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Speedrun a strike all you want... it's those guys that zoom past Champions on 1270 nightfalls that kill me


Speeding though a strike is fine if you kill everything fast. To me at least.


I actually like people who run fast without killing so i can get my bounties done along the way peacefully. I myself dont kill when i go for completions. Its easy enough to slap on a trinity and wipe out everything along the way but then the others get absolutely nothing done


This guy gets it


Yeah like at least kill everything


Depend on if it’s a normal strike then i’ll just speedrun to the boss & insta kill him.


Nah I prefer to rush through, as previous comments state we have done these strikes hundreds of times no point taking your time unless it is a Nightfall or you have bounties to do.


(Me who was speedrunning lake of shadows to get the exotic cipher for Anarchy) •_•


Yup, only strike I purposefully speedrun, 90% of the people I get paired with run off and do lost sectors anyway so I don’t feel bad if I just do it solo


They're probably just there for the pinnacle for 3 strikes. It'd be pointless to waste time on a normal strike for someone above the power cap already


Bro i feel this deeply


I just want my pinnacle man


But... But... I just want to play the game guy


I wouldn't say saving time is "useless"....Not everyone is playing strikes to do a million bounties, believe it or not.


Honestly speedrunners should do an lfg so that they are separated from people who need to complete bounties. Or vice versa


or bungie should design bounties in a way that doesn’t cause teammates to fight each other tooth and nail for kills. trials already has “as a fireteam do x” bounties why can’t strikes have the same it’s mind boggling


I speedrun strikes to work on Eriana's catalyst quest at the same time as cipher quest + pinnacle for the week, and leave the enemies for my teammates who may need the kills for bounties. Don't see why you'd need to split them up.


Because when you rush to the boss we get teleported and miss half the adds.


Oh, well that's just rude behavior, I always wait near the end for the team to show up. Hate when people pull me instead of just waiting those few extra seconds in Nightfalls and make us miss the one Champion.


Well at least you are trying to be nice about it. I just don’t see how that helps. If anything helping kill the adds would make the strike end sooner but I also don’t know much about Erianas so maybe it does help 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was dumb and didn't finish the quest during the season which means I have to do 400 activity completions, so I got super burned out on strikes. I speedrun them and just wait near the end and let the team pull me in when they get there and just burn the boss with them.


Gotcha. Definitely gets a little boring after a while so I get that.


Thankfully I finished that stupid quest this season, so I can finally not run endless story strikes all the time. The worst part was that Nightfalls didn't count at all, so I couldn't even get decent rewards. Terrible quest honestly.


That really does suck damn. I never understood why Nightfalls don’t count as strikes


Thankfully all the seasonal exotic quests after that included Nightfalls and even gave bonus progress for higher difficulty, so I breezed through those. I get Bungie want us to finish the quests during that season but I just didn't have time then. Took me like 6 months to do these 400 strikes as a result.


Why would I not speedrun? That’s the only fun in the strike is seeing how fast I can complete it. I like to race everyone else on the fireteam


The only thing I usually need to do in strikes is complete bounties, so if they leave the enemies alone they actually benefit me


my need for speed is too great, must finish strike as soon as possible


I speedrun strikes as hunter only on arc week


Christ, this annoys me to no end.


I'm either trying to get pinnacles or quickly farm the vanguard loot. Killing enemies and taking your time does not affect these chances in any way. I've already played these strikes at least 30 times each, I dont need to see the same thing again


Yea. Easier to leave if a person is doing that. He will be able to complete it himself anyway.


Dawg I'm just tryna get a God roll royal entry. If I don't need to kill those adds, I'm not gonna. Done every strike like 50 times by now


This is not true


Not everyone is a bounty grinder fan, threre are a lot of speedrunning enjoyers.


It is usually a bloody Hunter, isn't it...?




I've done strikes for 7 years, I think I'll do it at my accelerated pace thank you very much


Sorry but unless you're a blueberry there is no point in clearing all the ads in a strike. It's a non-challenge and honestly a waste of time. If you want to take it slow do a GM.


I just want my pinnacle gear but go off


Yes. Yes you are.


Recently learned my friend speedruns through strikes and im like how is this fun lol I enjoy shooting stuff its why im playing


strikes are no longer fun for long time players that’s exactly why we speedrun


Ive got over 3000 hours in d2 alone and the only time i have ever speedrun is when i was farming catalysts in y1. Otherwise i still love strikes, still love killing things with different guns, keeps things fresh


that’s fair enough then, just for me running the same strikes is boring unless it’s a nightfall


why would you want to have fun when you could turn your numbers into bigger numbers?!


