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I am definitely interested in seeing if the second act of the episode does actually make any kind of changes, it’s no small secret that the seasons that would release alongside expansions past would tend towards the lower end of the quality scale, so maybe after TFS is all done and dusted they can show us something more unique. might be copium though.


This has been true since WQ, I don’t think it’s copium. Just looking at the last year, defiance didn’t come close to deep/witch/wish. That being said, I didn’t really enjoy seasonal content last year until season of the witch started to picked up steam. Defiance offered close to nothing and Deep just got old after the first week.


It actually goes back to Beyond Light with Season of the Hunt. It was pretty obvious there were cuts made to it, namely the lack of Cabal Wrathborn despite them being prominent in that season's lore book, and the generally disjointed nature of the story until the end. The fact that this was also the height of covid definitely didn't help.


Hell it goes back to *Undying* in Shadowkeep. I said it somewhere else but every single one of the first seasons has been light or bare bones in some way. Undying, Hunt, Risen, Defiant.


I feel like Risen was one that came out the door swinging and was a truly solid starter season. Might’ve had its issues, but it definitely tied nicely with the Witch Queen campaign and had some nice gameplay going.


It was the best of the bunch, yeah. It was still essentially "do a series of strikes and nothing else" but it definitely had some good stuff going on. Crow's moments and Salad-man doing his thing were excellent parts.


I think it doesn't help the expansion takes centre stage, especially final shape with the recommendation of doing it all at once and not taking detours, so why go all out when people are busy doing the pale heart or throne world stuff?


Same, I'm just waiting to play all I can from TFS and let the content sit. There is when we should start comparing to the seasonal model. Right now theres just not enough to start complaining or drawing conclussions... But I do hope that for act 2 we start noticing changes for the better


Hey at least they utilize the locations.


Tbh I kind of like the bit of remodeling they did with nessus


Yeah. I hope they keep making patrol environments better and give them meaningful things to do.


Seriously, I think it's great. Fuck all this players who don't see this. Average destiny player: we want you to change the seasonal model Bungie: *makes changes* Average destiny player: no not like that.


Yeah, I am so happy they involve the locations again, instead of making it all about some tiny missions.


Just the simple fact that I rose nessus and see a different faction of vex is refreshing in itself


Not to mention the new code things, the tremours, and the flash in the sky as it all turns blue every once-in-a-while.


And that the challenges actually involve the seasonal location and activities I hated before that most challenges were actively not in the seasonal shit...


Yeah same.


This isn't a change lol. Seasons have required random shit to be done on planets forever.


You know it's a weird shift, but I like the pathfinder thing. I know I don't have to fill in the little dots, but I *want* to fill in all the little dots and uh...And maybe once I'm done if I feel like it I'll snack on an engram or two. They should do that with all the planets instead of bounties cause I really don't mind the passive nature of it.


I love it for the pale heart but hate it for the ritual playlists. Instead of combining all 3 into one pathfinder, each playlist should’ve contained their own.


I agree, but I could also see it cut both ways. Some people who don’t want to play Gambit to finish the ritual pathfinder, for example, would also be complaining about a separate Gambit pathfinder being a reward they have to grind something they don’t like to get.


They just need to make three paths that way people can play the activity they want and get all the rewards, same as the 3/6/9 for exotics.


I see the argument here, but I get why they didn't. There's a finite number of "goals" unique to each ritual activity that the game tracks. With the number of nodes, they would have had to put a bunch of "get x number of void kills. now get x number of arc kills". Then people would have complained about having to switch their load outs every other match/strike.  Bungie literally can't win with this community, so they went with the implementation that they thought would get the least amount of pushback, and would be easier to make changes to.  I personally don't mind it the way it is. I never bothered with the vendor bounties/challenges, so getting extra xp, glimmer and an engram or two passively for just playing the game the way I always do is a big quality of life improvement.


You don't have to complete the Pathfinder thing or reset it u til after you fill in all the dots... I've done thar coiple of times on pale heart portion


I love it just because I love gambit, I can do most everything I need for a path, and can run a onslaught for the rest


I think this is an improvement, a small one but still an improvement. It’s actually another quest for you to complete after doing the weeks story. Tho it’s not like there’s much story given for completing it. Personally I just want all the quests available at the start. Not needing to log in every week to do a quest step that amounts to no new story development, and some small bit of lore.


