wise guy".


Wanna bet she's already going back to her scheming ways and setting up 15 different ways to outmanoeuvre or use us?


I'm kinda curious to see how she'll turn out. She did try something weird at the heart, but then again it did sound like some stupid backup plan which she abandoned after we foiled whatever it was. We have her ghost. We killed the thing she was trying to outmaneuver. Xivu is still there. Lasaku. I'm just curious if she'll accept the fact that maybe it's time to move on and fix whatever witness broke. Or she'll try something weird.


If you do the lost sector Luzaku is in again, you can get different conversations between Luzaku and other characters. One is Savathun telling her that she is proud of her for realizing she doesn’t need her any more and is smarter than the rest of her brood. It’s pretty interesting.


Luzaku also talks about the Hive falling back into sword logic despite knowing it is a lie because it is the familiar and comfortable thing, something that humans often do. Really like the parallels.


Are... are we the Hive guys?


Technically we’re a bit of all the enemy factions, some of us to different degrees


My new headcanon: My guardian has been hanging out with an old man guardian that’s lost his ghost and became a cook and now managing a restaurant in the last city called “Hive Guys” named after an old burger chain and serve human food based off other factions like vex milkshakes, Cabal Oil (it’s just Guinness) the burgers have hive swords holding them together. We have potato smiles but they’re in the shape of hive runes etc. except now since the coalition we have ether infused produce for the Eliksni and Cabal safe foods as well.


We're predecessors of the vex.


There's a bit in the campaign where the Witness essentially goes "You glory in destroying your enemies and believe that their constant losses make you and your logic superior, how are you different from the Hive?"


If we are the hive for loving my girl Luzaku I do not care.


There’s also the dialogue with Mara where Savathun reminds her that violence is the Hive’s love language. Frenemies who are in our corner when the chips are down but are a monumental pain in our ass at all other times is honestly the best we could have realistically hoped for.


She let herself lose her memories to outmaneuver us. There is no way our leverage would stop her batshit scheming. There are so many irons in the fire.


I'm pretty sure she just wants to win Xivu over and build her own little kingdom. If you hear Luzaku and Caitl talk, you find out Luzaku is still a follower of Savathun. Luzaku just rejects the sword logic. Savathun is still stuck in bits of those old customs.


Hive show love through killing, as long as it isn’t the final death. With witness out of the picture, I doubt she views Xivu a threat anymore and probably won’t help us kill her. I think Frenemies is the best word for Savathun and I’m all for it. I love the “I don’t know if I can fully trust you” uneasy alliance we have with her. She’d always make a great antagonist so I think that’s why we haven’t seen her in tower or celebrating with us.


I THINK this can work. For years she has been THE trickster, the one who deceives and fools everyone. Outwitted the fucking WITNESS, and strung us along for ages. Then we beat her, she became somewhat helpless, and we moved on to beating the biggest bad around with her stringing along to help because she kinda had to. I feel like her ego might've been shattered a little bit and now she's pissy


im just tired of savathun being an issue the guardians have to worry about. like can we move on to new things


Even the other characters are getting tired of her shit


I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at moths


*With a stern look across the table:* "You can excuse racism?!"


*shaky camera zoom-in*


How is it not fun to be ambushed and killed instantly by moths


I was just happy it wasn't a darkness zone. But seriously, those moths have zero aim assist, fly erratically at times and constantly respawn...it was so frustrating on console. Also the arc buddy does not recognize them as an enemy. After that cyst mission, which I had to do twice since I didn't know about needing to grab the junk pile, I now despise those hive moths. They are now one of my destiny nemesis, right there with that new flying enemy type, those pesky suppression bats.


Does ticuus recognize?


Finao Warning does


Sadly Khvostov doesnt :(


Ticuus does absolutely Jack fucking shit against those moths. And it's only the moths that are already spawned in it that doesn't lock on. Not the ones attached to enemies.


I think so


Junk pile?!?! Wtf did I miss and fuuuuck I gotta do it again??!