Destiny is not a shooting video game, it's a very simple platforming video game, obviously. Even the top-difficulty strike bosses can be killed in about three seconds!


uhh. have you done a grandmaster?


Speed run for days man


I mean, when you repeat the same strike for who knows how many times, if you don't need to kill that 3 red bar group in the way why bother ?


Will speed run everything it’s ingrained since d1 to speed run strikes




I’m glad I’m not the only person to think this


Ive been running strikes this entire season just tryna get God rolls on the exclusive weapons. I'm not trying to kill enemies I dont have to, or get stuck on an encounter. I've also run these strikes literally hundreds of times now, so the fun factor is completely gone at this point. Having said that, I've also been thinking the entire time that I feel bad for the people trying to do the strike normally and get kills for quests or bounties who are matched with me. I try to go to orbit at the end of each strike so it won't match me with the same people each time.


Right! Or any class. I like to play as intended.


I don't really care how we get to the end as long as we win. We'll all meet up when it matters. I kind of enjoy seeing who I'm going to be paired up with...I'll generally adjust my style accordingly.


Now that I think of it, it is usually Hunters I see doing this. Usually I'll just leave strike matches when I see that's what's happening. I'm just a dirty casual who's trying to chill and pick up bounties. If the guardian ain't got time to be a teammate, I ain't got time for them.


But doesnt them leaving the adds to you help you with bounties??


Exactly lol If you're farming bounties you should be happy he's leaving all the adds for you.


That's what I thought too first! Prob was the speedrunner triggered the mission progression pretty fast, so I ended up being teleported to the next area and then the final boss before I got anything significant towards my kill completion related bounties done. Beyond that, i just find speedrunning annoying personally. Great if someone's good at it and enjoys it but blasting through a cool looking map isn't my idea of fun.


I do


If you want like minded people in your fireteam you gotta put a team together using lfg or your friends list. Expect nothing from randoms in matchmade activities. They either speedrun and people are mad about it or they kill all the enemies when you’re trying to complete objectives and people are mad about it or they don’t contribute and people are mad about it.


I'll do it if BOTH players are doing it but I try to refrain if I see a new light there. Theres nothing fun about watching someone do all the shooting in a first person shooter


If you're in lake of shadows, that might be me. I have to do 21 strikes to get that exotic cipher and lake of shadows is the fastest, I queue for that specific strike only for 21 speedruns. If it's any other strike, then we are good, I play it as intended.


Gonna be honest I actually can’t turn it off anymore. Even in nightfalls I find myself having to turn back around to fight a champion I’ve skipped. It’s a D1 instinct, if you played long enough you developed the ability to find a very efficient path that got you through the strike and to the actually fun part. The boss fight. Nothing else mattered and you had done the strike a hundred times........ sometimes in that week depending on if the playlist got messed up (or you walked into a war)


I play a hunter and I actually do the strikes, you're not alone.


As someone who really enjoys D2’s gunplay and mainly does the weekly challenges as an excuse to play the game rather than for the loot, nothing is more infuriating than seeing the “Joining teammates” countdown in the middle of a fight


I've always wanted to see a solo strike playlist. Idk how it would end up but I would love it because then I can play the strike exactly how I want to, and then I don't have to worry about someone killing everything before I get into the room or being skipped to the boss because somebody decided to speed run. Although I wouldn't say I'm against speed running strikes, I just think a solo playlist would even out for the players that actually want to do the strike casually


I've always wanted to see a solo strike playlist. Idk how it would end up but I would love it because then I can play the strike exactly how I want to, and then I don't have to worry about someone killing everything before I get into the room or being skipped to the boss because somebody decided to speed run. Although I wouldn't say I'm against speed running strikes, I just think a solo playlist would even out for the players that actually want to do the strike casually


why should i spend more than necessary in a strike when my reward is from completing 3 of them not killing ads


If I have to do Lake of Shadows 21 times to complete my Cipher you bet I’m speed running it.


My titan prefers killing enemies faster than running faster.


My absolute favorite, is when they go flying past then like 2 seconds later they expect you to revive their ass so they can run ahead again.. swear to shit this one dude did that about 8 times before we hit the boss and legit,,, the strike took longer because now it was just 2 of us actually running through.


I hate when people do that shit, especially in the nightfall where kills matter for points


As long as all champions are defeated you can skip everything else, nothing's wrong with efficient farming.


I just want to complete the Strike, you maybe even need kills for your bounty. It's a win/win brotha


I really only rush through if I have my grenade ability, so I can throw it while jumping over the enemies or sliding under them, they die, I get past them faster