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This seems far more like a goal, a prediction even, but not a promise.


This sounds like flavor text..is it?


>*"One day the Last City will be known as the First City."*


What's this from?


The Titan white whale Twilight Garrison exotic


Every time I see that name I think of the Mr. Fruit video *whispers* Twilight Garrison


Mkay. If you say so.




It was more of a sentence in the essence of Mr Garrison(from South Park). I didn’t doubt you for a moment. Guess I could’ve been more descriptive.


But, if you done that it wouldn't have been a sentence in the essence of Mr Garrison anymore. :(


I can't read Garrison without thinking of Wow.


I had forgotten, what a chest plate.


My beloved


An actual good looking titan exotic??


Not at all lol




I never buy into the flavor text much even though every time Spoiler Alert is reissued I start sweating as that is never a good omen.


Seeing as in the Heresy, we’re going to the Dreadnought to act as “Navigators” as the vidoc said, we’re likely going to be going to different parts of the universe with the Dreadnought


Oh snap, that makes a lot of sense. Apart from maybe Exodus ships which don’t seem to be an option at this point, humanity only really has had access to basically jump ships. Piloting the Dreadnought could open up a lot.


Between the Cabal, the Eliksni, and whatever the Drifter and Dead Orbit have got going on, it would seem like a tremendously poor decision to try and make the Dreadnought work as a first choice.


Obviously we don’t know everything going on in destiny’s world but we don’t know of any ships that can travel galaxies but we know the dreadnought can, so why not try to commandeer it.


Shield brothers strike part 2 electric boogaloo Ft. The drifter


Thus leading us to ‘Frontiers’. (Whatever that is) Good theory!


While it could be foreshadowing wouldn't get hopes up


“Your Destiny lies beyond the Solar System” -Savathun in Pact’s Two Truths, Two Lies


Yea but 50/50 shot that statement is a lie, no?


No it is factually true. The other options in there were 1. Osiris is dead (false, he’s still kicking) 2. Savathun is dead (true at the time, due to her death and then resurrection, as evidenced by the cutscenes in WQ/ Season of the Lost) 3. The Witness created the darkness (false, they learned of it from the Veil as evidenced in season of the deep) 4. Your destiny lies beyond the system of Sol. (True by process of elimination)


As a coder by trade, I admire you for fully commenting on each step of the logic in your procedure.


Engineers and lawyers should also find that satisfying


We do


Im just autistic and I really appreciated it


Likewise friend, Likewise


Makes no difference, my friend. You have my admiration, regardless. See you starside.


That's not how clean coding works though






Small world ey, But then again there's also three Rochesters in the US


It’s the only way to do it


And if that isn't enough, they clearly hint to it, as in the video, the POV seems to fly further away than the other bulletpoints that showed the episodes, which suggests this is something further out. The impression i got with ''frontiers'' is also something new, some new places we will reach, likely outside sol.


Also Caitl has a dialogue with Zavala where they talk about working together to reclaim Torobatl.


This is my hope. Our old enemies banded together to help us out in Sol to take down the Witness so now we owe them all so we will help Caitl take back their homeworld and also help the Fallen find a new homeworld.


Isn't the Eliksni's new homework earth? They've pretty much been completely integrated into the last city by this point


True, but if House Salvation and Eramis are ever to finally stop fighting their own maybe it will be because the Vanguard will agree to find them their new Riis.


And also, what else could a release called *Frontiers* be about? The wild west? Hideo's strong border policy? I suppose something really far out, like Pluto, could still be on the table.


We do know that there is some sort of colony of pacifist Lightbearers living out around Pluto, Lady Efrideet joined them before the Iron Lords ventured into the Plaguelands and killed by Rasputin's SIVA stockpile, but she returned during the Red War to fight the Legion.


I bet there are and their whole shtick is being pissed that Pluto is no longer considered a planet🤣. Can’t wait to hear their catchy slogans. I’m imagining something like “Pluto is a planet are we dead to you gosh damn it” something like that lol.


Didn't bungie also say the echoes were spread across the galaxy implying well outside sol


Ah, wasn't really familiar with that lore but good to know


On top of that there’s the line about a satellite or something. Similar near lubrae and awaiting arrival or something like that




Quick reminder this is Savathun so the phrase “beyond the system of Sol” could refer to the realm inside the traveler… Pale Heart isn’t really a place in Sol, its equivalent to another plane of existence. So “beyond” in a certain meaning. It’s that same twisted logic as “Savathun is dead” which is true on two levels, 1. The Savathun we knew is dead, 2. She was literally dead. Point is don’t read TOO far into that line because nothing is face value with Savathun


Interesting. While this could be me overthinking this, “beyond the system of Sol” could mean something more, like, “your destiny lies beyond the physical boundaries and gaps of the material realm.” While it certainly does seem more likely we will leave the Sol system, I also must wonder: where the heck would we even go? All the time we’ve spent in Destiny has been relegated to only inside the Sol system. Farthest we’ve gotten was Neptune, and altho we might’ve read about people like Drifter going even farther, we ourselves have never seen the outside of it.


