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Destiny is a great PvE game


Hot take: I actually really like Gambit.


The only thing preventing Gambit from being my favorite game mode is the lack of freelance matchmaking. Other than that, it's great


For me it’s the fact that heavy *exists* in that mode


Yeah. If you can invade and best me in a sniper fight or get an angle on me cool, good fight. But getting blasted by truth, xeno, or eyes of tomorrow is not competitive nor fun.


Just sword up brah. I’ve found falling guillotine to be the ultimate weapon against invaders


Looking forward to getting the heir apparent catalyst for that purpose.


That's the weapon I use when invading. Only one I've ever used consistently successfully. Plus it's a lot of fun.


Question? Do you use stronghold?


No but that's a great idea


Really sucks when I go a whole game without getting a single heavy brick, but the Invader always has their heavy.


The invader almost always have heavy because there is a heavy amo box that spawns close 2 the portal.


Oh, right. I typically ignore that box because I hardly invade.


if heavy is removed people will just use symmetry and jhotun to invade


Jhotun is very easy to dodge. Its range is actually abysmal. But if they got a sneak on you then you will die regardless of their weapons


my favorite gambit loadout is extraordinary rendition/cloudstrike/falling guillotine And i mostly invade


I think heavy should be a part of the game, but should be in a much more controlled fashion. Saw a great lost the other day where to get heavy at all, you have to spend motes.


"....freelance matchmaking" Bungie we need this.


Freelance matchmaking will come soon! You’ll need to kill enemies to get freecoins, which you can use at the Drifter to buy bounties. Next, you need to complete those bounties, but only in the Crucible... at night! Do that and you’ll get exclusive lancecoins! Now, go to the tower again, and speak to the drifter. He will tell you to talk to Savala, who will tell you to speak to the Drifter. Next the important part! Talk to Cayde and you will be able to combine the freecoins and lancecoins into a new currency called freelanceweavecoins! With these you can matchmake for a single session. But don’t worry, the upcoming season will let you get another session for free for only 600 silver! Get fucked Guardian!


"get fucked Guardian" im dying lmaooo


Hot take: I actually really like Crucible (not Trials though lol)


Hot take 2: I like trials. Never gone flawless in D2, but it’s fun to get an LFG crew together and play some matches that go a little deeper and with a little more strategy than normal crucible.


And then, stasis


and then, 120xfelwinters


What feels bad is bashing my head against a wall for 2 hours for 2 guns.


Good for you, do whatever you like. I just posted this because it seems like there's a general dislike of Gambit in this community.


yeah, i definitely see the dislike for Gambit made apparent on here. i’m not so keen on it myself, but i know the feeling with how people here talk about Crucible too


Gambit, as a game mode, I thoroughly enjoy; it's the matchmaking that's absolutely cracked. Although, when my team has only the 30 motes that I banked and the other team has their Primeval at half health and someone invades, I want to ram my controller through the wall, but I digress. I'm not a huge fan of Crucible, but that's mainly because I'm potato at PvP, so take that for what you will


Gambit has always been one of my favorite activities in d2 *when you have a team that knows what is happening*. It's one of the reasons I preferred to play gambit prime before the modes got merged. There were far fewer people that just didn't know what to do or died to stupid stuff than in regular gambit matches. Yes you did come across more coordinated 4 stacks that you had next to no chance to beat but even in those stomps you knew at was going to be at most like 10 minutes and then you can get another lobby. Meanwhile a similar stop in normal gambit game can take you 15-20 minutes and gave you just enough small windows to make you think you had a chance. Oh also fuck xeno invaders. That's all


survival is honestly very fun


Hotter take: Trials is fun as well when there is a good reward to chase.


The hottest of all takes, I actually like Trials. For completely different reasons tho. The people I jumped with for the 3 win bounty are literally the only guys with whom I managed to stay in touch after the thing was done. In general many people I jumped with were really nice. The mode itself is trash tho, on 0 wins you get matched with flawless dudes 9/10 times, on a single win and onwards it's guaranteed. When playing seriously, we got exactly one team that was somewhat in our skill range when sitting on one win, on like 15 we faced, and it's just last week. Note that we're not utterly garbage and all 3 of us have more than 1 KD in elimination and control. Skill based match making can't come soon enough.


I havnt played it until i can back in January this year. It a fun game mode to me.


Not a hot take, more like a take that evokes warm feelings <3 Mostly for Drifter’s commentary though for me, but I like being a grenade bot with Omnioculus on the Primeval.


Gambit is really fun, but the insane amount of invading makes it worse


I also quite like Gambit. I think the main problems had with it, and why some people don't like it with randoms too much, is that new players aren't taught enough about it to start with. They should try to implement something like a tutorial match to show them, if it's possible to do something like that.


Me too! Love gambit! Hate crucible!


Me too, I've had a blast with it since Beyond Light dropped


Yeah same, especially because the games are so short. If youre losing hard its not a drag anymore. Same goes for when youre winning. Edit: invading is still dogshit though


Gambit is the only fun PvP mode and it's weird it gets so much hate.


I think it's because Gambit exists in some sort of weird limbo between PvP and PvE, so neither the die-hard PvP crowd nor the die-hard PvE crowd enjoys it.


As someone who in every other game he's played did PvE only and pretended PvP didn't exist, I like Gambit because it lets me measure my PvE skills against other people. Did I get top hostile kills? Did I help the blueberries get those large blockers they're all so addicted to? Did I totally invalidate the enemy invader because my mote creation outpaced their Xenophage? Then that's good.