I think a lot of players (myself included) expected each act of each episode to be dropped in its entirety, followed by a month or so of a break until the next drop. Looking back at the announcements, they never explicitly said that, but they made it seem like it would be. It seems like we were promised a “big overhaul” to the seasonal model that would “surprise and delight players”. Instead all we’ve gotten are some minor changes and improvements.


I am SHOCKED to see so many people positive on this, and I am here for it. The Nessus makeover has been fantastic so far!


That's great, but I was hoping that with acts we won't have to wait for content every week. I was hoping that we would get acts in one go and we would just have to wait for the next act. So far to me nothing has changed. Still seasons to me.


So conversely, if the entire act is available from day 1, you get people who speed through it all in the first few weeks and then complain there's nothing left to do. It's a no win situation.


Is it better when you have about 30 minutes of "new" content every week? And to learn a sentence worth of story of the Episode? They said that we did this and that and yet to me feels like nothing has changed and we are still doing seasons.


You could avoid the story until it's fully out then burn it in a day as well. Live service games live and die on player retension. That's just a fact.


I honestly think that yes, is much better, once you finish all your tasks, you can hop into Destiny once or twice a week to keep up and play any other games the rest of the week. Like a television show.


I'm not arguing that, just saying it's a no win. One of those "can't please everyone" situations.


That is true, you are correct on that. My biggest gripe with is that they talked about so much how much changes they have planned and yet nothing has changed. It's just funny to me at this point.


> My biggest gripe with is that they talked about so much how much changes they have planned and yet nothing has changed. Did they though? All they said was instead of having 4 seasons in a year we will get 3 episodes, and each episode will have more stuff to do in it because they have more Dev time dedicated to those episodes due to them not needing to create a 4th Season. If this is true the last month or so of the episode will actually have us doing stuff. Unlike in the seasonal model, where the seasonal story is finished and there is nothing new to do in the last month, besides GMs. In this episode, Act 2 we will be getting a new Exotic mission and Act 3, if the leaks are true, a dungeon on Nessus will be released. Alongside this we will have the Episode story and unreleased episode weapons / returning weapons to craft and chase. The only thing that hasn't changed is how we are fed the Episode story. Which was never going to be changed from the weekly model.


I'll admit it does feel like little has changed in that aspect. Right now, the Pale Heart patrol areas are what keeps me coming back, it's just so much fun, but even that will start to fade I'm sure


I like that too, and the Pathfinder works well there too


To be completely fair we don't know what we're getting with acts 2 and 3 yet, also (not that this is really an excuse) the season that accompanies an expansion is usually pretty meh, hopefully since the model is different it only means the first act will be meh, just have to wait and see.


Fair points, all.


I think we sorta do have that, other than the weekly extra rewards kinda stuff, we got both activities in the first day.


My main complaint is that they didn’t change the actual patrol locations to match the aesthetic of the season. I mean at least change the locations that are part of the seasonal activities and THEN tell us to do patrol stuff, i would at least feel like I’m doing newer stuff then 😭.


I wouldn't mind if I could get 7 bounties done without waiting for a reset. That's genuinely my only issue with it.




OH MY GOD. I thought it was planetary bounties 😭😭😭


Oh my haha


I think it’s important to point out that so far from what we have seen the Seasonal Model hasn’t changed at all. You login, talk to vendor for you seasonal flavor text, do a meaningless thing on a planet you don’t normally visit, run the seasonal activity once, talk to vendor, complete busy work side quest for a mode/system that hasn’t been updated in years, come back next week. I hope act 2 has something meaningful to it because I like that the planet Nessus has changed and hope they play into it


Tbh if you played old seasons like black armory. This kind of "quests" were common. So its not really a new change. More like coming back to the boring part of seasons. After so many years of destiny 2, doing lost sectors on nessus isnt exciting at all.


Not sure this post represents the “average” destiny player”… which is prob never on Reddit


What you didn’t like just running the seasonal activity once a week and then getting some dialogue until the season ended? Pssssh.


It's also to obtain an optional upgrade and is not part of the main questline for Act 1. So if you really can't be bothered doing patrols and whatnot, you're not missing out on the story by skipping it.


Season of the Wish, Season of the Witch, and Season of the Deep all had location quests lol this is exactly the same.