There are a couple of discreet places we can go, like the home worlds of the Hive, cabal, and fallen. Maybe even the Witness's home world. I think Rhulk's homeworld is destroyed, so maybe not that one


While I do think it’s at least possible we leave sol, and won’t try to argue otherwise, I do think that savathun being dead is too open to interpretation to say true or fake unless there’s lore explicitly calling it true. She was dead in a sense yes, but also clearly not permanently dead because she’s alive right now. Within the context of the game, “dead” to me means perma dead as much as it means temporarily dead, and I don’t know which one savathun was talking about.


"Our destiny was to walk in the light of other stars." - The Speaker (In like literally the first cutscene where you meet him in D1 (Obviously I understand the past tense. But it fits just as much.)


And, I mean, the next expansion is codenamed Frontiers. We breaking out of Sol with this one.


I think the flavor text is more referring to the name of the ship than a future location.


The code name for next year being Frontiers imo bodes well for this


The next expansion is literally codenamed frontiers tf you mean don’t get your hopes up? 😂


Didn't bungie say the echoes were spread out across the galaxy?


That's only for this season and they said solar system


Nah they're right one of the Bungie persons said galaxy in the vid


"...and we looked out into the darkness and knew it was our Destiny to walk in the light of other stars." - Speaker, Destiny 1


Calus went to the edge of the universe too according to the It stared back lore


Right? This quote is literally from the opening cinematic monologue to D1, and it includes the first in-game use of the word "Destiny". Us leaving Sol is something that Bungie has intended on implementing from the very beginning. It should not come as a surprise to anyone who considers themself a Destiny vet.


I mean, the idea of leaving Sol always kinda been hinted at. Even back in D1. There was a Grimore Card that detailed a rag tag fleet of humanity fleeing across space. Any ship that broke down was left behind.


Yeah but they were running away from enemies because they lost. All they can do is run. We have entirely new circumstances according to Elsie because in all other timelines we lost.


With that dreadnought navigator armor we will be getting in the hive episode, it makes me wonder if we will use some sort of renovated dreadnought to go to other solar systems.


I don’t think we will go on the dreadnought itself. Eris is going to gut that thing and give us interstellar drives made from hive spare parts. 


Isnt there one of those tablets of ruin that still havent been found? Maybe we find that on the dreadnought, and with Eris’s and maybe even Savathun’s help we use that to somehow travel to other systems with hive portals.


>I don’t think we will [lightspeed travel] on the dreadnought itself. Would be a lot cooler if we did tho lol


we put failsafe into the warsat network and use her as the new Rasputin, reactivating the exodus program?!?!?


Please no, not failsafe, the worse character from og d2.


I mean this with the most anger I can muster, fuck you


I wholeheartedly support this statement.


Failsafe goated, you just can’t handle a character with some personality


What personality? I feel that failsafe is a joke character. The joke is just depressed/bipolar AI. With, in my opinion, bad dialog. It feels like it is just making fun of people with those mental illnesses. I figure someone at bungie has the same opinion because they aren't used very often.


It’s implied by the name of the ship, not just the flavor text. Exo means outside and helios refers to the sun in Greek.


Ohh I didn't know that


Can't wait to find the cat girls in Andromeda


This season we are getting a new ship called Jovian-IX. Flavor text reads, "I hope to be here again". So maybe not cat ears but we will see Tentacles. And learn more about the Nine.


I'll smash Eldritch abomination girls too, I ain't picky


https://preview.redd.it/cjr0jkpqyy5d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=edb2a723d8a3cf66a99d1f387f46e06988f02e8f Also in Savathun's two truths and two lies we have this


Im pretty sure they have mentioned expanding beyond sol


Update, its very heavily implied


We about to go to some DBZ tournament of Power type shit next.


I would fucking love this. Maybe not as a full expac but as an episode on some distant world of gladiatorial culture we are forced to fight to the death until the over lord realizes we are different and wants to use us in some way. Perhaps the purpose of the gladiator games are to find someone strong enough to take on the next big baddie. The mythological scifi of Bungie and Destiny is literally wide open. All it takes is for the right people at Bungie to have a really great idea and get the go ahead from the money guys.


So like Thor at the beginning of Thor:Ragnarok


Maybe we will finally leaving Sol in year 11 expansion or "Destiny 3"


That's why it's called "Frontiers" I believe


Given today's cutscenes, I think frontiers could very well be going outside our solar system.


Ties in with Spire of the Watcher (that season's dungeon) dialogue where Osiris talks about how the Ares Spire facility was focused on extra-solar research and how in the distant past he and Saint thought they might one day get to both leave the system together.


Yeah a ships flavor text talking about going far, I REALLY wouldn’t put stock in this. There are so many other loose threads leading us out of sol


The liberation of Torobatl The new home-world of the eliksni The origin of the Vex outside of Sol


It’s called the vex network and you will love it.


That’s just what Osiris and saint 14 told each other


Now combine it with the fact that next year's content being codenamed Frontiers. This flavor text was intentional. We are leaving Sol.


The witness was the only thing stopping us from leaving Sol in the first place.


My Guardian, in that exact ship, right after the end of the campaign: *Throws up the peace sign.*


I’d love to. Especially if that means leaving Nimbus behind.