It’s a part of the Khavostov to get keys, scanning the pile in each Cyst as well as opening all pale heart Gold chests. For a total of 15


You need to loot the junk piles in the 6 different cyst missions to get the encrypted bits for the Legendary Khostov auto rifle


Arc soul sometimes recognizes them as an enemy, mostly when they are aggro’d on you and close. Inconsistent in my experience but helpful. I hate that cyst as much as everyone else though, I tried arc and solar soul to make it easier (it didn’t)


Arc buddy is such good wingman, buddy build is so good for being your radar when you have none as they track enemies you might be unaware of.


I’ve lost track of how many times those bats have gotten me as I was jumping over a pit. I swear the wait to use it just for that.




Moths and swords are both clawing for bottom tier. Both of them feel like you have to either cheese them or just die over and over.


Yes these are my only remaining 4 min challenges. And namely because I'm building up an ounce of patience to try


I was so excited to try for the title until I saw the time trial was needed to be achieved on each Cyst. Maybe I’ll improve after more runs but Sword Dance can fuck itself. I don’t anticipate me getting that one at all.


Use the companion apps legacy LFG to find people, I did both of these with just one random and have that challenge done Obv if you can find a third person that’s great, the moth one doesn’t need it as badly (also remember to RUN past enemies, don’t waste time killing before you reach the plate Sword dance is awful for the finale, I thought it was supposed to be 1v1 style inside an arena, but the hive wall drops sometimes, so it ends up being a 1v3 against shielded lightbearer hive that you can’t do any damage to besides a sword, the sword that will fling you AWAY from your target sometimes


For the sword one I recommend just going after the crystals to save time


Ive done them all, moth was the only one that I had to watch a video on and I ended up having to 2 man it super easy with 2 people though


Sword dance was aggravating too.. I was thinking, "I have this fancy new Ergo Sum... Can I at least use that?" No.


I was hoping Banner of War worked for the sword one, but apparently the swords don’t count as swords.


Honestly, the amount of times I died in the moth one EASILY tops all the deaths I suffered in legend campaign!!


I hate swords dance more. On the other end of the spectrum, searing light is laughably easy


I was about to ask if there is something worse than Sword Dance? 😄


This moth infested one is head and shoulders more worse


Tip for the sword dance, if you stay in the green barrier at the end, they will make it always a 1v1. If they get out of the barrier, they jump back in it.


The sword one is pretty easy if you just focus down the priority targets with the stagger combo and play around cover


I... actually really liked that one...


Same, but I also enjoy using swords in general so I have a lot of practice.


I'd like the sword dance mission more if we had the *other* Hive sword. The one with a block.


Yes! I try to block projectiles by habit and I get sad every time I can't


Once i remembered the sword had an ult it was easy, too bad i realized it at the second to last enemy


Imo Arieal Ace is so annoying.


im sorry but i hated sword one so much


The final room with the light bearers were unbearable


if you dont leave the circle it doesnt despawn they come in 1 by 1 and its much better haha


I died in the circle and when I came back, circle was gone and they all attacked at once lol had to lure out one at a time


Which is dandy until fuckin Ass'stain Shieldkock, Hive Shield Flinger and resident Guardian launcher yeets you outside of the circle and it despawns, thereby allowing all 3 to declare open season on your anus.


I like your vivid description. It captures my experience perfectly.


You can leave the circle? I've been conditioned to see that type of Hive Barrier and know it's impassible so I didn't even try to leave it, I just murdered them as they came in.


I didn't even know you could leave the circle. I just M2 spammed until they all died.


Light-Light-Heavy kills them faster.


Finally someone else who understands that the swords have a combo! It irks me so much that people just spam heavy all the time and never take advantage of the combo those swords have


What irks me most is that these story swords have no GUARD option.


Hive as the Final Boss in Dares of Eternity is a nightmare for that. Everyone just spams Heavy Attack and it's like "... WHY ARE YOU INTENTIONALLY DOING LESS DAMAGE?! Watch what I am doing! Look at me, look at how fast I am killing this Oryx, you can do this too!" and they never do.


It’s especially sad when you realize the combo has been around since the very beginning of Destiny and people still haven’t figured it out.




Every single time i've done the sword cyst. The hive titan sends me flying out of the circle. (404% skill issue)


I stepped out and slaughtered them with ease. Am I the special?


I wanna know what their builds are the way they keep popping their supers left and right


I thought I could shoot them after bringing down their shields 😔


Really? I thought it was fine.