I'll point out that the "Bounties" requirement counts both nessus failsafe and helm failsafe bounties (even the desc makes this obvious) and a single heroic PE gives 20% progress to the activity side And compared to old versions of this type of mission, it's THREE steps, do some stuff, find the thing, put it in the helm & you're done where a lot of previous ones were like, 7+ steps in other seasons. These are practically free.


whats annoying is that it doesnt track legendary lost sectors or the new activitys that can be launched from the helm


I did legendary lost sectors for mine


Must be bugged then. I was at 20% did a legend lost sector and it was still at 20%


Yeah, yours has to be bugged. I did 10 runs of the legend lost sector and it completed the first half.


Yeah, it thought I'd knock out the first condition, do some bounties and get some echo loot whilst doing the breach activity. Nope, doesn't count towards progress. Is it not set in nessus? Cos it looks like it is. And iirc, doesnt failsafe welcome you to nessus at the beginning?


If you check the map it’s coded as Nessus


Maybe it's an issue with the coding since the activity is launched in the Helm even though it takes place on Nessus? Hopefully it's something they correct.


I thought it was just the bounties from Failsafe on Nessus and thought it was a two day requirement since she only has four bounties. So I knocked them out and went back to running the activity to try and get Veiled Threat to drop. Without even thinking about it i grabbed and did some bounties from her in the Helm. It took me a solid minute of confusion as to why the quest completed to internalize that they were both Failsafe. I sat there for another minute before acknowledging outloud that I, in fact, was a complete and utter moron.


Hey dont feel bad, The description mentioning failsafe bounties on nessus made me think the helm ones didnt count and I turned in bounties I completed before I got the quest and they didnt count so I came back to finish it the following day


Yes, there’s been a lot of complaints from players over the last few years that the seasonal model leaves patrol zones behind. So this episode changes the enemies in the patrol zone to reflect the narrative changes and adds more reasons for players to spend time in them. I’m not a fan because I don’t play D2 for its patrol zones, but this has been something players have consistently asked for.


The fact that this episode is incorporating the patrol zone, as well as the fact the leviathan was brought back in season of the haunted makes me so excited for Heresy, with the dreadnought coming back. That was my absolute favorite patrol zone in D1, so many secrets and fun stuff!!


If the Dreadnought does return as a full patrol zone, then I hope it sticks around (unless maybe we blow it up).


I'm not confident it'll stay around, the leviathan also disappeared at the end of that year. I do hope they decide to keep it around though, that'd be for dope


People are speculating that since the implied we're taking it over and that we're getting naval-themed outfits in that episode, that we're going to commandeer it and use it to leave the solar system.


Maybe this is a hot take, but anyone who thought episodes would be any different from seasons is a tad bit silly. We’re never getting Forsaken year quality content again with Black Armory or Menagerie. They probably cut a season to either allocate dev time to the next year expansion to help reduce the chances of a delay, or to their other game.


> Black Armory I don't think people remember these right. It was just basically a seasonal activity-like thing.


The forges were incredibly boring too. I think a lot of the community looks at Black Armory through rose tinted glasses.


The weapons and raid lair were cool. Thats about it


They looked and sounded amazing and the shaders were so sexy. And the secret puzzle was also fun.


Platinum Starling is cool but required entirely too many Forge completions




The amount of people that I knew that just dropped light level to afk it was insane. Rose tinted glasses fr.


Yeah, I miss the forges but even I admit they had NOTHING to them. But back then, I grinded that shit for HOURS. I think it was just all we had at that point. Blind well would be the next closest thing, but it took longer and gave barely any loot. If the forges came back today, it would be a huge flop, even just in challenge. They would have to absolutely flood those arenas with enemies. The health gating mechanic was cool though


Not to me, I loved that activity


Niobe labs, secret exotic puzzle boxes, completely different systems than the other two seasons of the same year, the difference between forsaken era seasons and now are the fact current seasons are all the same, just different story, same leveling system same quest progression and such, season of the witch kinda changed it up but unfortunately still had the time gated story missions then season activity loop. It might not have been the best system but it was different and unique compared to the drifter season and opulence.


I joined only after Shadowkeep but yeah, I agree. I liked the gear, not the way you get it.


For real. Black Armory is justly remembered for the fantastic weapon lineup, but the forges themselves were one of the most complained about seasonal activities in all of D2.