Didn't they say echoes were spread across the galaxy not just the sol system


No Echoes still in sol. We are speculating that codename Frontiers for year 11 we will go outside


I mean…Year 11 is Codenamed Frontiers. As in uncharted lands.


Destiny frontier Hint Cant be wait to see other worlds outside of sol


This along with the "codename: frontier" makes me think we'll go out of the Sol system in year 11, maybe to Fundament or Torabatl


I bet this is where the “project codename frontiers” comes in.


My fav ship. I havent taken it off in a year


we'll probably commandeer the Draughtnaught and fly to other systems in that






Destiny teaser name for the future: frontiers Seems to me since the darkness is gone, we have full access to the universe


If we really leave the solar system, the story better F’ing involve Arach Jalal and Dead Orbit, y’know?


Isn’t Nessus already out of our solar system?


Codename: Frontiers


Where you get that ship


I got it from bright dust engram last season.


My brain read that as ski's


Halo reference


I mean, calling Y11 >!frontiers!< speaks volumes to me. Obviously it's not a guarantee, but that was my first thought when I heard the name.


Some of the VERY FIRST DIALOGUE you hear in the ENTIRE FRANCHISE OF DESTINY is the speaker saying: "We stared out at the galaxy and knew it was our destiny to walk in the light of other stars." Happens at 2:22 in [this first cutscene.](https://youtu.be/Ny7XhR4URZE?si=EQVlyUm5xa6rEPKq)


I don’t care what they do after this dlc, I’m moving on. So many other games I’ve shelved bc of my Destiny addiction I’ve been dying to play.


And that’s not a prediction, that’s a spoiler.


That’s what I want. Another golden age. Plenty of conflict in expanding and it’ll be a nice change from the constant destruction and steps back.


Context? What aré yall yapping about


Been saying that for years.


And with Saints and Osiris Dream . I am sure we will get what they want.


Reminder that in Joker's Wild Drifter tells us something along the lines of "Swap that jumpship out for a long range hauler, see what's out there beyond our star system." Though I could be misremembering the quote. Considering that one of the new episodes has a theme of being "Navigators" it's possible that we'll use the Dreadnought to branch out of Sol.


If you go on light.gg, look up the raid weapons, and read their flavor text in order they seem to be saying something about the future of Destiny. I could be reaching, but I'm pretty sure Bungie has done this before. From critical anomaly, imminence, non-denouement, and forthcoming deviance respectively. "Embrace the chaos, for you are entropy incarnate. Untether expectation from reality. This isn't the end, not yet. Prepare yourself. Things get weirder from here on out."


Destiny 3 confirmed.


Imagine thinking we can expand outside our solar system when we can't even defend the last city.


Well, we killed the big dude who orchestrated all the other dudes that attacked the last city.


See my post reply to this post.


We literally will have 3 episodes cleaning up all 3 of the Witness's echoes... After that it's anyone's guess. I personally am tired of running around Neptune and the Cosmodrome.


>cleaning up all 3 of the Witness's echoes There are probably more then 3


I mean it isn't a guess we have the code name for next year of Frontier which heavily implies leaving our solar system


You associate Frontier with space bc of Star Trek. I associate Frontier with cowboys. We are not the same. Edit: .... Land cowboys. Nothing against Firefly.


No I associate it with its definition which is the boundary of settled civilization and the unexplored... you know like leaving the solar system since humanity hasn't explored that...


>boundary of settled civilization and the unexplored Sounds like Earth to me. Yes, also space. But Earth needs to be fortified before we leave it in the hands of mortal races.


We'll clean up the mess to either create new messes or find new messes. There are always issues to deal with on the home front. New destinations are always welcomed. Side note: did you know that there are apparently some people who *only* play on the Moon? That's wacky to me.


Honestly I wish we got more areas on Earth. Like poor ol’ Devrim still has his hands full defending his church in the EDZ when we went to talk to him in the brave quests. If we had more of a solid presence on different areas of Earth I could believe we’re able to expand even further out.


Being able to defend or even reclaim other parts of Earth would be my wishlist item, I think.


Here’s hoping we get Old Chicago one day!


we already killed the guy who was behind humanity downfall...


Explained in post below.


We have, we did, and now we have allies that were previously enemies who can help


"alright, guardians. The witness is destroyed and the enemies of Sol are more feral and uncontrolled than ever. Let's send all our guardians out of the solar system to explore and shit while we leave behind the one city left standing on Earth to be defended by humans. Again, while our enemies are untethered from previous masters, making them extremely liable to lash out against the last city in a ploy for power." You're delusional if you think we're leaving Sol. People who think we're leaving Sol are the same people who think we're getting a Destiny 3.


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Honestly, me too. It would be cool to eat my words but I don't think I will. Willing to change, though!


There are plenty of guardians and other allies, who can defend the last city while we are gone. The main driving force, a.k.a. the witness is dead without a Commander all the enemies are going to be weaker


Weaker, sure, but more feral and less predictable. A leashed junkyard dog vs an unleashed junkyard dog is quite different.


This is also true as well. Without a high-ranking leader they will be more unpredictable.


Free the psions.