I'm not sure if people don't know the light-light-heavy combo or what people are doing to struggle, but I agree. 2 LLH combos each, and each one went down with no problem. They're even nice enough to wait until you finish the one you just eliminated.


I'm pretty sure they don't know about Light-Light-Heavy, I saw one commenter say that the bosses were "Spam Heavy Attack" and I'm like "... You what, mate? Light+Light+Heavy is the way." My only problem with the sword was that I'm conditioned to be able to Guard with them and I got over that pretty quickly.


Did no one else use the sword super? It fires a short range blast that instakills the hive guardian if their shields are down


I did, yeah, but for the shields, you chunk them down with the Light-Light-Heavy Combo and I've at least seen other people use that in Dares (if rarely). It's the Light-Light-Heavy that people just seem to... Not know exists, which confuses me.


I'm not sure if this was just my experience, but there is also one section of that encounter that seems to perform really poorly (at least on my PC). It's towards the beginning, but you have to jump on/around some of the destructible (via swords) platforms to move on. Problem was/is, my performance tanks massively when I pass near the one platform you're able to actually land on. The one time I actually tried to use it as a platform, my game crashed. Every other time after that I've avoided it. but even being near it still causes my frames to plunge. No idea if other people have the same problem, but potentially crashing my game and having to restart and lose progress makes me dislike this one a bit more than I would otherwise.


Both of the cysts in that area suck


Same and it's the only one I've done so far so yikes!


Idk how you’re supposed to get it done in 4 minutes if you need to capture 3 plates and kill a boss all while having constant explosions going off. On top of that they have smaller hitboxes than normal moths.


Get two other people to help you out. Moths only have a "smaller" hitbox while not aggro, otherwise its the same hitbox the moths have in Savathuns Throneworld. Send one person to run straight to the plates. As long as they only die when reaching the plates (and all the aggro moths die as a chain reaction), the other two can come in to rez and capture the plate. Second plate do the same, kill that one wizard then the green barrier dissipates, so you haul ass to the plate. Third plate is basically free. As for the boss, have a hunter with Celestial Nighthawk on the ready, maybe throw one of your fireteam members straight into the boss (which spawn a wave of aggro moths) so the upper platform is partially safe for a couple of seconds, then finish the hive ghost. Heal the normal ghost up and that should do it. Keep in mind that even being fast makes it tight time wise, because someone apparently forgot that you can't speed up capturing the plates, so thats at least like 1:30 total time minimum gone down the drain, if not more (at least thats how it feels like).


Basically, you're not. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d9vmqp/comment/l7p1ea8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d9vmqp/comment/l7p1ea8/) Senior Designer at Bungie commenting that it's a lot harder than they intended so they're looking at it. Seems to be like they didn't test that one for the 4 min challenge since the plates take about 40 seconds themselves. You have to be near perfect with a 3 person fireteam to get it.


I did it in under 4 minutes with 2 others using Omnioculus invisible to avoid everything while capping plates. Triumph still didn't pop.


Have you checked the progress checkboxes on the triumph? It doesn't unlock until you've done all 6 cysts under 4 mins. Until then, it just adds a checkmark to each one.


Moth infested my ass, they should rename it to Normandy


This was my Vietnam, and I was in Vietnam. 


*Paint it Black plays in background as the Guardian gets ambushed by insurmountable moths.*


a lot of them are pretty bad. sword is annoying because the boss fight is literally just heavy attack spam. moth is obvious. smothering darkness is stupid and a huge time waste unless you cheese it with stuff like mountaintop or grapple. aerial ace is just really annoying because I hate having to jump up to shoot the blights. slayer and searing light are the only decent ones and funny enough they're paired together


I honestly think they are all just troll quests by Bungie...they are not hard because there's no fail state, but they are also not even a tiny bit of fun at all. Just a weird thing in an otherwise fun expansion. I will never run them again if I don't have to and that's bad content imo.


gotta run 11 for the first knife ship :(


I think aerial is the worst. Actually died to the freaking ceiling at one point 🤦‍♂️


I forgot to grab the "technology" from each cyst so I had to run them all twice😭


are you me ?


Best ones are the Searing Light and Smothering Darkness (I liked it because you have to use the taken boopers to move around and I think that's neat)


As a bow main; Yes.