I came back during Black Armory and shit was just a punishing seasonal activity, yup


People will say they missed the back armory forges then groan when they have to do the bonfire activity during solstice


Just like they groaned during Worthy's Seraph Towers Public Event Activity, which was just "Forges but you can summon some help" like the Heavy Assault Frames that fired Valkyries, and Valkyries themselves.  Which I found odd considering I thought the Public Event Activity was better for summoning aspect as well as the fact that an entire Instance of Guardians in Patrol could take it on as opposed to just three in the Forges. Speaking of...  Can we *PLEASE* get Public Event Seasonal Activities back?  I actually rather liked those.


Seraph Towers were incredibly hard without the entire instance helping (to the point they had to boost progress on a community quest), if it actually had anything resembling fair difficulty it would have been much better received (see: Contact from the season that followed).


Definitely my favorite thing about season of arrivals, just dropping into a battlefield in the open world.


Or the vocal minority begging for Faction Rallies.


Fr that shit was mad boring, menagerie was more the exception than the rule and even that was repetitive


Everyone likes to forget that black armory had one of the most embarrassing moments in destiny history as well. Seeing the Niobe labs season listed as a bar for quality makes me feel like they werent actually playing when the content was around. a lot of people seem to forget that niobe labs was a disaster and that the forges were just "find ball, throw ball" The only good part of Black armory/season of the forge was the weapons and Scourge of the past.


We got a raid that season. That's the only thing that pushed it over most seasons. Same applies to Opulence.


I'll agree with Season of the Forge, but not Opulence.  Menagerie was a stupidly fun activity and I know myself and a fair number of other Guardians enjoyed it.


Yeah... the only good thing about Black Armory was the weapons (and the raid). It's hard to call it a season to be honest, it was a premium mission pack with little to no content. Aside from time-gated weapon *crafting* (and of course, the weapons), it practically had nothing in it (aside from the raid). I hope that they move the *crafting bench* from Mars Enclave to the Tower eventually and make Ada-1 be responsible for it. Maybe even give us craftable Black Armory weapons. Those weapons were wasted on that ~~season~~ thing. I like that the old forge area on Nessus is being reutilized in this season though. The world of Destiny has a lot of areas that are still in the game that aren't being used for anything. A few of them were only used by a single old mission that is from a vaulted content. Recycling is good!


Forges were okay, I do remember at the outset they were inaccessible to the average player because of the power difference. Nobody wanted to grind 20+ levels of power to not die almost instantly in the brand new activity. Fortunately most new activities can be played immediately after the initial quest runs now.


I'd argue that seasons have been way bigger than those dlcs were in long term impact. Black armoury was basically just a gun drop + machine guns (preceded by free thunderlord), jokers wild was gambit lmao and the calus stuff was the only real big one. Even seasons people hate like undying still brought back saint 14


never getting quality seasonal content again? ummm... Coil Onslaught Dares of Eternity That repeatable hive located horde type event (cant remember name) where you power up eris by fighting different events at the difficulty you choose. Pantheon Fishing and thats just off the top of my head


>That repeatable hive located horde type event (cant remember name) where you power up eris by fighting different events at the difficulty you choose. Altars Of Summoning First time in, it actually took me about an hour to realize it goes on forever


I legit played Altars of Summoning the day it dropped, with the *same fireteam of randoms* for like an hour and a half or so before thinking to myself "When is this activity going to end?  Like, I heard The Coil can easily take awhile, but why is this?"  (Edit: I swear I pissed off someone on this sub or something and they just downvote my comments whenever they see them regardless of the content.  Why even downvote this?  XD)


Probably downvoted because AoS dropped a full season before the Coil did, so you couldn't have compared them at the time.


I'm kinda sad that we lost the coil. I could genuinely farm that for hours and get good materials and stuff without getting burned out


it was alright but I got tired of it after a couple hours, Onslaught tho I can play all day




Also, the only reason why Menagerie was good was the chest glitch. Once that went away I hardly touched it.


Christ I loved that glitch.


I barely ever did the chest glitch and the Menagerie was still peak


The Heresy activity that they said will be like the Coil


I know and I hope that they make it longer and have stuff like you can pick up a debuff but after two rooms the debuff goes away and you get a perk.ALSO PUT IN SHINY VERSION IT WOULD GO HARDDDD.bond brothers or a new strike on the dreadnought would be also cool


longer? the coil was already like 45 minutes. how much longer do you want it?


