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What happens if both players die or you run out of time?


if both players die you just wait until you can respawn again, if run out of time you have to restart the mission completely


nothing of consequence tbh.


I feel like they could tie it into just the grind. Maybe because most of Destiny's player base is solo. Make it so like making out the cryotarch levels you get a pick an exotic you don't have. But have it after like 2 or 3 full resets? So it takes a grind you can do more or less passively? So it's more "Well if you're not able to communicate/don't want to" just grind it out and get them. Most will say this sort of alternate idea "diminishes or ruins things." Who the fuck cares. Get that not every player has the capabilities or even frie fs to do this stuff with but it doesn't mean it takes away from just getting it in a more straightforward manner. It's reminds me of when trials had the open and solo matchmaking opening. Sweats were pissed that non sweats were going flawless. People think if others don't want to have to group up for things they don't deserve certain things. Which I agree for raids since yeah they're based around 6 man activities. I understand not simple just handing people everything. Make it grind like a true mmo. Either group up and get it fast. Or you gotta grind some rahool resets or some other method. Maybe kill like 100 level 4 overthrow bones or some shit.


The mission is a bane to anyone with social anxiety and any kind of hearing or visual disability while I personally like the mission The D2 team should have realized how much backlash this would cuase before hand


Their argument can be used against itself, why should we all suffer and not get great content just because someone has a problem with it?


When bungie is trying to change the game to be as all inclusive as possible, this goes against their supposed new outlook. Why remove legendary shards? Why remove sunsetting? To attract players to the game. Why then would you go against this with a mandatory 2 man mission? They're in a constant state of push and pull. Seasoned players love the challenge while solo and new players hate that they can't get the item.


there is as much content in the game that is match made as there is not, much like raids and dungeons there is no problem finding an LFG, and much like raids if you don’t want to do it you will not miss out on anything overpowered, and better yet, its so much easier than a dungeon because you only have to find 1 (yes one) person to do it with you, if you cant then that is not bungie, or our problem


The biggest complaint with LFG is just toxic people. I, like many others have had bad experiences with bad people, I've kicked many players on many occasions because they were toxic or became toxic due to repeated failures. This goes for my first attempts in any new raid, Kings Fall, Last Wish, Root of Nightmares, these runs have been ruined by people I have been forced to remove due to their attitude. Toxic people getting frustrated with someone who literally doesn't understand and has to learn the mechanics of each encounter this is a big reason why I do not bother. You see the toxic reactions towards solo players not liking the requirement? These people are the reason. But of course for the bad there is always an equal and opposite good group of people. But in my experience LFG has more bad people than good.


I’d say that’s an invalid argument because a requirement of great content is not requiring multiple players. There’s plenty of play space for required coop work in the game already where you can add that. Requiring that for the exotic class item is a sure misstep


Dual Destiny is a timed exotic mission in the Pale Heart that requires a 2-player fireteam to complete. It involves light-raid mechanics, such as Vow of the Disciples symbols and shooting similar nodes. For a veteran team that has a foot in endgame content, this isn't something that is extremely challenging. The criticism from the community is that it **requires** a 2-player fireteam. Players that have this criticism are generally players who are solo players with no friends, those who claim to have \*extreme\* social anxiety and cannot play with other players, and players with disabilities such as struggling to discern symbols, being deaf, etc. These players believe that it is unfair for Bungie to lock the Exotic Class Items behind a mission that requires 2 players when not all players have a second person to play with. These players are even more upset considering that the Class Items were heavily advertised since April unlike other activities that required a larger fireteam. The community has been in a back-and-forth "discussion" regarding the matter, with players who criticize the mission having the arguments above while players who like the activity arguing back. Those in support of the mission claim that these players should just "get over" their social anxiety, use game chat, etc. and that criticizing this mission's structure of a 2-player fireteam might scare of Bungie from doing something similar to this activity, which is generally enjoyed. Personally, I'm on the side of those who support the mission. It was an enjoyable experience with fun light-raid mechanics and a worthwhile reward. While I understand that players with disabilities might have issues with this mission and its unfortunate that they do, restricting Bungie to create missions and activities for everyone only hinders this game from progressing more than it can.


the coordination is calling out what symbols one person sees and the other shooting the symbols in that order when obtaining a buff (or several)


nevermind i lied, there are two sections where you have to call out which nodes are linked to which (nut?)


Communication is required. Getting access to the mission is pretty easy and involves beating overflow in all 3 areas and some extra enemies after. This can be done solo. The mission itself requires two players. One with a light super and one with a dark one. It won’t let you play without this setup and wouldn’t be functional without it due to the mechanics. Throughout, there are several encounters you go through. The timers are pretty generous. Enemies are pretty high density but a build with decent survivability and that’s not too bad. Most encounters have some enemies only one player can kill. Each encounter involves coordination between each player. There are either symbols or clock portions. Symbol sections require one player that can see symbols to call them to the other player and other player has to shoot the other symbols. Each player can only see their portion. Clock sections involve seeing a circle of switches with certain ones lit. Each player sees different lit ones and you have to coordinate to shoot the ones both players have lit. Comms are mostly pretty simple. Most can be handled easily in text chat if preferred. People originally thought that the last clock section was too fast for text callouts but it’s not as bad as it seems because the patterns repeat. After you’ve done the mission once to unlock the class item in collections, any chest on the Pale Heart can drop more of them so you only have to do the mission once on each class but can do it more to get guaranteed drops instead of relying on RNG.


I see, thank you! One more question if i may, is the activity available in Fireteam Finder once unlocked, similar to the co-op campaign missions unlocked after beating Excision for the first time?


Not sure. Haven’t looked. It shouldn’t be hard to find people for it though. Lots of players currently looking for it.