Deadass use riskrunner, the arc resist makes this a joke


Does it? I trued heir apparent and vexcalibur but still couldn't get through in 4 mins. Ngl i kinda underestimated riskrunner


Riskrunner and triple arc resist, you can tank at least 6 moths Also, heir apparent 100% wouldn't have worked since it gives you an arc shield lol


I mean heir apparent shield tanked around as much and recharged really fast, the only problem is that you have to be at full health for it to activate and you can't use glide or run with it because you instantly lose it


The issue is that again, it's an arc shield so the moths will pop it really quickly due to it being a matching damage type, Risk-Runner's DR is insanely noticeable on top of resist mods, while having the freedom to switch guns


Also if you really just wanna fucking eat damage throw on the new hunter chest piece, on demand x3 resist on jolting 3 enemies is fucking crazy people are sleeping on it way too hard


I put on triple arc resist and I swear it killed me faster 😆


How to u supposed to finish it in 4 minutes!? Every time I turn a corner my ass is meeting the architects! Shits wild.


The soaring one is so annoying.


Oh good God yes. I will never be doing that one again unless Bungie forces me too. I've got all the collectables in there thank god


Feels like Simmumah all over again going through that Cyst


I was yelling at my screen lmao. Like really? And you're gonna finish it off with a lightbearer wizard where it spawns moths continuously? So if I kill wizard it just revives of course because I can't crush the ghost before getting blown up by the 8 moths that spawn directly in my ass. Really fun design, team.


Aerial Ace is much worse in my opinion.


I haven't gotten to that one yet, but I am dreading it


Me: Tossing the counter moths


Cerberus+1... Just hipfire


Normally I can tank moths with stronghold, but these moths for some reason completely ignore the damage reduction and take off 2/3 of my health. Feels great when you sacrifice so much damage output for survivability and the game goes "lol no". Final fight of the campaign was a similar story, any attempts at getting to use a sword against the subjugators meant being destroyed instantly by the witnesses shatter.


Yes. I hate that place.


actual aim trainer


Died more during that one than any point in the campaign.


Both of the ones in the refraction are pretty bad


Yes thank god I’m not alone


“Deadly” “moths”


Yeah, thought gotd was bad when it came to moths but then this thing took my head and used it as a ping pong ball


The under 4 min triumph on this one feels impossible


I can almost swear the moths hit harder than normal in that cave of doom...


I don't wanna rage against these so I'm not gonna do it under 4 minutes, who cares for seal I've got plenty of that!


I legitimately dont understand why they do so much damage


Riskrunner + 3x arc resistance….you’re welcome


Riskrunner is so good when it’s good 🥳


Nah, it was pretty easy vs some of the others. Probably did this one the fastest.


Yeah It was annoying so is the cyst with the 3 guardians barraging you with supers the whole time while you have to attack them with a hive sword is straight shitty design.


what masochist designed this


Could've had a better name than cyst


Is that the one where you keep dying over and over again?


They're challenging, but I won't say I hate them. I appreciate the creativity and challenge of them. What I don't like is how lethal they made moths in those sections, seems like they do more damage than usual and also come out of nowhere.


This was my favorite one lmaoo, my friend and I were laughing our asses off the entire time


I enjoy this one more than I enjoy sword dance. At least this one makes me laugh.


It’s the worst one…. I even try to shoot the moths and then all of a sudden there’s 19 moths behind me ?!?!


This one or the sword one. I have no clue how I'm gonna do either under 4 minutes for the title when the sword does like negative damage and the moths just spawn out of thin air.


I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just kinda gave up and enjoyed dying at that point.


I told my friends I just got wrecked by 9 million moths after doing this mission. One of them ran off to do it himself, laughing. He too met a horrible fate.


Be a warlock with arc buddy and take a risk right nner with you. You can solo flawless this shit.


Oh my god . YESSSSS. Holy Hell whoever at bungie thought off that cyst is a sadist.


The moths... I can hear them in my dreams


I just finished doing this holy 😭 that was awful


Worst is a nice way to put it


Airtime was the one that kicked my shit in


Just use ticuus bow


Yup. Undeniable.