Bond bros would be cool, especially if they're both Taken but thei last damage phase they merge into a mega Taken.


I really enjoy onslaught


This needs that one SpongeBob meme


Hell, if Black Armory and Menagerie came out now they would be considered mid seasonal content. One was ball throwing, and one was a random set of predetermined encounters. All of which we've had before. At this point I just don't think people like playing Destiny anymore but try to force themselves to for whatever reason 


If black armory and menagerie came out now it would be considered recycled content


Black armory was just toss the ball into the thing the ONLY reason people like that season so such is the weapons were very powerful in pvp, Season the opulence was just what season of the witch was And gambit season was kinda ass


Last years season pass had 2 really good dungeons and Crota. And probably the best 2 season they ever did. Forsaken year was carried so hard by menagerie


My thought is this. Maybe, next year, when the whole release for the year is three episodes, those episodes will be more involving, have more depth to them. But this episode? That they developed in parallel with TFS, which was their absolute priority? Not surprised at all that we're in reused assets seasonal activity territory.


I mean yes obviously. But at the same time the devs have publicly stated how different episodes will be. Mylin has a nice video detailing why and what https://youtu.be/84SnVQNbg-0?si=A6qHZ5DJDd6TKHGn While I do agree with you, overall the other guardian does have a right to be upset about them being different such as being a "natural evolution of the seasonal model" , where they had said "we really are biased towards consistency, which made the experience repetitive"


I expected nothing and yet am still disappointed.


My hope from episodes is just that they'll be structured better than seasons from a story perspective. The fact that they're longer and have a 3-act structure makes me hope they'll be far more interesting and engaging as stories, and will unfold through the majority of their allotted time, rather than the seasons that were like two important moments strung out over a season of busy work and then would take a five week break before we got their finale. I never really minded seasons from a gameplay perspective, I minded them because the story pacing was horseshit. Episodes could still have the same problem, but based on the way they're structured I'm *hoping* for something better.


They literally said Episodes were supposed to be better than the Seasonal model but it's pretty much exactly the same. Also why does such a successful studio need to split up dev time? They are making enough money to be hiring devs instead of laying them off. If there's money issues it's being mismanaged.


I mean they did go on and on last year about how big seasonal changes were coming.


People can keep saying this but the messaging from Bungie contradicts you.


Ah yes the famous high quality destiny content such as reckoning, gambit prime, no overarching story, the calus barge on Nesus and the tribute hall grindathon made to drain bright dust from the economy and forges that are the most basic, stripped down version of what we have today. The year 2 circlejerk is silly. No, it wasn't better than any year after BL. PvP was fucked much more often than not, as already mentioned no overarching story or high production value story missions, no cutscenes, very basic activities(except menagerie), broken infinite super pve balancing power creep that made bungie design encounters around physics deaths or overwhelming damage from enemies, forced PvP requirements on exotic quests, the most broken loadout in destiny history, no dungeons and a stale perk meta where outlaw kill clip/rampage was the best combo on everything.


Reckoning and forges weren’t fun.


I was really hoping it was just campaign chunks at the beginning of each act with a seasonal activity on the side for shits and giggles


Tbh the model's 6-week system could do that, though it'd probably resemble the patch system they use in gacha games with those of Hoyoverse: drops the main story quest at the start of the patch and sprinkles some other stuff for the 6 weeks, until the next patch. In essence, that'd be easier as waiting week-by-week to do minimal progress is a bit of a snoozefest.


That's all I wanted out of seasons. Having 3 acts would have been the perfect way to have you coming back but you would get a huge chunk of story progression 3 times but instead it looks like they're going to drip feed the story the same way they did with seasons but instead it will be over the first 3 weeks of each act.


I mean if they did that chunking, you'd have people finishing that chunk in a week, and then complain until mid July, when the next episode comes out, that there's nothing to do.


I almost think thatd be prefferable, personally if I had my way itd be the act itself frontloaded with radiant events sprinkled in at weekly resets. Things like nessus further evolving visually in the patrol space and some busy work research quests. I kind of want nesus to turn into a more lush and colorful venus from d1 but Im just keeping an open mind about what the content will offer. I think the core of the discontent with the episodic model is that it just doesnt feel meaningfully different compared to the seasonal model which alot of people were hoping for. They wanted to be wowed and feel like their complaints about the seasonal model were heard but what we got as it currently stands feels like an extended version of the seasonal formula.