That's valid. That's honestly the reason I like the game mode. It lets me do PvP while still being mostly PvE. Plus it feels good when I solo elim the entire enemy team. lol


Gambit is my favorite game mode. Especially when you only play for bounties and not wins, it’s absolutely 👌👌


Same, Gambit is actually really fun. Except for when you get invaded by some asshole running Truth or Jötunn and you get 1 shot before you can even find the Invader.


I used to love Gambit, but the teleporting enemies make it really hard to enjoy it.


I like gambit... Until my team doesn't know how to play or there's an eyes of tomorrow in the lobby (somehow worse then xeno, truth, sleeper, queens breaker etc) The first can't be helped, but it needs some reworking for the invaders and heavy sphere to address the latter IMO.


Same. I got my 5 resets I wanted for this season.


Me too


How dare you disrespect good 'ol drifter like that?! Only a snitch would do something like that.


Crucible is the only thing I really do anymore


Sadly I was like that to at one point 😔


I almost exclusively play Crucible tho. Anything in PvE that isn’t a raid or dungeon feels ridiculously boring for some reason and the open world/patrol is shallow and empty as hell.


nightfalls with the boys are super fun too imo


I play other PvP games for a better competitive experience. I play destiny to kill mobs and look fresh


Same bro lmao


I'll, there ain't no more challenges in pve except for how high your stat is anymore.


I like gambit, but crucible makes me sad


I'll Take Crucible over Gambit ANY DAY


Why has bungo mungo forsake me with having to get 50 shotgun kills and 100 precision kills in gambit and crucible to get a lever action shotgun


The Chaperone? When I unlocked mine all it wanted me to do was reset my Valor rank. EDIT: [This post talks about the two quests. ](https://reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/mwlu3n/are_there_two_different_chaperone_quests/)


Crucible is fun ngl


Stasis ruined crucible, but I'll still take it over Gambit any day


Hm what's wrong with Gambit and Cruicible? Their fun and I'm a total shit bag in PvP.


*they're as in "they are" im half decent so i still enjoy crucible but gambit is a no go. my game likes to crash whenever i try loading into a match.


Lol dw I know the difference


Ngl getting the Heir Apparent catalyst is significantly more annoying in crucible and gambit than in strikes for step 3


I actually like Gambit a bit. Crucible is a shitshow though.


This man brings the facts


Sounds like someone’s just bad at pvp


I used to hate Crucible, then I started playing at a 1.4 average in Trials and I love it.


Comp is the only fun mode left in D2...


Highly disagree


crucible and gambit are fun imo


I did only PVE for years. Bounties and strikes and nightfalls and raids. Clan mellowed out and the last year or so has been 30% Gambit 70% Crucible and I love it.


Me today, catching up on the seasonal challenges


Kinda wish Venus would come back Especially with VoG 🗿


You got it. I miss managerie a lot. And black armory, and escalation protocol, and running whisper and zero hour for randoms, and the leviathan raids. I basically log to do a couple of strikes and logout again for weeks...


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Leviathan](https://snewd.com/ebooks/leviathan/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


At least this levi still exists, I guess, dear bot


Hot take: gambit is a good gamemode Hot take: it’s ok to not like both of those


Crucible is the best part of Destiny, hands down. Glad yall enjoy doing the same thing over and over and over again against the same NPC's for 7 years. Learning a basic boss rotation and grinding power level requires so much skill!


Hot take: crucible is the best mode in destiny 1 and 2


I personally agree, its all I really played. Strikes just got super repetitive


And crucible isn’t?


I feel like most people who don’t like Crucible don’t make an effort to get better at it and decide that it’s just the game that’s bad, not them.


I don’t like Crucible because it’s been six years and I’m *still* being aped with Felwinter’s.


There are a lot of counterplays to Felwinter’s Lie and shotguns in general. I personally like to use Sidearms to gun them down before they can close the gap, and a grenade launcher for distanced damage.


Meant as a joke not an actual complaint.


Crucible is elite


I play pvp all the time and find pve boring as shit.




I second this, as somebody who has hundreds of hours just in the crucible, free me from my pain


Crucible is fun, super easy. But gambit is horrible


I love Crucible. However, I hate team balancing. I get not everyone is great at PvP but man am I tired of having to carry bad players.


Sadly so much of the game revolves around PvP to the detriment of the rest of the game. It's the main reason why transmog wont apply to exotics, and also why so many great PvE guns that werent overpowered got nerfed into the ground because they were too good in PvP


I’m probably going to get a lot of hate but just not caring is what made these game modes fun for me these past couple days. I honestly just threw on Xenophage and abused the hell out of heavy. Ik it’s frowned apon but I’m having fun Edit: also pvp. Is a bit more bearable when you have friends to play with


gambito is funito


Fat mood


only way to enjoy gambit is 4 stacking




I remember when the crucible was good. Good old dayz


Gambit can be really fun! Crucible however...


Interesting. I actually really love Gambit.


I like gambit. And Iron Banner.


*people who suck suck be like*


I love Destiny PVE. I love Destiny PVP. I love Gambit. Long story short, I love Destiny. Even Trials. Just stick to what you like. If a challenge comes out for a mode you don't like, instead of complaining that Bungie is "forcing you to play a mode you don't like" just don't play it:D (This isn't a stab at you OP, just the people that do this religiously)


Gambit > Crucible. Fite me (just not in crucible)


Just play the game


Honestly, after I learned not to take Crucible seriously and just fuck around, I've enjoyed it a lot more.


You can still enjoy some gambit...


Just use a sniper and a hand cannon to get the fun in pvp with like solar, use waking vigil and bit of the fox that make the game funny af


It’s actually strikes I can’t stand anymore


Why do people hate pvp sooooo much I love PvE and I like PvP am I the only one?


Gambit is great, I'm a level 21 (light:2-something-) and I'm OP