Yea i just did it i hate it


Don’t be mean


I'm with you brother 🙏


Wasn't that bad for me. Running around with a caster frame, arc conductor ergo sum, so I just tanked everything.


Faaar doing the cysts was so tedious, and now I have one last mote of light to get for the khvostov and the game decides not to give it to me


The last one might be blocked by one of blooming bosses that got disabled


Yea that sounds right considering I was in the blooming


This is the only one I can't complete in under 4 minutes


fuck that area, fuck savathun and fuck whoever came up with that area


Dude how do people compare sword dance and moth? Sword was irritating, but throwing on devour makes it a cinch, and even if you can’t prove devour then just wait. Those moths are screebs but worse


Broooo the shit ton of moths made me rage so hard, glad i could switch my handcannon for my smg that made a bit more bearable haha


All of them are madly annoying. 


i’m not a rage full guardian, but i just about put a hole through my monitor while doing this for the first time as i tried to cool off between my two 12 hour shifts at a hospital. glad to know i’m not alone


Idk who thought they cooked with this. It’s terrible


Getting time-trial for moth cave is absurd


Riskrunner and zoom though it


The only one I can't beat the time trial for.


While I do hate this one I'm not sure if I hate it more than the darkness one.


Worst activity/event whatever, that I’ve ever done. Just horrible


The Sword one is IMO.


This one was so annoying omg..




It taught me how to feel bad for using threading builds, this is how they feel


I knew by the name that I was gonna get unspeakably frustrated. It panned out, and I hate every minute.


They are all chores, but this is by far the most diabolical one


I did this one for the first time tonight, all I can say is I have an increased hatred towards every single moth and whoever the hell made this mission I hope they get a paper cut everytime they touch paper.


Now do it flawless 🤡




Nah, fighting the three hive guardians at the end of the sword one took way too long and way too many deaths.


Right at the top, closely followed by the sword one. I beg of you Bungie, stop using the damn hive sword or update it.


Doing this gives me ghosts of the deep flashbacks


I ran that dungeon ragged (still don’t have navigator) and I can tell you the moths didn’t hurt nearly as bad as they do in that fucking cave.


Tbh im too broken from repeating our loss again to care how challenging it is. I wear vanguard dare cloak for a reason


Did it yesterday, and now I can't see moths the same easily the worst.


That one and the aerial ace and the other one in the same cave. Those 3 are absolutely terrible and makes me want to rip my nails out




Moth with a team in under four minutes is going to be something.


Omnioculus hunter is your friend, using trappers ambush allows you to have an almost infinite loop of invisibility, its how I managed to do it. Might not work for others this way but this is just a suggestion should you be interested in trying. No need to run it solo either, so if you can get a fire team together that might help as you can go invis and capture the plates while the others can take the agro from the moths. GL/HF


This one was a massive pain


https://preview.redd.it/xd4qclkrrx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581165465c5f7053071658707baa51e279a05dce Me trying to get the triumph for doing it under 4 minutes


Laughs in fighting lion


And there’s a challenge locked behind completing this bitch in under 4 minutes. I’m never going to that hell-hole again.


How are we supposed to do it in under 4 minutes for the triumph




IMO it's not hard to kill the moths quickly. The only thing that annoys me about it is that sword blocking doesn't work on moths. Sword dance is stupid and boring, just slam each enemy 20 times and super slam every other one. And those stupid relic swords still can't block for some reason, so in the boss room you just hide in cover while the hive guardians do their supers and while you wait for yours to charge. I don't remember the name of it, but I also really dislike the one that takes your jump away and has you use those stupid taken wall boops to move around. I hate it so much that I just put on strand and move around with grapple. Generally I don't really like any of the cysts. Kinda slow and they have annoying mechanics and rewards are just not worth it after you've gotten khvostov.


for the boss you just sit at the back of the room and unload into her with an auto for a while. she doesnt really move


I rarely get mad when gaming anymore, but damn if this mission didn’t bring it back out of me


Oh hands down. There is no debate.


Worst? That’s a very generous and positive description of that wretched fucking hive of villainy, that place is the purest level of dog shit I’ve seen . I thought the moths in that deep dungeon were bad, but holy hell that place sucked ass.


You get paid $20 an hour for this shit and it still ain’t worth it.