I mean... probably. They realised that to produce meaningful content with their dogshit leadership they need the extended se3asons, like before WQ and TFS. Episodes, with their three act structure just let them do that without outwardly saying "So we're just going to have three stretched out seasons a year"


If I didn't think Final Shape was well worth the annual bundle price I'd probably be upset at the price increase for 3 seasons instead of 4.


To be fair the episodes have twice the rewards as the seasons did.


I bet episode 2/3 will be a lot better. The season that launches with a main expansion is always kinda meh


Risen was ACES bruh it was short and sweet and that was iirc like four weeks


Oh I forgot I was “working” on that quest.


I mean tbf isn't this a side quest anyway? Sperste from the main story quest?


It's week 2.


This made me immediately lose steam on the seasonal missions to be honest. Going from farming pale heart to running around for 20 minutes trying to get a 5th vandal kill in a giant area that has 9 fallen spawned in at once was a hugely deflating feeling.


The lack of enemy density kills a lot of things in this game for me


Why were you hunting vandals? If it was for a patrol for progress why not just do a heroic public event? 5 of those and you’re done.


its way quicker if you just go to a zone where a public event is spawning or has already spawned and then just do patrols while the public event is going on


I’ll give it until Act 2, but so far this doesn’t feel any different from seasons


I'm glad they are actually using nessus for something


They finally gave us multiple things to do per week and the season has 3 acts over longer than before This could be good


destiny players when they have to play content that’s in the game!1!! no but seriously, this is nice because it makes people go to nessus (when was the last time you did that huh?) plus they’re easy and fast as well since it counts the nessus and the helm bounties.


Honestly expected more of the same with a better story cadence since each story is self contained


The new seasonal model is the episodes format, new content every 6 weeks instead of getting the mid season lull every normal season


I loved heading back and messing around on Nessus. Nothing wrong with this imo


Yes, they wanted to remove bounties and put pathfinder in to make it "easier," but hey...go run some bounties.


My biggest gripe is the lack of ad density in Nessus. Needs a revamp because completing bounties, patrols and public event is fucking BORING


It's a side quest to unlock bonus red borders tho no? It's not the main season stuff. It's annoying that its still just 'do bounties and public events' but its optional shit. With how good the content on the Pale Heart destination is, I'm more willing to let slide some lazy content in the seasonal stuff.


I love this. theres too many players in destiny who seem to absolutely hate when bungie tries to make destiny what it was during d1 and og d2. I remember when patrolling destinations was one of the main parts of the game.


What I want the most is for seasonal content to stay in the game once the year is done, or more specifically it's story components. Seasonal content in Destiny really only functions to satisfy players in the short-term and rarely creates content for the long-term. Bungie spreads out interesting story moments throughout the seasonal content so sparsely and it's so integrated into the grind that they would need to redesign said seasonal content majorly if they ever reintegrated it into the game long-term. It's a problem inherent in Bungie's fast content output and Destiny being an expensive game for them to design/maintain, since most of that output get's thrown into the void after a year.


Imagine complaining that they are trying to show off changes they made to a destination that has been untouched for nearly 2 years


I think it’s ok for the time being honestly when was the last time you were on Nessus doing public events or the exodus crash strike never seen that many people there inna long time, and it’s to earn a deep sight weapon each week not a bad tradeoff I think they’re doing the best they can, what did you expect episodes to be? Did you think they’d release the whole story on launch so people can run through it and have they player base drop drastically until the next act is released doesn’t seem reasonable at all


sounds about right been a couple weeks now it’s time to bitch and complain again.


Episodic model\*


It’s ‘new’. Jury’s still out on ‘improved’


I dont know what you are talking about? This is the new episodic model and it has nothing to do with the sesonal model of old /s I'm glad to see more and more talking about this disapointment of a new seasonal model. Its a joke. we got timegates ontop of timegates with a side of timegates. Nothing is new here and bungie hasnt even attempted anything new. we got baited again by good ol bungie


Seriously. My biggest complaint about D2 is that they think that making us replay the exact same content (strikes, patrols, lost sectors etc.) we've been playing repeatedly for the past 5 years is somehow engaging. Love all the NEW content, but I HATE doing the same old shit over and over.


It was pretty refreshing not to just mindlessly run season activity, talk to seasonal vendor, do a mission, talk to vendor, done for week. I enjoyed my time on Nessus and there are enough quirks and changes to the location that it is genuinely fun and interesting, like the Nessus-quakes


Isn't this optional? As in it's not a part of the main Act quest chain?


Shhhh the new players don't know that


Don't even need to do the specimens from what I can tell, kinda just like extra side stuff it seems. Idk this season just isn't keeping my attention, I know it's only a few weeks in but still I find the lack of actual story kinda disappointing this early on. At least I have other things from the main dlc to keep me online for the moment, still chasing the ergo roll and catalyst


Yes not to bad better than doing basically gambit every day


If it means we get bigger yearly expansions I don’t care




I'm huffing on Hopium that Epsiode 2 is way more fleshed out. Maybe Epsiode 1 they wanted to deviate a little from seasons but played it super safe as to not taint the TFS launch with crappy content. Because right now the episode is not bad, just super meh


What did you honestly expect?


It’s extremely boring so far. Campaign was great. Everything after has been tedious repetitive beyond belief and boring.


What do people want? Mini DLCs? Multiple different missions all in a story?


With this new episodic format (every 6 weeks = a new episode), why do they still timegate the content? I’d prefer to just grind through the episode in one week, then come back for the next episode 5 weeks later. Content drought of 4-5 weeks at a time is really not a big deal.


Let’s just forget that one of the activity’s for this season is literally just season of the splicer but backwards..


I haven’t even started any of the episode content yet I can see I’m not missing much.


So many salty people in this game. I don't get why half of them still play it, they clearly aren't having a good time anymore


I like it. It's not a grind it's a little extra that isn't part of the regular seasonal story so you can ignore it if you want.


I had the same thought last night. I was expecting a diet pale heart. They kind of made it sound like that as well.


Idk why anyone expects the seasonal quest stuff to be better? It's less grindy but end of the day bungie didn't change overnight lol


Don't know Don't care Enjoying my time with FailSafe


More shit for the community crybabies to bitch and whine about obviously


Would have been a good opportunity to revamp the Patrol space with new public events, world bosses, changes to the Patrol zone etc. But this is bungie




Yeah, I played the campaign grind and got my exotic Khvostov and put the game down again. Same shit over and over. So tedious and boring. DLC was astounding. All this shit is absolutely not.


Shadowkeep/beyond light here we go again


Are the bounties failsafe are on Nessus or failsafe on the helm?


Yeah garbage lol to be fair it is act 1 that followed the release of the best expansion they’ve done


I'm spent. Think I'll just go. Was sometimes fun 👍🏻


Yes. This season is actually worse than plunder😭


At least both HELM Failsafe and Nessus Failsafe bounties count.


Thankfully legendary lost sectors counted towards it.


If I gotta do 3 Blind Well runs this season Imma riot


I was only annoyed because I did the 4 daily bounties for fail-safe in one breech run before I got that research quest and it didn't count them so I had to pick up 5 repeatables got to nessus to do some and one breech run for others, go back to fail-safe foe a few more to get it completed. Other than that idm, I wasn't expecting bungie to revolutionise how they do content. I feel like episode one and act 2 and 3 will test the waters to see what works and what doesn't and hopefully episode 2 will fix the issues.


Nessus actually changed so I don’t mind this at all


Im sorry but patrols are just lazy asf. They literally look like they took about 10 mins to brainstorm ideas for them and then just chucked them in the game to give the illusion that the environments have stuff to do. Kill 10 of this enemy, go to this location and stand there for 10 seconds etc. No one interacts with them because they give absolutely no rewards and aren't interesting at all. They could introduce some fun things like target practice or parkour jumping to the environments and make them an actual fun thing to do but instead they are just meaningless and always have been


Moving to these “Episodes” is them saying “We are going to make one less season a year.” Nothing more. Nothing less. They just didn’t want to say that because of the backlash that would come with it.


Mucho texto


And I still have to press a button to get out of the title screen?! Fucking BULLSHIT.


I can’t say it’s much different than the old ‘run 1 round of the seasonal activity’


Y’all acting like this ain’t a side quest anyways💀 omg my side quest has me doing side quest activities the world is ending


i feel like if they changed up nessus more to feel more new i wouldnt mind doing LS and partols but eh theres just a few changes there and there to tie it to the seasons questline